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Gamestick Global Release Date Confirmed

Jasper Smith, CEO of PlayJam, the company behind the highly anticipated micro games console – GameStick, today confirmed a Global on-sale release date for the device of Tuesday 29th October 2013.

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Community4026d ago

Google's Not Ready for the Big Screen

The Nexus Player may not be the solution Google needs. AUTOMATON's Graham Arthur explains why he believes this is the case.

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Community3624d ago

Gamestick Available Now In UK

Never one to duck a challenge, the folks over at PlayJam were at last celebrating the launch of GameStick in the UK today – audaciously close to the launch of the latest offerings from behemoths Sony & Microsoft also shipped.

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Community3926d ago

Pach-Attack: Are Android Consoles Already Dead?

"Michael Pachter foretells if the failures of Ouya and Game Stick have signified the end for mini-consoles."

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Community3946d ago
MultiConsoleGamer3946d ago

Strangely enough Ouya hasn't failed. It has become quite a popular little niche console with the hipsters. There is even a limited edition bundle on the way.

GameStick failed because its buggy as hell and has seen little or no marketing. Aside from the bugs it's actually a cool piece of tech.

admiralvic3946d ago

Generally successful and appealing to a small minority don't go hand and hand...

KonsoruMasuta3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

Ouya isn't doing well. Half of the gamers I talk to don't even know what the hell it is. Android consoles didn't die. They were never thriving in the first place.

The true definition of DOA.

OrangePowerz3946d ago

Being only popular with a very small group could be qualified as failure.

Rzep3946d ago

How ironic of you to say that with that profile pic.

OrangePowerz3946d ago

I'm aware.that the DC was a failure despite of being a great console just like the GameCube. Unfortunately a great device can still be a failure.

Silly Mammo3946d ago

Gaming Hipsters! "PS4 and X1 are so mainstream! Everyone knows Android is where all the best little known indie games are. That's why you should only game on the Ouya." :0P

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come_bom3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

I have little too no interest in any android console... or IOs console for that matter.

Pogmathoin3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

There must always be an affordable system to allow homebrew developers thrive, they are the future of our business. Back in the Amiga/ST days, what was made was incredible for its time...

@ multiconsolegamer, are those disagrees because you play more than just a PS? That's a no no here...

admiralvic3946d ago

They're getting disagrees, because you can hardly say the Ouya is doing good, well or even acceptable when an extremely small demographic enjoys it.

KonsoruMasuta3946d ago

Those disagrees are because he is wrong. Ouya is terrible.

MultiConsoleGamer3946d ago (Edited 3946d ago )

PS4Beaver, I like to go against the crowd. I follow the games.

On topic, Ouya just got picked up by one of the biggest retailers in the world. Average gamers don't realize that's quite an achievement. It more than proves the system is not a failure and is far from being still born.

Zichu3946d ago

If the that retailer isnt selling any of those systems, it's not doing very good...

admiralvic3946d ago

I don't think they were ever alive or a wise idea. While there are a lot of nice mobile games (when you look at them in the context of being a small game on your phone and when not compared to the Ngauge), there aren't many casual gamers that want to spent $50 or $100 to get a cheap machine that can play them on the TV.

pop-voxuli3946d ago

Hell, more like "Still born"

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