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Wii U Has More Next-Gen 1080p 60fps Games Than Xbox One, PS4

Gaming Blend "Flameproof jockstrap activated: While a lot of fanboys have been clamoring around the Wii U like a wounded puppy, waiting to pounce like a jackal from the shadows, they have missed out on one very important facet of this supposedly underpowered console: It has more native 1080p 60fps games than the Xbox One or PS4."

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Misinformation. Only 1 game has been confirmed 1080p @ 60fps for Wii U that isn't already on PS3 and 360. SSMB U. Rayman Legends is 1080 @ 60 on PS3, 360. Bayo 2 is not confirmed at 1080 either. This editorial needs better sourcing.
phosphor1123997d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Inaccurate and misleading headline. The Wii U has no "Next Gen" games at all. Its games are much simpler in graphics, shaders and effects that any next gen game. It also doesn't take in account that the resolution and framerate of many PS4 and Xbox One games is still not known. Basically it's pointless Cinemablend flamebait.
Abriael3998d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(2)
Comparison is invalid until the games are released, since the author has no idea about the performance of multiple announced PS4 and X1 games, Rime and The Order come to mind.
moegooner883998d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(2)
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Community3998d ago
Shok3998d ago

What a brave journalist to make an article like this lol.

Godspeed sir, godspeed.

-Foxtrot3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

He's brave but stupid

He does realise the Wii U will have a year headstart by the time the PS4 and Xbox One come out. I understand if they were all coming out at the same time but I don't think you can do comparisons like this when they released at different times

So yeah I kind of expect it to have more 1080p - 60fps games and I'm glad it does

EDIT: For those who disagreed, please explain your reasons. Why am I wrong? Is it because you have a legit reason to counter my argument or because you hate anyone criticizing Nintendo in any way. Come on it's had a year head start it SHOULD have more 108-p-60fps games.

_QQ_3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

PS4/XBOXone are too close to PC architecture to use the "we need time to learn the system" excuse. I'm sure it will get better but not by much.

What you are seeing on PS4 xone now is how games will look for a while.

Now obviously PS4/XONE are stronger than Wiiu, its just funny how so many people were saying WIIU isn't a nextgen system because it couldn't do 1080/60fps, now everyone is trying to damage control it now that ps4/xone can't do it without compromises.

Amplitude3998d ago

exactly. May as well make an article "WII U HAS MORE GAMES THAN THE PS4 AND XBOX ONE"

KUV19773998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Also it may have more games that tick the technical specs of 1080p and 60fps but how many games that do look better does it have?

guitarded773998d ago

The only true comparison will be when all 3 are out, and a comparison is made for a game on all 3 systems like Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs, etc. Until then, it's just random numbers. I'm positive the games that run 1080p 60fps on Wii U could be run just as well on the PS4 and/or XBOX One.

iamnsuperman3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )


That is the most valid argument here. I bloody well hope the Wii U has more 60fps 1080p titles than the Xbox One and PS4 which have yet to release. The Wii U has had a year head start. It would be bad if it didn't

BBBirdistheWord3998d ago


SO what you are saying is that some games, even though they may technically be 1080p 60fps still do not look as good as some other games which do not tick that requirement?

Has anyone told the fanboys?

-Foxtrot3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )


"I'm sure it will get better but not by much."

The PS4 and the Xbox One will get better over time you'll be a fool not to think that. Look at the start of this gen, I thought FOR EXAMPLE Resistance Fall of Man looked amazing and now looking back at the end of this gen thanks to games like the Last of Us, God of War 3, Killzone 3 and even multiplatform games like Bioshock, Tomb Raider and even Assassins Creed I'm like "'ve aged". That's alright though because it shows you that as time went on developers managed to get better over time when back then you didn't think they could. Imaging if you could show yourself back in 2006 The Last of Us your past self would be like "FAKE....nothing could look like that".

I mean the sad thing about the Wii U is they are "trying" to gain third party support but even now they are loosing it because of the stupid way they are running things (thanks Iwata). They've had a year head start to establish themselves and the console before the PS4 and Xbox One come out but they failed....and the sad thing is that in a years time like the one year headstart the Wii U got, the PS4 and the Xbox One are going to have some FANTASTIC looking games, especially multiplatform. Third party games devs won't want on Wii U and not because they don't want to but most likely because they can't, if they don't want to dumb the game down so the Wii U can handle it.

So yeah they will get better it's inevitable

Shok3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

It's true, the Wii U has had a year's headstart, BUT, at the same time, Sony and Microsoft fans laughed at the Wii U and deemed it "last-gen" based off of it's LAUNCH titles as well.

