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Planet GTA : "PS3 version is undoubtedly superior to the Xbox 360"

PlanetGTA writes: "Contrary to what many expected, it seems as though the PlayStation 3 version is selling more than the Xbox 360 version at certain large retailers. UK retailer ASDA is reporting that the PS3 version is selling three times more than its rival - the Xbox 360. Over in Australia, EB Games is reporting that while their pre-sales figures show both versions selling fairly close, the PS3 version is in the lead. Another retailer in that country, Gametraders, is saying the PS3 version is selling double than the Xbox 360.

Interesting indeed, I myself - who is a big fan of the Xbox 360 - will be getting the PlayStation 3 version, as I've read and heard personally from people who have played the game already that this version is undoubtedly superior to the Xbox 360. Granted, not as much that I would recommend going out to buy a PS3 console if you have a 360 already. Too bad that episodic content is Xbox exclusive, is Take-Two/Rockstar regretting that decision now?"

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look at the update "planet gta pulled the original story" - no submitter -- they told you FLAT out you were lying.
wow4u5997d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
PacoDG5997d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
No real sources. This is just some guy who heard some other guy say..etc
InMyOpinion5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
HYDROLEX should have his contributor privilage suspended. the sight now says: "Go here to read an update on this news post rather than the one that someone at N4G blew WAY out of proportion, something that gamers like to do these days." N4G is so full of biased fanbosy that even the places they link to have to correct the stories based on the junk like this submission.
wow4u5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
The title is misleading. This is not "Planet GTA" saying this. This is what he has "heard" from some anonymous friend. Ergo, this doesn't hold any credibility.
Aquanox5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
blog sites as real news??????
ozsman5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
power of Green 5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Mwaan5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Ariexv5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Can we say fake? it's all based on pure speculation, the links all go to blog sites.
JasonPC360PS3Wii5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
This article presents nothing to support the premise that the PS3 version is superior.
Alymon5998d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
niall775998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

here come the fanboys

"duck and cover"

But yeah... the harddrive would really help a open world game.

didnt the devs of Mass Effect said the pop in problems on the 360 version where because of no HDD at some point?

but I wouldnt pay attention to what this guy is saying, we have less then a week left before we find out which version runs better of if both are the same

sonarus5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

I'll be waiting for confirmation myself but honestly i wouldn't be surprised. With a standard hard drive, it could really boost the performance of the ps3 version.

This is going to be good though. Some epic comments are inbound

HighDefinition5998d ago

How many more to go? is the question.

Problems w/ the PS3 are a thing of the PAST.
Problems w/ the 360 are a thing of the FUTURE.


gamesR4fun5998d ago

Cant wait to get it going on my ps3 From what Ive seen of the 360 footage it looks amazing. Doubt it will be much better graphics wise but still cant wait to see it on hi-def on the ps3!

ukilnme5998d ago

It has been proven time after time that the fanboys will show up no matter which version was said to be superior. They show up even when the devs say both versions are equal. I'll rent them both first and decide from there but that will be well after launch day.

sonarus5998d ago

Yea graphics wise they will probably be about the same but when you consider things like pop in e.t.c. with ps3 having a hard drive i imagine it will be less frequent

HighDefinition5998d ago

"During an interview with the UK's Official PlayStation Magazine, Rockstar's creative vice president Dan Houser was posed this question: "On PS3 you've got a guarantee that every machine is going to have a hard-drive and, with Blu-ray, you've got plenty of storage, whereas on Xbox 360 there's no guarantee of a hard-drive and you're working with the DVD format. Does that create limitations?" To which he simply answered, "Yep."

Drekken5998d ago

All these reports about which is superior, besides the elusive DLC... I havent heard anything about the xbox version being better.

PS3 with the install is sure to have less pop up and load times. Just look at UT3 before and after the optional HDD install. Cleary noticable difference!

HighDefinition5998d ago

that people are currently are playing these games....

That make this hold some weight, IMO anyway.

kevoncox5998d ago

i'll wait for the reviews...Just last month industry insides heard and saw the ps3 at the sales charts....Then we know what happened...

