
Tech spec comparison between SteamBox and Next Gen consoles

Dali Dimovski writes:

"Wondering how the SteamBox compares to the Xbox One and PS4? Here's our cheat sheet comparo based off of the information currently revealed."

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4004d ago Replies(16)
yewles14004d ago

Wow, that Wii U CPU/GPU... didn't they get the memo?

Godmars2904003d ago

Didn't you: they built for the PS3/360.

yewles14003d ago

I was among the FIRST: Having 32MB eDRAM doesn't magically turn a triple core PowerPC 750 at 14.9GFLOP/s total into a POWER7, and the GPU's power range, can actually be put between an HD 3850 and an HD 4670 (and that's being generous in speculation)...

lilbroRx4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

That is a complete lie. The Wii U GPU was a downclocked clocked HD 4850 at the lowest, because that is what the dev kits were using up until at least e3 2012, 5 months before launch. The actual GPU wasn't finish until a few months right before the console launched in November.

If the Wii U GPU were any weaker than a 4850 that, then none of the games that had been in development on the 4850 GPU devkits would have run at all anymore. The Wii U GPU tech is actually more in the HD5550 - HD 6850 range in features set and performance.

Secondly, the CPU at the core for the GC was an "enhanced" PPC 750CL, not a plain 750. The Wii CPU(Broadway) was an enhanced CPU "based on" the GC CPU(Gekko) and the Wii U CPU(Espresso) is an enhanced CPU "based on" the Wii CPU(Broadway) with hybrid Power7 tech in it. Its 1.24 GHz and the maximum possible overclock that Broadway could get was 1.1 which caused it to produce extreme amounts of heat. If the Wii U CPU was just 3 Wii CPUs at a higher clock, it would mealt the console at 1.24 Ghz on top of providing next to know performance boost. The PPC 750CL's were not made to be overclocked.

Its like a gen 1 Core i5, vs a gen 2 Core i5, vs a gen 3 core i5. They are in the same CPU family, but they are in no way the same processors.

If the Wii U CPU wasn't stronger than the last gen CPU in real world performance, then it would be impossible for any of the ports put on the console to even work, muck less perform better like they usually do.


It has been confirmed more than once that its performance is in between the PS3 and PS4. It is substantially stronger than the last gen consoles.

yewles14003d ago

THAT is mostly a lie. The GPU has only R600 registers and nowhere NEAR the ALU's to match the 4850, you were actually closer to the 5550 (ironically closer to the GPU in ALU) than the 6850 (WAAAAY off the mark, lol).

There is NOTHING POWER7 related in the Wii U CPU, and like I said, 32MB eDRAM doesn't count. Bringing up the 750CL doesn't change the fact it's STILL 750 based and was already "enhanced" then. It's still the same architecture in the Gamecube and Wii with only improvements in instruction count, core count, clockspeed and nowhere else.

Some ports are STILL suffering, regardless of how they work, and it's bottlenecks PREVENT it from being substantially stronger than PS360 as opposed to rather marginally.

RaptgamersUnited4004d ago

Thanks for the comparison. Good to know how much I should save.

triforce794003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

WiiU has a custom E6760 with edram get ur facts right kid,have you seen Mario 3DWorld them graphics are Nextgen so are MK8,Bayonetta2,X,Smash,Windwak er,ect ect,WiiU also has edram cache on the cpu cores which is the future of power pc look it up.....wiiu has the edram with low system RAM solution that Sony or Microsoft spoke about remember over a TB of bandwidth RAM ???? yes slightly harder to develop for than ps4 but very powerful END OF,and more scope for optimizing ect then ps4 or 1's stock off the shelf cheap chips from notebooks.

MasterCornholio4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

Meh PS4 games look a lot better than Wii U games in my opinion. If the Wii U wasn't so weak it could get games like the Division, the crew, the witcher 3 etc. But sadly it can't handle those games. Nintendo should have went with x86 and a more powerful CPU and GPU like Microsoft and Sony for example.

