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8 Worst PS4 Games So Far

GuidesCloud: Below is given the list of 8 worst PlayStation 4 games so far. We don’t want more games in this list because the technical team must now focus more on resolving all the issues before a game is marketed because that leaves the negative impression on the minds of PS4 fans.

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Stupid3035d ago

Knack and The Order 1886, right ones

Alexander1Nevermind3035d ago (Edited 3035d ago )

Never played the Order but Knack was a good game imo. I enjoyed it more than Killzone Shadow Fall. I really don't understand all the hate it gets. It makes me wonder how many of you all actually played the game?

Slight edit: Not directed at the op just wondering if folks just jump on the hate bandwagon. I don't Judge Ryse or the Order because I haven't played them. I do agree SW Battefront was very disappointing indeed.

Aloy-Boyfriend3035d ago

I dunno what people expected from Knack to have become the punching bag of the PS haters and even fans. I thought it wqs a good couch co op launch game. It had flaws, but I had fun with it with my brother. It was a good throwback to the old days...

I could see whst Cerny and the team wanted to achieve with Knack. I think a sequel can be better

nX3035d ago

Clearly fanboy flamebait, there are much worse PS4 games than Driveclub, The Order 1886 and Knack.

jeenyus3035d ago

Not sure if there are many games on any PlayStation that are worse than Knack.
After all the hype it got, we got served some subpar PS1-like gameplay with gfx that were below PS3 day 1 releases.

You might have enjoyed it, it doesn't make it good. At all.

guitarded773035d ago

When Knack, Driveclub and The Order are considered your "worst games", I'd say you're doing pretty damn good. Not gonna say any of them were game of the year material, but I played all 3 and didn't think they were horrible.

uth113035d ago

Agreed. I enjoyed and finished knack, I had no idea it was a bad game until I later read it on the internet :p

bouzebbal3035d ago

omg the writer is such a moron..
DriveClub is the best racer i played since MK8.
Knack is an old school action platformer. if it's hard for him the i can understand it's one of the worst games.
And then he adds some games to the list that no one ever heard of, just to make it sound like he knows his shit. You fail you imbecile.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3035d ago
Ashlen3035d ago (Edited 3035d ago )

The Order is not bad.

I assume most people who would say it's one of the worst games haven't actually played it. The only thing really wrong with it is how short it is. The gameplay is good, the graphics and detail are off the charts and the story while lacking due to game length was interesting and could have really gone somewhere.

Knack, well, it was a rushed launch title so they could offer at least one family friendly game. It's not great but it is what it is.

Next_gen_20153035d ago

I dont think any Ps4 exclusive has been terrible. The low rated ones are just generic or too short

Ashlen3035d ago

Well... The Order was far from generic as far as the story went... I can't think of any other game set in an alternate 1800's Britain. And it's pretty much the same length and Ryse and the gameplay part of Quantum Break.

And Knack, again it was just a game for people to buy so the kids could have a game to play with the families new PS4.

But w/e everyone has their opinions.

Devilsknight3035d ago

Like in Chapter 7 where you pressed 🔺 once and walked forward for 2 min? Or the Chapter where you rotate a clock and watch a cutscene? Indeed, real great gameplay right there.
The Order was good looking and nothing else. The story was filled with holes and rather poorly written. "I have to show u something, follow me for 10 min to find it what it is. No, I cant say what it is, no time, lets talk about something else" Zzzzzzzz. Or the linear map design...

Nah. The Order was crap, this coming from a PS4 only owner. A polished turd is still a turd.

Orionsangel3035d ago

I still say The Order is a good game. It was just never finished. It ends abruptly. It's as if the developers ran out of money. It's a shame, I was getting into the characters and story. It needed at least 5 more hours, but it just ends all of sudden leaving so many plot holes in the story.

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DarXyde3035d ago (Edited 3035d ago )

The Order wasn't perfect and it left a lot to be desired, but I surmise the bulk of the disappointment comes from it being released as it was well beyond the launch window. It's incredibly beautiful, but short and shallow.

