
Penny Arcade Adventures: Episode One is gold, due out 'later this quarter' for $20

Joystiq writes: Developer Hothead Game just announced that Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One has gone gold for Windows, Mac and Linux. The press release is a good reminder that right now, somewhere in the world, someone is playing the full version of the game and you're not.


Top 10 Comics Inspired by Video Games

"Like video games, comics inhabit a bizarre point in the art continuum, relying on multiple factors (some of which are unique to their form) to communicate with their audience." | Explosion.com

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Memory Lane: The Biggest May Releases Throughout the Years

GP writer Elizabeth takes a look at some of the May video game releases from the past ten years.

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KillrateOmega4034d ago

I remember playing the first inFAMOUS back in 2009. It completely changed my standards for the superhero genre and became one of my all-time favorite series.

coolbeans4034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

May 2010 was simply amazing, considering what's typically released then. On top of those mentioned in the article, I heard some great things about the two arcade racers released during that time.

Conzul4034d ago

inFamous is so awesome. Fun without being trite - so hard to pull off.

oIITSBIIo4033d ago

The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings one of my top 10 games of all time .
Waiting for The witcher 3 .


Top 5 Franchises that Should Get the Telltale Treatment

GotGame: We're hard-pressed to name any other game that tasks a player with co-operating with so many other vulnerable parties while also giving players a plethora of choices than The Walking Dead. Thankfully Telltale is willing to rip our hearts out through our noses some more and maybe scare us all half to death too as long as they get their hands on some more franchises. I’m okay with this, Telltale. Just make sure you make your next games based on these franchises.

Root4169d ago

Breaking Bad.....no, no and no

It just wouldn't work

Ramon3MR4169d ago

But think of all the meth you could pretend to cook! LOL

Zodiac4169d ago

Breaking Bad would be terrible as a game.