BTW does everyone still doubt MS' supply issues statment?

chaosatom3335998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

Ps3 has finally starting to show it potential.

if ps3 version > 360 version, then it will make xbox fans eat their own words when they said that the ps3 multiplatform games is going to always have 'problems' and is never going to be better than xbox multiplatform games.

ATLRoAcH5998d ago

Every since I read a preview in P:TOM, I knew Sony was on top of it. Rockstar told P:TOM that Sony had its technicians come in and help. Rockstar said they wore "White Lab Coats" like they were some mad scientists or something. I think Sony gave Rockstar A LOT of attention to insure that the PS3 version would be great. If the PS3 version is superior, than you can think those guys in the "WHITE LAB COATS".

NO_PUDding5998d ago

Yes, I still doubt the 360 hardware shortages.

PS3 dropped in sales, 360 didn't gain very much at all. The 500 difference was made in a big drop for the PS3 that month.
And anomalies, like people deciding not to buy the PS3 that month, will never be predicted by analysts.

It's why it's a well paid, but tricky and pointless job.

JsonHenry5998d ago

Lol, you can keep GTA, I don't care what platform it is on. The GTA series has been the SAME damn game repackaged since GTA 3.

captainpwn5998d ago

- Free online
- Amazing controller
- Playstation franchise



Sev5998d ago

Holy crap, this article has exploded.

This is sure to spark some debate.

Im getting the PS3 version.

P4KY B5998d ago

- HDD (yes, i give you that one)
- Free online
- ...
- Playstation franchise (not quite, I played GTA first on an AMIGA!)


-Amazing controller

Homicide5998d ago

It's true. The PS3 version is better. The PS3 version has faster load times, less frame rate problems and Rockstar likes the way the PS3 version looks. Also free online, home, sixaxis support and it will have DLC.

Black_Jack5998d ago

bah, who really gives a f*K i'm gettin the ps3 version because i own one so why would i argue otherwise. Those of you with two consoles i think the debates plain stupid, are you in some way argueing to justify your own purchase? just buy it and play it. this whole our version is better than yours thing is getting old.

dantesparda5998d ago

Drekken, why you gotta use my avatar? lol!

Tarasque5998d ago

No Fanboy's the game isn't even out yet. So how can ps3 sell more, what the title should say is that more people are pre-ordering on ps3. Well i have to say i am picking the game up the first day and not pre-ordering along with quite a few friends not a single one of us pre-orderd.

Tarasque5998d ago

- HDD (Same as 360 version)
- Free online (You paid for the system didn't you?)
- Amazing controller (Your opinion)
- Playstation franchise


- HDD (There is an optional install for 360 if you have HDD)
- Reliable Online (Dont have to worry about dedicated servers going down)
- Amazing Controller (IMO)
- Microsoft Franchise

See that whole deal isn't even worth talking about. Who care's, Just buy on the system that's best for you or the only one you own.

TheUsedVersion5997d ago

Here is the entire article that was pulled in case you missed it:

Firstly, this week IGN is running a "GTA IV week", where new content is posted everyday. Yesterday we already reported on the interview with the game's Art Director, Aaron Garbut, which can be read here. Last night they published an article detailing four of the game's multiplayer modes - covering Free Mode, Team Mafiya Work, Team Car Jack City and Turf War. Read that over here.

Yesterday we reported on the US edition of OXM giving the game a final score of 9.5/10, as seen here. Today we have news on another Xbox magazine, Xbox World 360(UK), who gave the game a score of 98%, saying the game has an "oscar-worthy dialogue", "unfeasibly rich gameworld" and "inspiring mission design".

Contrary to what many expected, it seems as though the PlayStation 3 version is selling more than the Xbox 360 version at certain large retailers. UK retailer ASDA is reporting that the PS3 version is selling three times more than its rival - the Xbox 360. Over in Australia, EB Games is reporting that while their pre-sales figures show both versions selling fairly close, the PS3 version is in the lead. Another retailer in that country, Gametraders, is saying the PS3 version is selling double than the Xbox 360.

