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Xbox Live Gold needed for Skype, Internet Explorer, and “other entertainment applications”

Xbox Live Gold needed for Skype, Internet Explorer, and “other entertainment applications”

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Community3889d ago
black0o3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

not surprised at aLL

xHeavYx3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

I'm pretty sure MS will drop the paywall on apps, there is no reason to have to pay for Gold to be able to use Skype, which is free even for the Vita, especially when MS owns Skype

Eonjay3889d ago

Don't worry, people will point that out. Its free on almost every device ever created. If its not free on Xbox, then someone needs to be slapped. What are the limits of the desire of money.

mushroomwig3889d ago

'I'm pretty sure MS will drop the paywall on apps'

If they were thinking that then why have them behind the paywall in the first place? I don't think they will.

Kayant3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

Nope I don't see that happening tbh on X360 IE(another MS product) is still behind XBL same on XB1 and from what I have read on their website and this that practice doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. Without XB1 all you can do with an XB1 is play single-player games, watch blu-rays, use kinect for games, UI navigation & some Tv stuff everything else is behind XBL paywall.

shoddy3889d ago

It's almost impossible to get a good deal with MS.

lucky if they didn't ripped you off.

be thankful they reverse most of thier bullshit

Mikelarry3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

i dont see that happening at all unless they see a drop in xbox live subscriptions, that's the only time ms makes any changes i mean the last few months should have educated any gamer on how they ROLL

mcstorm3889d ago

Why do Microsoft need to drop any of it from only with a live subscription when over 3 quarters of 360 owners buy Xbox live any way. There is a reason why Sony have done the same with the ps4.

Eonjay3889d ago

"for Internet Explorer"

Who the fuck would pay for that?

LOL_WUT3889d ago

Even for Internet Explorer? Now that's greedy as hell

black0o3889d ago

the build in DVR is behind paywall why are guys surprised that the internet-exp is or skype

Death3889d ago

Xbox gamers buy the console to play games. This includes online. Why does it matter to you where these service are if you are playing online anyway? With PS4 you will pay to play online. Does it matter that Skype, Netflix, etc are "free" if you are paying anyway?

Eonjay3889d ago


Yes it matters because Microsoft can't win by attracting gamers. They can only win with casuals. Casuals aren't gamers so they aren't gonna pay for a service that is free on every other platform.

Xbox One was created to generate money, not for games.

nukeitall3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

Nobody pays to use Skype, no more than PS+ owners pay to play online.

That is just an additional to convince you to pay up, but the main value of XBL Gold is access to platform features that is unmatched. Case in point is cloud features such as dedicated servers.

It is pretty clear who is pushing the online console space every generation.

That said, with Xbox One, MS relaxed the requirement and now the entire family can share one Gold account so it is the cheapest it has ever been.

If you want completley free access to just about everything, well the only platform that has that is really PC.

4Sh0w3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

This is like the recirculated news about the rechargeable battery packs not being compatible with X1 controllers, people are using old news to act as if its new just so they cant rant about evil micro.

Whats funny as the same sony vampires who've been ranting about it for months are acting shocked just when micro is being transparent in its ads or freakin manual. "OMG how could micro do this to me?" lol, as if anybody buys an Xbox cares about apps 1st especially even when the naysayers acknowledge they are readily available on other devices. No you pay to play it online or you dont, you cant afford it, need to save money, you just play sp(few left), whatever reason and you skype on your laptop.

Fair question. Why no recirculated news about how sony charges for psn and why all those who swore for years they would NEVER NEVER EVER PAY havent moved on to pc yet and ditched consoles?????

DigitalRaptor3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

@ nukeitall

"If you want completley free access to just about everything, well the only platform that has that is really PC."

And who has the OS monopoly on PC? Microsoft. All this is, is self-serving and disrespectful double standards from one of the most greedy, manipulative and disrespectful companies out there.

You apologists are the worst thing to happen to this industry. Seriously. XBL Gold is nothing short of a rip-off, despite it being a great service. Some people just need to know when to get out of something they're too heavily invested in, to the point that they accept disgraceful anti-consumerism.

@ Death

The supporting of bad decisions that sets bad precedents is exactly what led Microsoft to believe they could try to screw over consumers with their years of anti-consumer planning leading up to the Xbox One.

