
Call of Duty and Professional Gaming

Today MWEB GameZone's Holden Za takes a look at the professional lifestyle of Call of Duty gamers and talks about how South African players can aspire to reach that level.

Choc_Salties3914d ago

Looks good, and it is important to remember, that players need to have dedication to the art, sport and grit that is eSports, just like any other profession, be it sport or a "conventional" career.

So many teams flare up on the local scene, and just as quickly as they pop up, they disappear; they need the structure and discipline of practise to keep them going to get to any real position and placing - talent alone will not get them there...

DesVader3914d ago

Attitude and skill need to be there as a complete package, which is important - skill is not everything.

GentlemenRUs3914d ago

"Call of Duty" and "Professional" should never be put in the same sentence ever!

CoD is a casual shooter... Full of KIDS IMO.


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