
Playstation 4 – Secondary Processor & 2Gb RAM Discovered + Video Discussion

The Playstation 4 console’s internals have been ripped apart, and inside reveals several hidden components including a secondary low power processor and 2Gb of DDR3 SDRAM.

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Godmars2903906d ago (Edited 3906d ago )

Betting that will go away with the second gen production model.

Wait, so this means the PS4 actually has 10GB of RAM?

Eonjay3906d ago

Check out the video with decent technical explanation.

mikeslemonade3905d ago

Now just wouldn't it be like a total surprise if the actual PS3 player was that hence the 256mb.

Anyway it could be used to just do miscellaneous apps like the web browser which is slow as you expect.

pedrof933905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

We just found out that the Ps4 features don't eat 10 percent of the gpu, but actually it has its own hardware.

Computersaysno3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

Additional coprocessors were talked about on reveal.

ARM based coprocessor + dedicated memory means lower main processor overheads = win.

If we are lucky Sony have at least a modern dual core A9 or something in there. There is a good chance of this since AMD's chip maker spin off manufactures these.

Quite a reasonable little processor if it is designed to deal with low power states etc

GrizzliS19873905d ago

does this mean the ps4 has its own "cloud powered" extras but only within the hardware and not the "net"?

0ut1awed3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

I don't have time to currently watch but isn't this the processor used for video encoding and decoding. AKA the processor that allows for video streaming and remote play?

Sony already has said multiple times that they would have a second processor to do so in the PS4. They even pointed it out in their official disassembly video.

I would image the extra RAM is linked to that as well.

CryofSilence3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

GrizzliS1987, Shuhei Yoshida already confirmed that developers have the option of "cloud power" with the PS4. Microsoft just capitalized on it.

This effectively frees up more GDDR5 RAM/GPU/CPU for games, which is a great architectural philosophy.

SuicideKing3905d ago

I really dig when people break down the insides of consoles like this. It's interesting and I usually learn something.

nukeitall3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )


"GrizzliS1987, Shuhei Yoshida already confirmed that developers have the option of "cloud power" with the PS4. Microsoft just capitalized on it."

Having ability, is quite different from having the infrastructure.

The scale and availability of cloud differs significantly i.e. you could have a 100 servers in a farm, and call that a cloud. Doesn't make a good experience.

Heck, both PS3 (and by extension PS4) and Xbox 360 uses the cloud, just not at the same scale as indicated by Xbox One.

Thus you need the scale Amazon Web Services to match something like MS Azure cloud with built in features and tools to make it easy to harness cloud power.

Most game developers have little experience with cloud, as nobody can really afford it. That is why MS providing them free to game devs is a huge thing.

Scale, availability, tools and price is all at developers fingertip with MS Azure.

HelpfulGamer3905d ago

Sony Gaikai Cloud Gaming Processor!

CryofSilence3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )


A valid argument; however, it may actually work out contrary to expectations. Gaikai has a much more mature infrastructure than the Xbox cloud (i.e. it has existed longer), albeit possibly on a lower budget. Gaikai's focus currently is to stream entire PS3 games, so the infrastructure is/will be there. The efficiency of the service on either side has not been demonstrated, but it is safe to assume that they will offer similar performance gains.

P0werVR3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )


Nothing in PS4 has any of those capabilities. Only the Xbox One. PS4 will ONLY have Gaikai for game streaming. Remember PS4 doesn't need it, right?!

As expected NOTHING interesting here. Just a last minute increase of 4 to 8GB of RAM. No new technology, just additions. Except for the customized GCN architecture, but that goes for any console.

Oh boy things are start to get interesting in the coming years. No doubt Sony will bring out it's big guns with it's powerhouse first party studios and we'll see what Microsoft will come up with.

EDIT: @CryofSilnece

Gaikai is for "streaming", Azure is for computing tasks. There is A LOT more developers can do with Azure, like extra development tasks even after release. I want to see what Insomniac will do with Sunset Overdrive or Black Tusk Studios. You'll see how forward looking Microsoft were with their technology. Besides you need the servers to truly facilitate ANY Cloud based system and Microsoft HAS that "infastructure". Sony doesn't.