"Pay to play for P2P online connectivity?".
"Yeah, they won't mind if we add free apps to their premium subscription".
"Let's raise the cost of XBL by $10, we don't need to really show how that will benefit them, just DO IT".
"Free-to-play games behind a paywall? That really makes no sense".
"It's no problem, we've told you - they're ACTUALLY letting us do this".
"Right guys... how about this...?" - and then the Xbone planning began.

MizTv3889d ago

I'm pretty sure they wont

malokevi3889d ago

Lol @ the number of comments on this article by psfanboys. You all have miserably boring lives, dont you?

I'll say the same thing I always say... NOBODY GIVES A RATS ASS. Now, prattle on, children, 3 weeks and you can bury yourself in your misery. Or continue posting, whatever floats your boat, I wont be listening thank god.

UltimateMaster3889d ago

The question I'm wondering, why is this news?

Bigpappy3889d ago

Skype on X1 allows user to group chat for no extra cost. You have to pay for that feature when using other delivery systems.

Mystogan3889d ago

What I don't understand is. Who the hell is going to buy an X1 without gold. To use Skype and internet explorer? That number is so small, its negligible.

most people who are connected to the internet, will pay $40 dollars a year. Its really not that much. PSfanboys just like something to nag about , meaningless shit like this. I wonder how many of you are going to get PSN, probably all of you.

Death3889d ago

Once again, I already pay for Plus and I pay for Live. I don't carewhat is included and what is "free". Both consoles are game systems first. If you want to play online, it's $50 for the PS4 and $60 for the Xbox One. It really is more and more irrelevant what else you can do without the sub fee since smart tv's are more common now than ever. If I want to let my Live sub expire, I'll Skype and access Netflix through my tv. The only benefit I receive by accessing Netflix on my Xbox is I remain connected to my friends and can get a game invite regardless what I am doing. If I can't play online, I really don't need the access do I?

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3889d ago
darthv723889d ago

no not a surprise. Live gold is their exclusive money maker. sony is trying to counter with their own paid service but live gold is the "gold" standard.

Now if they can make the point about gold sharing a more prominent announcement. I like that idea myself. being able to openly share my gold access with others in the house would be a burden off my shoulders.

although, i do like my kids upping my gamerscore for me. Now Im faced with a tough decision. do i let them in on the gold sharing...and run the risk of no more child labor (for gamerscore) or do i let them take on the world using their own profiles???


rdgneoz33889d ago

There's always beating the children to make sure they up your score.

AngelicIceDiamond3889d ago


Especially considering MS wants its users online half the time anyway, via what people get with. When DRM was enabled you had to be online.

SpitFireAce853889d ago

Throw everything behined a paywall thats micro$oft
for you .Next up lets charge people for xblive depending
On how much they use it.

MrCastle3889d ago

Who would buy an Xbox One and not get Gold anyways? Seriously. How many players won't get a psn account? It's a pay wall either way. So if they add those apps under gold, so what? You're gonna spend $400-$500 and not get an online membership? Pretty unlikely...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3889d ago
HolyDuck3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

Because we all know people are buying the Xbox One for apps.

Edit - We all knew this was going to happen anyway. So why has old news once again been approved? Just because it's in a manual doesn't mean it's new news.

pedrof933889d ago

Why do you bother commenting ?

You're right, not apps, TV.

HolyDuck3889d ago Show
Mikelarry3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

@ Riderz, your comment is completely irrelevant. How does giving an app free to another company mean MS are greedy? If they were greedy they'd be charging you for it, you're clearly not thinking straight

did i read that correctly oh am i so high. but MS ARE charging for it that's the point riderz made

edit: are you able to use skype without a gold subscription??. no you are paying for the privilege to use a free app that ms competition offers you for free. it might not be more than what you currently pay for live but it is a slap in the face of consumers. but its a free world after all everyone is free to choose what best serves them

pedrof933889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )


You have completely missed the point of the whole thing.

Who even mentioned games here ?

djplonker3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

M$ show thier greed and you show your fanboyism and defend them skype and ie is free on playstation and skype is owned by ms lol

Riderz13373889d ago

We comment because it's funny that Sony has Skype on the Vita and it's free to use, and Microsoft OWNS Skype and they still charge you to use it.

