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PlayStation 4 hands on; this could well be the greatest console ever | Digitally Downloaded

Digitally Downloaded writes: "I was already keen on the PS4 before I went along to this preview event. Now I am absolutely convinced that unless some kind of catastrophe strikes, it will be a legitimate contender for the greatest console ever."

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Community3915d ago
PoSTedUP3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

untill the Wii U Me He releases.

its looking that way tho just by the sheer ratio of epic launch games to awesome features.

Ezz20133915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

""Wii U Me He""

lol hahaha

OT: yes, sony is just doing every thing right with ps4
with pretty much nothing to complain about
it's going to be a very awesome beastly machine

black0o3915d ago

to put it simple PS4 is the new PS2

Magicite3915d ago

PS4 = PS2 x 2
In other words - twice the games, twice the development speed, twice the exclusives and twice the FUN! :D

dantesparda3915d ago

"beastly" is not the word I'd use for either systems specs. And they are both struggling to perform 1080/60 right out of the gate. Then, dont forget, you got the developed to the lowest common denominator syndrome. Now let the disagrees begin, just my opinion, I call it like i see, I dont sweat any company

JamieL3915d ago

@ dantesparda
I agree with you on those points, and I think everyone loves it so much because it's in their comfort zone, it's familiar to them and change is never welcome. I know I'm about to become the most popular guy on this site for saying this but it’s just how I see it. All Sony has really ever done with next new consoles is upgrade the graphics. Anything else they did, was after it was successful somewhere else first. Example: Yes the PS2 was internet ready, but it just felt like that was added as a bullet point, they never focused on it until after the Xbox showed how much it was wanted, and it became a focus of the PS3, another is Move. That's not a bash, or shot at Sony because Sony is EXCELLENT at what they do, but to be honest I am ready for some new ways to approach gaming period, and from the looks of things now MS is in a better position to provide that, or I guess I could say, seems more willing to try new ideas. It seems like Sony is more focused on giving the gamers the same damn things we have now only prettier, and I understand this, they HAVE to play it safe with the PS4, they can’t afford another PS3. I also agree with most here that from a gamer’s perspective the PS3 was freaking awesome, it was. Sony is a business though and the only thing that matters in that category is “PROFIT” period, and as far as that goes the PS3 was a disaster. Also just for the record, I don’t know how either console will turn out, be capable of, or implement new ideas, so it could work out the exact opposite of how I think, but I don’t care what anyone says Sony has always put graphics first and foremost, and I’m just ready for more than that.

andrewsqual3915d ago

@dantesparda Well then call this. The Last of Us, decent looking game right? What do YOU think PS4 games are going to be like in 3 years time???

NateCole3915d ago

Jaime. Without Sony PS gaming as you know it now would not be where it is now.

Army_of_Darkness3915d ago


Every new gen console starts with improved graphics and performance otherwise, what's the point right??
Then over the years they start to show some new gameplay innovations after when developers get more comfortable with the console and I've seen that this gen wether you noticed or not.
Judging by your phrases to Microsoft, you must be really happy with most of the kinect games because that's what xbone is clearly improving on. So if you enjoy those innovative fitness, sports and invisible steering wheel games, then by all means go for it cause ps4 is definitely not for you... I however like to start next gen with native 1080p gaming on my console of choice because its my "comfort zone" before i begin to pay more attention to the other innovations brought by this console.
Sony has been the gaming company that has the most variety of games to play so i can't seem to understand how you think that they dont do anything new??!
You probably don't even have a ps3 talking like that.

T23915d ago

@Jamie - disagree, sony started many new trends whether they focused on it or not. The sixaxis controller was new, not really well liked, so they didn't add much for it. ps3 had mouse/keyboard support, bluetooth, web browser, file sharing and file streaming... all features I used frequently...
Now they are adding sharing of game play, which I will also use, downloading while playing, faster OS, previewing other peoples games, restart without booting up, and potentially other features (look at all the features added by updates in ps3)... these are all features that are not essential but add up to create a great experience...
And they still have move and pseye for those who are into it, peripheral support for wheels, headsets, etc...
I love sony products (360 was a great system too) and I am excited for all the features they have announced.

FamilyGuy3915d ago

Feature-wise I'm extremely impressed with the PS4. Every user-requested feature that they couldn't do this gen or wanted to improve on was done with the PS4. In addition to that they've added amazing features some of us never even thought about.