By the way here's a fun fact, Ubisoft claims that the Wii U isn't a next gen console instead its in between gens. They said this when they were talking about what Watch Dogs would look like on the Wii U.


Now this is just a first gen PS4 game now imagine what the second generation of games will look like.

If your going to defend the Wii U argue with gameplay not graphics otherwise you will never win the battle.

P.S I believe that the main reasons to get a Wii U isn't graphics (because the console is weak) but the unique controller and Nintendo games.

Nexus 7 2013


Smh...on par with current consoles(finally),but not next gen.

Studio-YaMi4003d ago

You're delusional if you think the Wii U is more powerful than the PS4 or XboxOne.

Ulf4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

Umm.. these specs don't match up with common sense.

A 450W PSU? Pretty certain the GTX 660, the least powerful GPU in that list, will be barely keeping its head above water, with that one. That's the bare minimum spec for it. The other GPUs on the list need a lot more juice.

In any case, "the Steambox", as a platform, would have to be the least of any machine listed. Any game made for it, has to run decently on a "i3" with a "GTX 660", etc.

Pairing a decent GPU, like the 660, with an i3 seems... like a bad idea. If the i3 is the limit, that means games would have to be designed to only optionally use more than 2 cores... basically meaning a better framerate only, because more AIs at once, more gameplay-changing physics, etc., would have to be the same on i3s and i7s. ..which would suck. Only fluff like framerate gets to have the extra muscle.

This is the classic "lowest common denominator" PC game design flaw, that some ignorant PC gamer wannabes never seem to understand, and make real PC enthusiasts look bad. Value would be fools to make Steamboxes that cost less than ~$1000, or, IMO, to make more than a single model.

If they try to build it too close to console costs, they are just going to make the Steambox look underpowered -- and then no one will buy it over the consoles. This just reminds me about how Steam isn't going away, just because there might be a Steambox. Why would I not build my own rig, with 50% reused parts (most of PSU, case, fans, GPU, HDD, Optical, audio, ...), again?

ChickeyCantor4003d ago (Edited 4003d ago )

Because you're not exactly their target audience, now are you?

Why do people like you over complicate things with elitism. The 4th reich of pc called and they want you back on the council seat. You can build your own system for the living room and put steam on it. What is your point?

Steambox is clearly geared towards those that are scared of getting into PC gaming ( mainly because of all the technical aspects). The whole idea behind steambox is to give the console effect while maintaining the service of game delivery steam has always given. They are trying to reach more people with steambox.

Somebody4003d ago

It is a pretty weak PSU and traditionally one would expect it to be underwhelming especially with the Titans. They are beta machines and Valve allow the beta testers to upgrade at their own discretion.

Valve could either be wrong about the 450W power or...that is just the most what the SteamOS-based games actually needs. Everyone view this from the traditional Windows based perceptions but how about taking in SteamOS into consideration?

AndrewLB4003d ago

A GTX660 only draws 140w. GTX 780 draws 250w. and Titan draws 250w. http://www.geforce.com/hard...

See, PC Gamers tend to go overboard on power supplies much of the time unless they're running 6 hard drives, 2 optical, and water cooling like I am. And I only have a 750w PSU for my gtx680, 16gb, i7 860, etc.

Ulf4002d ago

The GTX660 draws 140W -- by itself, and all on the 12V rails. The nVidia min recommendation for a PSU is 450W. Most CPUs run in the 80-125W range, and that's in addition to the GPU. Then you've got the HDD, the Optical drive, the case fans...

450W is barely enough.

Menaus4003d ago

I'll remind you that Valve has made their OS such that performance is much enhanced. This probably means that their processor indeed, does not need to be so strong in relation to the GPU.

You're thinking in terms of normal PC gaming, but you need to move to think in terms of what Valve has said about their operating system and such.

Of course, they haven't said much, so anything we say is worse than speculation at this point.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4002d ago
MiHX24003d ago

1 billion dollars confirmed!

specialguest4003d ago

I will get disagrees confirmed!

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