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New Square Enix President Promises to Continue Releasing “Memorable Games”

t’s almost the new year, and it’s time for promises. The new President and CEO of Square Enix Yosuke Matsuda made his pledge before entering his first full year at the helm.

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3927d ago Replies(12)
jagstar443927d ago

hopefully memorable in a good way and not memorable in a final fantasy 13 way..

pompombrum3927d ago (Edited 3927d ago )

Lol, FF15 reminds me more of Devil May Cry than it does FF7. It's better to just accept the reality that the company who made FF7 no longer exists.

-Foxtrot3927d ago

True but at least FF15's battle system looks way better then FF13's

Maybe for FF16 they'll go back to turn based, Lost Odyssey did it and it was a blast. They just need to make it a little bit more fast paced so you don't end up getting a tad bored during long battles while you watch magic/limit breaks/summon animations. The ring system worked well in Lost Odyssey, it was like an expanded version of the R1 trigger on Squalls gunblade in FF8.

I think with turn based once you have a random encounter it quickly transitions you into the little start up sequence where the camera flashes to different angles showing you the map and the characters pull there weapons out.

Summons753927d ago

"They just need to make it a little bit more fast paced so you don't end up getting a tad bored during long battles"

What you just described WAS the ff13 battle system....geez you haters cease to amaze me how blind your hatred makes you.

wishingW3L3927d ago (Edited 3927d ago )

I too hope turn-based is back after FF15 and what I really want is for it to be more like Chrono Trigger where you could combine magic spells and no silly transitions when getting into a battle.

Although I don't think we'll ever see a FF16 this gen since Nomura said that there were direct "sequels" planned for FF15. Square are really scared to let go of the FF name to make new Triple A IP's like they did back in the day with Parasite Eve, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Man, Xenogears, etc.

But I don't care what they do with the franchise, I'm pretty sure everything is gonna be fine as long as Toriyama is not at the helm of any project.

-Foxtrot3927d ago (Edited 3927d ago )


LOL...what I described is NOTHING like FF13's boring, lack luster, repetitive battle system which relied more on luck then how strong you actually were...not too mention instead of carefully selecting options like summons, magic, fighting etc in a well planned out battle which required a little strategy from time to time you just mashed the X button at times.

Oh and don't say "blind haters" when the game was actually crap...people who like FF13 are in the minority and you are part of that. If you like it fine but don't make out it's a good game and people are blind haters...thats hitting a new low to defend it

MRMagoo1233927d ago

@summons (in foxtrots defense)

FF13 wasnt even a final fantasy game it just had the name in it, if no one knew who made it and it had no title not one person would say i wonder if this is a new final fantasy game.

I am a HUUUUGE final fantasy fan, my email address shows that, the fact i named my daughter Rinoa shows it,i have all of the OST which i listen too very very often, so i am no hater of the games but FF13 was shit you could do every fight by pressing the auto attack. If square wants to be top in the genre again they need to go back to their roots and start making their amazing games again. If they keep on the route of this action based rubbish they will keep going down hill.

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Goku7813927d ago

Please be closer to FFVII we're all gonna die, instead of FF13 somewhere over the rainbow.

wishingW3L3927d ago

if anything is gonna be closer to Kingdom Hearts. A much more darker and realistic version of KH.

Tetsujin3927d ago

I actually like 6 over 7, although I'd welcome a re-release of both games on pc/console.

CrossingEden3927d ago

Wonder when people are gonna accept the fact that ff13 series is extremely popular in japan and that maybe it doesn't seem appealing to them because as much as they would LIKE to be, they aren't and never will be japanese.

maximus19853927d ago

let me get this straight, so are you saying because we arent japanese we simply dont understand why ff13 is in actuality a great game?

-Foxtrot3927d ago

Not really

Most Japanese gamers like anything Japan made so it's obvious they are going to like whatever FF is thrown at them.

Just because Japanese people like it means jack s*** that to the rest of the world and you'll see the majority of people hated FF13.

It's not like FF7-10 for example where it was popular all over.

Thats how much the series has declined with FF13.

MRMagoo1233927d ago

Exactly, all the final fantasy games where hugely popular even when they made it action based in ff12 instead of turn based (i wish it was still all turn based i love it like that for ff games) then 13 hit with its odd easy mode gameplay where you could auto attack thru the entire game and the story wasnt that good along with some pretty bad characters it all went down hill on top of that they made it linear as friggin heck.

IMHO bring back the old school style of ff game like 6,7,8,9 and 10 games and give us back a huge open world to explore with air ships and chocobos and the sales will come back and the fans will come back.

rainslacker3927d ago

I'm one of the few people that liked FF13. Not so much as a FF game, but as it's own stand alone work. People berate the story because it was poorly delivered by the characters, but at least half the characters were actually good. The bad ones dragged everything down though.

To me, FF13 was more a spin-off FF game. If it had been it's own thing(a new IP), it probably would have done pretty well. However, people put very high expectations on it.

