
GTA 5 Uncensored Sex Scene Has Rockstar Gone Too Far?

"Has Rockstar Gone too Far?" This is the question being asked to gamers today, regarding the new uncensored GTA V sex scene video footage that was leaked online yesterday.
With so many under-age children getting a hold of M for mature rated games, do you think scenes like these in video games will further promote under age sex, pregnancy, and even sexual assaults amongst children?

pedrof934028d ago


Not too far. Just the right far.

DAS6924028d ago

I personally think that that part of the leaked video is very questionable. The lighting doesn't look as good. Who are the characters? (That is definitely not Michael in the back)Also I noticed that on one of the vids, that car model damage was non-existent. Just something that doesn't click with me. Although some of the gameplay vids are UNDOUBTEDLY real, I think this and maybe ONE more vid is fake.

RyuCloudStrife4028d ago

the game is Rated M, #Dealwithit.

brianunfried4028d ago

I agree, my first thought was fake. Plus, I don't think they want another "Hot Coffee" scandal.

Enemy4028d ago

Nope, it was real. Thing is, it's not as uncensored as people say it is. They don't know genitals in the game, so people need to lighten up.

Anthotis4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Unless it involves rimming the girl, they haven't gone far enough.

Also, if you want to remove sex scenes from games in case children play it, you'll need to remove sex scenes from films in case children see it. I'd be more concerned about the depiction of violence in games and films, though, if i was a paranoid waste of skin that took issue with such depictions in the first place.

Also, argumentum ad thinkofthechildren is about as pathetic a fallacy can get.

Blacktric4028d ago

They already showed an uncensored penis of a senator in all its "glory" in Ballad Of Gay Tony. A simple scene that shows two people having sex with most of their clothes on from a blind side angle that barely reveals anything shouldn't cause a stir at this point. Hell, a similar type of scene was in one of Red Dead Redemption's mission cutscenes.

Dee_914027d ago

killing people okay
but sex is a no
........ the f%$^ is wrong with people?

pixelsword4027d ago

Blow some guy's head off, nobody flinches.

*Blow* some guy's head off, everyone panics.

DAS6924027d ago

Idk why I have so many disagrees. I don't have problem with it, if this is real, I was just questioning the validity of the leak.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4027d ago
HammadTheBeast4028d ago

I find this article weird. It's much easier to get a hold of much worse things over a simple click on the internet, yet why is this getting so much backlash about kids and maturity?

Whitefire4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Because it is about kids, and Mature things? Also that is why you monitor your children on the internet. If a parent knowingly allowed their underage kid to access porn how would everyone react?

slimeybrainboy4028d ago

It's not as if they had actual live floppy penises, and sloppy vaginas. You could just see hips. They were pretty much fully clothed.

I would struggle to wank to that on a desert island. You're right, it's not gratuitous at all.

t0mmyb0y4028d ago

It's not like any other species mate on our planet lol

Godoftheweek4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Violence = OK
Sex = Bad

I would much rather my sons 11 and 8 see a nice pair of boobs over seeing a head get chopped off. Sex is a part of life, it puzzles me as to why we have no problem with our children watching people get hurt and die, yet show them a nipple, and all hell breaks loose.


Yes, I know. I remember when I lived in Germany that naked bodies were no big deal, nor was talking about sex on TV. Violence was much more controlled. It is or at least was the exact opposite of what is acceptable in the US.

RyuCloudStrife4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

This exactly what I don't get.

Not that I'm against video games where you kill virtual humans but that's fine, now a scene of two people making love OH HELLLZZ NOOOOOOO!!!!

Fluke_Skywalker4028d ago

This is more the case in the US, here in Europe it's pretty much the other way round, sex is fine, violence is bad. Which is kinda the way it should be really.

Deadpoolio4028d ago

Cause Jesus says NO sex....That is exactly why the Bible thumpers want to make sex seem as dirty and disgusting as they possibly can.....It's these religious wack-a-doos that want to push their Jesusness down everyone's throat, and live life the way they choose to....To them religion is not a choice

Natso4028d ago

^ lol

Jesus said no such thing.

Don't they teach reading comprehension in Grade school?

Dee_914027d ago

yes,the human race loves to blame everything for how sh1tty the human race is other than the human race itself..

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4027d ago
Gothdom4028d ago

It's too far only if I can't drive and handbrake over them... repeatedly.

ALARM-clock4028d ago

There's nothing to censor. The only thing showing is the side of a dudes butt cheek, no butt crack, no frontal for either. It's no worse than 'twerking'.

Wagz224028d ago

Sex is fine as long as its not in the champagne room, everyone knows not to have sex in there.

NeXXXuS4027d ago (Edited 4027d ago )

The better question is, how is it going too far?
Only idiot parents buying their 12-year-olds this game will say that it's going too far. Sex is a mature and natural thing. It's not something for children.
/sees the articles about parents complaining already

Lykon4027d ago

I want to see wet genitals and close up penetration. The baptist ministers that complain about games are paedophiles anyway.

otherZinc4027d ago


Rated M is mature

Rated X or AO is for Adults, I'm not a baby, but they've gone too far.
My son is 14, I'm buying it for him. He can handle it without acting a damn fool.