But it's funny now how since the Xbox One and PS4 don't have that many 1080p 60 fps retail exclusives, all the sudden we have to wait for devs to get used to the hardware, although:

1) That's the same logic that the Nintendo fanbase used for the Wii U, and yet they denied that.

2) These systems are made to emulate PC's, using x86 architecture and easy to use GPU's. Not to mention Mark Cerny constantly emphasized "Awesome Day 1 performance."

Again, you're totally completely right, I'm just saying it's ironic and funny now how Sony/MS fans are now using the same arguments they FOUGHT AGAINST.

GTgamer3998d ago

PS4/Xone can run any WiiU game with ease so this argument is pointless and the WiiU competing against current gen and we both know they losing that battle big time.

KUV19773998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )


Unfortunately no. I am a little annoyed by the sheer focus on numbers. Artwork over tech! Artwork supported by great tech is obviously the best you can get. Most gamers will never know whether a game is 900p or 1080p unless some website makes an analysis and suddenly everyone has always known. I very much prefer 900p/30fps with awesome looks over bland 1080p/60fps and I fear a little that devs feel obligated to deliver 1080p/60fps and will reduce graphical fidelity in order to achieve those numbers. I am a SONY fan but I couldn't care less if a game like Ryse has 900p or 1080p. I think it looks great. The WiiU will also have great looking games and I did not want to say they all look bad compared to PS4/XOne. I just find it annoying to compare visuals by numbers alone.

s45gr323998d ago

Is easier to make a current generation game on the wii u run at 1080p 60 frames per second. For example what is easier to run at 1080p 60 frames per second a 2.5 dimensional game like New Super Mario Bros U or say something like Watchdogs. That's my point take it or leave it

_QQ_3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

At the very least if CRYTEK ,the experts on PC architecture, can't pull of 1080p60fps on xone without compromise then i doubt the xone will see major improvements unless the cloud isn't just BS. the ps4 not being too far off from xone looks like it will be able to pull of 1080/60 on linear games, we still have to see for Open world games.

LonChaneyTV3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

"Wii U Has More Next-Gen 1080p 60fps Games Than Xbox One, PS4"

"sigh", yeah see this is why the 1080p native argument makes no sense.

It's the technology involved that should be compared. you could produce hundreds of games at 1080p 60 fps nowadays, but how many of them will be pushing for next gen features like HBAO and tessellation.

It becomes a baseless argument when all you're thinking about is a frame buffer and disregarding 90% of the other technology involved.

Concertoine3998d ago

well if the wii u did come out this november, it would still have more 1080p 60 fps games coming. the reason it hasn't gotten any is because people are just porting last gen games and nintendo's only made a party game, a 2d platformer and a game that started development on the wii.
still, people were saying the system was weaker than a 360 back when it came out, and they were in the majority too. you can spin it however, but the fact that the wii u is ouputting games that easily outclass the last gen in better resolution and framerate, and the fact that it's doing that in its youth, gives us something to look forward to in the wii u's later lifespan.

President3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

What a stupid article, Mario Kart 8 and Smash are not 1080p.

RTheRebel3998d ago

Damage Control Already?lulz

AKR3998d ago

I find it quite funny that you and many others are now all up in arms like: "Well it's been out for a year - it should!"

Yet, so many of you have been booing the system because it's, and I quote: "Not nextgen."

-Foxtrot3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

All those disagrees for stating a legit reason behind why this article is silly and not one person has managed to come up with a good counter argument. I mean I don't think you can because it's just how it is, a console getting a head start obviously will have more 1080p-60fps then consoles not even out yet.

Hell I'm scanning through the comments of people giving better reasons then me and even ones which roughly say the same and the same thing is happening. Why can't people admit it. It's like the main concern of N4G, people who usualy say off topic, silly crap get Well Said bubbles and stuff and the ones who state reasonable points end up getting voted down.

Seriously Nintendo fans are the worst, especially on here.


"Yet, so many of you have been booing the system because it's, and I quote: "Not nextgen."

So resolution and FPS make define a game if it's "next gen" or not.

You know what...I'm done, I'm off to watch The Worlds End and eat some Hula Hoops

jcnba283998d ago Show
TheLastVoiceOFsanity3998d ago

the one & only reason a lot of ps4 & xbox one games aren't running in native 1080p 60fps is because sony & microsoft care more about graphics than resolution & frame rate. they are choosing to max out the gpu for higher graphics instead of just pushing the gpu as far as possible without lower the resolution , or frame rate.

jivah3998d ago

My ps3 emulator is running at 1080/60..doesnt mean the anything cause it still looks like mud

Dee_913998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Okay so since because they are "close" to the architecture to the PC there will be virtually no learning curve?
So many issues with that statement I will just summarize and say, you sir have no clue on how games are developed.Just because they are close doesn't mean they are parallel.

