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The First Two Owners of a PS4 Outside the Industry Are from Dubai

Quite a few industry professionals have a PS4 by now, or at least a dev kit, but what about normal dudes? Looks like the first two PS4 consoles have found a warm home, and they have done so in Dubai.

As part of a contest during Game 13 Expo in Dubai, two lucky guys got their hands on the console early.

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Abriael3915d ago
HolyDuck3915d ago

Wonder how long it takes them to get stolen.

Abriael3915d ago

considering that the crime rate in Dubai is very low, probably won't happen.

grassyknoll3915d ago

Very true. As much as I want a PS4, it's not worth possibly losing your hands for!

seanpitt233915d ago

Yes because everyone is rich there is no need to steal.

nirwanda3915d ago

I could still use the touch pad with a stump

Godlovesgamers3915d ago

Of course not, Dubai probably has the largest population of million and billionaires in the world.

Kleptic3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

^Shanghai has the highest population of millionaires per square the highest density...but Dubai is up there...

ShinMaster3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )


Dumb comment.
Just because you're not rich, doesn't mean you would steal it, would you?

zeee3914d ago

No guys, it's true. I have been to Dubai and even though I can't stand the heat, it's gotta be one of the most safest places on planet earth. Seriously! You could walk with tons of Cash in broad-daylight and you won't feel scared.

But the heat!!! Oh dear lord! It's like summer in Vegas all the time!!! And I can't stand the way they show off their money there. I mean, yeah Ok, so you got oil and crapload of money. Stop flaunting!

Dagobert3914d ago

It's true. I mean they got a fucking place where theres a billion stores all selling gold and they're open until 23:00 with like only one security walking around. When I asked if it was safe the store owner told me he could leave the store unattended right now and no one would dare try to steal due to the consequences. It's pretty safe there.

0ut1awed3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

Slave labor is at all time high though.

That's how the place has really thrived.

pixelsword3914d ago

@ zeee:

I used to live in Arizona, and the first summer I was there it was the hottest summer they had in 17 years, with many days over 100, and a few days in the 110 range; so I would love to try Dubai.

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WorldGamer3915d ago

D@mn man, you are by far one of the most negative people on this site. Your avatar says it all I guess. It's Friday man, get it together.

Omran3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

you are stupid !
there is law in dubai
it is not like GTA so you
can steal what you want

it's not like that

gaelic_laoch3915d ago

That is exactly something someone who would steal one would think! ROFL

HolyDuck3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

28 Disagrees for a joke, oh dear. Lighten up.

Yes, I am a thief.

Brazz3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

i will give ya a bubble for this last comment. i laughed a lot because of your last comment, but face it, your 1st comment was immature, judgmental and stupid! lol
just joking, without personal offenses

grumpc3915d ago

I like my jokes funny usually...

malokevi3915d ago

It's the fact that your always so hung up on agrees/disagrees that keeps people coming back to disagree with you.

Learn to let go, brah.

Beastforlifenoob3914d ago

Your profile image makes you look like an immature kid and your joke was so stupid. If it said the first two owners of a ps4 outside the industry are from Norway you wouldn't have said anything. Also considering the United Arab Emirates is one of the safes countries in the world and considering the fact Dubai isn't blazing in debt as many other countries are there citizens are more relaxed and don't have to worry as much about their governemnts incompetence effecting their lives.

But you must likely care about none of that as you propably still live in your mothers basement.

LackTrue4K3914d ago

Duckface is just trolling all articles, but never a Microsoft article....!!!

"You just lost a bubble"

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Retroman3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Millions of dollars rich arabs in DUBAI im sure they can buy ps4 under the table. i dont believe they won anything but paided for it in black market. Arabs dont play ps4 not worth having your hands cut off.
you right Abrial

that is the reason crime rate is very low in DUBAI no one want their hands cut off.

FlameBaitGod3915d ago

Um you do know that in Dubai crime is almost nonexistent right ? You know that they slice ur hand when u do a small crime and that's y you see how no 1 locks their cars or even have their car windows up.

nosferatuzodd3914d ago

lol lucky bastards news like this just get me depress..

solid_snake36563914d ago

@Kleptic here in America we have the highest number of obese people per square mile.

KonsoruMasuta3914d ago

But it is not the fattest country. Mexico recently took first place. America is #2.

Run_bare3914d ago

Have you been to Dubai, they are rich people there, they can ask Sony for PS4 if they want too.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

They are probably billionaires..

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yellowgerbil3915d ago

Hey friend, how bout I come over and hang out, maybe play some games...

Beastforlifenoob3914d ago

It was probs the 2 poorest in Dubai, they were the poor peasents who only got ferraris instead of Bentleys and got Ps4's instead of Ps5's. How sad for them.

mafiahajeri3914d ago

There are Hardly any emiratis living in Dubai, their all expats. And Dubai don't have that much oil. Abu Dhabi does. Dubai actually got bankrupt and Abu Dhabi had to help them out. Abu Dhabi are the ones that have oil. Dubai make their money by tax. They have a huge pier that a lot of boats pass by and pay tax.

