
FTL has a massive expansion coming and it’s free

Fans of the indie hit Faster Than Light other wise known as FTL should rejoice, as a free content expansion has been announced. New features include a mind control system to allow you to make enemy boarders repair the ship or damage their own compartments, the ability to hack systems to various effect, more weapons, drones, items, ships, and a brand new sector and story written by Chris Avellone.


15 Best Strategy Games for Low-End PCs

Love strategy but your processor and graphics card doesn't love you? The best strategy games for low-end PCs have you covered.

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8 Best PC Exclusives to Play in 2021

From Xfire: "PC exclusives might not get as much of the limelight as their console counterparts, but that doesn't mean they're not worthy of your attention. PC exclusive games are often just as good if not better than console exclusives. Some even go on to win multiple gaming awards despite being made by relatively unknown studios."

AuraAbjure1161d ago

It's not supposed to produce a foul odor contrary to popular belief. That would indicate intestinal injury.


The Best Low Spec PC Games You Can Play in 2021

From Xfire: "Gaming desktops are more powerful than they've ever been. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to get themselves the latest and most powerful graphics card right now. Not especially given the current situation, with cryptocurrency miners driving up the prices of even entry-level gaming graphics cards like the GTX 1050 ti.

With that said, not every game out there demands a powerful PC. In fact, in this day and age, some of the best games on PC can be played even if your desktop doesn't have a graphics card."

IanTH1180d ago (Edited 1180d ago )

It's not just miners driving up prices, but the fact that there's a global semiconductor shortage. It's hitting everything hard, from GPUs, to cars, to mobile SoCs.

But I've noted a similar thing to the author, in that many of the games I play don't even require the hardware I've got. Still nice to have, still want to get a RTX 30XX series card for the graphics heavy games I do end up playing, but some of the best games I've played don't require beefy hardware to run or enjoy.