My crappy 6 year old laptop can probably run 4 of those 5 games mentioned in the article at 1080p 60fps.

badz1493998d ago


"SO what you are saying is that some games, even though they may technically be 1080p 60fps still do not look as good as some other games which do not tick that requirement?"

a launch title for PS4, Resogun is 1080p 60fps. it totally looks better than all the Uncharted games combined which are all 720p on the PS3, right? /s

games with less details will be easier to get to 1080p 60fps. for example, I have a mid-range pc but I can totally play BF3 at 1440p at LOW setting. Upped the setting to HIGH and the game crawls!

1080p 60fps is not a feat only achievable by the Wii U as many games on PS3 and 360 achieved it too but most of the times they are low requirement games, graphically.

N4g_null3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Its not a stupid article.

The api does a lot of sweet things like tessellation which was rumored and full gpgpu control, you can almost by past the cpu... free texture compression which is what the sram is for and im just skimming my notes. The framebuffer along is ready for it and it doesnt have to share cycles with an os that is watching you or recording you.

The xbone does have a good amount of sram yet the kinect will soak that all up. The ps4 power will be limited by recording features that will tie up those tasty teraflops. Then add the fact that we are talking about capturing true hd game play, so now it has to render the frame and then write itto memory or the hdd, that along is a flaw.... it will limit the already limited power of that gpu and the cpus for all these consoles sort of suck yet wait, ms and sony arr treating these chips like theyare i7 or i3s...

compression means your ram pool is only limited by what you can compress and stream or create procedurally. That along is the point of having a gpgpu...

then to add insult to injury the wiiu renders to two screen at all times and it can still pull this off. Dont believe me? Well sign up for your own kit... its all right there...

the fact is the features in the ps4 and xbone will limit what it can do, also more ram helps with debugging, good coding only needs 4 gig and with all of the compression the wiiu does you will see that ram amount become way faster that alarger amount. Its almost like putting gddr ram in a voodoo video card it wont matter.

This is not what we should be arguing about though.. as we should be waiting on the games we want to play. None of you have the kit in front of you and you dont know the full story. Unless you know offical specs then this argument can end now, its silly to claim the wiiu is not in this race. Like always we will let the coding and games do the talking.

allgamespc20123998d ago

except you know, xbox one wont go 1080p 60 fps, itll go one of them but not both, ps4 maybe but thats not guaranteed either so i dont see how you think next gen games are going to do 60 fps 1080p native.

cell9893998d ago

um... theres not a single WiiU game out there that can match the xbone or PS4 visuals, sure they run at 1080p 60FPS but none of those crunch physics and polygons as good as the true next gen consoles, remember people the WiiU is competing with the PS3/360 get the facts straight

N4g_null3998d ago

On top of it foxtrot no one knows the api on the wii fully... tessellation of all things is supported... just look at the trees in mk8 that is too smooth to be static and if it is nintendo has some unholy polygon crunchers in house?

all of the numbers are higher and stacked against the wiiu yet why is it able to pull off true hd? Why does higher spec machine need time when the wiiu didn't?

Did sony and ms use tech that was too close to pc tech? Why can the wiiu pull off dual screen gaming when most pcs can't and with a wireless transmission on top of that?

sounds like solid technology to me. It is possible we will see them all excel in their own ways, all I know is tech master on the wiiu might help the other two consoles, if ms and sony have similar solutions.

N4g_null3998d ago

Nintendo problem is they are not good at bragging. ?. Even their tech docs dont exspose every thing... like crytek some thing tells me factor 5 could have made this one sing. I think we all know even if nintendo had the same box as sony many here would think it was inferior. Shutters at all the ps2 is more powerful claims... so much bad information.

theizzzeee3997d ago

It is a fair critique for this reason. The Wii U is supposedly so underpowered compared to the PS4 and XBOX One. They should do everything the Wii U does with ease. The supposed vast power difference makes it a fair critique.

Shnazzyone3997d ago

It is something for the people considering buying Xbox one and PS4 on day 1. It's going to be a bit until those systems catch up and they will be at the highest price point of those system's lifecycle. You could get a wii U and have lots to play and wait for drops in price on those systems and a more robust catalog to justify the purchase.

Ju3997d ago

This makes me lol again. Might as well say the PS3 has more 1080@60 games than the PS4. BTW. That Rayman game is one of them. What does that tell us? Riiiidddgggeeee Raaaccer!

mikeslemonade3997d ago

Wii U is current gen. It shouldn't even be part of the conversation.

