
iPhone 5S graphical capabilities 'shocking', says Infinity Blade dev

Donald Mustard, co-founder of Infinity Blade 3 developer Chair, says the graphical capabilities of the new iPhone 5S are "shocking".

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aceitman4033d ago

so in other words games made on the new phone will not be playable on the older models.

SheenuTheLegend4033d ago (Edited 4033d ago )

the games eat 5 percent batteries just for first loading, lol

kwyjibo4032d ago

Doesn't really matter though, given how they'll sell millions of new phones.

Apple make more from handheld gaming than Sony and Nintendo.

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt4033d ago

but does it match PS4? that said idgaf

Hufandpuf4033d ago

Mobile games help my work day go by faster, so it doesn't have to make a next gen game for me to like mobile games. Just simple fun games that kill some time.

Dread4033d ago

Well defintely not better than high end pcs

iliimaster4033d ago

maybe because of the tiny screen ?

cyguration4033d ago

I know right? I'm tired of all these "phones are catching up to consoles" articles.

1080p 60fps for an iPhone? GTFO. Not happening.

MegaMohsi4033d ago

It may be possible for these other phones (galaxy/note/HTC) down the road. They all have native 1080p displays and powerful hardware. iPhone still uses a sub HD screen.

Insomnia_844033d ago

I hate playing on my phone! Touch controls ruin the game for me. I've tried to like it but no matter how I set up the controller inputs on screen, it just feels really bad. I tried Modern Combat 4, it's a good game but the touch controls meh. Never finished it.

Back to Killzone Mercenary. Got to love those two joysticks and buttons!!!

SkullBlade1694033d ago (Edited 4033d ago )

Actually, the iPad has a screen resolution of 2048x1536, and it uses similar hardware to that which is used in the iPhone, so it's possible soon.

ZeroX98764032d ago

Touch controls is the main problem here. Your very limited in movements and dexterity on a touch screen compared to gamepad or kb/m. Even if apple released a iphone as powerful as my PC, if no other input option is available, it's a no for me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4032d ago
MegaMohsi4033d ago (Edited 4033d ago )

5s still has 1gb of RAM, compared to 2+ from its competitors. The resolution of the screen is still sub hd as opposed to the competitors (full HD 1080P). The rivals also have quad core processors, from what I've read the 64 bit A7 is dual core and the 64 bit won't actually do anything in real world performance.

Funantic14033d ago

But the architecture of Apple products is what separates it from other smartphones. iPhone's software is optimized so well. In benchmark tests older iPhones have outperformed Android of that current time with way more RAM. There's more to architecture than RAM. This new 64-bit iPhone will be the start of a new generation of geniusphones that will destroy handhelds. Controllers are being developed now for iOS7. Once that comes out paired up with the iPhone 5s we're looking at gaming that will become Vita's true competition.

KonsoruMasuta4033d ago (Edited 4033d ago )

Lol At the IPhone being Vita's competition.

By the time Iphones catch up to the Vita Sony will be on it's next handheld.

Countless amounts of worthless shovelware vs quality handheld games...... hmmmmm. It's a hard decision.

zero_gamer4033d ago (Edited 4033d ago )

Even if the iPhone is more powerful than a Vita, it's still not a dedicated gaming platform in which most large full blown games are built for. Mobile is perfect for games in the caliber of Burn The Rope but that is about it.

tubers4033d ago

VITA is no longer a "competition" judging by its issues and commercial situation it's in.

It's a far more of a niche product.

joeorc4033d ago

unless APPLE is going to be putting 128MB of dedicated video ram in smart phone, that answer is still a no. do people really not get that the PSVita has a fraking fill rate to that of the ps3! im not saying the new iphone 5s is not awesome, no what i am meerly pointing out the psvita is going to have the edge for gaming in handhelds for quite a while due to mainly the GPU and dedicated GPU ram inside it, not to mention is the PSVita is a quad core CPU and a Quad core GPU.

grimmweisse4033d ago (Edited 4033d ago )

Funantic = Apple fanatic in a nutshell. Everything apple fanboys thinks whatever apple does is "revolutionary". For all its gaming capabilities as well as android it will take a very long time for it to be a serious contender to replace console gaming. And forget about pc even challenging gaming, for every so called "revolutionary" step apple fans think they made in gaming, PC and for most part console gaming have done it already.