P0werVR3904d ago


Of course he would say that. The fact of the matter is, even looking at the design it shows clearly that have no capabilities. They have NO articles or explanations of such features. Yoshida is a human being with he's own intentions, not a God who speaks truth.

CryofSilence3904d ago (Edited 3904d ago )


Since you saw fit to PM me what amounts to the same message (for whatever reason--I really don't care), I'll post both here and in PM. ;)

"The proof is in the pudding. ;) I haven't seen a convincing demonstration by either Microsoft or Sony, and I believe relying on the cloud for power is less than ideal to begin with. In theory, they can both provide the same service: rendering in the cloud and streaming the output image to the console either as a separate image or overlying mesh. Still, neither one of us knows remotely how these will work in real life, so let's not get volatile. :3"

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3904d ago
Nitrowolf23906d ago


Did you not read the article? This is the video uploading processor that SOny was talking about. Why would they remove something that they are pushing so hard for? It would basically render the share button useless without it

GarrusVakarian3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

2Gb, not 2GB

2Gb = 256MB

nix3905d ago

i thought GB or Gb meant the same. /:

WalterWJR3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

B - Byte
b - bit
8 bit = 1 byte

This is why Internet service providers advertise their speeds in bits. Bigger numbers sound better.

elmaton983905d ago

Walter thanks for the explanation good sir I myself didn't know the difference about them.

Madderz3905d ago

You'd think it would make more sense to just say 256MB so people don't get confused lol

Especially with all the GB penis measuring contests going on!! LMAO

BadlyPackedKeebab3905d ago


not strictly true, its to do with the way that the data is sent or used.

When things are talked about in bits, such as the internet its because data is sent one bit at a time, the line can only be in one of two states on or off aka 1 or 0.

If the communication mechanism could sent a whole byte in one state e.g. 10101010 then its speed would be talked about in bytes.

This is the real reason though things have been confused more recently. Though you are right I think BB providers use bits to con the average pleb who doesnt understand bits/bytes/kilobytes/kilobits etc.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3905d ago
B-radical3905d ago Show
NateCole3905d ago

b = bits
B = Bytes = 8bits

Therefore 2Gb/8bits = 256mb

Cobberwebb3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

256MB ;)

bigfish3905d ago

Yeh!....GB is not the same as Gb everyone knows that!.... noob.

bigfish3905d ago

I was being sarcastic by the way..lol. give me more disagrees I love it!!!

BadlyPackedKeebab3905d ago

Not to even get into the fact there are 1024 bits in a kilobit etc and not a square thousand etc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3905d ago
RyuCloudStrife3905d ago

Bro get ready to be schooled by people who know everything lol anyways this is great news...

GraveLord3905d ago

2Gb = 256MB
Gigabit /=/ Gigabyte

So PS4 has 8GB of GDDR5 and 256MB of DDR3.

JsonHenry3905d ago

I figured this was the case about background streaming having its own dedicated setup. (and then they confirmed it previously) But I wonder if it handles anything else? 256mb of RAM seems excessive for such a simple task alone so I am sure it does more.

This reminds me of when they found the Ana chip in the 360 which allows it to upscale anything independent of the CPU.

Glad I ordered my PS4. Can't wait till Wed. to play it.

iceman6003905d ago

no it's for the video card.

CryofSilence3905d ago

It's Gigabits, not gigabytes, so divide 2 Gb by 8, and that's how much ddr3 SDRAM it has. As the article says, it likely facilitates or allows for suspend/resume and 15 minute continuous recording.

Ol_G3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

think so too wii u also has 512MB flash onboard probably for the same stuff

DoctorXpro3905d ago

means you need to go back to school...

xtremeimport3905d ago

I like knowing that Sony has actually thought this thru. My favourite part about the lead up to the launch were the skeptics saying "Sony is lying to you all, they wont even go into detail about the internal specs"

It seems like they were confident enough in what the Ps4 has to offer that when MS broke down their internals, they didn't need to "fluff their feathers" in defense.

I love my Ps4 and if MS wants to make the xbox appealing to me again, they're really gonna have to bring something special to the table. Sony launching first and cheaper was a HUGE win for them.

Mosiac773905d ago

It don't look like is on the same unity as the other 6 are and is DDR so I wonder what sony has up their sleeves

assdan3905d ago

It has 2gigabits, not bytes. So more like 256mb.