It just shows how god damn greedy MS are.

XboxFun3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

This has already been known for a long while so I don't understand how this article got wait I actually do.

I personally am very disappointed because I was buying a Xbox One specifically to use Skype, Netflix and IE.
In no way was I intending to carry over my Live account to play games like TitanFall, Sunset Overdrive, CoD, BF4, Deadrising 3 or Killer Instinct.

Everyone knows that multiplayer is not the main draw to all of these systems.

I know a lot of Sony fans also agree because they are buying a 400 dollar system to use Skype and IE only, because they wouldn't dare pay for PS Plus. Because if they did, well then it wouldn't matter where any of those apps were placed now would it....

DigitalRaptor3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

See these are nothing but excuses. You Microsoft apologists are the worst thing ever to happen to gaming. People like you paid for P2P connectivity for over a decade, actually wanted DRM in the box, 24-hour checks and were supportive of not owning your games. And now this:

"oh it's not a big deal cause most people are paying for it anyway" or "oh you're not buying a 400 dollar machine for apps". It's completely and utterly beside the point.

These are connections to THIRD PARTY SERVERS - or they are things that only require your console's basic functionality, not the XBL servers. There is nothing that requires these 80+ features being locked behind the paywall, but only someone so invested in XBL could be so blind to where good service ends and disgraceful anti-consumer restrictions begin.

You're so worried that any criticism against Microsoft will impact them some more, that you are apologising for their bad decisions. That is the DEFINITION of an apologist. Disgraceful!

GiggMan3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

"I know a lot of Sony fans also agree because they are buying a 400 dollar system to use Skype and IE only, because they wouldn't dare pay for PS Plus"

Sony better not put IE on my PS4, I'll smash it I swear... lol

MrBeatdown3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

I love how trolls like you and HolyDuck pretend that because apps aren't the main reason to buy a game console, how you access the apps is all completely inconsequential, and a non-issue.

What's funny is how you try to make it sound like Sony fans are coming up with the ridiculous idea that apps are the main reason to buy a console, even though its just trolls like you and HolyDuck putting words in their mouth.

But what's really hilarious is that you make up nonsense about how stupid it is for Sony fans to say that apps are the main focus, but then you go and actually make a claim that's just as stupid as the one you're pretending Sony fans are making... you say multiplayer is the main focus.

And in doing so, you ignore the facts... that for the 80 million 360s out there, there's only 45 million XBL accounts, a huge portion of which are free accounts that don't play multiplayer at all.

But if you were deluded enough to make a claim like that in the first place, I'm sure you'll continue to pretend that the half or more of all Xbox owners will suddenly become multiplayer-loving Gold subscribers when they get an Xbox One, just so you can pretend that all the apps being behind a paywall is a non-issue.

XboxFun3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

*throws arms in the air and gets down on knees*

And here comes the SDF head coach Digital Raptor here to save all of us non-believing gamers from the evil, anti-consumer, conglomerate bent on destroying the world! MS with their Xbox One!!

DigitalRapture is so worried that someone actually prefers Xbox One that he has made it his mission to spread the truth to us. He continuously ignores people who just might like it for the games, or features or the fun they had with the 360! no, he will not hear this!

No, if you like Xbox One, you're an apologist, PR person who supports anti consumerism, you cook little babies in high powered microwaves manufactured in god hating china!

Oh Digital Raptor, in all your wisdom and glory please take me over to the grand side, the side of the true and holy! Where I can still pay to play online and still use Skype and watch Netflix...but still pay to play online...wait...If I'm paying to play online then why does it matter where Skype is? Wait is Skype really that important ...

*gets slapped by holy Sony ghost*

Forgive my ignorance I was waking up there for a minute...Oh Digital Raptor thank you for showing me the errors of my ways. Lord forbid me wanting to play great games like Deadrising 3, Ryse, Project Spark, Killer Instinct or Forza 5. No this makes me an apologist! Even tho the SDF swore on the good book to never pay to play online ever BUT this can be forgiven because Sony is such a great deal...

@Mr Beatdown

If apps arent the main reason to buy a console then why does it matter where its placed? And it's funny because you Sony trolls make it out like free apps are the main reason to buy a console.

