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Sony Hired Star Wars 1313’s Creative Director

Dominic Robilliard, creative director on the canceled Star Wars 1313, has joined Sony Computer Entertainment America. Working as design director, Robilliard joined Sony following Lucasarts’ layoffs last year.

Robilliard does not specify a project, nor any studios he’s working with at SCEA, on LinkedIn. Sony Bend, Naughty Dog, Sony Santa Monica and more fall under SCEA’s purview in North America.

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Community3909d ago
-Foxtrot3909d ago

I think him being at ND would be a good fit, what I saw with 1313 looked like an Uncharted Sci-Fi in space.

Xsilver3909d ago

Don't know about you guys but this sounds interesting.

minimur123909d ago

Well it was said recently that many famous industry faces will be coming to ND, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was them. No offense to the studio but I think Sony Bend are too minor a studio to be considered to have someone like that on their team, SSM? possibility,

but my money is on ND :)

Xsilver3909d ago

i see where your coming from but remember ND is talented and don't need help to show that But see give Sony bend a creative Developer as talented as Dominic Robilliard and who knows maybe Sony bend can become one of Sony's next top studios.

ShinMaster3909d ago


That Star Wars 1313 gameplay demo reminded me of Uncharted 2's collapsing building and Uncharted 3's falling plane scenes.

Uncharted seems to have had more influence than some people give it credit for. (TR reboot also comes to mind)

guitarded773909d ago

Don't remind me... I'm still heartbroken. At least I'm getting my Battlefront. Wish they'd show some gameplay from Battlefront. DICE better keep the core 3rd person.

wenaldy3909d ago

FYI, Cinematic Director for TR Reboot is Cory Barlog. Now, he's at Santa Monica Studio again.

DeadlyFire3909d ago

@guitarded77 E3 my friend. No sooner will Battlefront be teased again. That in itself is still early. As the game doesn't release until mid 2015 or so.

hellzsupernova3909d ago

I can defiantly see that

What about Santa Monica, they have the Battlestar lead writer over there presumably working on a Sci Fi game, I think he would go well there

XiSasukeUchiha3909d ago

Yep good job Sony keep up the hiring spree

pyramidshead3909d ago

Hate how the game dissolved into nothing. Hope it gets resurrected some how. Uncharted: Star Wars would have been good to play :(.

Irishguy953909d ago (Edited 3909d ago )

Yeah there was a chance it would be uncharted with a good story for once

edit -

So you're saying it couldn't have a good story either?

The 'artifact' took a different form in Uncharted 2. It was the blue **** that grew in Shambala. And ok, they weren't pirates. They were other generic 'bad guys'. They were mercs acting of their own accord. Jesus, lets flip some words around. Please don't try and tell me Uncharted 2's story is in any way different than Uncharted 1. You may as well try to tell me Resident evil 2s zombies are different than 1 because they were 'city zombies' and not 'mansion zombies'.

KratosSaveUs3909d ago

Obviously you never played Uncharted before. Troll.

Xsilver3909d ago

and Whats wrong with Uncharted's Story :/

scott1823909d ago

He's trolling, trying to get a rise out of people.

Irishguy953909d ago (Edited 3909d ago )

Xsilver - it's generic, there are no plot twists - Uncharted 1, 2 and 3 have the same plot with different characters. Like Cod has the same ending every time, Uncharted does too. Only in different settings.

Uncharted 1: Pirates want artifact. Artifact is bad. Drake gets rid of pirates and artifact.

U2: Pirates want artifact, artifact is again bad, Drake

Uncharted 3: Old nemesis wants artifact...i'll stop here.

They are an average plot that repeats 3 times Xsilver. There's nothing wrong with the plot especially if you only do it once. However there's nothing 'good' about it either. It's just average. And doing it 3 times is a crime.

You don't ask "whats wrong with this story". You ask "Whats good about this story".

Uncharted is to the gaming industry what james camerons Avatar is to the Movie industry.

Eidt - the best part is that the disagree's will stay hidden. Or just get defensive and somehow conclude i'm saying Uncharted is a bad game. When i'm simply talking about the story. I just hope the next game tries something different with the story though. Although yes, I am a troll because I said something bad about uncharted.