The emirates basically translates to "the states"

They don't cut of your arms, for the ignorant guys above that's only in KSA.

fghtrer3fb5erg3915d ago

How about upload some videos of your ps4´s and show us the UI, etc!

Abriael3915d ago

bet you they had to sign some thick NDA afterwards.

fghtrer3fb5erg3915d ago

probably :( but sony wouldnt do that to their fans would they??? hopefully not!

Sharius3915d ago

true, but to be able these PS4s i can even sign the deal with evil

sevilha823915d ago

Not lucky,very very rich,pulling the strings rich,imagine who they have to know and socialize to get this...petrodollares for the win.

DragonKnight3915d ago

I think Gabriel Iglesias can explain how rich they are much better than any of us can.

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Red Dead Redemption 2 Needs 60FPS Update Before GTA 6 Arrives

Bawal from Tech4Gamers writes "Red Dead Redemption 2 is still incredibly popular today, and it's a shame it hasn't received a 60FPS upgrade for consoles yet."

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ocelot0718h ago

Kind of wonder why they can't release a patch for 60fps. I don't expect a native ps5 just a patch to allow the original PS4 version run at 60 on ps5. They did it for the red dead redemption remaster.

Cacabunga3h ago

I just got the platinum a few weeks ago.. I would replay the whole main story in 60FPS if this happens.

ocelot071h ago

I tried forcing my self to play it on ps5 recently and the 30fps killed it for me I just can't do it.

Played the pc online version and it was just a joy playing it at 1440p 80+ FPS.

isarai9h ago

It needs far more than 60fps, better resolution, fix the trash checkerboard rendering that somehow makes 1440p look worse than 1080p, fix the input lag, and fix the wack HDR implementation.

sagapo9h ago

Yeah, the HDR is terrible, made me wonder why the dev’s even bothered.

isarai5h ago

The fact that they've been called out on it by several sources and still haven't done a thing. It's just ridiculous

anast8h ago

The game looks great on my PS5 and PC monitor. You might need to update your gear.

isarai5h ago

Everything i said is proven, documented and demonstrated by several sources including Digital Foundry. I have a $3k 4k lg OLED, and ive been professionally calibrating displays for over a decade. It aint me or my equipment

anast5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

It's too far away from trash. It looks great on my setup. It has to be your equipment or your perception or you enjoy being hyperbolic.

isarai5h ago


Learn to read, you're talking in circles.

anast5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

This is a common trend with you. You seem to not understand the words you are typing. But unlike you, I am not gifted enough to make judgments on the level of your literacy.

"Fix the trash" is being hyperbolic. At least, now we know what the problem is. It's not your equipment or Digital Foundry skewing your perception.

isarai5h ago

You seem to not understand how to read an entire sentence which seems to be the common trend with you. How about you quote the entire statement. "Fix the treash checkerboard rendering" which, yeah if it makes 1440p look worse than 1080p it's somehow not just failing to do it's only job, but actually making things worse. It would be better off thrown trash. Hell even Digital Foundry reccomends forcing a 1080p output over 1440p for a clearer image, and even just made a new video like a week ago bringing up that problematic soft checkerboard rendering again.

All of which you can gather by my very first response to you, that you somehow respond to, but don't actually comprehend. It's like if i told you "hey here's $5 for you a coffee" you would respond "ok but i need a coffee and don't have any money" you ask the question to the answers you're currently replying to, can you not read? Do you not know how to fact check? Do search bars, google, and YouTube not exist for you? Figure it out, you're a whole ass human im not going to walk you through how to use your own damn brain.

sagapo3h ago

Anast, I’ve played Red Dead on my LG oled, it looked better with HDR turned off. The fact however that Gran Turismo in HDR looks superb on the same screen pretty much says it all. HDR in Red Dead is broken.

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Rutaprkl9h ago

Rockstar's gonna do jack s*** about it

Profchaos7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

I've been waiting for this since getting my ps5 I don't think it's a big ask the game sold 32 million copies plus.

There's already homebrew out there to achieve this on modded consoles.

Knowing Rockstar they probably want to release a native version but will delay it over and over like GTA v which didn't need a native port tbh a 60fps patch would of been fine.

I predict however were more likely to get GTA IV remastering ported to PS4/5/switch same as rdr

PhillyDonJawn7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Heck ya Game of the generation

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Canceled Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion Titled 'The Moon' Has Leaked Online

Files from an alleged canceled expansion for CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077, titled The Moon, have leaked online.

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shinoff21831d 4h ago

Spent so much time having to fix the original game they didn't make it to this.

Christopher0m ago

Those images are so early in design, they probably had 100s of things outlined like this for potential content. Not likely at all an expansion, just some ideas for the game in general that were never utilized.

Armyofdarkness4h ago

Phantom Liberty is very very good. I want more DLC but sequel is also all right


Minecraft's Tricky Trials Update Makes a Good Case for a Village Update

With Minecraft’s June 13 update, new features include a stronger Bad Omen effect and raid rewards, meaning a new village overhaul should come next.

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