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Reaper Review by Gaming on Android

Triverse writes, "Ever since playing Popful Mail on Sega CD oh so many years ago, being hooked on side scrolling action adventures is not the word to describe what resulted. While many lamented the change to 2D side scrolling action scenes in Zelda II, this gamer welcomed them with open arms. Reaper is quite reminiscent of these two classics but with better graphics and more varied enemies, and available only on mobile devices at the moment- take that Sony and Nintendo only hand held owners."

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Community3995d ago

A whole host of Free-to-Play titles coming to Vita

Sony revealed new Free-to-Play titles and talked about previously announced F2P titles during their E3 show last night. Here are a bunch of F2P titles that we can expect to see launch on PlayStation Vita this year.

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Community3757d ago
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Chaz30103757d ago
teflontactics3757d ago

BigFest looks really good. :)

Chaz30103757d ago

I like the look of it, hopefully it will have a similar feel to games like Theme Park etc

rextraordinaire3757d ago

Yay! My singing monsters... That looks cool!

Chaz30103757d ago

I think it looks pretty interesting :)

trickman8883757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )


We need exclusive AAA games that aren't ports. Not F2P crap.

L-DOT-_REAPER_3757d ago

agreed i love f2p titles buts thats good for the ps3 and ps4 not for the ps vita imo

Bundi3757d ago

Oh you mean our second screen fancy ps4 controller thingy?: Sony's E3 regarding Vita in a nutshell.

Vita as a stand alone device is dead.

HakatoX3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

And your regurgitated garbage comment is dead, raised, killed, resurrected and smeared on the wall in fecal matter.

Try finding another bandwagon to jump on.

That horse is beyond beaten with that stick, you don't even realize you are using only the remains of that bloody stump you call an arm....


Games Every Nvidia Shield Owner Should Try

Handheld Loer writes, "This list just shows the games [we] feel every Shield owner should at least try. Also almost every game on this list allows Nvidia Shield and Tegra 4 owners to crank up the graphics settings to high on most of these games listed same as with settings on a PC only much easier."

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Community4010d ago
PeaSFor4011d ago

the 3 peoples who got the Shield will enjoy... i guess.

N4GCB4010d ago

*laughs historically because you've got 3 dislikes.

MilkMan4010d ago

This is out already? LOL didn't even know.


Bring the Death in Reaper, Now On Android

After some great mobile hits like Radiant Defense and EVAC, Hexage is back with a new title called Reaper. As the name suggests you play as the Black Swordsman in this action RPG as you slay countless of enemies ranging from normal swordsmen to magical beasts.

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Community4030d ago