Be that as it may, I'd be hard pressed to call it one of the worst titles on the console. It has redeeming qualities and was made by a very capable studio. I think "disappointing" better describes what it was.

S2Killinit3034d ago

I couldnt even call it dissapointing as it has been one of my favorite games this generation. The smear campaign was dissapointing. The game is beautiful with some of the most fun gun battles i've experienced. I loved the story, it was unique and i hope there are sequels. The graphics are probably second only to Uncharted, and it had an original orchestral score which was awesome. All the bitching was instigated by the early smear campaign. "Its too short" even though its the same lenght as gears of war, quantum break etc. "it doesnt innovate" even thiugh it actually DOES. (Well more than some other games), "it doesnt have gameplay" well thats just wrong because at no point did i feel like i was playing a movie even though i was waiting for it since i had heard the rumours. Basically people like Stupid above are lying through their teeth.

S2Killinit3034d ago

You are a lier. There is no way in hell the order should be concidered a bad game. People like you are are blatantly lying to peoppe, shame on you.

blackblades3034d ago

This article is stupid opinions, I like driveclub and I like onechanbara.

BlackTar1873034d ago (Edited 3034d ago )

Knack was Okay but Driveclub was a great game. The rest of the list i agree with

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3034d ago
dholakia3035d ago

The Order 1886 should be on number one

magiciandude3035d ago

The Order 1886 deserves #1 spot for being the worst AAA game this generation.

nX3035d ago

^Watch Dogs was way worse. I prefer a short game to one I can't even force myself to finish. I'm pretty sure The Order1886 wouldn't get so much hate if it was 5-10 hours longer.

CernaML3035d ago


I guess that makes Ryse the worst AAAA game of this generation then, eh? :^)

Pancit_Canton3035d ago (Edited 3035d ago )


Quantum Break deserves that title, followed by Ryse.

killer_goat3035d ago

That and Ryse. Both terrible games

Next_gen_20153035d ago (Edited 3035d ago )

How can quantum break be a terrible game if it has a higher meta score than The order and knack?

Ponies going crazy

ChrisW3035d ago

Not too certain if you noticed, but the title says PS4... Or you did notice and simply don't care...

Waterfall1013035d ago

they both destroy the order i mean come on lol

gangsta_red3033d ago

Rule #45 - Someone says a Sony game is bad, quickly respond with an Xbox title, then smile sit back and know justice has been served.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3033d ago
PrinterMan3035d ago

To each their own but I've played through the order twice and started a third. Story is good, characters are good, game is visually great. A little on rails but it's a story driven game and I knew that going in so I take no issue with it.

Yui_Suzumiya3034d ago

Maybe number 1 on a best list. Your comment definitely smells of number 2 xD

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Deadpooled3035d ago

This. So disappointed with how that turned out, so much potential. Even if DICE literally gave a graphical boost to Battlefront 2 it would have been a much better game, but now with this impostor of a Battlefront game the player count has dropped significantly (now lower than Battlefield 4).

Bahamut3035d ago

Not a "ps4 game" though. Multiplat. But yeah, disappointing game.

PressPlayBro3035d ago

Title didn't say "Worst PS4 Exclusives So Far".

Bahamut3034d ago


That's what was implied, obviously. Look at the list, see any that aren't exclusive?

CrimsonWing693035d ago

Man, I'm so sorry but this site is a mess with advertisements. Count me out.

travestyj3035d ago

Don't worry you didn't miss much. List isn't even accurate.

Lighter93035d ago

I just looked at the games that were tagged at the top of the page. ;)

modelgod3035d ago

@crimsonWing69 lol!! You know what it is? We're smarter than these ppl!!! It's frustrating because their the ones whose opinions have far more reach than ours and it sucks. Everyone who frequented N4G are pretty intelligent ppl; rather if the comments are consistent with YOUR console of choice or not. Why can't one, or a few of you highly intellectual, beautiful human beings design a site where REAL video game enthusiasts such as myself can thrive in the forms of reviews or other video game related issues?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3035d ago
NotanotherReboot3035d ago

Knack still makes me cringe to this day.

