
Xbox One Upcoming Driver Update Should Mean Great Things, Xbox OS Team Best In The World – Insider

"NeoGAF user and industry insider thuway revealed recently about how he's looking forward to the next update for the Xbox One’s OS in the coming weeks and that it 'should mean great things'."

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Irishguy953809d ago

Be ****ing claim, but I don't really disagree. OS's by MS are always the best. They only compete with themselves and have their ups and downs, yet even at that their OS's are superior to their competitors. Lets just hope MS keep it up with the ****ing games this time

2pacalypsenow3809d ago

they make a great PC OS but if it is the best team in the world why is the Xb1 OS a POS

TearsOfARapper3809d ago

Because, frankly, both OS's at launch are POS. Both have their fair share of problems, but also potential.

ThePope3809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )

You own an Xbox One?

PeaSFor3809d ago Show
P0werVR3809d ago


Because it is. It' some innovative stuff in that OS that has never been done before with those VMs.

gaffyh3809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )

The Xbox OS team is the best Xbox OS team in the world.


kickerz3809d ago

I like the xb1 OS, it's pretty neat. Looking forward to an update, hopefully they let me watch movies through USB... That's my main issues everything else is pretty sweet

Docknoss3809d ago

You are oblivious to rational thought

eferreira3809d ago

I just got an xbox one for christmas and I find it hard to navigate, not visually appealing and overall a mess. I miss the day of the blades

JokesOnYou3809d ago

I think the OS is pretty impressive, love navigating with kinect but of course it's not perfect and we need some obvious things added in the next update like how about simply being able to see how much HD storage I have left. lol, how in the hell something so standard on any piece of electronics was omitted is just comical.

nukeitall3809d ago


Why is the competitor re-using an existing OS instead of creating their own like say the PS4?

Point being, MS is the only company creating a full fledged new OS for their Xbox One. It is stable as hell, and have we forgotten how Sony's PS3 used a whopping 120 MB of RAM, only to be reduced to 48MB years later. MS Xbox 360 always had 32MB of RAM use, and do far more with less, like cross game chat and party chat.

So 48 MB RAM vs. 32 MB RAM with party chat and cross game chat.

Point being, XB1 is the first iteration, and it is darn good first iteration!

Mystogan3808d ago

If by POS you mean Piece of Shit. I disagree.

It might be a Piece of Shit now but its still clearly less of a piece of shit than the PS4 UI. Microsoft always shines when it comes to OSs just you wait when they get this thing stable and start adding awesome features. The UI is already done.

Haki11123808d ago

For now the some features are missing from the OS just like the PS4 but man this OS is far from a POS. Also if people find it hard to navigate use the damn kinect! I only use my controller when I play games on the system.

silenius3808d ago

So, If you buy an Xbox One you get the "Best OS experience"...
But what about games?

I would prefer an MS-DOS interface with awesome games rather than a spectacular OS with nothing to entertain me.

I know it's cynical thinking, but damn it...
as an Xbox 360 lover I'm still not sold to the idea of this "Xbox Juan". :/

AndrewLB3808d ago

Even though it lacks in power, the Xbone has a great OS. You must be suffering from the condition commonly referred to as fanboyism if you think it's crap.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3808d ago
TheGamingArt3809d ago

did you just refer to Windows as a superior OS... lolz

Volkama3809d ago

What, you think it is so widely used because it is cheap?? :-/

GodGinrai3809d ago

"did you just refer to Windows as a superior OS"

I would have to agree with him. I use windows 7 to run my DAW PC ( I work in the music industry). product and driver support form my midi gear and software instruments are second to none.

I also have a general use PC with a 560TI stuck in it and my steam account attached to it. Runs on windows 8. No complaints here, mate.

So speaking as somebody that both works and plays in windows OS..yes I agree with Irishguy *raises glass of guiness*

Mikey322303809d ago

What else is there?

OSX.. Linux distros?