Edit - Like what hells supernova? The only twist I can think of is SPOILER - Drake thinks Sully dies and he turns out to not be dead and it was only the cities hallucinogenic. What twists were there other than that? It's the same old thing, the cities artifact was the important artifact that Drake/Sully destroy. Same old stuff.

hellzsupernova3909d ago

No. Uncharted 1 and 2 have the same story but 3 had plenty of twists that were unexpected

Xsilver3909d ago (Edited 3909d ago )

@Irish where the hell did you see pirates in UNCHARTED 2 :/ and uncharted story had twist mainly the creatures you found in shambala that were humans and they were also no bad artifacts did you actually play UC2 the only artifact in UC2 which was a dagger which was used as a key so how was it bad, same goes for UC3 where it was the decoder that was used to locate the hidden city smh and the story is interesting and always found myself engaged especially because it has stellar voice actors and memorable characters, why am i even arguing with you your comment history and your two bubbles say it all.

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fenome3909d ago

Savage Starlight? :D I wish

JohnnyTower3909d ago

Finish 1313 please, for the love of god. No fair this one got shelved. It had huge potential.

DeadlyFire3909d ago

I am still mad they sidelined this game.

porkChop3909d ago

That's a great hire. 1313 looked phenomenal, it's a shame it was cancelled.

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10 Reasons Why I Still Love PlayStation, 25 Years Later

Here are ten reasons why we still love the original PlayStation.

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Community1752d ago
naruga1752d ago

Resi 1 and Crash 1 these games go together in my nostalgia filled memory as the start of PS brand afficionando ....and objectively and curiously still remain untouched peaks in their genres ...nothing came close to them

NapalmSanctuary1751d ago

I still have 130 something games for the system.


Playstation VR - developer video series - A Vision For The Future Of Play

Sony has launched a new video series called, Playstation VR Developer Diaries. The first of the five-part video series, which glances back at the project’s early days is live now, so check it out!

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Embed the video. Put gamegeekz as the credit url. Remove check it out below! from the summary.
cl19832946d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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hoipexn2946d ago
hoipexn2945d ago

credits and url fixed; ready to be approved people :)

joeorc2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

Good informative video in post, but did you notice something in the video that maybe very interesting in further development's for VR in PSVR?

Something Many might have not caught on about PSVR, and its a really good idea to have the Headset built with this functionality in the headset, and its pretty good that it's included..
I know what it is, I want to see if other people caught it..Hint: it has to do with tracking in VR!
Take careful notice in the 1min 9 to 12 second's of the video..

It's there. And it's a real further Key what Sony has intended to add with PSVR in the future of its tracking.

NET_Nomad2944d ago (Edited 2824d ago )

Interesting… notice that during 0:22 – 0:24 of the video, 3 black bands appear, quickly whip around then disappear into PS VR. I think those 3 black bands hint at PS4 Neo's exterior design. [1]


2944d ago

Console Wars - World War Console Part IV

Mark Kriska of Mammoth Gamers continues his console wars piece with a closer look at the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii.

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Community3095d ago
PhoenixUp3095d ago

This article is wrong in some aspects.

- PS3 has a successful E3 2005. Other than the questionable boomerang controller, everyone was excited about the console. It was E3 2006 that ruffled people's feathers.

- Xbox 360 actually had the slowest start of all 7th gen consoles. PS3 and Wii sold at a faster rate at their respective launches and all throughout most of the generation.

- How can you say that PSN failed? It implemented many features that we take for granted nowadays such as using actual local currency instead of a contrived points system, not locking many of the console's functionalities behind a paywall, having Cross-Buy right out of the gate starting with PS1 Classics, offering AAA games release day one along with the retail version, allowing Remote Play to be accessed anywhere in the world, starting out the gate with dedicated servers, offering a subscription service that gives plenty of value via PS+, and it was nowhere as restrictive as XBL. That sounds like a success to me.

- PS3 actually came in second place because it was always selling at a faster pace than 360 since day one when you align their launches. PS3 ended up selling 86 million while 360 sold 85 million. This is significant because PS3 had one less year on the market and was more expensive throughout most of its life compared to the 360.

- Xbox 360 may have ended up being the favorite platform in North America, but you can't say the same for the rest of the world. In regions such as Europe, Asia, and RoW the PS3 and Wii were always more prominent. That's why those platforms were able to outsell 360 in total sales.