@ PC guys talking specs

Who cares? It has some gorgeous looking games and as a console we won't have to put up with half the hassle you pc guys deal with. Acting as if there's no trade off with that boosted pc spec power. Money, configuration, driver support and other technical hurdles like actually knowing what you're doing.
Consoles have an ease of use that PC gaming doesn't.

JamieL3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

@ Army_of_Darkness
Man you are getting way too emotional about my comment. I wasn’t personally attacking you, and the fact you get so defensive about an honest but different opinion than you about a corporation is strait up weird. I gave Sony credit where it was due, but you were probably already so mad by the time you got to that part it didn’t even register. You get so mad about my opinion that you can tell what I own, and see right through my secret agenda huh? I am a gamer man, and I own them all, I really hate missing out on any game just because I don’t own the console, so I always try to get them all.
You say
“Judging by your phrases to Microsoft, you must be really happy with most of the Kinect games because that's what xbone is clearly improving on. So if you enjoy those innovative fitness, sports and invisible steering wheel games, then by all means go for it cause ps4 is definitely not for you”
So what if I do like those games? What’s it to you? I am a unique case but Kinect has improved core gaming for me. 2 years ago I was in a motorcycle accident and lost complete use of my right (dominate) arm, I had to have a custom controller built for me, and any command that Kinect can handle verbally that keeps me from having to push a button with the limited amount of fingers I have (down to 4) is SO helpful to me. Skyrim and Mass Effect 3 are examples. I also acknowledged that neither console is out yet, and I could be dead wrong, but I guess you missed that as well.

I’m just glad folks like you aren’t in charge of gaming; otherwise we would be looking forward to the world’s prettiest version of Pong. You should also look into what Corporations are, and what ALL of them are about. I don’t think you’d be so quick to worship, or feel the need to defend their “honor”.

JamieL3915d ago

@ joe
Look man I agree, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was trying to say Sony's never brought anything to gaming, hell I like PlayStation, I would hate to see what gaming would be without Sony, but I’m just looking for more than a graphical upgrade this gen, and it's also disheartening to see how resistant to change most gamers on here are. There is just way to many conclusions jumped to before anyone’s seen either of them.
I admit at first MS policies sounded bad, but that’s just without knowing the whole picture, or knowing why they are doing it. This same thing can be said about nearly anything in life, but damn man change has to start somewhere, and popular opinion amongst the N4G crowd is “Anything unfamiliar is the worst thing ever for gaming, it’s all about specs, specs, specs, specs,specs, specs, specs, specs,specs, specs, on paper”, there is no denying that.

PoSTedUP3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

@jamie- ×_×... where do you think kinect came from? ps eyetoy was the first to have face tracking and using your body and movements as a way to control and interact with games.

youre comparing Real pioneers and inventors to a company who was founded on stealing ideas.

why do you think everyone is using 4 shoulder buttons and duel analogue sticks?

why do you think blu-ray discs are a now a standard for gaming? and that a blu-ray player is now in the xbox one?

online gaming and services where you can downoad games and playing online were around b4 xbox live, jus not intergraded into-one probably due to slow broadband connection. it dates back to the 8-16bit era, it was bound to happen after 20 years of trying lol.
socom was the very first sucessful online competitive game on consoles imo.

sony pushed the CD as standard for consoles (they helped create the first CD) and even invented the very CD player.

made dvd a standard too.
they were the first to have memory cards (shit they probably even invented the first mem stick lol)

sony has nothing to prove and has added a lot of innovations/ standards to gaming each gen.
most companys will use other ideas and add to them, it always has been happening in the industry.

3D gaming...?

and i guess you can now include the speakers and touch pad/button on the ds4 (didnt actually research that one but oh well)

i believe the first voice commands through a mic and headset were from socom on the ps2.

hell i could be wrong on all of these, but i think its true sony have been improving way more than just graphics each gen, to say otherwise is pretty ridiculous. as well as everyone else has too except for the real shittty companys that never saw the light of day.

nirwanda3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

I think you need to check out what the dreamcast did for gaming before the ps2 came out.
Seamen did voice controls.
Samba da amigo did motion controls.
And very popular console online gaming started there pso, quake 3, cho cho rocket etc.
Also the n64 brought popularity to analogue controls.
And I personally owned 2 cd based consoles before the ps1 launched.
Also I was playing 3D games as far back as my spectrum/amiga days with stunt car racer, castle master, elite etc.

DigitalRaptor3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

@ JamieL

Your second comment just shows how you ignored Joeorc's main point.