And what is even more hilarious is that trolls like you and digital raptor FAIL to answer the one question of:

If you pay for PLUS why does it matter where the apps are placed?

You both will never answer that because you two are the biggest trolls backed by your troll army doing all you can to downplay anything Xbox related.

You won't answer but then go on about how there are a number of Xbox users who don't pay for live.

"that for the 80 million 360s out there, there's only 45 million XBL accounts, a huge portion of which are free accounts that don't play multiplayer at all."

The 45 million who don't pay for live obviously are not interested in multiplayer or the apps offered so what is the point of bringing that up and how does that relate to my question?

Will you two be paying for PS Plus or will you both use that lame excuse of buying a PS4 to only play those awesome F2P games?

darthv723889d ago

@xboxfun, well....that was certainly....dramatic. Interesting and funny (as i did read in a texas accent).

DR, Gigg and MrBeat will be paid Plus members because if they want to be able to partake of the total experience that Ps4 do what you got to do.

just as people who want the total xb1 experience will do the same. Hell, i am a member of both and that is what i plan on doing. if you enjoy the ride then you pay the fee.

i hate to quote a RATT song but....nobody ride's for free.

MrBeatdown3889d ago


"And it's funny because you Sony trolls make it out like free apps are the main reason to a console."

No. Xbox fanboys like you just make that up. You put words in other people's mouths so you can do a long song and dance about how they are wrong. Because it helps you avoid the real issue.

"If you pay for PLUS why does it matter where the apps are placed?"

It doesn't matter to me. It matters to the millions who won't have Plus. There's that answer to that question I "will never answer".

If they don't want to pay for multiplayer, they can still get access to basic apps like Netflix on PSN. They can't on Live.

Hell, it should matter to Gold members too. But I guess fanboys like you prefer to only have the option to Skype with other Gold subscribers, rather than all your Xbox One owning friends, regardless of their subscription status. But why would the Gold subscriber master race concern themselves with their filthy, lowly, non-subscriber friends anyway? Friends are only friends worth talking to if they pay for the privilege, right?

"The 45 million who don't pay for live obviously are not interested in multiplayer or the apps offered so what is the point of bringing that up and how does that relate to my question?"

Wow. That's really what you're going with?

Because the 35 million or more single player gamers on 360 don't want to pay $60 for access to multiplayer and apps that are free on every other device, they have no interest in using the apps if they were available for free?

Brilliant... People who don't want to pay for something would never want it for free! Truly great logic. *slow clap*

DigitalRaptor3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

Your drama (as pointed out by darthv72) is certainly amusing even to me. I get it. I get that you can't take good to honest criticism of a company who is charging you for features that you could use, even if XBL was magically hacked and went down for a month. Perfect example is BBC and their iPlayer - they refused to put it on there as a premium, as every other third party company putting their free apps behind Microsoft's paywall should have done.

It's because you're entitled to access to that for free if you have Internet access. Microsoft refuses that entitlement and for good (not for you) reason. Microsoft will never explain to you that double standard - why you can access one app for free, but not the rest. But you will accept it.... for the games. Which is okay... kind of. But mostly not.


I'm not worried that people prefer the Xbone. It's a quality piece of hardware and looks to have some great games with a quality network and service. However, unlike yourself and your comrades who are so invested in this network that you cannot stand it getting criticism for things that are so stupid it defies reason and logic, I'm allowed to voice myself on things i feel are unfair and disrespectful to consumers.


"If you pay for PLUS why does it matter where the apps are placed? "

I answered it. Oh hellll no! Here goes...

I don't think even you could deny that in the coming generation, both Microsoft and Sony's networks are deeply focusing on online features that are so ridiculously bandwidth heavy and investing heavily in server support for their consoles and their games, that a fee to play online, although frustrating, makes sense.

PS4 was a console built with a custom chip that is dedicated to constant downloads and uploads. Both are natively bandwidth heavy. One company will probably be integrating Gaikai functionality into PS+. Xbox One was apparently designed with Cloud networking as an integral fixture. And when games are being designed to be online-integrated it's a no-brainer that this kind of thing not just deserves, but requires support.