JasonKCK3905d ago

Godmars290 dude why didn't you just watch it?

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3904d ago
kewlkat0073905d ago

This must be that article where PC people can chip in on hardware terms..


You mean the supposed master race of technology

JasonKCK3905d ago

Many PC gamers build the rigs they play on. You crapping on their knowledge shows how little you have. That's like crapping on a car mechanic because they can rebuild an engine and you can't.

grahf3905d ago

Console gamers have a bone to pick with PC gamers anyway.
After all, its not like mechanics/gear-heads crap on people for going out and buying pre-manufactured cars.
"You could build a car for less and with better performance than that Prius!"
That doesn't happen.

jackanderson19853905d ago

i thought sony (could have been digital foundry) already said that this secondary processor is used for the low power state to enable the console to update while in standby?

BG115793905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

The same thing here. The secondary chip was announced a long time ago. People probably thought that it was one of the processors core that was going to be used for the system and not a totally different processor.

joeorc3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )


i thought sony (could have been digital foundry) already said that this secondary processor is used for the low power state to enable the console to update while in standby?

that's because it can!, this most likely is the Arm Cortex A5 TrustZone CPU that AMD was including on the APU's


AMD announced a partnership with ARM that will see ARM's Cortex-A5 processor architecture implemented with AMD's goal in adopting ARM's Cortex-A5 and TrustZone security is to "provide a consistent approach to security spanning billions of internet-connected mobile devices, tablets, PCs and servers," according to the release.

TrustZone security will be featured on select x86 APUs next year, with a wider variety of products supported in 2014.future x-86 chips in a move to boost security.


Not only could the use of this Cortex A5 be for trustzone, but also its fully programmable. its a beffy lil SOC in of itsself. the fact it has 256 MB all to itself..its quite a bit of Ram.

its on HSA production silicon also



joeorc3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

who ever did disagree with my post, i would love to see why, please respond and tell me, why what i posted is wrong? remember i have seen the SOC PRODUCTION STAMP'S ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE CHIP!

ITS THE CXD90025G with production number

88EC120-BNS2 stamped right on this soc!

here is the link to the ram for this lil chip


of course another phantom disagree with no response..what a shocker..lol

ATiElite3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

Good post my friend.

The Arm A5 for trustzone sounds like what it is because trustzone is something that Netflix and Credit card companies like to see when doing business over the internet which is what the PS4 will be doing.

also the chip can be used to do small background task as it is programmable.

So i see the chip handling background Internet Services and working as Trustzone to secure data and ALSO if Sony wanted to, to act as a BLOCK on used Games.

You provided a ton of Data unlike most people on here and stealth disagrees only mean the people doing it DON'T have a clue.

Good post!

ThanatosDMC3905d ago

N4G golden rule:

If you complain about people disagreeing with your comment, more people will press disagree because it's funny.

dcbronco3905d ago

ThanatosDMC I disagreed with your comment. But I gave you a bubble up for a intelligent comment. After all, this is N4G.

Pogmathoin3905d ago

Thana and Bronco... I am confused now.... Yay or nay.... Agree or disagree.... But for acknowledging the truth about N4G... Bubble up each....

MikeGdaGod3905d ago

+bubble @ThanatosDMC

on topic: this is awesome

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3905d ago
FamilyGuy3905d ago

They mentioned the secondary processor but never went in to detail on things like the memory it uses or how much power it (alone) draws in that low power state.

Pretty crazy how the PS3 operates games off 256Mbs of memory and here in the PS4 Sony throws that amount at just doing the background and standby mode task.

assdan3905d ago

They did say that, but people are stupid, and assumed it was wrong. Still cool, and I didn't know it had it's own ram.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3905d ago
NateCole3905d ago

Before anyone blows a gasket. Its Gb NOT GB.

B-radical3905d ago

Honestly should of just titled it 256mb and not try to fancy it up with Gb.....Joe dirtè

DoctorJones3905d ago

Why don't they just say 256MB?

Intentions3905d ago

Cause it sounds inferior. In the technology industry, people like smaller numbers. It's also a standard way of making/writing a report etc, kind of like measurements etc.

kewlkat0073905d ago

Why say high resolution when you can say retina..

