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Speeding Coast To Coast Through GTA V Takes About Six Minutes

Grand Theft Auto V is very large. But after the game's map leaked last week, Kotaku noticed some people speculating that, no, it's not that big. How about if we hop in a car and drive from end to end?

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Community3923d ago
GarrusVakarian3923d ago (Edited 3923d ago )

Quality over quantity. Still, 6 minutes of non stop speeding? Still quite impressive imo.

xPhearR3dx3923d ago

There's also a single highway that loops around the map. It's not like other GTA's where you had to get off the highway and back on.

Anon19743923d ago

What the hell's a "Saint's Row"? ;)

Hydrolex3923d ago

Saints Row is a synonym for direheae

GameSpawn3922d ago (Edited 3922d ago )

1) Saint's Row is not that bad. I'll admit I never took ANY interest in it until I got SR3 with PS+, but SR3 and SR4 have that "fun" factor that GTA used to have with GTA3 and GTAVC. GTA4 would have been nice if the damn "friends" would have stopped calling to do crap every 10 minutes. Saint's Row you play at your own pace; do what you want when you want.

2) This game looks to have scale on par with (maybe exceeding) Just Cause 2. As far as things to do -- definitely exceeding (JC2's map was pretty barren in between areas). As far as map size I have yet to see some "to scale" side by side comparisons.

If someone could find it (or make it) it'd be interesting to see GTA5's map, next to Just Cause 2, FarCry3, and GTA4's maps.

ThanatosDMC3922d ago (Edited 3922d ago )

I actually thought it was the three cities of San Andreas and not just Los Santos and the Blaine County. A bit disappointed but I bought two copies all ready and waiting for this ridiculous install time to finish.

Btw, first thing to do for PS3 owners is to pause the game (even during cinematics) and got to Settings, and change Controls to Alternate.

Oh, and max Aim Sensitivity.

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HammadTheBeast3923d ago

6 minutes straight through. Going around in a circle takes about 15-20 minutes driving in a sports car from what I've played.

GarrusVakarian3923d ago

"from what I've played"

Lucky ******* XD

acedoh3923d ago

I am very familiar with the environments. I have taken the I-5 from Nor Cal through So. Cal and they have done a phoenemonal job of recreating California. It's not a perfect recreation but it looks amazing.

Ghoul3922d ago

i played 6 hours now and all i can say is


this game is HUUUGE, and every corner looks so unique im totally stunned....

and its not only huge its packed with stuff, every corner every yard is beatifully staged.

the micro details are astonishing

Mystogan3923d ago

That is nothing compared to the witcher 3. Which is 40 minutes.

Jneal73923d ago

I didn't know the Witcher 3 had cars.

HammadTheBeast3923d ago


You just got WRECKED.


okmrman3922d ago (Edited 3922d ago )


last time i checked, a horse runs faster than a sports car


TIER1xWOLFPACKx3922d ago

the witcher is nothing compared to the crew then which takes 2hours plus to get from one side of the map to the other

KumquatGOATBEEF3922d ago

You can't compare 1 horsepower to 450 horsepower.

Mystogan3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

The horse vs car argument is idiotic. The witcher 3 has different physics compared to GTA.

So a horse in the Witcher 3 might be just as fast as a Car in GTA 5.

Remember these are videogames. they don't have the same physics as in real-life.

I underestimated this community's level of stupidity, I assumed you would understand these facts. I was wrong.

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pacifista3D2Y3923d ago (Edited 3922d ago )

That's still quite a big map considering that running from one end to another in Skyrim took 30 minutes, he also had to go around mountains and forests. So 6 minutes while going 60+ on a highway is pretty good.

GarrusVakarian3922d ago

Lol, ive played Skyrim for around 500 hours and never fast travelled and i can tell you for definite that it doesn't take 30 minutes to run from one end of the map to the other.

Software_Lover3922d ago

Wouldn't it be great if the next GTA game implemented the maps/concepts of The Crew? That would be a huge open world GTA game to play.

3-4-53922d ago

I played 4 hours last night.

Only in the city, am saving the country side for in a little bit. Can't wait !

The city is big a more diverse than GTA4.

GTA4's city was similar in a lot of spots, where as in GTA5 Los Santos , each block has it's own "feel" to it and it's own unique vibe.

Loving the city so far, and the driving isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

It's not as good as gta 4, but sometimes it is. IT's weird to explain but some cars handle much better than others and that is kind of realistic.

So far I'd give it AT LEAST an 8.7

I'm only 3 missions in though, this could end up being like a 9.7 or so if it gets even better, which it will because I've only experienced 3% of this game so far.

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Stsonic3923d ago

I'm kind of wishing I just took a day of N4G today. So far I have watched 2 video reviews and completely regret it! I should have gone in with a totally fresh start.

Shadonic3923d ago (Edited 3923d ago )

I feel you bro, once I got a sliver of news about whats in the game I couldn't stop.

