
Microsoft and 343 Industries Working on Unannounced AAA Halo Game With Online Features


We all know that 343 Industries is working on the new main chapter of the Halo series, but according to a new career opportunity ad seeking a Online and Connected Experience Engineer they may also be working on another one.

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lifeisgamesok3848d ago

Wow. A Halo third person game with rpg elements would be cool or a mmo

Microsoft is bringing the games

TheXgamerLive3848d ago

No he meant not only bringing the games but bringing the most epic games of this gen so far. All you have to do is open your sony goggle eyes.

KratosSaveUs3848d ago

Can you name the games ? All I know is Titanfall,Halo 5,and QB.

maniacmayhem3848d ago

Sunset Overdrive, D4, Fable Legends, not to mention Phil said they are working with a few Japanese devs to bring more Japanese exclusives and there's a hint of an old Rare IP making a return (Battletoads).

Not to mention we still have the Black Tusk game which we know nothing about but know it's out there coming.

ALLWRONG3848d ago

Ouch KratosSaveUs lol Kratos sure didn't save your comment

Nocando3848d ago

Google is your friend.

G20WLY3847d ago

Nocando, thanks for the tip - who knew?!

I used Google and found this, thanks!


JamieL3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

@ G20WLY
Why don't you use Google to compare all the games you can play right NOW on both systems. Half the games on that PS4 list are a joke or are already out anyway, but if it makes you nice, safe, and secure to pull that "security blanket" of stretched opinion over you, whatever. We can also speculate how long before some of those games drop. I remember one of the biggest games that hyped me up for the PS3 was TLG, how was that one? It was listed on fanboy list, every year since before the PS3 came out, used as ammo for the superiority of PS3 EXCLUSIVES!!! Well it missed that window, but maybe sometime in the PS4's future huh? I would like to compare that bloated list to what actually comes out in the next 5 years.

BallsEye3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

Project Spark (also sponsored by MS) is all I need. Gonna re-create all my old faves in there! Kinect motion capture ftw! Can't wait for february xbox one beta!!

G20WLY3847d ago (Edited 3847d ago )

^Jamie, I didn't look at games already out, because I was responding to other commenters who were talking about upcoming games.

I hope that helps you understand.

Thank you, though, your desperate little rant was delicious and sooo cute! ;P

JamieL3846d ago

@ G20WLY
Well I'm glad I could feed your starving a$$. You seem good at sucking down every little thing you're feed by Sony anyway. All I did was state a few fact about history in response to your "witty" comment. You can't think of a better comeback, and have to say I look desperate without being able to logically back up your own argument, then start whatever that, "attack" was. I say "attack" because I don't know what else to call it. It was so fluffy pink it made me want to puke in my mouth.

G20WLY3846d ago

^I did respond logically, the only thing I ignored in your post was all the fluff about TLG, as it's a worthless tangent.

There are 120+ games in development for PS4 at this time. Fact. I have no idea how that compares to XBone. Another fact. Enlighten me.

As for puking in your mouth - how else you gonna do it?! Mind you, if someone can talk crap, it's anyone's guess what else they can do... ;P

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3846d ago
ic3fir33848d ago (Edited 3848d ago )

nop, its a free to play halo game, its 90% confirmded

come_bom3848d ago (Edited 3848d ago )

Hummm... another MMO! I guess it's good for fans, but personally, I'm not too keen on MMO's.

GraveLord3848d ago

You should probably wait until they actually bring them before making that statement lmfao.

Anyway this is bad news. Halo seems to finally be getting yearly releases if this rumor is true.

This is the opposite of what people want. People don't want more Halo, they want "the next Halo" if you get what I mean. A new IP. Something new and fresh. Like Destiny.

QuantumWake3848d ago

Nah, us Halo fans want more Halo. We're still trying to recover from Halo 4's disaster of multiplayer. We thought H4 was going to save us from Halo: Reach with all that bloom, sprint, and armor abilities (Halo: Reach got better with NBNS).

We want a true-skill ranking system that's visible in-game (not that CSR crap), no armor abilities, no ordinances, better maps, and no sprint. There was nothing to play for in H4 and Reach when in the end everyone was a winner. In Halo 2 and Halo 3 you had to play to win for your rank. You lose, and your ranks goes bye-bye. When you ranked up in H2/H3 it literally felt like the biggest accomplishment ever.

Of course this can't be help if they are releasing a Halo every two years. They need to take their time and get the online right. By first listening to the community. If you've seen Halo 4's population online, it's almost a damn wasteland.

Okay, I'm done ranting. *takes a breather*

sak5003847d ago


So you want more infamous / Unchartered / Killzone, LBP / GT for PS4 yet big brand making game like Halo shouldn't come to new gen as continuation like from XBox to Xbox360 ?

I would like to see all my fav games on new gen utilizing the full power of Xb1, games like PGR, Mass Effect, PDZ, Halo etc

Blachek3847d ago

I really enjoyed the first 2 halos, didn't get into any beyond that.

Halo is the perfect example of an amazing IP that if treated right could do wonders for Microsoft. It would do well with a few years on the shelf and being revisited down the line when dev's a more competent with this new generation.

christocolus3848d ago


Damn...that would be awesome. The art work they released earlier actually had the look and feel an open world game.i imagine master chief being a bounty hunter with a mini space shuttle embarking on missions ,flying across planets ,meeting new enemy races and all..awesome.lol. phil also needs to give us more hints regarding the secret projects which rare,lionhead, mgs osaka,black tusk and the other guys are working on.

