
PlayStation 4′s “potential killer app” might well be remote play with Vita, says Sony

Speaking with VG247′s Dave Cook at the Eurogamer Expo today, Gara said Sony remains confident of Vita’s position in the marketplace.

THamm4011d ago

I've been saying this since I first did remote play on PSP, remote play rocks!

JimmyLmao4011d ago

yep, remote play looks like it will be very useful.

I would never have bought a vita, but the fact that you can play every PS4 game on your PS vita lag-free from anywhere in the house, or potentially lag-free from anywhere in the world (depending on your internet speed) is enough for me to decide to buy one soon after i get my PS4 this November =D

It's a tough choice to choose between going digital or physical next-gen... because going digital with PS4 has so many benefits, remote play with Vita TV & PS Vita being the biggest benefit... that way you can play your whole entire PS4 library of games from anywhere in the world... otherwise if you went with the physical disc route, you could only play the 1 game that is currently in the disc tray.

Thehyph4011d ago


Make sure you get your home internet upgraded in the next two months if you need it. Remember that remote play will make your PS4 run a constant video upload when in use, so make sure you're supplied with ample upload bandwidth. That's the most important part of it all. You can be on Google Fibre and it wont matter if your PS4 at home is on crappy upload.

Within the same network, of course, none of that matters.

evilbart4011d ago

Ah that's a good point about going all digital

UltimateMaster4011d ago

PS4/Vita will take 100% capacity of each other's system and the ability to play games.

Now it's be a killer app.

darthv724011d ago (Edited 4011d ago )

@Thamm... i will agree: "remote play rocks!" but will add, 'under the right conditions'.

it wasnt perfect for the PSP/PS3 but i do feel the Vita and PS4 will do the service justice.

I tried it over the internet a few times with PS1 games (using both psp/vita with ps3) and..yeah there were some issues that adjusting the quality to lower settings would make playable.

Over a home network is where it really works best (obviously). The PS4 looks to be much more engineered to compensate for bandwidth issues to ensure a smooth playable quality with the vita and that is something to really look forward to.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4011d ago
3-4-54011d ago

It's one of the reasons I want a vita, but then to fully take advantage I'd need a PS4 eventually to.

Good thing I'm leaning towards PS4 over Xb1.

I missed out on RPG's from PS1,PS2 &PS3.

I'm not making the same mistake again.

wynams4011d ago

Good thing indeed! Tons of Vita/PSP remakes to play Persona 1-4, Tactics Ogre, MHFU, Disgaea series, Atelier series, etc. but that list should cover your first fifteen hundred hours of Vita.

Dan_scruggs4011d ago

"Since no one is interested in buying the Vita to play Vita games we are going to try and get people to buy the Vita to play PS4 games." - Sony Flawless Logic Department

LOGICWINS4011d ago (Edited 4011d ago )

If you need to buy a seperate $200 console to experience a $400 console's killer app...then theres a problem. There just saying this in order to get some non-believers to buy a Vita along with their PS4. Sony is so clueless on how to sell the Vita on its own that they need to latch it on to the PS4, a machine that we already know will be successful. Hopefully it works out for them.

I feel their wasting too much time promoting Vita as a companion device to a console that isnt even out yet. They should be trying to sell the Vita on its own as a budget gaming device for lower income consumers that are happy with their current gen consoles, but want a gaming solution on the go or to get through awkward family get togethers.

I haven't seen a single Vita commercial in past few months. Whatever that means is up in the air. Maybe they're waiting for the redesign to hit the States at $179.99 to promote it to the mainstream.

Thehyph4011d ago

Except that the people who will have a time and a place to remote play (outside of the home at least) may already own a Vita. Like myself.

LOGICWINS4011d ago

@insomnium2- Agreed.

@steve-Your point? You do realize that Sony wants to sell MORE Vitas than the ones that have already been sold correct?

Cryptcuzz4011d ago

With this feature that have been shown to run lagless, I can see PS4 owners naturally wanting to own a Vita as well.

Because of that, more Vita's would be sold, which equates to a larger install base, which in turns results to more developer support, which naturally would result to more software's being sold for both as well.

Sony knew this could be the thing that turns the Vita around a lot quicker and I'd wager it would work wonders for them. The Vita TV will be a huge part of that as well.

dcj05244011d ago

Agreed 100%. The vita is fantastic ( use it everyday) but the marketing in the states SUCK! I haven't even seen a KZ:Mercanary ad yet! I showed that game to my younger cousins and their mind was conpletly blown. If I didn't show them they would've never known.

Joe9134011d ago

You forget about vita tv when that comes out it will really be like having a vita, psp, ps1, ps2, ps3, and a ps4 for 100 bucks to me the vita tv is the killer app the vita is just if you want all that on the go. I know a lot of ppl that have a ps3 on every tv in the house the vita tv would have saved them a whole lot of money.

4011d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4011d ago
PrimeGrime4011d ago

Stop spamming PS threads. Thanks.

Funny, yet another user who makes an account to do nothing but talk good about the Xbox One and trash everything about Playstation.

You've only made 25 comments and nearly all of it is constant trolling for the Xbox One.

