
Impressions: Kinect Sports Rivals Preseason | Destructoid

"It's a crying shame to see Rare reduced to producing Kinect games. With so much talent and so many IPs ripe for the taking, Microsoft has reduced one of the best retro studios of all time to a motion control factory.

But every now and then the "new Rare" will have flashes of greatness, as evident in Viva Piñata. Although Kinect Sports Rivals is far from what I'd call "great," it's a huge step up from the original Kinect Sports, and a vast improvement upon prior motion control technology."

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Bigpappy3950d ago

," it's a huge step up from the original Kinect Sports, and a vast improvement upon prior motion control technology."

Don't knock the original Kinect sports because you find yourself liking this new one. The original was excellent.


15 Xbox Games With Absolutely Horrible Sequels

When an original game becomes a hit, it can be difficult to re-configure its secret sauce into an equally enjoyable sequel.

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Christopher2670d ago

Would you say absolutely horrible hyperbole? :D

4Sh0w2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Halo 5?....pffft to each his own but Halo 5 is a great game, every Xbox owner I know enjoyed it, the campaign was nice I like the teamwork concept and the multiplayer keeps 'em coming back with great gameplay & modes so much content, 343 did a helluva job.

Christopher2669d ago

@4Show: Uh... going to assume that's a comment intended for someone else.

spicelicka2669d ago

Not Halo 5. It had a bad story COMPARED to past games but it didn't have a bad story overall. The gameplay was top notch, and multiplayer is still one of the best on the market right now. Custom games browser is the single greatest thing 343 did which I'm grateful for.

ninsigma2669d ago

Nah it really was a bad campaign. MP was great but seriously, that was a hugely terrible story mode.

spicelicka2668d ago

The story maybe, but some of the missions were extremely fun. The Sangehlios ones are right up there with the best missions in the franchise.

Kingthrash3602669d ago

Halos mp was great but became boring quicker than most.
The story. Naw that was bad and it's marketing was a lie. Made it seem like old master chief was gunna fight that new fake master chief but the conflict ended up being a one punch cgi sequence.
Not to mention fighting the same boss over and over and over....plus add the no split screen mp and whala! You got the worst canon halo ever made

brich2332669d ago

Compared to Halo 4, Halo 5's story was trash and not memorable at all.

ninsigma2668d ago

That's not really saying much though cuz that was pretty bad as well.

ninsigma2668d ago

Agreed on sanghelios. That was one of the very few times it actually felt like halo.

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Aenea2669d ago

And another article with 15 items from this website *shakes head*

MadLad2669d ago

Halo 5, FarCry 2, Dragon Age 2, Nuts and Bolts, and Gears of War: Judgement were all far from bad games. Hell, even Crackdown 2 was pretty fun.

There's a difference between a lesser sequel, and a bad game.

rlow12668d ago

With a Title that says "horrible sequels", most of these are far from that. Better title should be disappointing sequels. But I'm sure they went with the former to get clicks and bring in the fanboys.

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Battlefield Hardline $10, Star Wars: Battlefront Deluxe $35, Kinect Sports Rivals $12 & More

"Some good digital games for PS4, Xbox One and Xbox 360 are on sale at Amazon. Deals include Battlefield Hardline $10, Star Wars: Battlefront Deluxe $35, Kinect Sports Rivals $12 and more!"

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Get Your Young'uns Gaming With These Fun Games for Kids

If you got young kids around the house, you don't want to be playing games like COD or DOOM. These are some kid friendly games you could get to keep your kiddo's entertained.

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