
Don't Judge Next Gen By Its Launch Games

GI - "Last week, I had the chance to play several Xbox One launch titles at a preview event in San Francisco. I had a lot of fun with Dead Rising 3, saw potential in Project Spark, and was impressed by the revival of Killer Instinct, but few things I saw on the software side of things screamed “next gen” to me. When new consoles release this month, I hope that gamers aren’t expecting the full potential of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 to be present on day one."

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Aleithian3859d ago

I'm quite sure no one is, game journalists excepted.

Fireseed3859d ago

Ummm have you seen any of these kids freak out about 720p?

ThichQuangDuck3859d ago

Fanboys will rage about graphics either way. Even though 720p 60fps is better than 1080p 30fps. But the next generation and paying 400$ or 500$ is not about how pretty the game looks it is what the technology allows developers to do gameplay wise.

Fireseed3859d ago


The sad fact is that any single person disagreed with that.

JokesOnYou3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

ThichQuangDuck I don't know what distant planet you are from but you're not going to last long here on planet n4g with all those weapons of logic, better get yourself a nice big misinformation gun if you want to survive the night. -Me, pffft I just take anti-BS pills for the pain.

Edit vvvv nah, Heavy just better than anything on ps4.

xHeavYx3859d ago

The fanboys talking about how graphics and resolution don't matter are the same fanboys pretending that Ryse is the best looking game ever

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

Fireseed + 57m ago
Ummm have you seen any of these kids freak out about 720p?

Yes because its the year 2013 and the first xbox was able to do 720p..... ten years ago

@Jokes on you... Poor guy cries at his pc typing his messages i bet.

ThichQuangDuck3859d ago


Ha I have been on N4G for a while I understand the system of disagreeing,but not being brave enough to voice their views with words. I am a Game Design Student and am excited for the next gen for what it will allow us to do with gameplay mechanics. If people want to see pretty game than watch the Matrix Trilogy. So to those who disagree talk to me at the end of the generation and we will see if you care about how pretty the game looks or what game developers are able to allow you to experience for 60$

MysticStrummer3859d ago

@Heavy - Notice that Jokes didn't deny the part about pretending. I'm glad he was honest, even if it was subconscious, and I'm glad I got my eyes checked recently. Some others should look into that, no pun intended. Recent studies have shown that faulty vision causes people to spend extra on a weaker console.

OT - Judging next gen by it's launch games is truly idiotic. Both consoles will see improvement. One of them will just see more improvement than the other because of the tech inside.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3859d ago
christocolus3859d ago

uncortunately not all gamers think this way....for some launch games will be the best the consoles will ever be capable of.

showtimefolks3859d ago

never judge a system by its launch or its first few years, if people think games in 2014 are looking great just wait till the developers have more time to really understand the tech

but than again launch now is a lot better than past generations so time to enjoy now and later

KwietStorm_BLM3859d ago

You haven't been around here much in the last couple months then.

2cents3859d ago

The next gen is a very long affair. No none should make a decision now. We have many years to make a decision based on what's on offer now.

We Have many years ahead of us to determine what's going to be best for us in the future.

Keep the rattle in the pram!

mixelon3859d ago

It's pretty safe to invest based on your favourite studios and franchises, surely?

Hicken3859d ago

Well, I think you're right and wrong here.

I think the judging that's being done is really just for show, for the most part. PC elitists who just want consoles to look bad will talk crap about both systems and how they're not doing what they should be doing. And fans on either side will try and bash the games of the other. They all know there's not exactly a whole lot can be made of what the generation will be like exactly at the start; rather than use the beginning as a baseline, however, it's more convenient for their arguments that they assume that nothing will change from start to finish.

I think we're all aware that games later in the generation will be far better than what we have now, but we need something to praise and/or trash while we wait on the games to actually come out.

JokesOnYou3859d ago

Be careful Hicken, you're starting to sound rational here....and it scares me.

Hicken3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

I've always been rational. You've just always been too far gone in your delusions to notice.

Edit: Touche. That you only have five, while certain others have near double the number, is proof enough that the bubble system doesn't work.

Aleithian3859d ago

The operative word in the title is "judge." Fanboys expressing their hate for either side aren't judging - they're expressing. I excepted journalists, because journalists typically have sensationalized or marketable opinions, rather than honest judgments. Not all journalists mind you, but a lot of them.

All that said, it was a deliberately off hand, provocative comment I made.

MysticStrummer3859d ago

"you're starting to sound rational here....and it scares me."

Fear not. This proves you can still recognize a rational thought, so hope remains.

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Sayai jin3859d ago

Games are always important. Hence Gaming, but everyone knows that games get better over the console's lifespan. I am looking for improvements in games, UI, features, peripherals, power (if used), etc.

Sayai jin3859d ago

Article headline: Says the guy with a weak launch line up...jk

Everyone knows games get better over the gens lifespan. Look at the console also for improvements on next gen consoles for their UI, power, features, apps, peripherals, etc.

Just get a console or consoles when they launch...all this hoopla and "My website need a hits" articles are getting old.

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cyhm31123859d ago

so many articles downplay the trashiness of xbone

CrossingEden3859d ago

Or expose the shallowness or pettiness of ps4 fanboys waggling their egos around despite having only two NEW launch games.

MidnytRain3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

Come to think of it: Where ARE the new AAA IPs for next gen? All the ones I know of seem to have been pushed into 2014...

ABeastNamedTariq3859d ago

I think judging by launch games is a pretty stupid thing to do.

Does it make someone feel good inside? "The games I like are BETTER than the ones YOU LIKE!"

It's silly, since it's all based on opinion.

chrissx3859d ago (Edited 3859d ago )

The pressure is on ms to deliver quality exclusives for x1 cuz we all know how that is(look at the low support 360 got) the ball is their court to suprise us all

mixelon3859d ago

Launch titles mean very little, but it's always nice to have a strong one. The US's PS2 launch was pretty epic. The Playstation 1 - not so much. Total Eclipse, Toshinden and Street Fighter The Movie - Hardly set the stage for things to come did they?

By the end of the year all 3 consoles will have a lot of great stuff. It's a good time to be gaming. :)

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What Happened To The Dead Rising Series?

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darthv721398d ago

Interesting timing. This retrospective was released just a few days ago: https://youtu.be/Et-cKSrWuc...

Darksonic221398d ago

Ah no, I just felt like writing it as I started playing the game again and wanted to offer up my opinions 😁

InklingGirl1398d ago

I was thinking the same thing when I saw the title.

1398d ago
MadLad1398d ago

Complacency and new teams who didn't understand what made the series special.

Darksonic221398d ago

Seems like there was just a ton of infighting aswell and so many more issues. Honestly sadly Dead Rising 5 before it was cancelled sounded nothing like dead rising, nothing learnt from. Dr4 at all.

ColdSin1398d ago

DR4 should have not been made anyways. DR3 closed everything nicely.

darthv721398d ago

Check out the vid i posted above.

MadLad1398d ago

They're a solid channel. I always click on their vids, unless it's a series/game I simply have no interest in.

RamRod881398d ago

They took away the depth and charm of the game that made it fun and interesting, and made it into a generic zombie killing game.

DeadManMMX1398d ago

This was the series the got me to buy an Xbox 360. The first one was so good. It still had horror elements. As it went on it became kind of a parody. Never forget getting Zombie Genecider achievement and then restarting the game to get the Mega Buster. That thing was monstrous against enemies.

Gamerking821398d ago

But you never know it might be RISING again someday .

moriarty18891398d ago

haha yes it may....good one.

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