
Check Out the Xbox One Gameplay Demo of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes

Earlier today you saw a demo of the Ground Zeroes prologue of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain held at the PlayStation booth, but a presentation of the game was held at the Xbox booth as well.

Here you can see a video recording of the Xbox One gameplay demo, even if to be fair it’s unknown if the game was actually running on Xbox One, or simply or on a development PC.

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aceitman4020d ago

side by side incoming ps4 demo has sharper detail time to get popcorn, http://n4g.com/news/1359161...

Abriael4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

We can't really judge from livestreams using different services, different capture devices, different compression because they've been recorded by different people and so forth, come on lol

nypifisel4020d ago

Wasn't that current gen demos though?!

B-radical4020d ago

Hahah are you kidding me kid? its from a live stream dont even attempt to compare the ps4 to xbox one when it comes to live stream wait until you got full qaulity vids

On topic i think both consoles will have this game running nicely am very excited!

MasterCornholio4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

We dont know that yet.

But we do know this, Kojima will give the superior console the best version of the game.

P.S Im only factoring in consoles PC is a different story.

Thats a fact.

aceitman4020d ago

There both live streamed and can see the difference.take the fanboy stuff away .its apparent.

PLASTICA-MAN4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

Lol, It is the same PS4 footage, just with the Xbox One buttons mapped on screen hence the shadows of the tree popping up at the same time and plcae in the day demo and the funniest thing that in the night demo you got a moment where they forget to remap the entire layout with Xbox One buttons giving us a mixture of DS4 and XB1 buttons XD.

Also, Kojima this time avoiding to mention that the K7 tape has Sony Trade mark on it unlike on Sony both: the hypocrisy Lol.

(There are big discussions about that in many Neogaf thread and all honorable Neogaf members watched that live and nitpicked every detail so we know what we are talking about ;) ).

JokesOnYou4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

lol, aceitman that was truly a desperate fanboy attempt to start a flamebait comparison. wtf are you talking about, seriously the vid quality of both are terrible. lol you definitely have a bad case of fanboy goggles.

Eonjay4020d ago

I think there is some confusion here. Is this Xbox One or 360? Is this Phantom Pain or Ground Zeros? The beginning of the video clearly says Ground Zeros. Whoever posted this video seems a bit confused.

Muerte24944019d ago

It's too early to make a comparison. But I don't think it was running on actual Xbox One hardware.

from the article:
"... even if to be fair it’s unknown if the game was actually running on Xbox One, or simply or on a development PC."

Murad4019d ago

Dude, does it really matter? The game looks brilliant on both ends of the spectrum. BTW, I didn't even bother clicking your link because I think you're a troll, so you can trololol your way out of here.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4019d ago
pedrof934020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

Indeed Ps4 version look better.

See this video at 03:30

and the Ps4 version here http://n4g.com/news/1359161...

The tent has better res on Ps4 at 3:31

vishmarx4020d ago

tents usually tend to determine my platform of choice.epecially if its from a game thats releasing one/two years later and the footage is a recorded stream.
a slight difference in tent textures is unbearable,
but determining this on an early version on bad quality capture,that i can understand

pedrof934020d ago

Is not the tent, but the comparison of the details.

Ps4 has better details.

Feralkitsune4020d ago

You are all hopeless. WHO CARES?! also, how can you determine when each video could be using totally different compression methods, bitrates, or any number of differences? Unless you know all the videos you want to use in an example are all using the same settings, it doesn't make sense to compare videos on the web.

PS: Not a PS4 or a XBOX1 fanboy. I'm just a gamer. So before any of you zealots try to call me one or the other, get over yourselves.

CrossingEden4017d ago

"Dude, i'm totes getting this gamez for mai ps4, i gotta get dose tents bro. Dose tentz r teh best part of the gamez."
Are you seriously so desperate to say ps4 is better that you compare the resolution of something as trivial as tents? -_-

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4017d ago
StoutBEER4020d ago

Fuck you lltapalanyymi! Oreimo broke my heart and ripped it to pieces! Why you gotta have Kirino as your profile pic?! Why?! Why didn't he choose Kuroneko?!!?!

RedDeadLB4020d ago

Looks absolutely amazing, both this and the PS4 demo during rain, and if it's run on a PC (like the first Xbone demo and the reveal gameplay), I'd wish for the game to actually come out on PC as well. No excuses Kojima! Make it happen!