Interesting indeed, I myself - who is a big fan of the Xbox 360 - will be getting the PlayStation 3 version, as I've read and heard personally from people who have played the game already that this version is undoubtedly superior to the Xbox 360. Granted, not as much that I would recommend going out to buy a PS3 console if you have a 360 already. Too bad that episodic content is Xbox exclusive, is Take-Two/Rockstar regretting that decision now?

If you live in the U.S. and have access to G4TV, then you can tune in this Sunday at noon, as the channel will be showing game play footage of the game. According to them, this will be the first place where such footage will be available to the public.

Lastly, Capcom in Japan announced that they'll be publishing the game locally later this year. Stay tuned for all the updates!

fermcr5997d ago

PC version will rull them all. Waiting for PC version :)

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Fishy Fingers5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

"I've read and heard personally from people who have played the game already that this version is undoubtedly superior to the Xbox 360"

What people?? Once again, no evidence, no real news, just more opinion and unless the source is stated that opinion is no more valid than yours or mine.

HighDefinition5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

But I hear ya.

Fishy Fingers5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

He doesn't even say he has played either version, so he's not even speaking from experience..

"read and heard personally from people"

Great, people still tell me MGS will go to the 360, but I wont believe it until its confirmed or I see it myself. I think some people have little understanding of what "News" actually is.

To be News you need evidence, fact, confirmation. At the very least this article should be posted under rumour.

Sorry to rank but stories like this do NOTHING good for the gaming community, just divide it, people seem to have forgot we all enjoy the same hobby, playing games. PLAYING games.

HighDefinition5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

You agree people are currently playing it RIGHT NOW!!!! So that alone this HOLDS a bit of weight, 6 months ago, NO. Now, YES.

That alone makes it different than your example of MGS4 on 360.

And.....I disagree, things like this create passion, which is why gaming is growing at a alarming rate.

ukilnme5998d ago

@ Fishy Fingers

I totally agree. We are the real gamers at? The ones that appreciate a good game no matter what console it is on. I think too many on this site get more out of flaming than they do gaming but I guess N4G gets more hits that way.

HighDefinition5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

If you think all it does is create negativity...your very mistaken.

Does "fanboyism" hurt sports. No, It helps it grow. If you can`t see that you should look around at everything people are "fanboys" about cause it`s not just gaming. How about politics?

Fishy Fingers5998d ago

If you think "fanboyism" is good for gaming then you really belong in the Open Zone.

ukilnme5998d ago

Fanboyism hurts the gaming industry when you have certain fanboys say they will not buy a game because it went multiplatform. It happened with DMC4.

HighDefinition5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

Cause you really not hearing what i`m saying.

Do you have a favorite restaurant?
Do you have one you don`t ever eat at?
Do you vote?
Do you like a certain sports team?
Do you prefer a certain type of girl?

And me and My 8 bubbles have done quite well in this Zone, unlike you had to whine to get your ban lifted. So....I wouldn`t talk about that.


I agree.

ukilnme5998d ago

Well, to answer your questions.

Do you have a favorite restaurant? 123 Fish.
Do you have one you don`t ever eat at? I wish.
Do you vote? Yes
Do you like a certain sports team? Lakers, Raiders and Tarheels
Do you prefer a certain type of girl? Hot Asians (My Wife)

NO_PUDding5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

I think the divide is made bigger by criticising like this.

It's fine we have some flamebait, as long as it's equal. we don't want this site clogged up with only great news for the PS3 or 360 because then we get a biased view of the industry.

But I think the real gamers are here. Just more important is where you'll get the best experience.

Everyone who is critizing this story has lots of bubbles, and far more respect than me due to that, I automatically have respect for those with more bubbles, but I think that I am right in saying there is nothing wrong with this kind of article.

There's nothing wrong with another rumour of MGS coming to 360. There's nothing wrong with another article that says Gears of War 2 will be the best game this year.

Opinions and journalism go hand in hand, and nowadays console choice and gaming go hand in hand. So please stop moaning, and get involved in the debate! It's fun.