CELLA3848d ago

i heard of this 2 months oh go now its true mmorpg game

malokevi3848d ago

Awesome, more Halo is always welcome in my books. I don't see any reason to think it's an MMO, but I think that would be a great direction to take the series.

MMOFPS Halo would be like a dream come true.

Nocando3848d ago Show
3848d ago
medman3847d ago

Much like Bungie, many have moved on from Halo and are looking for our Destiny. Those are the facts.

corvusmd3847d ago

You know you're right (XGamer too) when you get bombarded by Sony trolls that have nothing better to do than try to suck the joy out of every XB1 owner. The truth is hard to accept for some, so rather then open their eyes and look at the facts, they'd rather try and blind you...that way they don't have to admit they were wrong.

lesrima883847d ago

lol bringing the games?MS have milked this franchise so hard,if halo was a cow its udders would be fucked right now

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3846d ago
jimbobwahey3848d ago ShowReplies(5)
-Foxtrot3848d ago

Online features....yes because the online was the best thing about Halo 4 /s

HarryB3848d ago Show
Edsword3848d ago

To me the Master chief died in Halo 3. Halo 4 was a terrible story and a mediocre game that should have never happened. I remember playing the opening 15 mins and thinking wow this is going to be great, only to be disappointed by the rest of the game. I'm just not that excited about Halo anymore, I've moved on.

CrossingEden3848d ago

Halo 4 has a great story that's on par with the rest of the series from every perspective, especially characterization because master chief had WAY more of a personality than he did in the original trilogy. The side characters also had way better personalities too because they had depth and were well very well acted. Even the spartan ops mode had a great story.

gjruk3848d ago

I'm a Halo fanboy, I won't lie but Spartan ops had a great story? You can't be serious, I was so disappointed with SpartOps. Would have preferred firefight a hell of a lot more. Back on topic, I'm excited to see what they bring and hopefully it doesn't involve Chief being the main focus, they're are many other characters and stories to look at.

Ikonic3848d ago (Edited 3848d ago )

The problem with what you said is that people liked Master Chief because of the fact that he was the silent type. He never said anything. He showed up, fucked shit up, and saved the universe. Which is why people were drawn to him. I did like the story still, but it was a drastic change and I'm not sure everybody wanted it. Also "CODifying" Halo multiplayer was probably the worst thing ever. Get rid of these retarded armor abilities and perks and bring it back to the roots. Doing this would make many, many people happy.

Edit: Typos

Spurg3848d ago

Sorry but you're no Halo Fan...if you were you you've loved the exposure Hasley got IN Spartan ops.
Only Halo fan would have loved this moment
Skip to 30:56 for the clip

You prefer a souless firefight mode over story. You remove Story from Spartan ops you basically get firefight.

Sorry but Halo is for you my friend.

gjruk3848d ago

@Spurg, well I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm most definitely a Halo fan.
I think I am allowed to have the opinion that Spartan Ops wasn't that great and the majority have that opinion too.
Yes, I enjoyed the cutscenes but missons themselves were just awful, maybe it's a matter of opinion but I don't see how you can question whether i'm a Halo fan by me disliking part of the game which was basically just an 'add on'
I never said, I hate the whole of Halo just because of Spartan ops, just that I didn't think it was that good.
Also, firefight was waves of enemies, Spartan ops is a misson objective which completes the level when it finishes, very different styles of gameplay!

Shadonic3848d ago

Halo 4's story was ok, the execution was pretty bad. Spartan ops could of been great if they had put more thought into missions after the big openers of the month. A more in depth forge with terrain editor tools and having the community work on the maps and vote it while having 343 edit them to fit in with missions could of lead to a larger variety of maps and possibly missions too. Honestly most of it was just good idea and horrid execution and just not enough big thinking.

Ikonic3848d ago (Edited 3848d ago )


How exactly was execution bad? The gameplay and everything was tight. But for me it wasn't halo. Gameplay wise at least. It was far more fast paced than usual. And the story was good, it was just different. If you were looking for the old trilogy it wasn't what you were going to get and people should have known this. It's a new saga for halo, and while many disagree with it, you can't tell me 343i didn't execute their ideas well.

Edit: typos

BallsEye3847d ago

I'm a die hard halo 1 fan, attended many tournaments, got 2nd place in one of them back in the day and yet I believe Halo 4 is best in the series so far. Very refreshing SP, very dynamic MP and best last gen graphics (last levels blew me away and I've played it AFTER I got my next-gen consoles).

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XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

I see it's good they're developing in-house but question is will it be a good halo game?

RaidenBlack7d ago

Next mainline Halo sequel likely to continue with the in-house slipspace engine (since they invested so much in its development) ...and the Halo 1 Remake likely to be UE5 based one and act as UE based Halo template for future Halo projects

rlow17d ago

Nice to see the truth being reported.

CrimsonWing697d ago

I know this is gonna twist a lot of people's panties, but I'm over Halo. The peak for me was 3 and Reach, after that they've been boring and extremely by the numbers. Infinite was not that great, in my opinion. Was it horrible? Absolutely not. But I'm starting to get the feeling of "if you've played one, you've played them all" ever since 4. My apologies to those I triggered.

anast7d ago

In house AI with independent contractors.

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purple10185d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

85d ago