Dee_913923d ago

I am so happy I waited.Only screen shot I seen were the ones R* released.
A couple of article titles spoiled a few thing like dog mating, the map looks like a ninja turtle and uncensored sex, but other than that, i'm clueless :D

Megaton3923d ago

I think Just Cause 2 still probably has the biggest sandbox map. It's almost big to a fault. I haven't tried it myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if it took longer than 6 minutes to fly from one corner to the other in a jet, let alone trying to drive it.

Kingdom Come3923d ago

But Just Cause 2's map didn't feel alive. It's AI was ridiculously dumb and the NPC's lifeless.

Megaton3923d ago

Yep. Just saying, big ass map.


I had something like 98% of that game completed. I believe it takes some good 10 minutes to cross the whole map by plane (although I never clocked it).

And although the map is mostly made of vastly empty forests, it's far from boring IMO. There's all funny ways to go through (you can make some huge scale "police" chases, destroy stuff, make stunts, find plenty of easter eggs, etc).

If anything, I would say JC's big empty map incentives what most of us already do in GTA... I found myself simply having fun doing nothing meaningful or setting my own minute goal, plenty of times I would completelly loose track of whatever mission I was doing and start fooling around. And even when I would go for the mission I could still have plenty of "out of the script" fun.

The only real problem is that when you're done fooling around, you may find yourself on a 20 minutes walk to the objective (if you don't have the money for vehicle drop), that eventually get annoying.

xPhearR3dx3923d ago

Yeah but JC2 map is also very lifeless and uninspiring.

sorane3923d ago

I think that would probably belong to Minecraft.

porkChop3923d ago

"I think Just Cause 2 still probably has the biggest sandbox map. It's almost big to a fault."

It is to a fault. Avalanche focus too much on making massive worlds, and not enough on populating those worlds with life, personality, and things to do. The world is so static and dead in JC 1 and 2. They're fun games, sure, but I think they'd be a lot better and more fun with smaller, more focused and well-designed worlds. The vast majority of the maps in JC are never even used for anything. It's just empty space.

And for the record:

Part 1:

Part 2:

ZBlacktt3923d ago

Wait for the update of AC4 BF.

Megaton3923d ago

Yeesh. If those are all completely explorable and open sandboxes, that doesn't seem like it would be very fun.

WeAreLegion3923d ago

Just Cause 2 is pure, stupid fun. That's why the map is so massive. I can't imagine getting bored by Just Cause 2...even if most of the map is uninhabited.

dj3boud3923d ago

huge empty map.. nothing like rockstar's attention to detail

-Gespenst-3922d ago

I don't think Just Cause 2's map is big to a fault, I think it's great. Great variety in locations, great sounds and ambience, lots to see, and the grapple just makes it all like ten times better, there's nowhere you can't go with it.

I'll admit it's probably not as full of life as GTA, but I think it makes up for that in the fun factor. It has a lot of emergent gameplay stuff going on. Plus, with online, it becomes full of life in a real way.

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creeping judas3923d ago

Didn't True Crime's map take like 20 some odd minutes to travel across it? And that was on the old gen gaming consoles.

Eyeco3923d ago

But True Crime was a borderline wasteland, absolutely lifeless, GTA 4 for example wasn't entirely big but it generally felt like a real city, this is something that allot of open world action games regardless of size have all failed at what GTA has always done so well, the city and vibe you get in GTA games is incredibly life like (for their time anyways), the worlds are really immersive.

True Crime was an accurate depiction of L.A in terms of scale, but the world was so boring and lifeless, driving to missions and objectives from what i remember was so long and boring it just became tedious after a while because it just felt most of the gameplay was spent driving down an endless lifeless road, there was hardly anything to do in that game outside of that, games like Far Cry 2, Just Cause, True Crime 1-2 and among others to a lesser extent all have this problem.

Psychotica3923d ago

How long does it take to walk across it? It takes about 20 minutes from corner to corner in Liberty City

Minato-Namikaze3923d ago

Woo does that? and why? I get upset if i have to walk a whole block in the game without seeing a car to jack.

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Grand Theft Auto V (GTA 5) Best Settings for Low End PC: RTX 3060/RX 6600/RTX 4060 Laptop GPU

Grand Theft Auto V was released over 9 years ago, but the player base is largely intact due to regular updates to the Online Multiplayer. The game had some technical issues at launch, most notably a CPU utilization issue, but most recent chips shouldn’t have any issues running it.

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PS Plus Is Losing 12 Games In June 2024 Along With A Major Rockstar Release

Subscribers of the Extra and Premium tiers of PS Plus will lose access to a total of 12 games during the month of June, 2024.

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Community21d ago
gold_drake21d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX21d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos21d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville21d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes20d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long21d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff218321d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion21d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage21d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody21d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

20d ago
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