EDIT: HD summed up what i was saying in the time I spent writing this damned essay.

spectyre5998d ago

Those were my exact same thoughts when I read the article. I am reminded of the Orange Box fiasco on the PS3. Everyone said it was much better on the 360 and that PS3 version suffered from frame rate issues. It really held me back from buying the game. I found it on sale at Best Buy and bought it in Febuary. I can't believe I almost missed picking this one up. The frame rate stutters a bit for about 1.5 seconds after a level loads. Definately not a deal breaker. I had never played the Half Life series before and I now have a new favorite FPS. Portal is a blast also.

BIGELLOW5998d ago

I think it would help to give a proper meaning to the term "fanboy".

If one only bashes or praises the consoles that they own and use, and speaks only the truth, then it is only opinion and not "fanboyism".

If one bashes or praises a console he/she doesn't even own, or uses lies to misrepresent a console, that is "fanboyism".


ukilnme5998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

@ NO_PUDding

Maybe you are right. I'm joining the debate.

I think both versions will suck. LOL, how's that?

Edit: Just for the record. More bubbles don't necessarily mean you have more respect. Some on N4G have multiple accounts and buddies to keep their bubble counts high.

Edit 2: I don't think the game will suck. I'm still undecided on which version I'm getting and that sucks.

NO_PUDding5998d ago


Fine by me, just don't buy the game so I can get my preorder sooner :P

By the way, the word flamebait of mine is proabably a bad choice, I emant opnionated articles, becuase flamebait is just that. I was referrign to artciles like this that are considered flamebait.

castags5998d ago

after 2.8 i would shut the hell up

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5998d ago Replies(2)
Hydrolex5998d ago

Whoever thought Rockstar is going to stab sony in the back ...

actually Rockstar milked Microsoft, lol 50mil = 50 buggattis

red_ring_of_death5998d ago

ill have mine 2nite
if you live in ny
local store will have them
2nite or tomorrow morning
ps3 rules

DarK-SilV5998d ago

Report History
Fake: (32 minutes ago)
Reported by: power of Green

Spam: (34 minutes ago)
Reported by: Mwaan

Fake: (1 hour ago)
Reported by: Ariexv

Fake: (1 hour ago)
Can we say fake? it's all based on pure speculation, the links all go to blog sites.
Reported by: Jason 360

Fake: (1 hour ago)
This article presents nothing to support the premise that the PS3 version is superior.
Reported by: Alymon

jollygoodchap85998d ago (Edited 5998d ago )

The flames in here will rival the very flames of hell.

Kazuo Hirai5998d ago

like,I have both a Playsation and an Xbop and stuff,but I'm going to get GTA4 on the Playsation,cuz people say like,it looks and plays better and stuff

KillaManiac5998d ago

whats a playsation and xbop?

Figboy5998d ago

the fact that she can even work the internet is enough to cut her some slack...

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Looking Back At 2008, An Unbelievably Incredible Year Of Video Game Releases

Huzaifa from eXputer: "2008 was home to the likes of Call of Duty: World at War, Dead Space, GTA 4, Far Cry 2, Left 4 Dead, and many other hits, which is outright remarkable."

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Community153d ago
ChasterMies152d ago

Some of these low paid video game “news” writers weren’t born before 2007.

just_looken152d ago

Here here

Those that were around before 2000's i am sure are like me that think we entered a world of non readers or those that follow without question.

I can not wait to see fallout 3 a goty game even though it was about water with non content until you add the dlc/updates then you got the performance/crashing

CrimsonWing69153d ago

I don’t think anything can compare to 2023

lucasnooker153d ago

1998 - the best year in gaming! Metal gear solid, crash bandicoot 3, medievil, half life, ocarina of time, thief, tenchu, resident evil 2, Spyro, tomb raider 3, oddworld abes exodus, banjo kazooie.

It was a different breed of a gaming era. You’ll never understand what it was like back then. The aura of gaming, it was different!

