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Should we be nervous about Star Wars: Battlefront?

Unigamesity: For years we waited for LucasArts to give the go-ahead for the third installment to arguably the most beloved FPS of the sixth generation of consoles (PS2/Xbox/GameCube). For whatever reason, it never came. Then one day, the gods smiled upon us. The day was June 10, 2013, and after years of speculation, EA announced that DICE would be re-launching the series on the next generation of consoles.

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ZodTheRipper3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

DICE is full of talented developers so I'm not worried about it yet. I'm just happy that a reliable studio has taken over this franchise and judge the quality once it's finished. It may even turn out great with Frostbite and enough time.

iamnsuperman3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

I am worried. Dice is a good studio just not a great one. The problem is recently they have gone through the trend of releasing something quite buggy. It may be EA's fault but they are still a sub of EA and such are in their control (also it is being made by the danger close guys but under a new name)

Also I don't want a star wars skin of a battlefield game because it is a completely different game (which is a big worry of mine as Dice have said it will be "DICE's interpretation of what Battlefront should be")


Rzep3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

Bullshit, maybe you just don't remember but BF1942, BF2 and every other BF was a mess on launch day and week.

People seem to think that realesing buggy games is some sort of recent problem that has to do with the "evil" publishers.

Once again, bullsheeet, games have had buggy releases since the begining of time. You can't test for everything, it is impossible for even the largest QA company to find all the bugs.

I am fine with it being an interpretation since playing Battlefront 2 these days it hurts how badly the game has aged. Anyway Star Wars with the scale of BF4? Gimme gimme.

pompombrum3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

^^ I wasn't a PC gamer back when 1942 was released however I remember the release of both Vietnam and 2 and neither had widespread issues like what was experienced in Battlefield 4.

On the day of release, it took me 1 hour and 30 minutes before I could even get into and finish a game. I had six different errors all stopping me from playing. In my nearly ten years of PC gaming, I've yet to buy anything that was broken to such an extent.. in fact, I'd go one further and say I've never even played a beta that was as bad as BF4 was on day one.

@iamnsuperman I didn't realize it was the danger close guys making it.. that's got me twice as worried as before. MoH games had great single player however the multiplayer was pretty bad and felt like a badly blended mix of call of duty and battlefield.

Truth is, with EA doing it, there is every reason to be worried. They are probably foaming at the mouths at the prospect of making a battlefield inspired Star Wars game and the all the new ways they can milk fans with it.

Spinal3861d ago

Agree with Rzep. So many games have buggy releases. It's just normal online games can't test for everything it's impossible.

@aiBreeze, just cause u experienced a terrible launch don't assume everythin else has. I've had no problem in game an been havin a lot of fun playin. Recently purchased a Radeon R9 280x so I can enjoy it even more lol.

On topic: Dice is the perfect studio for battlefront there isn't any other game dev that can do a huge multiplayer game with vehicles an huge maps with high player counts. If you can name a dev better than dice than can do this battlefront who has proven titles with amazing huge multiplayer than please mention one.

pompombrum3861d ago

"@aiBreeze, just cause u experienced a terrible launch don't assume everythin else has. I've had no problem in game an been havin a lot of fun playin. Recently purchased a Radeon R9 280x so I can enjoy it even more lol."

Doesn't that work both ways? Just because you didn't have any problems, you shouldn't assume they aren't widespread. The official forums were literally filled with people with problems and at least half of my friends who got the game were randomly crashing until they released the first client side patch.

andrewer3861d ago

Indeed. I'm worried not only about EA, but the different approach DICE will take on Battlefront. Like, they will show realistic shadows, realistic lightning, realistic effects, realistic realism, and the feel older Battlefront games had will simply vanish. That's what I think will happen...And I don't know what's going to happen, but if it is FPS and not TPS, it will be BS enough for me not to buy it. The game is a TPS, so make a freaking TPS, not a money maker.

titletownrelo3861d ago

its not a COMPLETELY different game, but hopefully they do include a mix of 1st and 3rd person views, and have heroes.

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3-4-53861d ago

DICE releases buggy but awesome games because of EA's "deadline schedule"....