However, we don't need the bad press in our gaming industry for this.

nosferatuzodd4027d ago (Edited 4027d ago )

wow d!ck out P@$$y out GTA V
on a more serious note people always blame video game for bad parenting my daughter got pregnant because they was playing Grand theft auto really

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 4027d ago
M-M4028d ago

Not a problem, the game is for mature people only. The parents will be at fault since they buy the games for their kids without knowing how the rating system works.

-Mika-4028d ago

Not all "Mature" people want to have sex scenes in their games.

RyuCloudStrife4028d ago

then don't buy the game, simple.

Wikkid6664028d ago

It's GTA... most people expect risque things.

Fluke_Skywalker4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

RyuCloudStrife beat me to it.

Deadpoolio4028d ago

So then COMMON SENSE, should probably tell you NOT to purchase a game like GRAND THEFT AUTO, Or God of War, or literally any game that is pretty much guaranteed to have content you will not like....

HammadTheBeast4028d ago

And yet you're fine with the breast size increase on Lighting in Lightning Returns....?

animegamingnerd4028d ago

you better not defend the things square enix is doing in lighting returns

Natso4028d ago

Would you watch an Adam Sandler movie, knowing very well that you dislike Adam Sandler?

I didn't think so.


Common sense is a rare breed these days.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4028d ago
WeskerChildReborned4028d ago

Exactly. This game should have more emphasis on its rating so parents will have a chance to know that this game is definitely not appropriate for children. It's a true Rated M game.(Unlike COD).

RAFFwaff4028d ago

yeah, but it sure does drain your bank account...

Albie3604028d ago

Love the scene. Great job.

iamnsuperman4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

" Do you think such uncensored sex scenes in the new GTA V, could help to increase a rise in under-age sex, under-age pregnancies or even sexual assaults charges among children?"

Fairly big jump here. These games are meant to be played by adults (why there is a big 18 year old certification on the side). You have to be a certain age to play these games. Now if your under age then it is up to the parent to decide if you can handle it (like would you take your 12 year old to see Saw).

I highly doubt sex in a park (in the game) is going to make adults want to have sex in the park (other natural processes do that :P). Like how a FPS doesn't want me to gun everyone down because I am old enough (and sane enough) to realise the distinction between real life and the video game (hence the age restriction) What about children? It shouldn't even be talked about as they shouldn't be playing the game anyway.

lnvisibleMan4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Totally agree with you man under age pregnancies usually happen at bottom end of the social ladder. I highly doubt if an expensive medium such as video games is going to lead a significant increase of teenage pregnancies.

Just another example of the media blindly pointing the blame at video games.

Natso4028d ago

Everybody needs a scapegoat.

They'd rather blame video-games over bad parenting. Then, God forbid, they'd be at fault for something!

Natso4028d ago

Yeah, but you don't get it.

Luigi's Mansion makes me want to hunt ghosts! /sarcasm

lnvisibleMan4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Find it odd that sex such a taboo subject compared to homicide. Anyway the media need to lighten up its just a video game.

Psychotica4028d ago

Well kids are more likely to engage in real sex than engaging in real homicide. Some people view this as putting ideas in kids heads.

lnvisibleMan4028d ago

True enough man. But the entertainment industry as a whole(ie Tv, magazine,internet..) shows sexual content. Kids are exposed to it all the time, a single video game is going to change things.

iceman064028d ago

Believe me, if you are the average 13 year old, sex has been in your heads already...and probably for a couple of years. It really comes down to imparting some familial norms and values about sex and whether or not one is ready and when. It's not really something that, with the proper supervision and guidance, will simply be influenced by a game, tv, music, movies, etc. Sex is more influenced by peer pressure and societal expectations than any of those.

denkov4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Sex in video games isn't a big deal. Anyone ever played Witcher 2? Right on the money with this one InvisibleMan. We are the only country that makes sex so taboo. Anyone whose been anywhere in Europe knows sex isn't a big deal. They have sex in their commercials! It's human nature. Why this country makes it so taboo to even talk about sex is beyond me. Your 14 year old has already looked at more porn on the internet than you parents have in the last 15 years. Hi! I'm reality! Have we met?

TheSsus4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

@InvisibleMan Rated M 17+ at that...

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RaidenBlack5d ago

Wonder what happened to the leaked medieval game that they were working on ... hope that's still on going and gets released sometime after GTA VI

gold_drake5d ago

eh wat?

its been on "break" for 11 years now ha 5 came out literally 11 years ago

isarai5d ago

Seeing as how it's been like 12yrs between releases, i don't think taking even more time is a good decision for the series

TheNamelessOne4d ago

So GTA 7 in around 2045 or 2050 lol

Mr_cheese3d ago

So make one GTA every human generation instead of every other console generation?

Come on...

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