DoctorJones3905d ago

Because 'high resolution' is a descriptive term for resolution whereas Retina is just a brand name for Apples displays. Most people would consider a retina to be part of your eye though.

Hardly a useful comparison in terms with what we are talking about.

iamnsuperman3905d ago (Edited 3905d ago )

Like what Doctor Jones said retina is a brand name and not really a descriptive term for resolution. It is merely a buzzword (which is trademarked) and is why not many (if any) other companies use it (They talk about pixel density, which in a way is another buzzword, or resolution)

kewlkat0073905d ago

You guys didn't get it..

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Leaked RDNA 4 features: AMD to catch up in RT - doubled RT intersect engine could come to PS5 Pro

A partially redacted data sheet highlighting the expected ray tracing features coming to RDNA 4 GPUs has been shared by well-known hardware information leaker @Kepler_L2. We expect the features to also be present in the hybrid RDNA 3 + RDNA 4 RT design coming to PS5 Pro when it launches (presumably) later this year or early next year. The leaked data points seem to confirm that advancing ray tracing technology is going to be a major focus of RDNA 4.

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Einhander19724d ago

This will be the actual start to Ray Tracing on consoles, I'm really looking forward to seeing what PSSR is capable of as well.

I can't wait to see what games designed around this can do.

sagapo4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Don’t hope for anything major imo. RT remains a power consuming feature and I don’t think a pro version will make all that much difference. Higher frames (say 60fps) with RT features as they are now would be a big win if that would be the case. If RT features would be extended, games will probably stick at 30fps like they do now, is that worth a pro upgrade?

Einhander19724d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Zero first, second or major third party console exclusives have lacked a 60 fps mode on PlayStation, 30 fps is an xbox problem.

The GPU alone statistically offers 40% uplift, and with PSSR upscaling games designed around the console should have a significant performance uplift.

And my understanding is that RT has been largely decoupled from the CU's in RDNA 4 so the performance hit from RT should be much less than on current AMD GPUS. And regardless, the huge number of RT cores with the doubled RT intersect engine should be able to power through RT in a way that simply is not possible on current consoles.

fr0sty3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

With a rumored (according to the leaks) 4x performance jump in RT performance (and a 40% boost in overall GPU performance), in addition to the added AI upscaling frame generation tech, the actual RT performance increase should be significant.

sagapo3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

@Frosty; 40% GPU boost you claim. With PS4 pro vs base at the time, that increase basicly doubled so 40% ain’t that big of a deal imo.
4x performance jump with RT (if true) sounds impressive but will we be able to play games in 60fps quality mode then? If not then pro is a waste as most gamers prefer 60fps performance over 30fps quality mode.

Einhander19723d ago (Edited 3d ago )


The PS4 Pro had the same GPU as the PS4, the PS5 Pro is switching from RNDA 2 to a mix of RDNA 3 and 4. The 40% increase is just the CU increase and doesn't include any uplift from the technological improvements AMD has done to RDNA which have been significat.

PS5 Pro is going to be a much bigger improvement than the PS4 Pro was, especially when you take into account the RT improvements..

sagapo2d ago

@Einhander; assuming you are right, answer my question: will the pro do 60fps in quality (RT) modes? Because if not, why bother imo.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic3d ago

I really hope so, AMD has been pretty far from Nvidia's performance on Ray Tracing, so to see such a huge uplift, with greater performance and efficiency is a big win.

Destiny10803d ago

if astro bot is fully raytraced / 60fps on the pro model, we can start believing the hype

fr0sty3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

No games are fully raytraced as of now, even on PC. All of them utilize a combination of raytraced and rasterized graphics, with ray tracing being used for shadows, reflections, or global illumination in the best cases, but not for the entire rendering process.

Whitey2k3d ago

There's gonna be quite a difference between ps5 and ps5 pro compared to ps4 and ps4 pro

fr0sty3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

agreed, PS4 Pro was only geared at pushing more pixels per frame (and HDR), not making those pixels look better in the process. PS4 Pro didn't offer much as far as increasing the actual quality of the rendering went.