Call it an "exuse" if you want, but it doesn't remotely compare to the fact that Microsoft put apps and features that don't require XBL, behind the XBL paywall. It also doesn't negate the fact that for over a decade, there has been nothing at all that has justified $60 a year on either Xbox or Xbox 360, especially when it's always been Peer 2 Peer which requires no load on Microsoft's servers.

Sony has already come out and said that money pouring into PS+ is being used to make PSN a better and consistent service for its players, and according to guys like you, it bloody well needs it. The same could be said about XBL for the Xbone. However, last generation when Microsoft tried to justify XBL's cost of entry, it couldn't do so.... They tried saying that a $10 price hike was due to getting more exclusive content, but that exclusive content never appeared. At least this generation, both companies are DEMONSTRATING the need for a premium.


So to break this all back down... I really have no problem with you being interested in Killer Instinct, Forza, Ryse etc. like you assume I do. However, if putting the facts out there about Microsoft's self-serving double standards offends you in any way, I suggest you move on, instead of trying to connect it to anything you consider fanboyism or trolling.

Just be aware that you are supporting anti-consumer practices and bad industry decisions, and a whole generation of supporting them got you the initial vision of the Xbone along with DRM et cetera. Don't expect Microsoft to be unrelenting with the way they treat you in the future.

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king_george3889d ago

because not everyone knows about this believe it or not and its better for a customer to know all the facts than to walk into the electronics section of walmart blindly. granted those same people probably wouldnt be found on a site like this one but it still stands. its better to spread knowledge and educate the public and that goes not only for ms but all console

on a side note, I think they'll change this decision

GarrusVakarian3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

You are always quick to defend MS, even when they are charging their OWN customers for something their main competitors get for free on the vita!

Doesn't make any sense. Oh wait, yes it does.....GREED.

It begs the question, what does MS have to do for people like you to realise their true colours? I think MS could punch you in the face and you would come up with excuse to justify it.

solidjun53884d ago

How are you still with 2 bubbles? You've been marked multiple times. You should be at 1

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3884d ago
OrangePowerz3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

Really Internet Explorer and Skype behind a paywall?

Maybe they can make a Firefox app that runs on the Xbone and allows users to browse the internet for free :)

Irishguy953889d ago

Online gaming behind a paywall is just as bad an offense. Please moan about it MS should never have gotten away with it.

OrangePowerz3889d ago

Online gaming I can at least somehow get because the server infrastructure needs to be paid for. For stuff like Internet Explorer, Netflix and so on that doesn`t require them to have a crap load of servers.

Zack_attack3889d ago

Who the hell doesn't use gold anyways lol

sovkhan3889d ago

roughly 50% of the fanbase :)

Riderz13373889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

I'd say about 70-80% of people who buy Xbox's

Edit - @Convas, Yup it's the truth.

40M people have signed up for an Xbox live account -

That was in 2012 so maybe the number now is 45m maybe 50M max.

50M X 30%

=15M people who have subscribed to Xbox Live Gold. Seems like a reasonable number no?

Convas3889d ago

You're joking right?

Only 20-30% of Xbox 360 owners use Xbox Live Gold?


Zack_attack3889d ago

I'm just saying that everyone I know that has an xbox&internet, also uses gold for mp. Most of the people complaining probably will get gold anyways for the mp, or they aren't even getting xbox and want to whine about something.

Riderz13373889d ago

So everyone you know = everyone who has an Xbox??

Well with that logic, everyone I know is a PS Plus member so everyone who has bought a PS3 is a PS Plus member!

NoLongerHereCBA3889d ago

I also have gold, but it is just bonkers that they put there own IPs behind a paywall when it is free on other systems. If anything, they should offer more for free than other systems if they want to attract the casuals.

Zack_attack3889d ago

Yeah ok riderz, look and see how many actually are ps+ members once they need it for mp. Also, I'm not meaning that just bc the people I know have it, so everyone else does too. I'm saying it seems common to have it. Maybe all you kids on here cant get your parents to shell out 40 bucks, so you're butthurt and act like it's a hassle.

rambi803889d ago

i never paid for gold because i dont give 2 shits about multiplayer.

