
RUMOR - 3DS hacked to run unsigned code


We've seen people make this claim before, but those claims turned out to be bogus. Now we have another hacker that is saying he's managed to get the job done, but only showed the video above as proof. Another faker, or the real deal this time? Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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nick3093887d ago

Its funny how nobody can bypass the 3ds for hacked 3ds games. Same for vita.

admiralvic3887d ago

How is that funny? It's not like hackers buy a system on release, make a file called "install mods" and the system instantly installs mods as if by osmosis. It takes months to years to get any sort of progress and even then it isn't easy. Like it took around 5 years to actually hack the PS3 and it's impossible to say if it would be hacked today if that wasn't such a feat to accomplish.

nick3093887d ago

Consoles weren't so complicated before, its funny how much defenses they have now.

Eamon3887d ago (Edited 3887d ago )

It's layman to just label it as complicated defense.

Part of the reason is that many capable hackers either haven't heard or don't care about the 3DS' security.

Sony's PS3 was claimed to have the most advanced security system in console history and after 4-5 years, it was cracked open. I heard it took about 6 months of dedication before fail0verflow found an exploit.

Also, there have been a couple of videos demonstrating unsigned code being run on the 3DS. However the methods for the exploits were never released publicly.

admiralvic3887d ago

@ Nick309

Again, what is so funny about that?

Games are costing companies MILLIONS now a days, so why wouldn't a company invest some money in making sure they can't be pirated? Furthermore, companies do this to make sure some "awful" people don't get the ability to ruin other peoples online experience.

Look at the Xbox with Halo 2 and today. Halo 2 did hosting in a way where standby allowed people to cheat and win games. The map packs were also modable and based off how the system was coded, it was completely possible to play online (on Xbox Live) and edit spawns / what guns fired / auto aim / anything, which is almost a guaranteed loss for the other team.

Old_Prodigy3887d ago

Look up Gateway 3DS, hackers have definitely done it.

Are_The_MaDNess3887d ago

well sadly it only supports just one game per microSD card :C

skyrimer3887d ago

wat? gateway card recently released makes 3ds backups work just fine.

Kennytaur3887d ago

Damn hackers will only make life more annoying for the legit gamers when countermeasures start setting in with firmwares and if publishers stop localising games.

-Gespenst-3887d ago (Edited 3887d ago )

I love all the drones complaining about piracy. First of all, this is only an initial development, it'll be a while before it becomes anything with which we can play dumped roms. Gateway 3DS is out, but that's a kind of 1:1 thing that requires all sorts of fiddly cartridge swapping and isn't actually an exploit that decrpyts using the Nintendo private key thing.

Secondly, when a console reaches the end of its "life-cycle", why not pirate it? Why not make emulators and hack devices after that point? I think once a console gets superseded, it's fair game for hacking.

If anything, the effects hacking has on the amount of support given to the system reveals that those supporting it are chiefly concerned with money and not creativity. But I suppose that's the capitalist system for you- makes em act like that because it's money or starve and die.

Anyhow, I support this. The 3DS is as old as the DS now, and it's not really getting much support (which has very little to do with piracy), so it's probably about time someone started on something proper. Like I said, it probably won't be anything substantial till late next year anyhow.

lizard812883887d ago

Good. Had it not been for region locking, i wouldn't have hacked my wii.Nintendo is the only company that still region locks.

sephiroth4203886d ago

same here, god damn it nintendo!


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Crows909d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic8d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


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