I love how people emphasise PS3.5, when the reality is as follows for PS4:

1) Play games as they download
2) Watch live streams of games your friends are playing and jump into the multiplayer feature of that game within seconds.
3) Jump into another person's game over the network, to take over/co-op.
4) Stream classic games when Sony lets you in 2014.
5) Download the single player and multiplayer separately.
6) Smart systems calculate games that you want to play and downloads them automatically.
7) Application and game multitasking and state switching.
8) Instant resume - playing a game? Turn off PS4 -> go away for an hour -> turn the PS4 on and instantly resume the game without booting up.
9) Updates download in the background without you ever knowing.
10) Instantly upload, share and stream your gameplay to different social sites.
11) Remote play built into its core. If you invest in Vita TV, you can play on other devices and screens whilst another family member watches TV.
12) PS4 camera can be used to navigate the OS using voice commands, and probably hand gestures. It can do facial and speech recognition as well as games.
13) Dedicated tablet and mobile support for second-screen gaming. Results already out there.
14) PlayStation app to view your profile, friends progress, statuses and purchase games to be downloaded to your PS4 remotely.
15) Sony is bringing in unprecedented indie support and pushing those games to the forefront, handing indie developers the toolset which provides them the means to create unique, fun and impressive experiences very quickly and easily.
16) MMOs on console as a standard.
17) Free-to-play as a standard.
18) Cross-buy and cross-play as a standard.
19) DualShock 4 is completely refined and re-engineered, but maintains the classic PlayStation style.
20) DS4 has a touchpad, which has already given developers interesting ideas, and now that Valve is pushing a touchpad on their controller, it's going to look less and less "gimmicky" once it's put to use.
21) The light-bar on the DS4, means that the camera can see where players are positioned and on split-screen games it will shuffle the screen order. And that is just one possible use of the light-bar and how it can impact gameplay and experience.

I don't really see how you can say PS4 is only about a graphics upgrade, when you're looking right past many of these new, generational leaps in system software and hardware.

nirwanda3914d ago

Also I was playing 3d games as far back as my spectrum days elite, castlemaster etc.

PoSTedUP3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )


you didnt command seaman, you just talked to him and he'd answer back or some weird crap. socom voice command, commanding your team and controlling their movement is what i meant by command with a headset. not voice controls which im sure pc had something like that even b4 then?

i didnt say anything about motion controls, i dont think?

and i said sucessful online competitive game imo, i dont consider it sucessful by the sales, players who used online and on an unsucessful console compared to socom1 on ps2. , i mean it only sold 10m world wide... but thas just my opinion. there was online throuh bdoadband on 8bit sega too from what i understand.

ps1 made it the standard for games to be on cd, i didnt say it was the first, im well aware of the sega cd lol.

andi said dual anaogue controls. they came out with them in '96. dreamcast and xbox continued with the single stick, and game cube with an analogue stick and that weird friggin yellow nubb or w/e (good for melee on the up attack tho) (xbox even after the ps2 was out, and basically 3d printed a dreamcast contoller). now its the norm for the 4 shoulder buttons and dual stick controllers which sony had from their jump. kinda like how i give credit to ms for the online service, they didnt invent it but they made it the norm and improved on it.

and they had 3d back then?? like, 3d glasses gaming 3d? im unaware of that, then ok. if not, im talking avatar3D.

@digitalraptor: no, your list is Wrong. you need to switch #18 with #9. youre welcome = ].

Anarki3914d ago

PS4 wont have close to the amount of games the PS2 had. Mostly due to development costs and development times. Costs a lot more to make games these days compared to back in the PS2 days.

Sony seem to be learning from their mistakes with the PS3 launch, they were quite cocky and arrogant about their console and it bit them in their ass. Now, they're doing everything right; listening to their customers and the game devs.

Army_of_Darkness3914d ago

You certainly are a special case... me worship a corporation?? Nonsense, but i would trust sony over ms anyday... I'm merely defending sony from your incorrect statements. I wont bother giving you examples of what they have done for gaming since a few above me already did that. Instead, i will just say sorry to hear about your motorcycle accident and faith in xb0ne and kinect cause i have yet to see anything that interest me.

