
Which developer is working on Call of Duty 2014?

There are always rumors about what the next Call of Duty game will be, and who will be developing it. Ever since Call of Duty 3, the developers weren’t hard to guess – Infinity Ward and Treyarch switched off year after year.

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mikeslemonade3837d ago

They really need to take a year off and then make it just for the current gen systems.

It sucks because I can't do anything about it and I will end up buying it anyway just to get to 1st prestige, new perks, weapons, and new maps. All I can do is make sure to resell it so my sale doesn't really count. -_-

Menkyo3837d ago

That's the reason you will keep getting crappy sequels. Until fans stop buying it will continue.

mikeslemonade3837d ago

Well I'm not really the problem. Since sales are declining for the past two CODs. The casual gamers make up the majority of the sales. I'm a hardcore gamer that realize the game is crap since MW2, while casual gamers realize the fatigue after Black Ops.

Kind of like it makes no difference that the first million sales of the WiiU are Nintendo fans. The system is still doing bad.

kayoss3837d ago

They need to upgrade their engine. This is getting sad.

GdaTyler3837d ago

There's a COD for 2014? What sorcery is this??? ;)

Double_O_Revan3837d ago

I think they should just stay calling it Call of Duty 201X at this point, like Madden.

FlameBaitGod3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Title should be "Which developers aren't working on Cod"

sashimi3837d ago

thats a trick title since all of them are working on COD

pompombrum3837d ago

This, Titanfall is COD 5 in my eyes. It's what Activision should have done with the series instead of relying on the same car with a fresh coat of paint each year.

Baka-akaB3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

more like titan fall is mw2 indeed ...

GraveLord3837d ago

No, they're the ones making the COD clone called Titanfall.

OT: Hopefully its Treyarch. I really can't see Sledgehammer making Modern Warfare 4. If they release COD next year, it would be a new entry into the series. We already had Ghosts this year...Activision would want Black Ops 3 which is massively popular, maybe even more than Modern Warfare.

Eonjay3837d ago

"No, they're the ones making the COD clone called Titanfall."


nope1113837d ago

I forgot about Sledgehammer.... Have they done anything yet?

bjmartynhak3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

If at least they alternate Infinity Ward, Treyarch and Sledgehammer they could develop the game in a new engine. 3-year cycle would allow it. It's about time already.

Though this would mean new engine only in the next IW game, 3 years from today. lol

Edit: actually if Sledgehammer is developing the next COD, it would be in 3-years time. Hopefully significant changes will come.

Golden_Mud3837d ago

Actually it was in development like 4 years so I think that's enough , I hope it's gonna be great

Golden_Mud3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Their project was in development from like 2009 , I think it will be the ultimate Call of Duty , the one that will represent the franchise as a great thing and not like the past CoDs

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