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NYC_Gamer (4) - 3917d ago Cancel
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Why Dan Houser believes GTA Online fixes Rockstar's online woes

Next week, Rockstar Games, masters of the narratively-driven, singularly-focused offline game, tries once more to expand their reach into meaningful online gaming.

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Community3917d ago
Grave3917d ago

I hope and dream that they can make a multiplayer mode in the same spirit as the DayZ mod. I couldn't even imagine how San Andreas would play with survivors, bandits, and zombies running around!

crimsonfox3917d ago

I have put in over 50 hours already on the single player alone. Every time I switch characters I see the blacked out face on the bottom of the character wheel and remember that there is a HUGE portion of this amazing game still locked away. I'm not surprised but totally blown away by the insane scale, hard work & little details. R* is really taking the cake at the end of this generation.

3-4-53917d ago

Yea I can't wait for online.

- My predictions -

* There will be a few teams of people who pay money for in game money.

- They then take that in game money and do things within the game to cause the markets to shift, they then invest that money and get rich.

This will allow them to control the markets and pay other people to do jobs and such for them.

They will also pay out for hits on anybody trying to stop them, and they will try to control the games money.

There will be many teams like this and it will make the game fun.

There won't JUST be this going on, but I'm almost certain it will happen. lol

abusador3917d ago

I think this mp will be monumental, my big gripe with rock star mp portions however are that the characters usually control so stiff and controls feel meh. Red dead, max Payne, etccc were good examples of this, mp lost interest fast because character control wasn't fluid as opposed to a game like uncharted.


Take on Freemode Challenges and Events to Get 2X GTA$ and RP - Rockstar Games

The street-level action is heating up, so dive headfirst into the chaos of Freemode Challenges and Events — all of which are paying out Double Rewards.

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Community82d ago

Rockstar Games Is Conducting One-To-One Discussions Regarding GTA Online With Select Players

Rockstar Games will be conducting one-to-one discussions regarding its live service game, GTA Online, with a select number of players.

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Community87d ago
phoenixwing87d ago

Thar she blows! That be a whale!! Let's talk to them mateys!

phoenixwing87d ago

Didn't have a good rebuttal did you? We all know the select players are whales who waste thousands or hundreds of thousands on the games currency. You expect them to make the same kinds of demands as everyone else? Keep dreaming.

Inverno87d ago

Well that and most likely streamers who have helped harpoon all those whales lolz.


Rockstar Games Is Permanently Banning Players For Account Duplication Exploit In GTA Online

Rockstar Games is permanently banning players for using an account duplication exploit in GTA V's multiplayer component, GTA Online.

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Community94d ago
GamingSinceForever94d ago

Why is this news? Is this supposed to be some sort of heads up to those involved?

Kombatologist93d ago

Why shouldn't this be news? If you play the game at all, you'd know this has been a problem for a while. Tell me, how is it fair for legit low-level players to be grieved by players using modded accounts with disposable amounts of cash? It's about time Rockstar did something about these losers.

BISHOP-BRASIL93d ago (Edited 93d ago )

Not that I really played it in forever, but the way I used to roll on online once I realize I had no interest in actually doing heists and micromanaging property and shit, the moment someone decided to pick a fight I'd just leave towards north, jump the fence of the army base, steal a jet and grief away... Pro tip: they can't really make you pay for other players cars when you have not one single penny to your name.

EDIT: Got carried away... Anyway, my point was, you can grief without money, this is not stopping it.

Kombatologist93d ago


I get what you're trying to say, but it's a false equivalence. Anyone could jump the fence and grab a jet back in the day. The dynamic changed once R* started introducing militarized vehicles, such as flying motorcycles with homing rockets, a stealth helicopter, and most recently, a stealth jet. There's so many militarized vehicles now, you really have to keep up with the latest and greatest in order to defend yourself from that shit, which is really expensive to do. Sure, you could make the argument that Shark Cards give players the same advantage as a modded account. The thing is, they don't. Not even close. A modded account can have ANY amount of money, as well as ANY weapon and/or vehicle, even ones that aren't available in the game yet (as long as they're in the datafiles). Some of them even have glitched characters with invisible limbs/weapons. This is an unfair advantage to anyone who plays legitimately and nobody should have to risk getting their accounts permanently banned from stooping to the same level just to compete. Furthermore, making money is really easy to do now. Which begs the question: Why buy a modded account in the first place? I think the answer is obvious.

Petebloodyonion93d ago

So this is news because a Twitter guy says so :)

93d ago