Tried it on PS3. was nice for a while but i get bored quickly

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DigitalRaptor3889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

Whatever people say:

- "oh but you're paying for Live anyway", or (as shown above)
- "so what? people aren't buying the Xbox One for apps"

All of these are, are excuses from apologists. There's ZERO reason to have these features behind the paywall. NONE. There are 81... no let me repeat that.... EIGHTY-ONE free features behind the premium Xbox Live Gold paywall.

I don't think that even includes free-to-play games or MMOs, but maybe it does.

If you, for whatever reason, cannot pay for your subscription for one month, you cannot use your Xbox to use fundamentally FREE applications that are nothing but connections to a third-party company's servers. That is not just retarded, it's disrespectful and anti-consumer. If you support this practice, you have no concern for what is right for you as a consumer.


@ sovkhan

They're nothing but disgraceful apologists who support anti-consumer practices and don't give a crap about their fellow gamers. Excuses, excuses, bloody excuses. They're so invested in this network, they can't even see where good service ends and anti-consumer practices begin.

People have paid Microsoft $50-60 for P2P connectivity for over a decade, and this is how they thank their loyal consumer base, with nothing but pointless, self-serving restrictions.

sovkhan3889d ago

I've already been throught this, and this is so silly from Microsoft. And some people still agree with this :/
Total nosense.

jackanderson19853889d ago

i didn't get my netflix subscription so i could watch it on my xbox... i've a smart phone, a pc, a wii u, a ps3, a laptop... i couldn't care if it is behind the paywall because the sole reason i get live is for the online play... it's why i got it back in '06 and it's why i'll continue with it through to '60 if xbox live is still on....i'll also pay for PS+ gladly even if they require it to even turn on the box.... the combined subs you can get for around 80 euro if you shop about and seeing as most shops will deliver codes through email it's easier these days... my internet/tv bundle costs 80 a month

jackanderson19853889d ago (Edited 3889d ago )

i didn't get my netflix subscription so i could watch it on my xbox... i've a smart phone, a pc, a wii u, a ps3, a laptop... i couldn't care if it is behind the paywall because the sole reason i get live is for the online play... it's why i got it back in '06 and it's why i'll continue with it through to '60 if xbox live is still on....i'll also pay for PS+ gladly even if they require it to even turn on the box.... the combined subs you can get for around 80 euro if you shop about and seeing as most shops will deliver codes through email it's easier these days... my internet/tv bundle costs 80 a month.

anyone that is paying full price for either of the subs is a fool to begin with

well there ya go double posting wooo... silly laptop u so slow

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FFXIV's Director Responds To Final Fantasy IX Remake Speculation, Clarifies Upcoming Studio Projects

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida has responded to speculation regarding his involvement with the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake.

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Michiel19891h ago

had stated that the rumored Final Fantasy IX remake is real and that it will retain the classic turn-based combat seen in the original.

I hope this is true, that's what I want from a remake. FF7R is actually really good, but not what I was looking for from the remake.

DivineHand12548m ago

I can't wait for it to be revealed and I am hoping it will not be episodic or simply a remaster.

neutralgamer199221m ago

Yes make one complete game with AAA game development taking 3-5 years for each game if it's another trilogy than we will be waiting a decade plua just for the complete edition

One game which should be done with all the content and add improvements where necessary


Madden NFL 25 New Gameplay Features for PS5, Xbox Series and PC Revealed, Closed Beta Kicks Off

EA has revealed the Madden NFL 25 new gameplay features incoming for the PS5, Xbox Series and PC versions, as the closed beta kicks off today.

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GamerRN14h ago

Is there anything they can really do to fix this franchise?

just_looken13h ago

Though i agree the truth is that it always sells well and then millions are made in ultimate team.

GamerRN12h ago

Because there is no competition

just_looken8h ago


There was a CFL game to be tossed out crashed and burned but there is other football games just none are official nfl stuff.

CobraKai1h ago

NFL Gameday and NFL 2K really pushed Madden to be better

badboyz091h ago(Edited 59m ago)

NFL gamers need to boycott which is very easy with the social media age we live in until than no. EA has a monopoly you want a better product to end the monopoly. get on twitter trending daily to the NFL.


Man I quit playing madden back in 2004 that was my boycott because I just got tired of the same thing, updated rosters. My boys still play Madden I'll pick up the sticks every now and then when I'm chilling at their houses but at my house, EA gets none of my money for Madden.


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