Mobile OS's

TheGamingArt3809d ago

Sorry, IMO any Unix system highly eclipses any Windows based system.

TheGamingArt3809d ago

@Volkama, it's widely used because Bill Gates is a guinness when it comes to business strategy. No OS is widely used because it's 'superior' XD.

Mister_Dawg3809d ago

Let me guess.
You're a Linux snob?

webeblazing3809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )

im pretty sure people go with windows because companies support them more. everything i saw in windows 8 i seen years ago in Ubuntu but linux did it right. people go with the masses truthfully.

and the realness you are talking about companies that supporting windows why you think everyone so hyped about steamos. more support for linux.

Eonjay3809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )

No, it thrives because it has attached itself to the IBM architecture, the most off the shelf non propitiatory model in the industry. IBM succeeded because it didn't lock vendors out of making their own parts for its system. And most IBM PC's ship with Windows pre-installed.

Rhythmattic3808d ago (Edited 3808d ago )

As a response to realness.

I work In the Music/Post/Media world, and for me , Its OSX for me. My preference.

Both Logic & Protools are my go to Daw's...To point out , Logic OSX only..

As for Audio/Midi support, both OS's support a Plethora of devices, But again, like Logic, OSX is the platform Apogee natively supports...(e.g. Symphony etc ) , my choice of converters.

However, for gaming , at this point I can't go past Win7. Best OS MS has released....

My perspective.

I wish you well in your creative endeavours.

Happy New Year to All.

Mystogan3808d ago

Linux is for nerds who like to tinker. MacOS is for people who are less intelligent than normal people. Windows is for every other human being on this earth.

TheGamingArt3808d ago (Edited 3808d ago )


Any programmer that I've worked with that does not program in .NET or C# typically uses OSX (in very rare cases uses Linux), so it's funny how you make an arrogant false comment like that. The Android developers I know use Linux and will never even touch Windows machines for reasons that are obvious to people who dig into computer/OS architecture.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3808d ago
dedicatedtogamers3809d ago


It'll be funny to see Xbox fans rush in here even though they've spent the last several months denouncing NeoGaf insiders like Thuway, Famousmortimer, and cBoat. And it'll be funny to see Xbox detractors rush in here and try to put down the leak.

FWIW, I prefer Windows 7 for OS. I work daily with Linux (Ubuntu/Scientific-6) and Mac OS yet I still prefer Windows 7. So I can give some credence to the claim that the OS devs are the best in the world.

ZodTheRipper3809d ago

I somehow can't believe that you work with Linux and Mac but don't with Windows ....everybody I know has Windows at work because it's the best solution for business networks.

dedicatedtogamers3809d ago

@ zod18

We have a dedicated Windows team, but I work on the Linux side. So while *I* don't work with Windows, my company does.

Windows has its ups and downs for business networks. If you're willing to do things exactly how Microsoft wants you to, then you're golden. So many problems with MS networks/servers can be solved by simply clicking a button.

On the other hand, if you have some custom stuff you want to do, then Windows is a nightmare. That's where Linux comes in.

Saigon3809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )


I initially disagreed with your first argument because I believe OSX is the better OS but in reality its to each its own. You are so right about MS though. If you use MS for everything, to the T, the integration is great but as soon as you decide to step outside that box its close to a nightmare dealing with their tools. My company runs into that issue all the time. Most of our base software is MS specific or implied, however you want to look at it, but we have a lot of custom software that seem to cause massive issues every so often with our servers. Constant disconnections and fluctuating server speeds can give the best IT specialist a migraine.

Like I said before everyone has their own preference when it comes to OSs. At one point I liked Linux over Windows and at other times I liked Windows over everything. I think it truly depends on how the OS is implied for me. Right now I understand what MS was trying to do with W8 but I think it was just implied incorrectly.