Tito084019d ago

It'll eventually come on PC, when they first announced the game last year, they demoed the game on a PC with current console settings, now it's a current/next gen release, PC is getting more accepted nowadays, likely it'll appear on it.

starchild4019d ago

Konami has been releasing more games for the PC lately, like Metal Gear Risisng Reveangance and Castlevania Lords of Shadow.

Kojima also said that they are interested in releasing MGS5 for the PC.

MrSwankSinatra4020d ago (Edited 4020d ago )

the whole slowdown aspect that they took from splinter cell was a stupid move imo. it's annoying that every time i get when i'm discovered and have to go into CQC the whole stupid slowdown starts up. i play metal gear to play METAL GEAR not to play splinter shit cell.

starchild4019d ago

Hey, Splinter Cell is not shit. The new game Blacklist is one of the best games I have played in a long time.

I can understand that you want MGS to have its own identity and not just borrow ideas from Splinter Cell. I feel the same way. I love stealth games and I like each game to have its own identity and offer a unique experience.

That said, I'm willing to give Kojima a little benefit of the doubt. If he thinks it will result in a better Metal Gear Solid game then I am willing to at least wait to give it a chance.

thisismyaccount4020d ago

Meh... didn´t like the look of it. Guess have to wait a bit more for a higher quality video/stream...

yaz2884020d ago

wooow that c4 move with the tank was awesome!

ZHZ904020d ago

I can't wait to set traps for tanks and cars with C4 this is gonna be awesome.

yaz2884020d ago

now if only you can bomb weps or food storage like mgs3 and see enemies going hungry. that would be really something.

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Metal Gear Solid 5, Nearly After A Decade, Is Still A Timeless Classic

The Metal Gear series, led by Kojima, pioneered the stealth genre, creating a masterclass in storytelling and gameplay.

SimpleSlave109d ago (Edited 109d ago )

No. But MGS5: Ground Zeroes might actually be one of the greatest Game Demo ever, if not the best.

xHeavYx109d ago

I know a lot of people didn't, but I actually liked that story twist at the end. The game was fun and all, but I wouldn't call it a timeless classic.

Cacabunga108d ago

Metal Gear legend stopped with number 4.
MGS5 needed a year or 2 more of development to be maybe among the classics.. it was clearly rushed, especially at the end. The story teaches us absolutely nothing new.

just_looken109d ago

A demo is free that was a $40 cry for help as later we would know konami did not want to fun hideo and his team anymore that is why we got the unfinished phantom pain.

-Foxtrot109d ago (Edited 109d ago )


Great stealth gameplay but the game was just average.

Bland open world that felt lifeless, the story felt shoehorned in, unfinished story etc. The whole thing was just average to me compared to the other main titled games.

I would have rather preferred it if they kept Ground Zeroes for the main game as the opening and the rest of the game turns into a Metal Gear 1 & 2 remake to bring things full circle.

just_looken109d ago

If you dig around they had old behind trhe scenes of phantom pain vids and books wrote around the time.

Before funding was puled the main idea was to keep peace walker coop it was in the games early builds and that end game were your building your base that was suppose to be metal gear one.

You as the fake big boss was going to make your own metal gear one map aka your base (outer heaven) then me as sold snake use the mode that is in the game invade/defeat the base even fight your current version of metal gear that was in the game but not finished.

So your idea was on the table bit got canned.

CrimsonWing69109d ago (Edited 109d ago )

Like hell it is. That was the first time I became aware of being sold an unfinished game and was blown away about blind fanboys saying it was some perfect game.

Yea, the first few chapters were great until they do that thing halfway and make you replay all the missions again. Then little things like capturing animals but only seeing a JPEG unlike 3 where everything was modeled out. Areas were massive, desolate, and boring to look at.

Game was a massive let down for me and the potential was so high for it. Honestly, this was one of the most disappointing games I ever played. What’s worse is it starts off brilliant. You literally play through until you get to the point where you could tell they just stopped developing and then quickly used glue and construction paper to “finish” it and then sold it. Quite frankly, that’s insulting to consumers and fans.

Inverno109d ago

People have selective memory. This game had huge drama attached to it, what Konami did to Kojima and this game was horrible. Now they praise Konami cause they revived Silent Hill, even though SH looks half arsed too.

