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Dev Accuses Sony of High TRC Certification Costs for PS4 Indie Games

Is Sony overcharging on TRCs for indie games?

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GentlemenRUs3873d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(1)
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Should be Rumor
HolyDuck3873d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
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princeofthabay3873d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
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psDrake3873d ago

Yeah, keep the bad news coming at the launch of ps4...

We have a e3 , TGS etc nothing happens with all indie developers seem happy now you have this...

If you gonna troll, do it in a smart way at least

Mike134nl3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

Why bad news. So even if sony offerd some developpers a better deal in order to have their games on the consoles, it is not that uncommon for Sony or Microsoft to pay or in this case offer a better deal to get a game or additional dlc on their platform.

gaffyh3873d ago

It's not even confirmed, they are just talking to each other. He says this, which I don't understand at all:

"I've seen the numbers. A three figure sum is enough to keep somewhat of a distance. Incomparable to PC."

Three figures = Maximum $999. How is that too much??? You will get this back on launch day if your game is half-decent.

rdgneoz33873d ago

@gaffyh $999 may be a lot for him, as he probably has no faith in his game.

thehitman3873d ago

Building a game is a business investment. How many businesses can you start with less than a few grand cmon... Then if you have multiple people I am sure you can split that up. I did see some numbers though that shown they are more expensive than MS, but I see Sony advertising indies a lot more with their own dollars free of charge. I would take free Sony advertising then putting a game out there and nobody knows about it.

nukeitall3873d ago

You can publish a game for $100 on Xbox 360, with XNA and indie dev program.

Of course on PC, it is completely free.

3873d ago
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Vitalogy3873d ago

Indeed. After all these months they decided to "report" issues? Right...

ATiElite3873d ago

To be honest!

I have read this page 3 times and these guys are not saying much!

This is all B.S. as this argument seems STAGED and like I said they are NOT saying anything cohesive.

ABizzel13873d ago

He's complaining about paying a 3 figure fee ($999 AT MOST) that dropped down from $10,000 last-gen.


Corpser3873d ago

Well they really can't say anything because they have to sign NDAs

steve30x3873d ago (Edited 3873d ago )

We should not approve the bad news articles just for the unhappy sony fanboys that hate to see the truth. Rigt?

(That was sarcasim)

WOW Even when I state I am being sarcastic I get disagrees.

WeAreLegion3873d ago

Yeah...they knew it was sarcasm. That's why they're disagreeing.

steve30x3873d ago

Nah they are just butt hurt because the truth is out. The Xbox fans would be the same if the articles were about the Xbox one.

2cents3873d ago

Why use twitter?
This is just stupid, airing out dirty laundry for everyone to see.

Twitter is such a stupid concept, the amount of people who have lost their jobs, livelihood, and credibility by tweeting off the cuff remarks is staggering.

Christopher3873d ago

The one tweet they leave out, for some reason.

"@paniq I think you are talking about stuff that you have no idea about. on the 360 for example cert fees were built in as an advance." - Jonathan Blow

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3873d ago
Belking3873d ago

Could be true. If this was MS, people would be laying it on.

ABizzel13873d ago

No one would complain about charing developers $999 AT MOST, to prevent a flood of shovel-ware from filling the Marketplace.

I'm with Sony and M$ on this. They should be happy the fee dropped from $10,000 down to $999 (again at most).

Volkama3873d ago

People would sure heap on the praise if it was free or $99 a year like the 360 indie section though.

But yeah, I got curious and actually looked at the indie section the other day. It's bad. Definitely not somewhere I will go again.

ABizzel13873d ago


I know, it's just a mess and I can't even bring myself to look through it and try to support anyone. Sometimes a fee is a good thing for quality purposes.

Corpser3873d ago

Not a lot of details here but I assume every time you patch a game you'll have to get this cert again? They add up

ABizzel13873d ago


No, Sony and MS removed patching and updating game fees this year.

It's a 1 time fee of up to $99, unless you don't pass inspection the first time (which there are specific guidelines for in the TRC), in which case you have to pay another $999 for resubmission.

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ABizzel13873d ago

By all means I'm with it if it means keeping tons of shovel-ware, and copy apps (look no further than mobile) from flooding my PSN.

And the fee is and I quote "A three figure sum", so at most it's $999. I'm sorry indie developers, but I see little to complain about here. If you can't pay the fee then you need to make your game for PC, let it get some exposure then pitch your game to Sony for a PS+ buy deal if you can't pay $999 up front.

It may seem like a hoop to jump through, but I don't want a bunch of useless games filling up PSN, because it's free to submit. If you're serious about developing and want to make a career out of it you'll find a way to pay the fee. If it's a hobby stick to PC since it's free.

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Come Join Me in the Cult of The Witness

The Witness might be one of the best games ever made. A fun, frequently frustrating study on mysteries, humanity and a love of true magic.

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JumpCutPLAY1160d ago
NecrumOddBoy1160d ago

The Witness is pure brilliance. I platinum'd it on PS4 and recently replayed it on PS5. It's definitely an incredible experience that requires no spoilers so just let the island guide you. Yes, the puzzles can get tough but they are never beyond completion so take come back and go see other things. There is also a ton of storytelling and mystery in the visuals. The Witness is the first game I have played that really took my mind to new heights of creative thinking and perspective. This game is more than meets the eye and 100% a masterpiece.

RobDealer1160d ago (Edited 1160d ago )

100% agree! This game offers such a unique challenge.. growing up I used to think that Midnight Resistance was tough, then Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts.. fast forwards to Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Destiny's Raids.. but this game was on another level. And when you finally finish it you feel great satisfaction! Trippy ending too 👌🏻

Everyone should also try Superliminal.

Rebel_Scum1160d ago

Seriously though fuck town and mountain lol.


Top 25 Best Open World Mac OS Games

If you’re playing with the Mac OS platform then we have you covered. Here are the best open-world video game titles you can play in 2021 on the Mac OS.

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