When EA wants to release a game in's releasing, weather it's ready or not.

DeadlyFire3860d ago

DICE while they have good intentions and great talent. They do lack polishing the game. The phase for the past couple of years has been to build game get it to Beta state then release it. Day one patch final build into the game. As in some cases it has worked better in Beta state. So I question if they launch a pre-beta state to the public. Fix bugs a month later. Then it all smooths out down the road.

Either way I still love battlefield. Its always been good once its smoothed out. I expect Battlefront to be the same. If ya don't like bugs. Then buy the game 3-6 months after launch.

FrigidDARKNESS3861d ago

Nope not at all they are using the Frostbite 3 engine for this game.

Anonagrog3861d ago (Edited 3861d ago )

Using an engine like Frostbite 3 only means the designers and artists have an easier time bringing their vision to reality through all the supporting FB3 tools. Whether their "vision" of what Battlefront should be is going to be any good or not to gamers is another matter.

reaper243861d ago

Well since EA are the publishers, I expect 4 maps at launch. The other 16 or so will come as overpriced DLC packs, since there seem to be enough idiots who buy them at launch.

Rzep3861d ago

BF4 launched with 10 maps, if you pre-ordered it adds up to 14 maps, all available in the 7 modes, which change the map a bit to fit the modes.

titletownrelo3861d ago

Yo, do the game-modes from DLC transfer to all of the vanilla maps?

pompombrum3861d ago

You forgot how they'll lock away a lot of content in battlepacks.

Rzep3861d ago

Haven't seen anything in a battle pack that is not in the game.

pompombrum3861d ago

Yes ingame but locked away in battlepacks which you either unlock very slowly or buy with real money. The random nature of what you get inside makes it even more annoying and is just another one of EA's creative ways to abuse something found in f2p games to make them more $$$$

DeadlyFire3860d ago

I got all my BF3 DLC a year later for $15. It never hurts to have patience.

Vegetarianshark3861d ago

I have a lot of faith in DICE, hopefully, EA doesn't make them rush this or turn it into a Battlefield clone.

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Star Wars Battlefront 3: Is There Still Hope For A New Game?

Is Star Wars Battlefront 3 coming? Well, the correct answer is yes, no and maybe. It’s been six years since the second instalment, and fans are still waiting for confirmation of another sequel.

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anast189d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203188d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


Canceled Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP Images Leaked

Someone has just revealed images proving that there was supposed to be a Star Wars Battlefront III for PSP.

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Duke19775d ago

"Images of Gameplay" noted in the article.

Proceeds to only show Menu screens

GoodGuy09775d ago

Oh yea battlefront games were on the psp weren't they? And force unleashed as well. Great "handheld" versions those were.

plmkoh774d ago

Battlefront III in PSP is just Elite Squadron, was never cancelled. The start up menu is even the same same with X1 and X2.


Battlefront 3's Opening Leaked - Star Wars Fans At It Again

Clever Star Wars fans have uncovered yet another piece of Free Radical's Star Wars: Battlefront 3, exploring the game's tutorial level.

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MaximusPrime_873d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
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Urrakia34872d ago

After all these years, Free Radical's SWBF2 is still the best overall Star Wars game to me. It had everything you could want in big fun team battles, Jedi vs Sith and the space battles were extremely well done giving you the ability to land inside a capital ship's hangar to sabotage and take it down from within.

Sciurus_vulgaris872d ago

Free Radical didn’t make Star Wars Battlefront 2. The long defunct Pandemic Games developed the original Battlefront 2.

Urrakia34872d ago

Thank you sir, I appreciate the correction. Pandemic also developed Mercenaries I believe, right? That game too is a classic!

Sciurus_vulgaris872d ago

Yes, Pandemic did indeed develop Mercenaries.

ZeekQuattro872d ago

I wish that IP would make a return. The original was better but its the second one had its moments. You could pretty much level anything in those games if you had the right armaments.

872d ago
plmkoh872d ago

This is just Battlefront Elite Squadron. Cancelling it was the right move, very few changes to Battlefront 3 except for a new forgettable campaign.