To me the game seemed incomplete. Too much was missing to make it a full title FF game.

However, you don't have to be Japanese to appreciate the game. Most of the themes were fairly cliched and understandable to anyone with more than a middle school education. FF was probably the least Japanese of all the FF games. It is quite literally the most westernized FF game to date.

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New Tomb Raider Merchandise Provides Closer Look At Lara Croft Character Design

The arrival of new Tomb Raider merchandise has offered a closer look at the updated Lara Croft character design.

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Sonyslave333d ago

Im going to miss the new lara croft design, i hope they don't change that much from the last game.

RavenWolfx32d ago

I liked her reboot look as well.

OtterX32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Plot Twist, this is what happened to Nathan Drake after Uncharted 4.

I kid, I kid. :)

CrimsonWing6932d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Man… her face gives me the heeby jeebies. I hope she looks better in game.


Upcoming Tomb Raider RPG shows more unified Lara Croft for leaked "open-world" game

An upcoming Tomb Raider RPG planned for early 2025 shows more of unified Lara Croft planned for a new AAA adventure leaked as "open-world".

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Community51d ago
ROCKY2851d ago

This is not the Crystal Dynamics you once loved - this is a sold publisher that houses maybe 10% of it original cast of employees - this game will BOMB !!!! F Embracer Group - they suck BALLS ! Basketballs

LG_Fox_Brazil51d ago

Dude, calm down, let us wait and see the announcement and official images first

anast51d ago

The game is going to suck, though.

ROCKY2851d ago

Embracer Group is an EVIL company that absorbed many companies with investor money
knowing damn well they were going to put amazing hard working people on the street
their plan was weak and they screwed up and lost BIG TIME $$$$
They can go Fuk themselves !

jznrpg51d ago

Of course most of the the original Crystal Dynamics team is gone they took over Tomb Raider over 20 years ago. That’s not abnormal. That doesn’t mean the newer devs will automatically fail.

KyRo51d ago

Open world is already part one of setting it up to fail. I can sense the fetch quests, camp clearing, kill quests with hundreds of collectables sprinkled in already, just like every open world of the last 10 years. Lazy game design awaits.

YourMommySpoils51d ago

But do they suck basketballs or actual balls? I really need to know.

smashman9851d ago

This is true of literally any IP as old as Tomb Raider.

ChronoJoe51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Definitely not true. Crystal have kept the majority of their team, know a lot of folks that work there.

Don't disagree with you about the general sentiment towards Embracer though.

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Redgrave51d ago

Isn't this the "Truth Seeker" one

jznrpg51d ago

I am interested for sure. Embracer as a parent company has made a massive amount of mistakes and crappy moves but that doesn’t mean this dev team can not make a good game. If the game is good and has a physical copy I’ll buy it. Tomb Raider rpg in theory could be great.

RaidenBlack51d ago

the 'rpg' referred here is the table-top borad game called the Crypt of Chanos

ROCKY2851d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Embracer SUX ASS !!!!
Yes I said it - they are an EU company where they received investment to suck up companies and kill them off or break them down and has put 1000's of workers out of work - as we say in the USA - F them - losers

Rebel_Scum51d ago

A wise man once said “I seen a lot of people hate me and I didn't know what to feel about that so I guess I didn't like you much neither. During this fight, I've seen a lot of changing, the way you felt about me, and in the way I felt about you. In here, there were two guys killing each other, but I guess that's better than 20 million. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!”

RaidenBlack51d ago

I don't like the 'open-worlding' every franchise idea ... Tomb Raider needs to be semi-linear-ish ... or do segmented open spaces

KyRo51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

This. They all follow the same basic structure and it's boring. Open world games have all become to similar to one another.

Christopher51d ago

I'm kind of hoping they're saying open world but they mean the more 'hub' design they've had with recent games. I liked the hub concept. I'm not a fan of just open world a la Ubisoft, though. Ubisoft goes so hard on open world that I feel we really don't need any more.

Noskypeno51d ago

I would like them to do a Halo ODST style, with the open hub area containing extra tombs and Easter eggs and collectibles and finding certain items will bring you to the linear mission.

Profchaos51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

For me I'd like to see more of a emphasis on puzzles return the last trilogy felt a bit like a modern action game

-Foxtrot51d ago

The Unified timeline bullshit still sounds awful going off the rumours

You can't make Survivor Lara and Classic Lara the same, they have totally different histories and origin stories.

They actually want to say that Survivor Lara turns into Classic which would then erase Classic Lara's origin story with the plane crash in the Himalayas.

Also an open world game...sigh

I had hoped the love for the Remaster games would have pushed them to continue that timeline or do a new reimagined timeline where you play as Classic Lara surviving in the Himalayas for those 2 weeks before she found a small village for help.

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The Epic Games Store Has Two Freebies for You This Week

From outer space to stealing in Europe, The Epic Games Store has two free games you might like.

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