Now just like people have said above me. 360 and PS3 have more 1080p games than Wii U.

Thevariance3997d ago

This argument is pointless. It is not 'that'something is running at 1080p 60fps, but rather 'what' is running at 1080p 60fps. We are therefore comparing apples with oranges. Possibly very textured, high polygon apples, with little texture low polygon oranges.

DrJones3997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

One years headstart is not the reason. The Wii U games are not as graphically advanced as the PS4 Xbox One games and can therefore afford 1080p resolutions in some games. Since the graphical bar is set so much higher on ps4 xbox one, achieving that resolution can sometimes prove difficult. That's why you got some of the disagrees. One years headstart has nothing to do with it.

AngryTypingGuy3997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

Resolution and FPS doesn't equal polygon count. Nintendo could re-release an old Nintendo 64 game where everything looked pointy at 1080P and 60FPS, and Capcom could release another 8-bit, 1080P, 60FPS Mega Man sequel. It doesn't mean that the respective games are pushing out cutting edge looking graphics with an obscene amount of polygons to the point where the graphics look photo-realistic.

zero_gamer3997d ago

Yeah...a year earlier everyone on this site bashed the Wii U for having native 720p games, but today as of this article the Wii U hate agenda just got warped for their convenience.

N4G as usual.

PopRocks3593997d ago


Your reasoning is stupid.

Everyone based their opinion of the Wii U's overall capabilities based on its launch lineup, but suddenly we're told to wait for PS4/Xbox One. Don't give me this "it SHOULD have blablahblah" BS when everyone was saying that at the Wii U's launch and ever since.

Why the hell SHOULD gamers wait? These systems are supposed to be hella powerful, right? They are based on PC architecture and easier to make games on, right? So why the hell are developers not taking advantage of it?

I'll tell you why; because development TAKES TIME. Time no one gave to the Wii U but were more than ready to bend over and take in for their favorite brand that wasn't Nintendo or a PC-centric company. Go figure.

The fact is Wii U is running more 1080p 60FPS games than the so-called super powerful consoles meant to blow it straight out of the water. Proven fact. And of course, the reverse damage control ensues.

ion533997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

The thing is, Wii I doesn't do super poly counts, and high res textures. It has the same textures, maybe a bit more, that the Wii, they just boosted the res, and upped the FPS. PS4 and XbOne is having to deal with more than just a 2D space, or a 3D space with shitty textures (Wind Waker 'HD'). I was expecting that game to look closer to Black Flag TBH. May I also add PS4 is doing lots of physics...

GordonKnight3997d ago

I don't know a lot about this, but shouldn't both of the so called true next gen consoles have all their games in 1080P - 60fps.

How can they support 4K if the launch titles aren't even in 1080p?

malokevi3997d ago

You are all completely insane.

Like the developers have been repeating for weeks, while nobody listened... 1080P 60FPS IS A DESIGN CHOICE! There will always be a trade-off. No hardware is perfect. Not even PS4. If you want to maximize certain visual elements of a game, you have to make sacrifices in other avenues.

People expecting 1080p native 60FPS + all the visual flourish we expect, especially at this point in the console lifestyle, are a bunch of monkeys.

iplay1up23997d ago

What cam can I say. I agreed with you, but there are so many immature fanboys on here they can't accept anything positive about any system accept their preferred system. That is what seperates a true gamer from a immature fanboy. It is irritating. I have owned and played multiple game systems since 1982, because I like games. Fanboys suck!
This Gen I am a PC/Wii U/PS4 kinda guy. No real interest in XBO for many reasons, and not to mention I only have so much time to play games.

boneso823997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

So 8 years after Ridge Racer 7 (1080p/60fps), Nintendo start releasing their first 1080p/60fps games, way to keep ahead of the times Ninty!

Ps: most wiiU games could easily run on ps3/360, I've seen nothing that would push them technically.

CuddlyREDRUM3997d ago

The Wii U isn't next gen, period.

Don't worry, it is just the Internet man.

triforce793997d ago

Look WiiU has the most 1080p/60fps games and thats a fact get used to it Bayonetta and MK8 are 2 that i will buy day 1,and when gamers see them 2 games finished they wont be thinking wiiu has inferior graphics that's for sure more like better graphics because in native 1080p at 60fps that is twice the resolution of 720p what most ps4 and xbox1 games run at ????

