
Late To The Party: PlanetSide 2

Junkiemonkeys: A MMO FPS (Massive Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter) with large scale battles seemed too good to be true years back. With more titles in the genre being created today, I figured I’d give PlanetSide 2 a shot to see what all the fuss was about. I might be ‘Late To The Party‘ for the PC release of PlanetSide 2 but seeing as the game is coming to the PlayStation 4 in the near future, I figured I’d be early to the next party and give you all some insight on the highly talked about shooter.

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LoTuZ3942d ago

I am excited. And its FTP!

curtis923942d ago

you think ps3 will be on ps4 or ps5? personally I'd like to see ps4 on ps5 with ps3 on ps4. Ps6 will obviously get ps5 unless ps5 ends up on ps5.

WeAreLegion3942d ago

Y'all got 2k in 3d in 4k fo da p4?

Einhert3942d ago

Or it will bomb hard due to the bad game design which makes it very hard to find a decent battle were you are not getting zerged by 100 odd tanks and multiple clans.

80% of the game in my experience was looking at the map and travelling trying to find a good close to evenly numbered battle.

I will say when I found those battles it was one hell of an experience but the game design particularly with the map allows for to many smaller skirmishes to happen like one guy taking a point of the map on a quad bike away from the main fights.

The game just really lacks focus in this area and a lot of people will find it very boring journeying to battles and trying to find battles were you are not outnumbered 10 to 1.

Gran Touring3942d ago

...then you're playing it the wrong way. Planetside 2 is a game that's built almost entirely on the premise of working together with other players as a squad/platoon. When you first start the game, I'll agree it can be very intimidating trying to come to grips with the scope of the game. But you should try to join with organized squads/platoons as often as you can; an outfit would be best.

A TON of people that step into PS2 think it's just a large scale version of the Battlefield series games, when in truth it handles very much like an MMO. Yes, Zergs do happen and often in cases, but if you're constantly being outnumbered tells me you're not forming up with other players.

Einhert3942d ago (Edited 3942d ago )

@Gran Touring

And the exact problem is those large platoons of people never meet up and fight, the zergs just move around and rarely come into contact with each other.

If you join a platoon/zerg you are always scrambling for some action and kills because you always outnumber the enemy 10 to 1.

If you played the game for any length of time you would understand this. And I was in one of the biggest European outfits Outcasters who a majority of have stopped playing the game because of its lack of cohesion and focus.

Nearly every PS1 player is quitting the game because it is an inferior experience and plays a lot worse than the first game.

Yes you found big fights with that outfit but more often than not it was steam rolling hexes with little to no action.

It is cute though how PS4 owners think this game will be good.


that post sums up the game perfectly.

IcicleTrepan3942d ago

Any idea when it's going to be released for PS4?

WillGuitarGuy3942d ago

No word yet unfortunately.

Gran Touring3941d ago

SOE says early 2014, but given they've yet to release the new continent for the PC version, may be a bit longer wait

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Scrumptious3942d ago

The F2P titles on the PS4 so far have not been so good in my opinion. I downloaded DC Universe, Blacklight, and Warframe and have put an hour or two into each and I have not been impressed. Hopefully PS2 will be better than what has been released so far. It looks pretty good from the videos I have seen from the PC version.

If F2P games are to work economically the game itself has to be solid on some level.

Thatmattkid3941d ago

Try War Thunder. That game has recieved plenty of praise so far.

TwistingWords3942d ago

When the game allows you to actually login after about 2 hours of trying and the game isn't bugging out and freezing your rig or CTD when things get fun or when people aren't lag switching, it can be a fun game.

I do not hold out much hope for a smooth release on the PS4 considering they haven't sorted out the myriad of big and small problems on the PC a year after release.

The Planetside 2 forums basically paints the picture of the current state of the game.


Planetside IP sold to shell company as it was considered “non-core IP”

Planetside 2’s future is uncertain as the IP was sold for a relatively low sum to a company with no history.

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jznrpg217d ago

They sold the entire company. I did like when they ran Everquest as well. But numbers were declining unfortunately

-Foxtrot219d ago

Watch it turn out to be Amazon in disguise

Duke19217d ago

Was such a cool concept back in the day - shame that it never really took off like it probably could have with more support


Always Online Podcast: FFXIV Endwalker Delay, PlanetSide 2's New Continent, And More! Ep 410

The last Live Letter is done and we were all surprised at the announcement of a delay to the release of FFXIV's Endwalker expansion, we got some more details about the MMORPG's new PvP Crystal Conflict mode, and some system details. Then we talk about PlanetSide 2's new continent and LOTRO's new expansion before wrapping up with some good changes for Ubisoft and Blizzard... but are they enough? All that and more on this week's Always Online!


PlanetSide 2 Embarks on Expedition: Oshur in December

PlanetSide 2 is going to be getting its next major expansion this December. This new addition, titled “Expedition: Oshur” will be the first addition in almost seven years to bring an entirely new continent to the game.

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