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The New Xbox One Could Actually Cost You £775 or $1200

Friday the 22nd November at 00:00 will see the launch of the Xbox One the all in One entertainment system from Microsoft.
But how much will your total outlay be?

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The same thing could be said about the ps4
jade07323871d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
that's why called accessory
kennyg37393871d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(1)
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cl19833871d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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whom is we, When copying text from the source article make sure you read over the text and edit it if necessary. A good example is when a site writes "We" or "I" , as this should then be replaced with the site's or person's name, or you can quote the source.
cl19833871d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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dodgeuk193871d ago
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TomShoe3871d ago

My parents hate it when I spend my hard-earned money on myself, yet they hate buying things for me too.

Are you kidding?

rela82me3871d ago (Edited 3871d ago )

Hey some idiot learned to add and decided to make an article! Thanks for re displaying public information! They are accessories most of which no one will end up buying! I hate these articles.

s45gr323871d ago

Like the steering wheel which only the most hardcore racing fans will buy.

UltimateMaster3871d ago

2 essential things you must buy extra are the Play and Charge kit (since the 500$ console does not come with one) and an adapter for your Headset (Or a new Headset)

That alone makes it above 550$.

malokevi3871d ago


Funny, I have no plans to buy either one of those things. Neither of them are necessary.

Console, extra controller, games. Who buy's a brand new console and doesn't get games?

coopman3003871d ago

Play and charge kit is not "necessary". And the one comes with a headset so why is it necessary to buy one.

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Mikelarry3871d ago

775, yeah I don't see that happening anytime soon for me

abc12333871d ago (Edited 3871d ago )

Not everyone is going to get the steering wheel and headset, they're things you can easily do without and many people will just use AA batteries anyway so no need for the play and charge kit. Overall, an exaggerated figure.

s45gr323871d ago

Altough the play and charge kit will be more beneficial than buying and re-buying batteries. I am surprised that Microsoft did not choose the usb wireless controller. I agree with the steering wheel and also the headset. Those accessories are not really necessary.

nasnas763871d ago

It's a microUSB cable. Go to the dollar store and buy one if you don't already have 6 spare ones currently in your drawer

abc12333871d ago

Sure, but many people have rechargeable batteries lying around the house anyway

kingpedrok693871d ago (Edited 3871d ago )

you are right in saying that not everyone will be buying all that is in the article also i point out that a steering wheel will be Forza 5 fans first choice, whereas they probably not bother with a headset so they wont be actually buying everything did you read the article headline?

COULD COST? this is a hypothetical purchase as anyone can see.

abc12333871d ago

It's a useless headline. A Wii "could cost" you thousands, it doesnt mean a pointless article should be written on it.

iamnsuperman3871d ago

If we are going to be like that you might as well throw in a new TV, why not a new broadband package, a house......

rainslacker3871d ago

Don't forget the 7.1 surround system, a car to drive the system home in, and the prostitute to keep you warm while waiting outside during the midnight launch.

kennyg37393871d ago

that's why called accessory

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Microsoft's Xbox gaming handheld will fail unless someone else makes it

Despite Microsoft's experience in hardware manufacturing, I don't trust it not to fumble its first gaming handheld device which may eventually lead to a successor not getting released.

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LG_Fox_Brazil15h ago

Unless it has some fature that really makes it standout I don't think someone who wants a handheld will pick it when the Switch 2 is just around the corner and the Steam Deck offers a huge library with much better prices worldwide

OtterX6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Especially since the existing PC handhelds (Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc) can already run Gamepass. I don't have a Steam Deck yet, but I did see Forza Horizon 5 already running pretty well on it natively, so I'd imagine most XBox exclusives on Steam would run pretty well too. The most Microsoft could do is try to brute force a more expensive, higher power handheld. I doubt it would do well if that were the case.

ABizzel13h ago

This has been my point. It’s too little too late, and there are too many options out now that can already do the same thing with similar or better tech, in a similar price-range. A best case scenario for them is slightly above Steam-Deck performance at $100 less, but that’s not a huge selling point for anyone who has already jumped into the handheld PC market, and people still on the fence. Or go the other route of as cheap as possible but making it a streaming only device around $199.

It would do well and reach over 1m sold just because of the Xbox branding, but their consoles are already selling less and less (by the looks of it), so I don’t see a handheld being this great savior for them.

They simply need to rebrand one of the Surface tablets into the device with dedicated controls and more gaming focused, and call it a day instead of heavily investing in a handheld

Jingsing8h ago

Doesn't make much sense to have a handheld that is locked down to the Xbox ecosystem when the PC handheld can run everything. I'm sure the same people that bought the Xbox fridge will give Microsoft their free money though.

XBManiac5h ago

Microsoft handheld Qualcomm based... you will see it next year... and you will see it sink.

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EA Hiring Ex-Military Personnel to Help Build Next Battlefield Game via "Hiring Our Heroes" Program

EA has hired ex-military personnel in order to help shape the next Battlefield game as part of the Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) program.

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OtterX6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Why don't you Hire Your Old Dev Team who brought us the brilliance of Battlefield Bad Company 2 while you're at it. It was more exciting than anything recent in the Battlefield series. It just needs to be updated to reach modern times, but it was so great at its core.

just_looken6d ago

This would be nice but that team has tossed out the finals and has arc raiders on the back burner

20 thousand still play the final's

Why get slapped around by ea when you already have something going on.

What the next battlefield needs is a step back simple functional not a live service and smaller player servers than 2042. Just make it like battlefiled 3 with bad company destruction just something simple

But they already killed off ridgeline games that had ex halo/cod devs so no singleplayer unless they make another dev team for it.

Rynxie6d ago

It's what made zipper and slant six awesome. They had military vets working for them, no just as consultants, but as developers as well. I wish Sony never closed them, MAG 2 or an update to MAG and a new socom is much needed.

just_looken5d ago

Older ps3 battlefield titles did the same even went to the range to get sound files.

But all these titles we are talking about were on the ps3 a console so powerful it offered free mp and games did not need 4 levels of payment plans even more crazy was the player size of mag's games.

TheColbertinator5d ago

A return to the golden age of Battlefield seems so far away now

Str8Chaos745d ago

Sadly I think you are correct. They just don’t get it. They will do their live service game with its Battle Royale and fail at both.I hate being so negative, but I have little faith in EA at this point.


The Xbox showcase brought the E3 magic

After having to prove itself for years, Xbox doubled down and pulled it off..

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Christopher10d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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GaboonViper10d ago

Yep Xbox absolutely knocked it out of the park with that stunning show, it was everything a gaming showcase should be, games games and games, well done team Xbox.

CrimsonWing6910d ago

It really did. Like I came out of that with the hype for new games I haven’t felt since… well the better years of E3.

monkey60210d ago

It was without a doubt one of the better showcases in years. There was plenty there that excited me. Something has been lacking in years on all platforms

EasilyTheBest10d ago

It was an amazing showcase I loved everything about it. Can't wait to play some of those games.
What's going on. 4 comments & no negatives yet. Wow, what's going on with N4G.

ThinkThink10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Show was so good, it made me forget about that blue dragon rumor until the next day. Too many games to process.

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