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Xbox Smartglass: Unnecessary Technology?

GotGame: Is it really that terrible to press a button on a controller to access the game map that we have to transfer it to another screen on a hand-held device?

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Community3880d ago
GalacticEmpire3880d ago

Not unnecessary but under utilised with very little support.

Ramon3MR3880d ago

I would say a little bit of both, though I'm sure if there was some sort of killer app or amazing way to use it for a game, it would get more love.

guitarded773880d ago

I'll say it's unnecessary... just like the touch pad on the PS4 controller. I don't need either to have a great gaming experience, but it's nice to have the options.

I haven't tried SmartGlass yet, but will do so if I find a good use for it. In my gaming rig, I use two screens. One usually has a game console or PC on it, and the other has a browser open, sometimes with game maps or walkthroughs. For this use, I could see SmartGlass being an asset. I don't know all of the functionality of it, but for someone with one screen, it could help. Just like Wii U's second screen, or Vita networked to a PS console. It's a free app, so I don't understand why people would get wound over it.

GarrusVakarian3880d ago

"Is it really that terrible to press a button on a controller to access the game map that we have to transfer it to another screen on a hand-held device?"

Exactly, i called it an unnecessary gimmick before it was released and still do now.

Roccetarius3880d ago

As long as they don't replace normal functions in games, then i couldn't care less about it. Once it starts doing that, then it becomes a problem.

falviousuk3880d ago

The dont use it, those of us that do wish to use it, will.

your not being forced to utilise it.

GarrusVakarian3880d ago

Don't worry, i wouldn't buy those sort of gimmicks in a million years. A controller/console/tv is all i need.

3879d ago Replies(1)
3880d ago Replies(2)
hankmoody3880d ago

What the Dead Rising 3 devs are doing with it is actually pretty awesome. I think with the Xbox One, you'll see games utilizing SmartGlass a lot more than what's going on currently with it.

falviousuk3880d ago

your talking sense, please dont they dont understand sense on here.

Another good example of smartglass is BF4 in commander mode where you can call in strikes. So if you are at work, or anywhere there is wifi access, you can still be in the game.

Ignore the haters, just be a gamer

hankmoody3880d ago

They can disagree all they want. Doesn't mean that I'm not speaking the truth.

I don't go on PS4 threads and disagree with people just to disagree. I'll leave that to the high schoolers.

Bubble for ya.

Godmars2903880d ago (Edited 3880d ago )

Have a problem with it if necessary content is only accessible through it. You shouldn't have to buy a tablet to play a console game.

Also not seeing how its not annoying to have it so that a game contacts you through a cell phone and the like. Basically demanding to be played.

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Windows 10 Xbox app gets Xbox One SmartGlass tech for future game streaming

Microsoft is migrating several functions formerly reserved for its Xbox One SmartGlass mobile app into the Xbox app for Windows 10, as it increasingly ties the Xbox One console to PCs and mobile devices. SmartGlass is a “second screen” app that was originally written for Windows Phone, allowing it, for example, to control aspects of a connected Xbox One.

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Community3367d ago
--bienio--3367d ago (Edited 3367d ago )

I care more about cross buy then streaming, but for at the moment we Can only wait and see how things going on...anyway future is bright for Pc and xbox palyers;£

ScorpiusX3367d ago

Very cool , W10 is going to be a blast.

mhunterjr3367d ago

I don't have a gaming PC, but the idea of being able to play my Xbox from any room in the house, is very appealing to me!

3366d ago
Macdaddy713367d ago

I have been reading some threads people trashing MS for the streaming pc n x1.. But I love it!!! Going to lot better n more up to date games, then what Sony doing with ps now streaming Old games at a high price,.. I really think MS is going to nail the cross platform n streaming....

ThatOneRiggaNob3367d ago

People will trash Microsoft for anything they do. It's just the way this gen works. Also I don't see why you mentioned ps now since it's an actual streaming service and Xbox to win10 streaming is just you streaming your already owned games to a pc. They're not the same thing at all.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3367d ago

The streaming feature is definitely a positive. I have no idea why anyone would think that cross platform streaming would be a bad thing.

3366d ago

New Xbox One Smartglass Beta Now Available: Brings Top Games List, UI Improvements and More

Microsoft released today a new beta version of the Xbox One Smartglass Android app. The new update is numbered 2.4.1409.08100.

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Community3553d ago
GameingmyLife3553d ago

MS keep bringing the heat with these updates... great job.... keep em coming

donthate3553d ago

This rapid development of features is what is going to bring the Xbox One so far ahead of the competition. MS is definitely bringing the heat!

Sayai jin3553d ago

Yes, they are quick with these update and bring great addtions to the system.


New Xbox One Smartglass Beta Update Lets You Record Game Clips From Your Smartphone and Much More

Together with the new September preview update for the Xbox One, Microsoft just released update 2.4.1408.22100 of the Xbox One Smartglass Beta for Android.

The new version includes quite a lot of features, including the ability to record game clips directly from your smartphone, which is definitely useful for those that opted to buy their console without Kinect.

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Community3570d ago
BABYLEG3570d ago

That was to be expected. Good job MS. Keep the great games and features coming. By next year, I wont be surprised if they say the Xbox can transform

JohnJ3570d ago

Everyone I know who owns an xbox one, Is absolutely loving it. I have both and love both but I have to be honest, the xbox one is the better console.

Bonkerz3570d ago

I have to agree, i play a PS4 daily (my bestfriend has one and we live next to eachother) and even when he comes here he is blown away with all the features and stuff that can be done on the X1. The PS4 is a great console obviously but at this point in time hands down the X1 is better choice.

4Sh0w3570d ago

That's really awesome, I use my Samsung Galaxy phone to constantly stay updated with Xbox news, love android and this is just 1 more way I can use my phone to interact with my X1 gaming addiction.

Assault93569d ago

Is their a point to this?
Oh I see, the future of no kinect.

timlot3570d ago (Edited 3570d ago )

Its really amazing how much effort they are putting in the platform. Every other day there is news of this new feature or that update. Can't wait for what next week is going to bring.

PsylentKiller3570d ago

I teals like this feature. Since is play mostly at night while my GF is sleeping, it's difficult to get the kinect to hear me when whispering. Now, I can just tap my phone. This is also good if there is a lot of background noise.

tgunzz3570d ago

Xb1 has so much to offer... I hope more, and more gamers pick one up, and enjoy it awesome feature set, and games... Game on.

AutoCad3570d ago

Xbox All in one Entertainment.

I have the beta app and didnt even know this though lol

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