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Poor sales of Resident Evil remake led to series' action rebirth

If the GameCube-exclusive Resident Evil remake had sold better, the series may never have become so driven by action. Series creator Shinji Mikami, formerly of Capcom and now working on The Evil Within at Bethesda-owned Tango Gameworks, told IGN it was a natural result of broadening Resident Evil 4's development.

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wishingW3L4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

of-course it wasn't going to sell, it was a GameCube exclusive! The console itself sold poorly and the only software that moved was the usual Nintendo franchises.

Is Capcom really this stupid? All their games like Resident Evil 0, the remake, Viewtiful Joe, P.N. 03... Everything flopped, even RE4, that's why they ended up porting it to the PS2 a year later.

TOGC4015d ago

I have lost faith in Capcom...

Anthotis4015d ago

Not too mention how unnecessary a remake was...

Benjammin254015d ago

Have you even played Resident Evil Remake? You wouldn't think it was unnecessary if you did. It's a masterpiece and one of the greatest Survival Horror games ever. Such a shame they didn't port it to the PS2. It would have sold millions. Could Capcom not figure out that most Resident Evil fans back then were Sony fans? The first three games were released for the original playstation after all. So why did they think it was such a good idea to switch to Nintendo? Madness.

Ezz20134015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

they lost it big time
the last thing i heard about them
that they will try to copy The Last Of Us with their next RE game

it's like they can't make their own games any more

PoSTedUP4015d ago

sorry excuse for their poor choices. although re4 was damn good.
@benjamin. indeed, that was the best one imo. RE1 with sick graphics!? (for the time) Please and Thankyou.

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THamm4015d ago

I hate when they pull out remakes or ports of old games just to see if it justifies a sequels. Many Jap devs are guilty of this(konami) and it makes no sense to me. Not only are they rehashing something but also people who own a multi plat seller on one system will most likely not buy the same game twice. I remember when Metal Gear 2 was released on Xbox and they were expecting it to sell like crazy to release 3 on the system. Why? had it been a fresh game it would have done waaay much better IMO

LackTrue4K4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

"Poor sales"

I see it as, terrible game that changed it's real roots/great fan base, for a hippsters quick buck!!!

ShadesMoolah4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

Exactly, and Reseident Evil remakes being on GameCube was always something I was envious of at the time, had they become multiplatform or at least released on either PS2 or Xbox I'd have bought them instantly.

I love Nintendo, and they'll always have a special place in my memory from child-hood, but they are way behind the times. The sooner they go the way of the Dreamcast the better, I'd love to play their games on either of the new consoles, and have proper online support.

Seriously could you image a Mario or Zelda on either Xbox One or PS4, nostalgic Nintendo fans would go ape shit in buying. Unlike Sega however, I do ponder if either Sony or Microsoft will make an incredibly generous offer to ensure Nintendo's Ip's go exclusive to etiher PlayStation or Xbox platforms - whoever buys them out could win big, if they don't just go multiformat that is.

dark-hollow4015d ago

Are capcom really that f**king dense this gen?

First they completely abandon megaman franchise, and even didn't include him in MvsC3 and they wonder why the franchise is losing it relevance!

Secondly they made DmC reboot that NOBODY asked for because dmc 4 kinda sucked. WELL GEEZ LOUISE if you didn't made the half of dmc 4 a %100 percent copy of the first half with the stupid backtracking then dmc 4 might not flop.

And now this shit! Cpapcom you have nobody to blame but yourself, and even rockstar listened to the fans criticism about gta IV and now gta V a freaking masterpiece breaking records. They could be f**king daft like you capcom and ignored the fans criticism but developers like rockstar knows better.

Deadpoolio4015d ago

You know they ported both Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 also? And they flopped because they weren't very good....Okami also flopped several times also PS2, Wii, PSN, XBLA, the DS sequel all flopped

Brucis4015d ago

>Viewtiful Joe and Okami aren't good
You take that back. VJ 2 was kinda lackluster but the first one certainly was good and Okami was great.

hollabox4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

I purchased the Game Cube for the RE Series, with RE 0 being the best out the bunch. Stars Wars and the remake of Metal Gear Solid on the Game Cube was pretty good as well. GC had some great software but big N fans hurt their own system by mostly sticking to Nintendo published games. Oh well to each is his own, but I still expect Nintendo to do a Sega and release a system in 2015 if the sales drought continues into the 2nd quarter of 2014.

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oof464015d ago

I think a more relevant question is how did the PS2 version sell?

d3nworth14015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

According to vgchartz the ps2 version sold 3.62 million just over double the sales of the gamecube version.

Nerdmaster4015d ago

That's because Capcom said they would release it on PS2 before the GC version was released. People who would buy a GC to play it decided to just wait for the PS2 version instead.

oof464014d ago

So it did sell well. Unless it was below what they expected. Hopefully the critical and sales bust of the rebirth makes them realize why people love Resident Evil.

Lunatic_Medic4015d ago

I know all of like 2 people who owned a GameCube...

first1NFANTRY4015d ago (Edited 4015d ago )

In my opinion Res5 and Res6 lost their way and joined the third person shooter genre. Don't try and force feed the fans with 13 year old scripted gameplay and over the top COD action.

Lunatic_Medic4015d ago

I was actually a big fan of RE5 (Platinum'd it). Granted I never completed 1-4. I own 1-3, I just never beat them

Wranglersofttop4015d ago

Uhhh well the "Action Rebirth" sucked huge ass.

GraveLord4015d ago

RE4 was amazing.
RE5 was OK.
RE5 was bloody horrible.

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Resident Evil Original Cast Reunion 2 | Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Barry Burton, Wesker

RESIDENT EVIL (1996) Original Cast Reunion & Interview with Linda - Rebecca Chambers, Charlie Kraslavsky, Greg Smith & Eric Pirius.

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Resident Evil Fan Film Adapts Iconic "Itchy Tasty" Diary

A fan-made Resident Evil short film has been released, and it tells the story of one of the original game's most terrifying and iconic diary entries.

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TiredGamer83d ago

Fantastic homage to a memorable part of the original. The authenticity to the source material is outstanding and blows away all of the pathetic Hollywood adaptations that we've had to endure as fans. The addition of Chris Redfield's original actor AND (separate) voice actor is fantastic! Heck, even the CGI was pretty good given the total budget of $55k to make this.

Babadook782d ago (Edited 82d ago )

Yeah this seemed so much more like cannon to me. I’d watch more of it if / when it’s available.


The OG Resident Evil just hit GOG, with Resident Evil 2 and 3 joining "soon"

Thank GOG for that!

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TheNamelessOne85d ago

I feel like they should have included the original games with the remakes they've been doing.