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Developer hints at PS4's CPU being more powerful than Xbox One's CPU

Insiderp: "Negativity seems to be the best friend of Microsoft and its Xbox division these days. Just when we thought that its CPU was at par or better than PS4's in terms of clock speed, a game developer and an ex-editor of a massive gaming website has come out and claimed the opposite "

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Hatsune-Miku3928d ago

Lol, no hint needed when the facts about the specs are easily attainable. PS4 is 50% more powerful than xbox one

Ju3928d ago

Well, that's true mostly because of overall RAM bandwidth (and the GPU is 50% faster). But the cpu in the XBo is clocked a little bit higher and the theoretical bandwidth from the CPU is a bit higher as well (30GB/s vs. 25GB/s). If a dev can squeeze more out of the PS4's cpu than that's for other reasons. Probably because DDR3 doesn't deliver (GPU bandwidth requirements probably will "slow" CPU access) or other optimizations Sony did on the CPU (or low latency kernel overhead, etc). I am actually surprised if this is true. The clock isn't it. PS4 is clocked @ 1.6GHz (there is no 2GHz version).

MRMagoo1233928d ago


Where is the official clock speed for the ps4 cpu i havent seen it yet?

GTgamer3928d ago

The next person that says the X1 has a higher clockspeed than the PS4 when no one knows the PS4's CPU clockspeed should just be quiet.

indysurfn3928d ago

In other news car and driver hinted that a Bugatti Veyron is faster than a ford escort, film at eleven! Of course every aspect of the xbox one is under powered.

Eonjay3928d ago

Talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight...

GameNameFame3928d ago

Ju 50 percent referes more than bandwidth.

It refers to GPU power.

Difference between GPUs on Xbox One and PS4 is about 50 percent.

Even more if you account for Xbox using GPU for kinect.

zpoc3928d ago

CPU and GPU are different things. it was known that the ps4 GPU was more powerful, but it was thought that their CPU's were essentially the same.

ChrisW3928d ago

Hmm... I smell smoke...

imt5583928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

HEY JU!!!!

Here, check this :

CPU in PS4 is more powerfull. ž

According to this article :

PS4 with 6 cores @2.0 GHz, with 7 cores @1.75 GHz

So long, Xbone....

r1sh123928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

@Hastune-Miku @Ju

Its not that, for the first few years the general difference will be very limited, when the generation gets a bit older and some ceiling limits start getting closer the PS4 can be optimised for a higher ceiling limit.
Whether the CPU's bandwidth is slightly higher is irrelevant, due to the PC like design.
For E.g a gaming spec PC (In general) will have a CPU running around 50-75% and the GPU might be 75-85% or something due to the graphical decoding/encoding - textures etc.

A good CPU will not even get close to a high percentage of use when gaming, yes it has some work but a good developer will offload most of the work to the GPU which is where the PS4 further increases its advantage.

THe CPU is a small part for gaming

UltimateMaster3927d ago

The PS4 CPU can go up to 2.75Ghz.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3927d ago
worldwidegaming3928d ago

This AGAIN! I saw the repeat! When are we getting some real news?

vigilante_man3928d ago

Not this side of Christmas!!!

otherZinc3928d ago

Where's the PS4 games that demonstrate all this PS4 Power?

Is it found in Knack?

Is it found in Killzone:SF? There's nothing going on in Killzone other than graphics. The power of multiple enemies on screen isn't there, the AI is friggin stupid, there's no "campaign co-op"...etc...

And Knack isn't doing a damn thing.

So, where's this power that's being "talked" of with no demonstrative proof?

And I'm not talking abou t a port of a last gen game.

Death3928d ago

If the PS4 had better games, do you think all we would hear about is theoretical specs? Remember when Playstation gamers didn't play specs or sales? I kinda miss those days.

dantesparda3928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

How cute, two MS fanboys thinking they are clever. Where is all this supposed power? Well lets see, COD says "hi", at a 125% higher resolution, BF4 also says "hi" with a 56% higher res and a better framerate, AC4 is also 44% higher res. along with better AA. Heck even supposedly "parity" games are better on PS4 like NFS:Rivals (has HBAO rather than the technically inferior SSAO) and Bokeh DOF while the X1 ver just has a simple blur effect and NBA has better AA on PS4 than on X1.

And almost all the X1 exclusives can barely do 30fps (Ryse, teens-30fps and this is after lowering the res from 1080 to 900p and lowering the poly count from 150k to 85k & DR3 teens-30fps, also after dropping the res to 720p), also had KI had its res lowered to 720p and particle effects. All the meanwhile KZSF went from 1080/30fps to 30fps+ SP and 60fps MP (which btw looks better than anything on X1).

So there is plenty of proof of the PS4's power over the X1's, it just you delusion fanboys who dont want to see it and look stupid denying it and this is only the beginning.

Death3928d ago


So far this gen, the games look pretty much the same. This entire 50% more powerful campaign is baseless since the only way to tell is by comparing screen shots with a magnifying glass. I found it funny when screen grabs were mislabeled before launch and people commented on the wrong images praising the superiority of the Xbox One still frames until they found out it wasn't the PS4 image.

Look at all the fans that can't see the difference between FFIX grabs from PS4 to PC. I could actually see the difference between those mostly due to the fact is was comparing a still frame to a screen grab of a streamed vid. These same people could see a huge gap between the PS4 and XB1 images though.