CrimsonWing69109d ago

I dunno if they’re getting much praise after the Silent Hill 2 debacle. Makes me scared sh*tless for the MGS 3 Remake…

Michiel1989108d ago

I don't wanna defend konami, but Kojima had 7 years to make the game, it's not that weird for a publisher to expect a game to be finished in that amount of time.

Also no one is praising konami from what I've seen, they're just excited that a Silent Hill game is releasing

CrimsonWing69108d ago (Edited 108d ago )


You’re absolutely correct. Look, the dude is a visionary and has brought us some incredible games, but he constantly would go over budget and could never stick to a deadline. I don’t know if people remember the MGS 4 trailers but it became a joke when you’d see a release date and then they crossed it out in the next trailer to give another.

What a lot of people don’t know is there’s a certain amount of money given for development and marketing. When you go over the budget and add additional marketing over the deadline it isn’t cheap. MGS GZ and V were laughable to me for the amount of time he had to develop them and he spent even more time on the engine that wasn’t anything revolutionary to me. I mean, GZ was nothing more than a demo and they released that art like $40 I think, probably to further help fund V. He then spent money for Kiefer Sutherland who did nothing for the character, which I think Kojima just wanted because he’s a fan.

Konami just had enough and said this is the deadline and you’re done after this. It’s business, but fans took it personal. I mean look at this Overdose game he’s been doing.,, like when is that ever coming out?

Michiel1989107d ago

I kind of forgot about overdose but yeah exactly my thoughts. He has made some of the best games out there and definitely deserves time to create his new masterpiece, but it's not a bottomless well.

This is pure speculation but I imagine he got around 4 years to make the game excluding pre-production. If after those 4 years the game is nowhere near being done, the relationship will be strained between them one way or another.

about the konami being praised thing, if let's say blizzard announces world of warcraft 2 today I'll be excited as hell for the game, but that doesn't mean my opinion of blizzard changes only a tiny bit cause they're still trash.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 107d ago
Yui_Suzumiya108d ago

Yeah, it was the only MGS I didn't play and this is coming from someone who got back into gaming after skipping a generation due to MGS4 back in 2008. It just seems to be the complete opposite of the MGS I always knew and loved (1-4).

JEECE109d ago

Yes and no. In many ways in was a great game; there's a very strong argument that it has the best gameplay of any MGS game, and that it is one of the more interesting open world "playgrounds" we have gotten, in terms of how the world operates. But as an MGS narrative, it is pretty far down the list, for many reasons.

Storm23109d ago

I don't think there is any argument. The gameplay was incredible. But yeah...disappointed in the rest. Could have been incredible but...well...we all know what happened...

JEECE107d ago

I don't think there is much of one either but apparently some people found the world very boring compared to the more linear structures of other entries so I didn't make a definitive statement in order to acknowledge the outliers.

DarXyde108d ago

The thing about Metal Gear Solid is that the narrative is what determines which is your favorite because the gameplay had ALWAYS improved with every mainline entry. It's amazing.

If it was gameplay, we'd all say The Phantom Pain, but the story is what truly sets them apart.

For me, that's Snake Eater, which is also my favorite game of all time.

JEECE107d ago

That's my favorite too, particularly if we are talking about the subsistence version with camera control.

Fishy Fingers109d ago

For me, best gameplay, worst, everything else.

Storm23109d ago

Yeah...gameplay was so damn good.

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15 Video Games With Realistic Injury Mechanics

Whether it's showcasing damage realistically or simulating fractures and conditions, these games are worth checking out.

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The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies

The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies, as of September 2023.

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Nyxus325d ago

Now we'll have to see how much the Master Collection will add to those numbers.

Number1TailzFan325d ago

Too bad it was a lazy release. They could've updated the visuals and everything. Missed opportunity.

Stanjara325d ago

...and yet, they couldn't give more respect and effort into the collection.
What a terrible company.

Minute Man 721325d ago (Edited 325d ago )

Are they counting every game?

Edit: they did

Nyxus325d ago

Yes, these are total lifetime sales of the entire series.

ApocalypseShadow325d ago

.... mostly with the help of PlayStation.

Michiel1989325d ago

Get that Sony tramp stamp while you're at it. No one asked