Ezz20133914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

awesome post as always from you
and let me add my own list as of why ps4 is truly the best next gen console

-better specs than xbox (GPU 50-60% more stronger,Better/Faster/more Ram)
-Free games with PSN
-have all TV features
-psn+ is as good as live
-movies, one of the best movie services available
-Records 15 minutes of game play only 7Minutes
-ps4 Controller have touchpad
-Controller that don't need Batteries like Xbox D-Pab
-Free Party Chat unlike xbox where you have to pay for it
-Gaikai cloud streaming service
-Vita remote control feature
-Ps Camera (Which is not forced like Kinect 2.0)
-The best 1st/2nd party Support since ps1
-Ps4 is very Dev Friendly so no more lame ports
and for most part since it's the stronger console it will be the lead system for multiplat games
-Multi-screen functionality
-2000 friend limit for party chat while xbox only 1000
-Cheaper by 100$ more than xbox

some of those things xbox1 have as well
but ps4 give you alot more value for your money

IceKoldKilla3914d ago

@JamieL VERY well said. I love Sony and have loved all their consoles that I've owned. Overall I prefer it over the competitors'. I also really wanna point out the way you phrased it was perfect. While telling the truth you didn't talk shit and said good things to compensate what you said. I wish everyone posted comments like that. Not just "Fuck Sony, only about graphics!"

nukeitall3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

All the people listing huge list of PS4 features, have Sony shown any of these features in action?

There is a lot of promise, but little to show. Heck, I have barely seen the OS in action. In fact, Sony has been pretty mum overall and people is just running on hype.

Kind of like this article, completely lack of any substance. Says almost nothing about their experience of the PS4, and practically only list there are some good games, and oh, by the way a lot of developers are behind it i.e. empty hype.

dantesparda3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )


I completely agree with you and everything you said. And i'll even go even further and say that TLOU is more than "decent looking" (i think it looks incredible), and i do think PS4 (and X1/WiiU for that matter) will look better in 3 yrs. But i cant ignore the fact, that these systems are struggling to perform now, and I honestly am not really impressed with their specs. They should have been able to at least run all modern games at 1080/60fps with high /ultra settings

And Nuke, shut it, and get off MS's nuts

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ala_7673915d ago

No doubt about that! PS4 set its next gen place to top when they rocked at E3 esp when they told used game will work!

hollabox3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

The Wii Y U Hatin will be much more powerful than the PS4 in 2015, Nintendo won't make the same mistakes like they did with the Wii U and Virtual Boy. Mario Dogs Y U will simulate real dog behavior complete with real time fur and Nintendo Physics! Good luck playing the PS4 or Play Sh!t 4 suckers!

Nah Jk, I don't know about the greatest ever, the SNES for is time was pretty incredible, heck the SNES and Nintendo blunder is the reason why the PS even exist.

nosferatuzodd3915d ago

Go out side lately take a break and relax you don't of to troll to get you're point across..

hollabox3915d ago

Me trolling? I guess some people can't take a joke these days. Playing off the words PosTEDUp "Wii U Me He" I even put Nah JK, I guess I need to put this is coming from an fanboy perspective.

But like I said we can't call it the greatest console ever for a console about 6 weeks from release. The author Matt S can probably make this statement in 2 maybe 3 years into the consoles life. If I'm not mistaken but didn't Sega come out swinging with great games, decent hardware and initially winning the PR campaign? Three years later the DC was dead and Sega tucked their tails waved the white flag and screamed software only.

I've been gaming since 1987 or 88, so far I can honestly say the SNES was probably the best system I've own followed by X360, PS3, Sega Genesis, Xbox, PS2, GC, PS1, Sega Saturn, NES, N64, Sega 32X, and Sega CD. My list is based off games own for each system, graphics, and sound. Heck I had a closet full of shoe boxes packed with SNES games. Probably owned 70 SNES games at one point, I can recall trading in over 30 to buy the Sega Saturn at Funcoland back in the mid 90s.

zippycup3915d ago

will only agree on Snes being the best console ever but that's my opinion not fact dam i need to pull out my psp and Snes emulator

andrewsqual3915d ago

Why won't they? They made the same fuck up with the Wii U as they did with the 3DS and naming it alone. The difference with the 2 is that the Wii U launched with the donkey masses loving Mario game and flopped then. It is NEVER going to take off. At least the 3DS took off after 9 months when 2 Mario games released within a week of each other. That was simply why the 3DS is a success. Not even the price drop after 6 months did anything for it. 2 Mario games.

Maybe they will release a Wii Y U Hatin in 2015 but with a bottle necked processor and no games for over a whole year will still hurt it. Plus don't forget the Wii U (the one that came with an actual controller retailed at €420 in Europe. The PS4 is going to be cheaper then that. How much will a next gen Nintendo console cost in 2015?