Someday we will see if there is a huge gap between the consoles, but it isn't today. Let's see how each console does a year or two from now and see what the norm is. Today the only thing Sony fans have is theoretical bragging rights.

XiSasukeUchiha3928d ago

Where the XBone true power?
Where this thoery about cloud processing?
What the XBone true power

I'm going say might be well be true where is it that XB1 had more games at launch, doesn't mean long term that even Sony confirmed there over 100 IPs in development while Microsoft has ovef 50 IPs in development. lets see all those dislikes coming in

Ju3928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

Games don't look the same. Hook both up on the same screen and switch between them. It's quite apparent, actually.

If you are coming from the 360 and only get the One, well, yeah, you might not notice.

scott1823928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )


Well, it is a fact that the PS4 is the more powerful machine, that is not debated anymore...
Regardless of if it matters or not, it is a fact. And no games don't look the same, or play the same (cod ghosts 1080p 60+ fps on ps4) I miss the days when Xbox gamers did care about specs and sales, that changed a little too.

quenomamen3928d ago

The power is in the COD running 1080@ 60 FPS and other multiplats running at 900p with your precious X1 stuck @720. So much for the 3X cloud power.

Death3928d ago

My "precious" Xbox One is outputting COD at 1080p. The difference is upscaled vs. native. From 12 feet I can't tell it's upscaled and not native. I have enough confidence in my purchase that I don't need to know in the back of my mind what kind of power my console has or lacks. If it comes down to needing to know what kind of power your console has that makes it "better", you probably don't have any games to play that justify it.

I'm having fun with Forza, COD and Dead Rising 3 even though I am constantly told on N4G how the Xbone sucks since it has less power by people that assume the Xbox One peaked at launch and the PS4 has an unlimited amount of power that is still to come.

scott1823928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

Killzone and resogun are stellar to me in 1080p native and amazing graphics, and playing games at a higher native resolution does make a difference regardless where you sit. The fact is the PS4 has better hardware, it will always have better hardware... If that makes a difference to anyone that is up to them. I don't care that much personally, but denying facts just makes people seem very desperate.

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jjind3928d ago

@Ju I don't know why you wasted your time with that comment. You know this site favors the PS4. Anything positive come out about the xB1 get shitted on & dislikes. PS4 fans/fanboys only. Just telling it like it is

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3928d ago

Oh brother. Some random dude that has no proof he works anywhere in the industry has made a random internet post on a message board.

And the Sony fanboys eat it up. Incredible. They still have no games to play, so they're still talking specs.

GrandTheftZamboni3928d ago

"Some random dude". Well we saw how that turned out with some random dude claiming that CoD:Ghosts is 1080p on PS4 and 720p on X1.

"They still have no games to play". Well we saw how that turned out with PS3.

ShwankyShpanky3928d ago

Oh brother. Some random dude that has no idea how the vetting process on NeoGAF works.

Granted, it was kind of lame to make an N4G submission based on that one comment, especially since that comment was made in a thread about an actual technical benchmarking that itself proves the PS4 CPU outperforms that in the Xbone.

"Duh hurr... PS4 haz no gaemz!"

Right... even though the PS4 actually has MORE games than the Xbone. Brilliant.

frostypants3927d ago (Edited 3927d ago )

@miDnIghtEr20C_SfF: Neogaf does not f*** around when it comes to vetting people. If they say he's an industry insider, he is.

Vic_Mackey3928d ago

Who Gives A Shit? Play What You Like. Fanboism Is Retarded.

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kingduqc3928d ago

Yeah big deal, they got the same processor but one run at a whopping 150-200 Mhz higher. Considering they are like a beefed up tablets cpu I don't see why we should even care about that. GPU is quite bigger gap then the cpu and its where it matters but those slow clocked cpus are really really not that fast even compare to i5 from 4-5 years ago.

wishingW3L3928d ago

who is Matt? Is he a developer or something?

Sammy7773928d ago

He is a developer at EA or 2K i guess. He was also an editor at IGN a few years ago

wishingW3L3928d ago

Gaf should adopt a system where you can discern who is who like on Twitter or reddit.

nypifisel3928d ago

No because they giving information is based on their ability to be anonymous.

Kayant3928d ago

According to gaf he's a third party dev working on both consoles atm also has been verified by the mods take that what you will....

Sammy7773928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

whats with the disagrees. Matt is a developer and was an editor at IGN. Disagreeing won't change anything as he is a well known face in the gaming community

Matt is a verified developer at Gaf. All insiders and game developers are verified at Gaf

jackanderson19853928d ago

it should be noted that the full neogaf thread states that the figures might be a little off as they're unsure what number of cores the PS is using overall and a bunch of other stuff i know very little about personally

dantesparda3928d ago

No, they dont know if its using 1 core or the whole CPU. Either way, the PS4 is performaning higher. If thats the performance for just one core than the PS4s CPU lead will be even higher

Sarcasm3928d ago

If you look at the graph it clearly states single core.

lets_go_gunners3928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

How is this negativity, both consoles are in people's home now and everyone has come to terms. The ps4 is more powerful it has been established already...2 million people never cared before won't care after.

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jznrpg12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Neat little collection. The majority of Ataris games don’t hold up that well but there are some arcade/console games that I still enjoy. I’ll definitely get this and I’m glad I waited as I wouldn’t want to buy digital DLC for the first collection


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