Automatic793809d ago

Dam dude you can't quit trolling can you.

mcstorm3809d ago

What I fond funny is the amount of people in the business industry who buy a mace run windows on it. Windows is the best and most used o's because it is open to everything and just like Io's of the mobile world everyone creates applications and drivers and hardware for it 1st and everyone else 2nd.

I tried to move away from windows a few years ago but everything was just to messy to get up and running and I want back to windows and I now have a 2012 essentials server as my media hub for home, a windows 8 laptop for work, a surface rt for home a Xbox one in my front room and a 360 in the back as well as a Xbox music pass and Skype as my messaging and web chat app I also have a lumia 925, and it all works very well together and better solution for my needs than anyone else overs out there at this moment in time.

JokesOnYou3809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )

Yeah dedicated it will take alot more than one positive micro article courtesy of sonys neogaf to make me think that site is anything less than a sony hive mind....hell and I dont need pro X1 news from them or any site to make me feel better about my purchase I just appreciate news whether negative or positive that doesn't have a strong fanboy odor attached to it. Same pattern make 1 pro micro statement/prediction so it somehow means all the rest of your BS rumors are true.

Yep these neogaf "insiders" are just as much full of it today as they were yesterday, for a long time actually.

pyramidshead3808d ago

My thoughts exactly to be fair. It's interesting to see lots agreeing with Thuway now because it's positive about XB1.

Take the good and the bad, that's what makes following possible insiders interesting.

XboxFun3807d ago

And yet Dedicated runs around this site baffled and angry that people call him DedicatedtoSony.

The only one rushing to all xbox news is you, the number one sony fanboy intent on trolling any xbox news..

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3807d ago
3-4-53809d ago

So the Xbox OS team is the "best XB1 OS team "

or the best OS team ?

I'm sure they are the best "XB1 OS" team.....they are the ONLY XB1 OS team.

KwietStorm_BLM3809d ago

OS's by Microsoft are always the best? How long, if at all, have you actually used Windows?

XiSasukeUchiha3809d ago

Let's this be true so it can fixes flaws on XB1 Memory usuage! and let's just see i recommend

JodyCones3809d ago

I met to disagree with you.

GUTZnPAPERCUTZ3809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )

Driver update will hopefully also mean DX11.2 update as well, if so, we can expect great things to come from graphics soon on the X1. being able to store up to 6 GB of tiled textures when used in conjunction with DirectX 11.2 will be welcoming as Texture loading should be faster than PS4's 176gb bandwidth when that driver releases on PC and X1. Interestingly, for a normal forward renderer, 32 MB eSRAM is the exact amount of space necessary to store one 4x MSAA 32 bpp 1080p frame buffer meaning 1080p games should be the norm and up to 4x Anti Aliasing in frames after this Driver Update as well. Fingers Crossed, GAME ON!

Kavorklestein3809d ago

DX support and optimization is THE reason why I like the XB1 the graphics capabilities on Xbox One will eventually be more than adequate for many games, IMO... if the greatness of the PC has taught us anything, let it be remembered that Direct X is one of the BIGGEST reasons why our games have graphically advanced as far as we have.
Even Devs that don't use Direct X, often use things like AA, Dynamic Lighting, and various other things that direct X has helped streamline and make relevant for years, if not more than a decade. I can't wait to see this generation get better and better than we expected for the XB1 AND PS4. and Of Course the PC too since I finally upgraded my ram to 16 GB. :)

cfir3808d ago

DirectX is nothing more than a set of libraries. It was created in an attempt to manage the multiple different graphics cards so that a developer could code once to a single standard and not worry about the hardware. It doesn't make graphics better. It makes it simpler/quicker to code (same as openGL), but is not as efficient as coding directly to the hardware. It hasn't advanced graphics, but has allowed smaller developers to create games faster.

Pogmathoin3809d ago

This should be great news, but not here, maniacle wuzzies....