Phar0ahad33035d ago

What does that even mean ? what kind of hatred have you developed for this game have you even played it ?

NotanotherReboot3034d ago

I bought it day 2 with my Ps4. Check my trophies (Frinker)

jznrpg3035d ago

Take it out of your *** . It wasnt bad-

Orionsangel3035d ago

I called Knack being crap when they announced. It was a throw away launch title much like 360's forgetable launch title, Kameo: Elements of Power. It's generic fluff that supposed to show you what the console can do, but both these titles left us yawning.

NotanotherReboot3034d ago

Kameo has a lot more depth, variety and better gameplay, story and characters. Knack isn't awful, but it's insanely mediocre.

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10 Worst PlayStation 4 Games So Far

The following list contains the worst games the PS4 currently has to offer. Some of these games are genuinely awful from start to end, some would be acceptable were it not for different technical issues that really make these games nearly unplayable. Sony fans take this note; you will want to stay as far away from the following games as possible.

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PixelGateUk3099d ago

Playroom? it's free. That's a bit of a cheap choice :P

iDadio3099d ago

The whole list is clickbait nonsense, Driveclub had its problems sure but it is a far cry away from being one of the worst PS4 games available. It seems like a hater list based on what is/has been popular to criticise.

PhoenixUp3099d ago

Of the decade? PS4 isn't even 3 years old yet.

Why not just list some of the worst games of the decade on EVERY platform?

sammarshall1023099d ago

I agree with Knack, The Order and Godzilla

xfiles20993099d ago

Besides being Short I liked The Order most of the games on this list I liked This is a pure hate article

Playable_Gamez3095d ago

And you don't have hatred for the Xbox One?

xfiles20993095d ago

If I hated the Xbone I would not of bought one

Playable_Gamez3095d ago

Most of your comments I have seen sum up to be Xbox sucks PS rules for the most part.

xfiles20993095d ago

Well to be honest compared to the PS4 it does suck and compared to the PC they both suck.

Playable_Gamez3095d ago

To be honest, I get just about the same experience on both platforms.

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gangsta_red3099d ago

Wow, never even heard of Hardware: Rivals.

I'm going to go ahead and crown The Order: 1886 as the Batman v Superman of the video game industry.

kraenk123099d ago (Edited 3099d ago )

Batman vs Superman...the movie most people actually liked but critics hated..a fitting choice!

gangsta_red3098d ago

More like most people including the critics hated but fanboys defend to the death...most definitely a fitting choice.

kraenk123098d ago

You can hate all you want but the vast majority on Metacriric liked the movie. And you know how metacritic works...the haters usually are the ones screaming the loudest.

gangsta_red3098d ago

Comic fanboys are a whole different breed.

But when you have critics and fans in unison panning it and talking about the same flaws as others saw for instance in The Order then there is definite truth to be told, not hate.

jb2273098d ago

I haven't seen it yet personally as I really can't stand Snyder & I think he's great at translating visuals from page to screen but pretty awful at translating characters & stories. Have you seen it? I know you are a big Superman fan...I know a lot of the fans are loving it but I think that is mostly down to just seeing the trinity on screen for the first time, and once the honeymoon period is over a few of those folks may change their tune.

gangsta_red3098d ago

I could seriously rant a whole page on what was wrong with that movie scene by scene. I did in the Filmwatch site, but I dropped a few spoilers over there.

jb2273098d ago


I may have to run that down & see what you've got to say about it. I made the mistake of hitting a list for the movie on Whatculture & they straight up spoiled the ending w/o including any kind of spoiler tag, so between that and the ridiculous amount revealed in the trailers themselves, I'm pretty sure I know every beat of the film already. Movie studios need to get smarter about editing, both in the movies themselves (I've heard that BvS had many issues in that regard) & the trailers revealing everything.

I'm still gonna give it a shot at the cinemas but my expectations aren't too high...


I take back drive club and the order and give you the worst p4 title of all time duck dinasty and might not be playing the room but my kids love that game maybe u don't play it but others do

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The Gist - 5 Of The Worst Games Of 2014

The worst video games that were released during 2014.

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