CyrusLemont4011d ago (Edited 4011d ago )

I got a PS Vita just for this! Have the PS4 in the loungeroom and the PS Vita for bed or any other time I'm away from there haha. I guess the bonus (Kind of sad that I see it as a secondary selling point) is that the handheld is finally starting to get a larger amount of support from game developers. I hope Borderlands 2 turns out decent and comes with all the DLC released so far.

adamandkate4011d ago

i also bought a vita JUST for this. no longer will the wife stop me playing because she wants to watch downton abbey!

abusador4011d ago

lol it not a question if it isnt or not, for some it is. The vita remote play is the best feature ive seen put forth by any of the next gen systems hands down, by a mile. Remote play is like the coolest thing imo and really shows next gen true potential!!!! Vita and ps4 games anywhere, who can top that?

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PlayStation UK chief Gara joins Amazon

Fergal Gara has joined Amazon UK as director of PC.

He joins the company after four years in charge of PlayStation’s UK and Ireland business.

During his tenure, he helped turn around the firm’s fortunes in the UK. PlayStation was ranked No.3 in terms of console market share when he joined the business and, by the time he left, PS4 was the No.1 games console in the country.

He was in charge of marketing, sales, finance and customer service

Prior to joining PlayStation, Gara spent six years at Asda, which included stints as category director for music, video and games, general manager for entertainment and - eventually - trading director for Asda Direct.

Eonjay3219d ago

Congrats to Gara. I was wondering where he was gonna end up.

Mr Pumblechook3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

Sure he will be working on the PC division, but Amazon's Kindle Fire platform and Twitch purchase suggest they are serious about the gaming business. The question is will they be looking to move into the bigger game and how?

thisismyaccount3219d ago (Edited 3219d ago )

He´s been in charge of Sony PlayStation UK since 2011, meaning he was in charge for the PS3 doings in that territorial .... if PS3 was only 3rd when he joined Sony, he prolly hasn´t done much to change that image.

Dunno how you can now claim that thanks to him the PS4 is nrº1 in UK. It has to do more that the PS4 is a sexy beast and successful on its own merits and not because he was in charge of it. You could most likely hire an ape from the local Zoo to direct Sony UK and the PS4 would still print money like a wh...


PS4 boss talks Black Friday's performance and future: 'Not going to go away'

PlayStation UK head Fergal Gara talked about what Black Friday and the season around it ended up resulting in.

Read Full Story >>

Sony says PS3 will be around for 2015 and 'beyond', talks this year's PS4 games

The PS4 has had unprecedented success since it was released in 2013, but its predecessor, the PS3, seems to be drifting off into the distance. This Fall represents a massive opportunities for developers and publishers to capitalize on a rising new-gen audience and Sony is quite aware of that.

Read Full Story >>
itsjustexuma3404d ago

Yet it wont get the support for that long

martinezjesus19933404d ago

It got supported 4 to 5 years longer than its competition, i think its safe to say anyone that bought the ps3 isnt dissapointed on how long it got supported

freshslicepizza3404d ago

sony is still supporting it with games like mlb the show. i think they should stopped support and move on to focus on just the ps4 but that's just my opinion.

FarEastOrient3404d ago

PS2 got its last game 2 years ago. PS3 will be around for a long time, especially for markets that can't afford the full price of the PS4.

Double_O_Revan3404d ago

PS1 & 2 got solid support Way into the next generations. No reason to believe the PS3 won't get the same.

Magicite3404d ago

Developers will support PS3 for many years to come (unlike its direct rivals), especially Japanese, the question is - how long Sony will keep producing it.

GribbleGrunger3404d ago

It probably won't get that much support from developers who are now fully committed to next gen, but it will be a decent alternative for the poorer amongst us. Indie games will continue to be made available for the PS3, as will the occasional AAA cross platform title. Then you have PSVue, PSNow, PS+ and PSMusic, along with many other aps such as Netflix. If the price is right, it will continue to sell.

blackblades3404d ago

Using my ps3 all the time and my vita if I had a ps4 right now I'll still be using my ps3 more.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3404d ago
Lore3404d ago

Seing as how Tretton said there'd be a 10 year plan for the console, this should come as no surprise

Tapani3404d ago

What kind of a relationship did you have with him?

Lore3404d ago

Everytime I think of him I also think of "AGENT" plastered on the big screen

...Hopefully one day

ThichQuangDuck3404d ago


Generally have been an Xbox person. I love gears and Xbox Live,but just went with PS4 for friends and variety of games(STREET FIGHTER V). Tretton always presented well for Sony. Their last E3 ehhhhhh and have liked Phil Spencer.

OC_MurphysLaw3404d ago

Considering its already 2015 I would hope so. :)

miyamoto3404d ago

I play my PS3 the whole week and did not even fire up my PS4 even once.

Hoffmann3404d ago

Same here. Due to one of the last flash sales where I bought that E.D.F game. Its a great time now to get Playstation 3 games for cheap and while Witcher 3 looks awesome I rather wait for the inevitable "complete" edition in 2016.

Retroman3404d ago

Still debating buying ps4 in mean time ps3 on fire.

Debaitable3404d ago

Seeing how everyone gets excited with all the remasters for PS4 I'm not surprised and sorely disappointed. That generation lasted longer than it should, I'm baffled to why people want to extend that longer into the PS4. Let's keep it moving.

WickedLester3404d ago

Agreed. I was BEYOND ready to move onto the next generation when the PS4 finally came out.

gangsta_red3404d ago

It is really strange right? The last few years of last gen people couldn't wait to move on and see the next new consoles and the new games it brings along. And here we are and some of us are celebrating last gen games on our new system.

3404d ago
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