3809d ago
andrewsqual3808d ago

"Great things", what does it add extra horsepower to the console becasue that is its number one massive problem right now and going forward is going to get worse.

madestar3808d ago

I'm actually playing the best OS right now on the ps4

frostypants3808d ago (Edited 3808d ago )

"OS's by MS are always the best"

Dude...what? They have the biggest market share, but MS is known for being inconsistent at best. For every Windows 98, Windows XP, or Windows 7, there is a Windows ME, Windows Vista, or Windows 8. Don't confuse market share with OS quality.

As for console OS's, they have little in common with PC OS's. There's less variability to deal with. That said, people here are confusing user interface with the OS itself. The menu screen for the console isn't the OS.

DarkKaine3808d ago

No they're not.
95, 98 (excluding SE), ME, and Vista all sucked.
Linux typically does a better job, the only reason why I'm on Windows is because I'm familiar with the environment and it has 3rd party support because everyone runs it.
It's like you said, there's just no competition.
Limited hardware acceleration on graphics card drivers pretty much kills it, and because the install base is so small there's no point developing for.

Hopefully steambox changes it up a bit.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3807d ago
lifeisgamesok3809d ago

Driver updates are always a great thing

Performance is already great and will improve

Excited to see the unannounced games from 343, Press Play, Double Helix, Rare, Lionhead

Deadpoolio3809d ago

Um 343 is Halo....there is no unannounced 343 game since they announced Halo 5, unless they're also making some kinect game, but chances are they are set to pump out a halo every 2 years if not sooner

lifeisgamesok3809d ago

You're 100% wrong lol it's already been announced that they are working on another project besides Halo 5 for Xbox One

As for it being a Kinect game... You didn't learn from E3 yet I see

Wasn't Microsoft supposed to reveal a whole library of Kinect-only games? Keep dreaming

christocolus3809d ago (Edited 3809d ago )

@ lifesagame

Man cant wait.I always looked forward to new updates on my 360. Cant wait to get this for my xbx one. Ms truly did a great job with the 360 cant wait to see the improvements that will be made to the xbox one over its life time just like the 360.

Also i think im more hyped to see what rare and blacktusk have been working on. Phil says rare showed him some prototypes of games they were working on and he was amazed and with phil harrison and ken lob on board im expecting big things. 343 will do amazing things and blacktusk has been working closely with microsofts R&D,i need to know what they up to.


Dude you are so wrong

343 ,lionhead , turn 10 and rare have multiple unannounced projects. Phil spencer hinted it earlier. All ms inhouse devs including the new studios all have unannounced games underway. 343 is rumored to have 3 other titles outside halo5 in the works.



Why would you claim lifesagames was wrong when you havent even done your research? And whats with you and kinect games? I like kinect actually but do you? I enjoyed kinect sports and dance central and im looking forward to kinect sports rivals and d4 on xbx one..

XboxFun3807d ago

Love all the disagrees you got for putting Deadpoolio in his place. Or is because you are actually excited for what Xbox One has to offer?

Cherchez La Ghost3809d ago

Please let it be for Mp3 playback. I need my custom soundtracks.

GodGinrai3809d ago

Agreed. The music in forza 5 gets annoying after a while, so I hope they bring this feature back. I only ever used it in driving games but still..I want this feature back.

Wikkid6663809d ago

Yes we want that... but drivers are how hardware interacts with the OS and software.

likeaboss3023809d ago

Even Xbox Music integration would be welcome.

n4rc3808d ago

Can't you snap Xbox music? I'm almost positive it will run in the background..

But I dont listen to music while gaming so haven't really looked into it

likeaboss3023808d ago

Haven't tried yet. I'd rather not have to snap it and loose full screen. However, it would be great if I could pull in my driving playlists and have it stream in game.

n4rc3807d ago

You can snap it to pick your song or playlist then minimize it again like parties..

Either way.. mp3 support is needed and will show up eventually

Stopher923809d ago ShowReplies(6)
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