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nosferatuzodd3915d ago

Indeed I can't wAit to get this bad boy

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3915d ago

Its literally impossible for me to get one at launch now ¬_¬

HugoDrax3915d ago

You could buy my launch PS4 for 3x the price hahahaha, I'll be glad to sell. I can wait as I'll have XB1 at launch as well. Oh I also have an extra dual shock, and KILLZONE pre ordered.

Armyntt3914d ago

Yea i have 2 extra PS4's and XB1's already paid in full and ready to sell too so if your interested i have one of each.

sonarus3915d ago

I actually think the launch games are pretty meh. But i do like the fact that sony embraces a wide variety of games as opposed to just shooter after shooter after shooter. I really think thats what made ps2 successful, the vast variety of games.

IF the PS4 is easier to develop for and is successful enough to ensure a wide user base i believe we will go back to more variety of games like shadow of collusus, okami, ico just to name a few. If this happens then ps4 can be considered as successful as ps2 but it will be a tough task with increasing development costs.

MazzingerZ3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

That's correct, that variety of games came as a result of PS2 being a console easy to develop for, delivering fast and cost effectiv dev times

PS4 will deliver PS2 dev times! According to Cerny så don't be surprised if many new and old small devs chooses to release their games only on PS4, add to that larger installbase from day-one and thast make even more sense, in the worst case games will release on X1 some months later when the port is ready

seroxat3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Nintendo next gen gaming console:

Wii Y U Little (Homers voice)

CyberSentinel3915d ago

I can't wait, I can't wait....I can't wait!

Retroman3915d ago

Unless ps4 have disc slot not buying DIGITAL only console keeping my PS3.......


Goku7813914d ago

That was a good one man lol!

tordavis3914d ago

@postedup you can thank Sega for analog controls, not Sony.

Rainstorm813914d ago

Yea everyone praises Nintendo for analog controls and totally forgets about Sega Saturn and Nights into Dreams

AbortMission3914d ago

Nintendo's next gen console is the iPhone 6 (yes, I said it and I don't care) Loljk

Honestly, I can't wait for the PS4

GribbleGrunger3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

There was one aspect of the PS4 that has always puzzled me, and that was the claim that it had the ability to calculate what you liked and have it downloaded and installed ready for you to play. This seemed a risky strategy to me because it can't be perfect ... SO, perhaps Sony will allow you to download the complete game and test it for a given time?

This makes the concept completely doable because at a specific time (perhaps half an hour to an hour) the game could pause and inform you that if you want to carry on playing, you will have to buy it. If you say 'NO' it is automatically deleted from your HDD, and if you say 'YES' it is unlocked completely.

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Mr_Luke3915d ago

Can't wait for it! Sadly the 29th of November is too far away ;(

tigertron3915d ago

8 weeks and a day for us. I'm counting down the seconds.

UltimateMaster3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

I wonder if it'll hit 2 million.

I doubt it since they maxed out the pre-orders.
It will be out-of-stock, that's for sure.

LackTrue4K3915d ago

It's not that long, time is flying!!!

I get it November 15!!

AlexanderNevermind3915d ago

15 November for me as well. I'm passing the time waiting to play GTA5 online. So much fun....

awesomeperson3915d ago

I leave for a 3 week holiday on the 27th of November... The wait is going to be hell.

Campy da Camper3915d ago

As do I my friend! But I'm in good old America so I'll have 12 days with this bad boy before I have to deal with family! Woot!

awesomeperson3915d ago

Lucky! Darned Australian tier-2 peasant here. I'm really bummed about missing the launch, seeing as the hype has been building for a long time now.

But hey, there's always next time :P

zippycup3915d ago

worse for me i dont have money to get one now so might have to wait till next year and work on finishing the backlog of games i have

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parentoftheyear3915d ago

I am way too excited. Can't waiiitttt. Imma get battlefield 4 and watchdogs.

KwietStorm_BLM3915d ago

I haven't bought a console at launch since Dreamcast. I'm very excited. Getting BF4, Watch Dogs, Killzone, and a handful of indies. I will lose a portion of my life on Warframe. I don't even know what I'm gonna do first, because I want to check out the new UI too. I might forget to put in my hard drive first.

parentoftheyear3915d ago

I got a disagree for being excited. :( SMH

irepbtown3915d ago

Welcome to N4G parentoftheyear

a08andan3915d ago

Actually your disagree is positive in this case ;) You said "I am way too excited" which means that a disagree says that you can't be excited enough :D

T23915d ago

remember, remember the 15th of november ....


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