Sono4213997d ago

I don't.... understand? I thought from a hardware standpoint the Wii U was weaker? Not just that the launch games didn't "look" that amazing but that the confirmed specs didn't even match Xbox One... I could be wrong though? somebody please clear this up with me. I'm confused how a console with weaker specs can pull off 60fps and 1080p but the Xbox One is struggling and a couple PS4 games can't.

malokevi3997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )



I can't believe that you people are seriously having this discussion, and scratching your heads. We KNOW from countless developers that the WiiU is more on par with current gen systems than next-gen systems... so are you suddenly going to ignore that and put the WiiU as the next-gen technological marvel, simply because it's capable of rendering games of lower graphical fidelity at a higher framerate? Holy Jesus mother of god in hell heaven and on earth!

If res/FR were everything, then by that logic playing duckhunt at 1080p 60FPS would be "next gen"... which makes no sense. The PS3 could do 1080p 60FPS... does that make it next gen, too?

Some times I feel like this site is riddled with teenagers and country bumpkins who are completely incapable of critical thinking. Hell, I don't think it, I KNOW IT.

+ Show (44) more repliesLast reply 3997d ago
ZHZ903998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Man I am gonna watch PS4/X1 Vs WiiU debate.

I agree with what Foxtrot says.

Beastforlifenoob3997d ago

Holy shit guys
Obviously a sytem with a 3 core cpu with 2gb of ram running at 17Gb/s DESTROYS a beast with 8 cores cpu with 8GB of GDDR5 RAM running at 178 gb/s. Not to mention the far superior online features and third party games.

LOL!!!! He's comparing apples with fucking basalt rocks.

Moncole3998d ago

It depends who sees this. This article doesn't bother me because I dont care but many people on this site would get mad because they are fanboys. People on 4chan would love this because they hate Sony and PC gamers wont care.

Sono4213997d ago

4chan anti sony? what? lol is there some other 4chan I don't know about?

triforce793997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

WiiU like Shinen says uses edram for bandwidth and the 2GB of system ram has to be small for the hardware to sing just like Microsoft said or was it Sony ? anyway system RAM isn't a bottle neck against xbox1 or ps4 because you have Nextgen Havok compression x10 in the devkits so that debate is very cheap,now WiiU has by far the best chip RAM and cache and thats what makes for better graphics end of not tons of system RAM or tons of crap jaguar cores,wiiu's cores are much more powerful ie why you only have 3 and you have edram cache which is the future of IBM cpu cores because it doubles the power of the cpu work it out......

One more thing Shinen said 16MB of edram nets you 1080p native and wiiu has 36MB and a rumoured another 32MB in that 30% of unknown hardware ????? wiiu can hit high resolutions..

noctis_lumia3998d ago

bubble for this comment of yours made me laugh and the best part is that you r right lolololololol

JsonHenry3998d ago

Dumb down the graphics enough and any game can run 1080p/60fps.

nukeitall3998d ago

Which tells you what?

That resolution and frame rate is only a small part of the equation. So why are we so hung up on the holy grail of 1080p and 60fps?

JsonHenry3998d ago

^^ Resolution certainly helps with overall visual fidelity but I agree. I'd rather play a game with the visuals turned way up and a lower rez than the other way around.

jcnba283998d ago

Now Wii U graphics are dumbed down?

Talk about damage control lol

LonChaneyTV3998d ago

"Dumb down the graphics enough and any game can run 1080p/60fps. "

correct, and that statement can also backfire on next gen consoles too. If you want battlefield 4, 5 and 6 at 1080p 60 fps you will simply need a PC.

webeblazing3998d ago

so now gfx matter more than the res its in lets take a look at every rise and bf4 article

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3997d ago
Hicken3998d ago

I can't quite agree.

Unless you think it makes sense to compare the libraries of consoles that haven't released yet to the library of one that's been out nearly a year.

A better comparison would be 1080p 60fps games available at launch. Well, a more even comparison, anyway. Since NONE of the Wii U's qualifying games were out at the time, it wouldn't even line up at the starting block.

nukeitall3998d ago

I think the point here is that resolution and frame rate doesn't speak of the quality behind each pixel!

Who knows, the Xbox 360 and PS3 might have more native 1080p games than next generation.

Beastforlifenoob3997d ago

3 core cpu with 2gb DDR3 ram @17gb/s


8 core cpu with 8GB GDDR5 Ram @176GB/s

Now lets compare GAMES battlefield 4?o elder scrolls online? fifa 14? nba2k14/live 14? Destiny? Dragon age inquistion? Thief?Dying Light? Metal Gear Solid V? The division? Sniper elite V3? The evil within? Wolfenstein the new order? Yeah WII u is less power with less games.