KyRo153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

I second this. Gaming was a lot more varied and fun than it is today. I'm 35 so getting on compared to some here but I got to see all the changes from NES up to now but I've never felt so disappointed in any generation than I have this current gen. I was expecting more from this generation rather than prettier versions of games that came before it. Game mechanics have become so refined that alot of games feel the same and has done for a while now.

Maybe it's time to have a break for a while. I love gaming but I don't feel I get much fun in the traditional sense out of it anymore.

CrimsonWing69153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil 2, Abe’s Exodus, and Ocarina of Time are the only things from that list that I liked.

Here’s the 2023 game releases that I personally liked… and big releases that I didn’t care for:

- Dead Space Remake
- Wo Long Dynatsy
- Resident Evil 4 Remake
- Diablo 4
- Fire Emblem Engage
- Hogwarts Legcay
- Street Fighter 6
- Hi-Fi Rush
- Like a Dragon: Ishin
- Octopath Traveler 2
- Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters
- Final Fanatsy XVI (actually ended up not liking this, but it was still a big deal release)
- Baldur’s Gate 3
- Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon
- Lies of P
- Mortal Kombat 1
- Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
- Starfield (Ended up hating this one, but big release)
- Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (I’m an old-school Zelda fan, but didn’t really enjoy this game)
- Alan Wake 2

I mean, honestly I’ve never seen a year of major IP releases like that, ever.

Profchaos153d ago (Edited 153d ago )

Isn't it just a generational thing realistically.

I've been gaming since way back and I some of my favourite games go as far back as the late 80s for me each generation has a year or two of game changing releases one after another before an inevitable dry spell.

I kind of agree gaming had a different feel games hit different because we didn't have the internet nothing got spoiled and you really had to put in the effort to beat a puzzle which could set entire groups of people looking for a solution. But most importantly games were experimental and not as cookie cutter as today even basics like controls were not universal today r2 is shoot l2 is ads garunteed you can't deviate from that in a shooter back then it could of been square, R1 or R1 and circle nothing was standard.

But as time moves on a new generation picks up their controller they are going to be interested in different things that PS1 demo disc with the t Rex blew our primitive 16 bit brains back on launch but to kids today it's laughable.
The new gen of kids coming into to hobby seem to value different things to us there seems to be a huge focus on online play, streamers, gaming personalities, and social experiences, convience of digital downloads. To me I value none of that but that's ok like my parents not liking the band's I would listen to its just the natural cycle.

Gameseeker_Frampt152d ago

Just about every year in the 7th generation was great and something we most likely won't experience again.

2009 for example had Assassin's Creed 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Dragon Age: Origins, Uncharted 2, Halo 3: ODST, Killzone 2, Borderlands, Bayonetta, and Demon's Souls to name a few.

just_looken152d ago

It still amazes me we got over 7 rockstar games ps2/ps3 but 3 for the ps3/ps4/ps5

Dragon age 1-3 and mass effect 1-3 in 7ish years what a generation.


Mainline Grand Theft Auto trailers ranked from best to worst

As we have all been graced by the release of Grand Theft Auto 6's trailer, we're ranking the best and worst GTA trailers to date.

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Community294d ago
purple101294d ago

We be getting these posts All week now lads. Someone noticed a number plate ... Someone noticed a billboard... I can see it now

Just go on YouTube and watch one of the many videos dissecting the whole 1minite 30secs worth.

This site supposed to be for news.

roadkillers294d ago

These updates on N4G are going to ruin whats rest of this site. Unfortunate since I was one of the first members.. The site shows unsecure when i login as well.


Grand Theft Auto 4 Anniversary: The Beginning of the Age of RAGE

Grand Theft Auto 4 is an important game for Rockstar, not least because it was the first title in the franchise to use the newly created RAGE engine.

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Community512d ago
franwex512d ago

Wasn’t the Table Tennis game the first to use RAGE?

isarai512d ago

Was about to say the same, but they do say first "in the franchise" so 🤷

cammers1995511d ago

The fact it hasnt been remastered is insane.

Abear21511d ago

Rage engine made driving on the sidewalk in cinematic slow motion camera a blast