
The Witness: new screens suggest Oculus Rift/virtual reality support

The Witness – Number None has released two new screenshots related to Oculus Rift and other virtual reality goggles possibly support for their next first person exploration-puzzle game.

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curtis923846d ago (Edited 3846d ago )

Sony possibly using this game to demonstrate their own virtual headset... I'm ready.

Pandamobile3846d ago

Lol, I doubt it. We haven't seen anything except for patents about Sony's VR thing.

This is likely just Oculus Rift gameplay.

curtis923846d ago

just because we've only seen patents you think that means Sony doesn't have something worked up? Of course they do!

Gabenbrah3846d ago

Oculus have made it very clear that the Oculus Rift simply isn't possible on the PS4, so it'll be a while before we hear anything about Sony's virtual headset, if it even works.

123pol3846d ago (Edited 3846d ago )

i like the oculus , hope for virtual headset on the ps4 aswell :)

WeAreLegion3846d ago

I would love to see Oculus support for this. I'm getting it on PS4 though, so I hope Sony's headset works for it, as well. I can't wait until every game supports these things. Oculus is awesome!


Morels: Homestead Established for PC VR

Morels: Homestead, a relaxing game in which you can create your own unique homestead, is available now for PC VR.

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F1 23 Will Support PC VR But Not PSVR 2

Electronic Arts has confirmed that while F1 23 will support PC VR it will not support PSVR 2 on PlayStation 5.

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ApocalypseShadow399d ago

That's fine. GT7 would overshadow it anyway at it has open wheel and regular cars.

Should have been spending their time updating Squadrons with better resolution, frame rate, haptics, etc as there isn't a game like that on PS VR 2 yet.

But it's EA. They don't think.

Babadook7398d ago

I agree. It would sell better on PSVR2 right now.

Knushwood Butt399d ago (Edited 399d ago )

A wasted opportunity, but I don't buy EA / Codemasters stuff anyway. Grid Legends just came out on Plus and I haven't touched it. Why would I when I have GT7 and PSVR2?

Abnor_Mal399d ago

Not into F1 racing, but still a missed opportunity.

ApocalypseShadow399d ago

That's where opportunity presents itself that they could offer something else that other developers haven't offered yet. Yeah. There's No Man's Sky. But a space game with a story would be great. Like the old days with Colony Wars.

Abnor_Mal399d ago

Exactly, they could have possibly lured more players just from the inclusion of a vr mode.

I miss Colony wars and G-Police, Low-Fi I hope will scratch that itch when it releases. We also need a vr War/Starhawk game.

Knushwood Butt398d ago

Just watched the trailer of Low-Fi. Most definitely on my radar.

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