Whitey2k3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Expecially when ps5 is around 10tflops and ps5 pro rumored to be 30tflops compared to ps4 at 1.84tflops and ps4 pro at 4.2tflops u could pretty much call it a ps6 near enough. Then ps5 pro could be using rdna 3 or say rdna 3.5 because it's rumoured to be using that newly assets of rdna 4 which benefit greatly on resolution and Raytracing even effect etc etc. What would be nice for sony greatly benefit is amd solution of the X3D in its Cpu on cpu bound games

dveio3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

As always:

I can't wait for the specs of the new consoles.

Wether it's NSW2, Xbox Next or PS6.

If Cerny stays the lead architect of the PS6's hardware (which is very likely I guess?), I am VERY excited for Sony's approach.

They've always done something unique noone else did.

And I expect the same for the PS6.

Edit: man, crazy. PS6 (six!) is already near! Time flies.

neutralgamer19923d ago

Ceeny won't be going anywhere I don't think. He and his team have produced back to back amazing consoles

What I want to know is what the price for pro will be since it's much more powerful compared to regular PS5

smashman983d ago

This might be his last run tho, I hope he has looked into training a protege


AMD working with law enforcement after reports of massive data breach

Initial investigations will weigh the significance of any data theft.
— hack may have uncovered future product details

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rlow137d ago (Edited 37d ago )

China/Russia plain and simple. Chinese are producing their own chips and to catch up they do what they have always done……steal it. When you can’t innovate, stealing is your best friend.


AMD Could Revolutionize Handheld Gaming In 2024

Shaz from GL writes: "AMD could spur the beginning of a new era in handheld gaming with their upcoming APUs"

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rlow171d ago

To me the most important hardware is the battery. Doesn’t matter how powerful the chips are.

ABizzel171d ago

Eh…. It’s a combination of multiple things.

The battery is hugely important as it allows you to have ideally 4 - 5 hour gaming sessions.

The more powerful the processor the more games developers can share to the handheld, nd of course the better said games perform.

From there display, software, and ergonomics matter, as a good display/software will allow games to be more vivid, run at variable fps 30/40/60 ideally, and good ergonomics means it’s comfortable to play for said 4 - 5 hours. Everything else is gravy at that point.

rlow170d ago

I know we all want more power. But it’s sad that 4-5 hours is considered good now. It really shows how batteries have progressed at a much slower pace than hungry components.

redrum0670d ago

Of course it matters how powerful the chips are for it to be future proof. Don't you want to be able to play new games?

Neonridr70d ago

the Switch proves that you don't need the most cutting edge power out there to be successful.

RaiderNation70d ago

@Neonrdr that doesn't prove anything because only Nintendo could get away with that. Their games aren't the most complex/graphically ambitious and Nintendo fans don't care.

Vits70d ago


If anything, the Switch proves the exact point "redrum06" was making. Yes, it might be successful, but it's definitely not future-proof. Just look at how many games and franchises completely skip the platform.

redrum0669d ago

I have a Switch, and recently got the Legion Go. I havent touched the Switch ever since, purely because of its inability to play even older games at a decent frame rate. For anyone wanting to play multiplatform games as well, people should skip the Switch.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 69d ago
Marcus Fenix70d ago

There’s no way you’re getting that 40CU 16-core APU in a handheld. That’s too hot and power hungry for that. The highest end APU they’re suggesting is going to end up in gaming laptops that can cool a 100W chip.

Jingsing70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

I think these articles get things a little out of perspective, Steam Deck has sold around 3 million and Switch has sold 140 million. But if you are browsing certain parts internet you'd think the Steam Deck had sold over 100 million. If articles are going to continue to circulate like this and continue to put the Steam Deck in the same arena then I'm comfortable calling the device a flop.

Neonridr70d ago

Steam Deck, while considerably more popular due to it's lower barrier of entry, is still a niche device with the likes of the ROG Ally and others.

I own one and it's really nice to be able to play some games on the go or in bed, but it'll never fully compete with a system like the Switch.

Skuletor70d ago

Especially when they're not in the same price range, the Switch is considerably cheaper.

gold_drake70d ago

sure but theres still a limit to what u can put in there ha. power consumption would be the biggest hurdle. and cooling.

Demetrius69d ago

I wana try out a pc handheld but I would like to experience a steady framerate etc I don't wana have to keep going into my settings trying to make things smoother in gameplay, that's the only thing that's been keepin me from getting one I've heard others having to go into the settings time from time that'll be annoying