Nice, fucking nice!

dale_denton3998d ago

yeah making mario and zelda running on 1080p 60fps is really that hard.

Magicite3998d ago

I wouldn't call Wii U games a ''next-gen''.

R00bot3997d ago

Why not?

Power has nothing to do with the generations, and if it does; it says right there that the Wii U has more games running in 1080p 60fps than the other "next-gen" consoles.

Get over this whole Wii U hate thing.

DevilishSix3997d ago

Power has nothing to do with new generations? Are you high? Of course power has everything to do with new generations of consoles cause if it didn't there would be no need for a new console at all. New consoles equal new tech and more power. Wii U is more powerful than the Wii enough said.

zebramocha3998d ago

@shok you are very wrong with the ps4 trying to emulate a pc architecture,mark cerny talked about using a updated cell but scrapped in favor of easy dev time,that being x86 CPU.

Thatguy-3103997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

He's clamoring about games that aren't even release yet and hd remakes ? In that case he should expand the list for ps4 games

Mystogan3997d ago

It shows that 1080p 60fps does not automatically mean better visuals to those PSfanboys..

bacrec13997d ago

Blast these fanboys with the truth! I love it.

corrus3997d ago

The only games that are 1080p 60FPS are nes games from the virtual console

link2Dpast3997d ago

On this day there was a , a hero, no a legend. Great article. For all the trolls im renting out a bridge only requirement is being illogical . Most of you qualify.

BullyMangler3997d ago (Edited 3997d ago )

but is bayonetta 2 even 1080p?

thats what matters, bayonetta . . the most BIBLICA PROVOCATIVE video game in the history of gaming. Freaking NIntendo, always snagging the BEST grafix, audio, gameplay, controls, comfort, prices, presentations, ages of re-play value << and to finish it off, they always with the most INVENTIVE Adult Video Game exclusives in the industry . .

sony could not see bayonetta's gameplay, all they could see was the SALES . . how twisted .

lol microsoft

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3997d ago
die_fiend3998d ago

How can wii u have any next gen titles?

RexFury3998d ago

Why can't it? It is a next-gen in theory, every title that is created for the Wii U is classified as next gen (excluding HD remixes and stuff like that).

Please don't respond by saying "the Wii U is not next-gen" because the word "generation" is based on time, not hardware development.

GTgamer3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Far as I'm concerned wiiu is competing against current gen consoles and its getting its ass whopped day by day.

Salooh3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

It is next generation compared to wii but you can't go and compare it to consoles that have at least 4 times the power it have. It's just not reasonable. Ps4 and X1 can run any Wii U game at 1080p and 60fps easily. So that doesn't mean it's better then X1 and PS4.

RexFury3998d ago

@GTgamer. What's that got to do with anything? I really don't understand what that has to do with anything I said above.

8th generation = Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3 (2005-current)

9th generation = Wii U, Xbox One and PS4 (2012- who knows?)

It isn't rocket science people!

cell9893998d ago

its not a next gen console remember that. Just because it came out a year ago does not mean its next gen, when it can push Battlefield 4, Infamous or Ryse the way the next gen consoles do, come back at me

Hicken3997d ago

Right and wrong. Generations are both technological AND chronological. 5th generation iPhone, for example.

Chronologically, the Wii U is part of the 8th generation of consoles. Technologically, it's ahead of the 7th generation, but behind the 8th generation.

See, until last gen, the two concepts were pretty much concurrent: the new consoles weren't all that different, technologically, and came out at roughly the same time. But last generation, the Wii bucked that trend, being only a slight technological improvement over its predecessor, while the PS3 and 360 were more considerable upgrades.

That has carried over to the eighth generation, as well(not the ninth, as you've stated). So, now, the Wii U is chronologically a part of the 8th gen, but the technology on display in it is not in the same league as its competition.

So yes, it IS next gen.

But no, it ISN'T.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3997d ago
MartinGlow3998d ago

Because it is next gen?

Really, can you not count? What does generation stand for? Can't think of lineage or something? Grandfather is first generation, father is next gen. You come along, you're the following generation. Your children? The next generation.

So, what was Wii then? Because it wasn't competing graphically against 360/PS3, was it considered the previous gen? No. Wii U is better than 360/PS3, but came out a year before PS4 and X1. Would you be implying that 360 was not next gen, even though it was better than previous gen, when it came out because it came out a year before PS3/Wii? No.

7th gen = Gamecube, Xbox, PS2
8th gen = Wii, 360, PS3
9th gen = Wii U, X1, PS4.


PopRocks3593997d ago

Very simple indeed. However, the internet is still ripe with people either too stupid or too ignorant to understand that no matter what way you look at it, Wii U belongs in the category of generation 8 console.

