
Shin’en announces FAST Racing Neo for Wii U

Shin’en has revealed FAST Racing Neo, a sequel to the studio’s WiiWare title released in 2011. The new title is due out in 2014.

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Dubaman3923d ago

Could this be the F-Zero fix i and a lot of people have been waiting for? It definitely gives off that vibe and with Shin'en behind the wheel i see this as a very promising game.

darthv723923d ago

FRL is a great alternative to wipeout and no doubt this version will be a nice fit to the wii-u.

lilbroRx3923d ago

Alternative to Wipeout?

Wipeout has no bearing on this games existence and as this is a game on Nintendo hardware, no one is looking for an alternative to a game they care nothing about.

Please stop trying to inseminate Sony related thins into Wii U specific conversations.

darthv723923d ago

Yes...alternative. Are you confusing one thing for another? wipeout came for n64 and was a good version. FRL has more in common with wipeout than it does with Fzero.

hence, this version will make another nice alternative to wipeout. And yes...i do care.

Qrphe3923d ago (Edited 3923d ago )

FRL felt a lot more like Wipeout than F-Zero, but who knows, this time around hopefully they cater to us F-Zero fans now that Nintendo has given up on us.

lilbroRx3923d ago (Edited 3923d ago )

This game is going to be fantastic.

If it has online gamepaly, then I'm buying it 100% guaranteed.

It will be one of my 3 Wii U racing games.
Mario Kart 8
Project C.A.R.S.
Fast Racing League NEO

I'll be set.

darthv723923d ago

dont forget about 90's arcade racer.

jcnba283923d ago

Nice, really looking forward to this.

gedden73923d ago

Yup this game will pretty and very fast!! Soo looking forward to this one!!

Chrischi19883922d ago

Shin'en, as supporter of Wii U during its bad period, will make a name of themselves, if they keep up the good work :) Especially since they dont make simple Indies, with bad graphics or something, they actually try to get everything out of the hardware, so they can make a beautiful looking game.


Fast RMX Dev Shin'en Multimedia Teases Switch Announcement To Be Shared Tomorrow

Shin'en Multimedia, the developer behind Nintendo Switch launch title Fast RMX, has teased an upcoming announcement for the console.

thesoftware7302130d ago

Wow cant wait! hope its something different than a racer.

darthv722130d ago

Love for them to make a new shmup in the vein of iridion or nanostray

Copat2130d ago

I just hope it's regarding a physical copy!

EddieNX 2130d ago

I love the amount of effort these guys put into their games.

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Another video – FAST Racing Neo multiplayer footage

Multiplayer footage of Fast Racing Neo.

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Locknuts3251d ago

Holy crap how do they keep that at 60fps in split screen.

Nevers0ft3251d ago

Shin'en have always produced technically impressive games and it looks like they're keep up with that tradition here. Hopefully it plays as good as it looks... I think many of us need to scratch that F-Zero or Wipeout itch.

wonderfulmonkeyman3251d ago

Third parties could learn a lot about developing great Wii U games from Shin-En.

Nevers0ft3250d ago (Edited 3250d ago )

It comes from a desire to hammer the hardware until it bleeds. Shin'en are ex demo-sceners from the Amiga and PC who went under the name Abyss: http://www.the-leaders-of-t... - similar to how some of the founders at DICE were members of The Silents, another Amiga demo group from the 80/90s: http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

It's in their DNA to push the hardware as hard as they can :)

Munnkyman3251d ago

Nintendo should really let them develop a game for them


Interview with Shin'en about How FAST Racing Neo Came Together

NWR:"In this interview, Daan has a chat with Martin Sauter from Shin'en. The team has brought various games to Nintendo systems and they are currently polishing FAST Racing Neo to perfect shine. The interview talks about the decision to make the sequel, the variety of content and the options that are available to the players.''

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