RexFury3997d ago

Exactly. I just don't understand why a lot of people cannot get this simple fact into their head. It really is not that hard to understand!

RobbyGrob3998d ago

The problem is that the Wii U games aren't fun regardless of resolution as we've already played them before..

_QQ_3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

so infamous,uncharted, killzone and gran turismo won't be fun because we have played it before?

@ Mr.Castle Xenoblade, Wonderful 101,Last Story,and pandora's tower aren't new ip's now?Pikmn3 might as well be treated like a new IP as its a the third installment in the series after more than 10 years. Same goes for KID ICARUS.

MrCastle3998d ago

Some of us have been playing Zelda and Mario games for 15 years. And the biggest title releases on the Wii-U so far....A new Mario game and a Zelda HD remake. Its time for a new IP to rise. Too bad RARE had to take their excellence to Xbox.

MrCastle3998d ago

I wouldn't call any of those big releases guy. Zelda is the biggest thing to happen to the Wii-U yet and the game is around 10 years old. Rehashed in real HD.

RobbyGrob3998d ago

First of all; if the games you mentioned were the only good games that were gonna be released for PS4, you could bet that it wouldn't sell as well either. Why? Because of all the amazing NEW games that people know are coming. Better versions of the old games isn't enough for people anymore. We want new experiences. People are more interested in the PS4 and XB1 over the Wii U not because they necessarily are better products (which they in technical terms may be anyway), but because they know that very impressive new IPs that are going to give them entirely new experiences are coming for them.

The IPs you mentioned aren't system-sellers. They don't convey much to people who aren't already Nintendo fans, and who thus already have the console. Neither of the games you mentioned interest me, regardless of their quality. I can't really explain why, but considering my experiences with every stationary Nintendo console up to the Wii, games released for Nintendo's consoles convey a sense of similarity to each other, and to childhood. Even if a bad-ass FPS or action adventure was released on the Wii U i'm sure i'd still hate it because it would have been "Nintendonized"; stripped of its adulthood and uniqueness. It's like every game released for the PS3 would feel similar to Ratchet and Clank. People would hate them. Not because they hate Ratchet and Clank, but because most people don't like getting the same feeling from game to game. Show me a dark and difficult game like Demon's Souls on a Nintendo console and i'll show you my leopard underwear.

It always surprises me how people can keep defending something that clearly isn't very popular. It's not like your opinion on the Wii U are going to change its low sales figures anyway. Its sales figures are incredibly low. Especially for being a Nintendo product. And it's that low FOR A REASON.

Re-hashing and re-making is different from innovation. Mario and Zelda are always gonna be Mario and Zelda because Nintendo want them to be that way. That means that they are relying on new generations of gamers picking up one of their consoles. They know that their adult fans will eventually move on, and they seemingly don't even try to keep them.

Like MrCastle said, adult gamers today grew up with Nintendo's games. We played several different games in the Mario and Zelda series and many other series on Nintendo consoles long before the first PlayStation was even released. We've already played Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Kid Icarus, Pikmin and Animal Crossing. Today's versions of these games aren't amazing new innovations. They're re-makes of old system-sellers intended for new gamers who HAVEN'T played the old versions. And Nintendo have been riding this wave for a dastardly long time now.

People don't buy consoles for a couple of favorite oldies. They want to be sure to get entirely new experiences for years to come. And Nintendo certainly aren't reknowned for that. They're reknowned for improving on the old. Nintendo believes that new experiences equals to updated accessories and games that take use of them accordingly. Most adult gamers don't belong in either of those groups.

I'm extremely grateful for what Nintendo has given me. Most of the best experiences i've ever had was provided by them. But they need to grow up with me if they want to keep me. Sony and Microsoft have finally undoubtedly surpassed Nintendo thanks to a breathtaking amount of new IPs that have hit record after record. Nintendo as a company is quickly becoming obsolete. They need to adapt to the world to survive, like every company that ever existed.

_QQ_3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

@ robbygrob. i'm not saying those games would justify a console purchase because thats obviously subjective, i'm saying that just because a game is part of a franchise doesn't mean it won't be fun.... Wiiu will have plenty of new games too...
LOL defending somthing that isn't popular? Mario is the most popular name in gaming, look at mario kart wii sales, look at NSMB, even NSMBU hit over 2mil with WIIU's low install base...

So Fire emblem, 3D Mario, and Xenoblade are extremely similar titles because they are all "Nintendotized", honestly that makes no sense at all. I Grew up playing Nintendo too, i still enjoy their games along with other companies games. And what records exactly are Sony and Microsoft's games hitting, Nintendo still has best selling game, pokemon X/Y joined top 10 best selling game in 24 hours. Nintendo STILL has the highest rated game along with the 2 highest rated first party games this gen. Its your opinion if you don't like Nintendo anymore but mostly everything you are trying to state as fact is wrong.

RobbyGrob3997d ago

I think you're misunderstanding me.

You're saying that a new game within a franchise can be fun even if the previous ones weren't. I agree with that. But Nintendo are an exception this rule, on purpose, as they try less harder to create something new as opposed to improving what's already there. And so I come back to my point about how it doesn't matter how good most Wii U games are if people already know what to expect from them already having played several games in these franchises. When you buy a Mario game, you know what you're gonna get. Now clearly, you know what you're gonna get when you buy a COD game too, but that's because its developers just like Nintendo are keeping them similar on purpose. The similarity is part of what you're paying for. I myself absolutely hate COD. The difference there is that Mario games often are single player only. And adults especially crave social games.

Wii U has indeed new games. Good ones too. But since they aren't system sellers it's not going to matter much to those who are already tired of Nintendo systems. Even if new good IPs eventually appear, you don't buy a console to await new games you've never heard of without first having a strong attraction the the games already there. And the games already there have for a while now been more of the same old.

When I said that you were defending something that wasn't popular I was only talking about the Wii U. If what you've been saying is true, the Wii U should have been as popular as the Wii. What you're saying doesn't explain why it sells so poorly. What I said does. I admit that my theory may be wrong. But I could easily round up a hundred friends of mine 20+ who would laugh at you even talking about Nintendo as they consider it a company that makes children's toys. They are obviously quite jaded in this regard, but this is the common picture of adult gamers. They don't care for Nintendo and they don't care for mobile consoles at all. These are teenagers' and casual adults' products. Do you really think that Mario and Zelda are the system sellers of the Wii? Of course not. It's the Wii Sports and the whole motion thing that attracted the tens of millions of parents who thought they could play a video game with their kids without being experts. For the rather picky adult gamer it was a disastrous console as we get tired faster, both physically and psychologically.

The games you mention as the biggest names in gaming are not the biggest names in gaming among adults. Grand theft auto, Battlefield, CSGO, World of tanks and league of legends are. Of course that doesn't mean that games popular among younger gamers don't count. But my entire participation in this discussion had been to explain things from the point of view of adult gamers who already played Nintendo games hundreds of times before. Wii U doesn't have enough sure-fire experiences for people like me and frankly everyone I know over 20.

Nintendo has not grown with their audience. They keep getting new ones. So of course their rehashes are gonna get good reviews. Because they are, as stated, good games. For people who haven't played them five to ten years ago, that is.

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clouds53998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Omg :D Nintendo is the ONLY company in the industry that has the guts to try out new stuff and change gameplay. I can't believe your ignorance.

Mario is just a brand. But while CoD is literally the same game each year, Mario games have had completely different gameplay over the years. So has Zelda. The last one (SS) was based completely around motion controls, while the one before (TP) was made for dualanalog gamepads.
But I would have nothing against a new Nintendo IP.

SonyKong643997d ago

try as you might, but you'll never get it = /


lifeisgamesok3998d ago

The funny thing is people are using resolution to measure how good a game is when a lower resolution game can look better than a native 1080p game

Battlefield will most likely be 900p or 720p and it's going to be one of the best looking games next gen

BBBirdistheWord3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )


However, has anyone told the fanboys?
Apparently if it's not 1080p it looks like a*s.

Or maybe this only applies to games rendered at 1080p on their console of choice?

lifeisgamesok3998d ago (Edited 3998d ago )

Right. I don't know why or who came up with this crazy theory

But 1080p does not equal to top notch next gen graphics

PurpHerbison3997d ago

You will look back at Battlefield and laugh for your little statement about it being one of the best looking games next gen.

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crazyCoconuts5h ago

What a great game this was. Man we could use some more of these...

darthv721h ago

Does this game support cross progression? I still have not beaten the first (I got sidetracked with lots of other games) and Id like to pick up where I left off through this version.

Zeke681h ago

Yes, if you mean PS4 to PS5 to PS5 Pro. Same save can be imported.

Zeke681h ago

To clarify, I played it on PS3 OG version. Imported that save to my PS4 remaster, imported that one to the PS5 remake. Hope that makes it more clear. ;)

Zeke6823m ago

@darth72 Oops sorry, my wife you told me the remake DID NOT support old saves. She said I restarted the game and usually she have a great memory. So sorry, it seems I was wrong about the remake! :(


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