Right because I want lug around a controller and a phone now. The game section for the App Store is 95% shovelware and free to play nonsense games. Come back to me when we have a real game contender. The only time I was slightly impressed was when Infinity Blade came out, but it was a shallow experience and very repetitive. Shout all the specs you want, but mobile gaming has a long way to go before its even likely to take over gaming as we see it today.

InMyOpinion4033d ago

Try comparing the iPhone 5S to the Sony Xperia Z1. I dare you. :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4033d ago
Funantic14033d ago

@KonsoruMasuta iPhones have no problem selling even tho it's 4 times the price of a Vita. Vitas are the ones that are struggling to sell and the next ones you speak of will too. Vita TV will hurt the Vita handhelds even more. Sales wise iPhones will crush PSPs into oblivion. Plus Apple is worth almost $600 billion, more than MS and Sony combined with billions leftover.

KonsoruMasuta4033d ago (Edited 4033d ago )

You're comparing the sale of a cell phone to a gaming handheld? Of course Iphones sell more. But you have to remember something. The majority of people who by Iphones aren't buying them for the games. They buy it for the PHONE part.

Phones aren't going to destroy dedicated handhelds just because they sell more. Phones aren't built for quality gaming.

AbortMission4033d ago

"Follow me on this episode to see the inside of the mind of a drone"


MotherLight4033d ago (Edited 4033d ago )

I think I will wait for actual specifications on this. All I can see is Apple claims this and that.. and I don't know how many times they have claimed something before just to see their next device barely performs any different.

Not saying it isn't an improvement for a phone but meh I don't game much on a phone or have any actual need to. Sadly I wouldn't care if the thing was more powerful than the Xbox One and PS4 combined, I still don't enjoy playing games on a phone or having to rig up a controller to make it more enjoyable.

I have handheld gaming systems that do a better job.

Its more like a step back in gaming, gaming today is more than just playing something and no phone can offer more than that right now, so if that's all you care about have at it but I am not trying to go back in time just for some better graphics.

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Epic Games Pledges to do "Whatever it Takes" to Make PS4/Xbox One/PC Crossplay Happen

Fortnite Worldwide Creative Director Donald Mustard pledges that Epic Games will push for the enabling of crossplay among all platforms.

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Zero_Suit_Samus2484d ago

I’ve never seen anyone begging for crossplay other than Xbox fans.

Abriael2484d ago

Yeah. only Xbox fans want to play with their friends on other platforms, and not to have to pick and choose between them.

Not really.

Zero_Suit_Samus2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )

Why don’t you show me all the PlayStation fans begging for cross-play then? All I hear is Xbox fans talking about it.

The console gamers choose is usually where their friends are anyways.

Abriael2484d ago

I'm certainly not an "Xbox fan". I like and enjoy all platforms. And I have advocated for full cross play for yeaes. Hence yes, not just Xbox fans want it.

2484d ago
darthv722484d ago

Who in their right mind would really not want to play with the largest pool of gamers possible? When you combine PSN with XBL with PC you just cant ignore the possibilities.

BlackTar1872484d ago

@trump Fortnite is an amazing game sad you are

BlackTar1872484d ago


You fail to understand that the size of the ps community online means that adding more means absolutely nothing. To many players to run into the same ones over and over. It really is irrelevant to such a large current crowd. I would understand your point if a game only has a couple thousand playing it but that is not the case 99/100 times.

JaguarEvolved2484d ago

When Sony wanted cross-play last gen Microsoft didn't want it but now Sony is very successful with 70,000,000 ps4 sold while Microsoft has 30,000,000 Xbox one's sold they want cross-play with PlayStation. I say no to cross-play unless it's pc.

GTgamer2484d ago

Tbh I could care less all my friends are on Playstation

2484d ago
2484d ago
XisThatKid2484d ago

It's free the don't need to convince you of anything regardless what it looks like

OffRoadKing2484d ago

That's weird I thought all your friends were on xbox too.

Omnislashver362484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )

I only own a Pro and I'd love to play Xbox players. There's this girl I know who owns and Xbox and asked if anyone wanted to play with her on Facebook- 95% of her friends asked if she had PS4.

It's not just that though, it's just overall better, larger population means faster matches, and we can finally have Xbox vs PS matches for a true console war. I've heard the argument that if one of your friends own one system and the other another system, then you'd do best to play each other's games when you hang out. It's sensible.

Now why not play the games that are multiplatform together when you're at separate houses as well? It's the EXACT same concept as playing with a PS friend, so the argument that nobody's asking for it is utter bullshit.

rainslacker2484d ago

Yeah, outside of MMO's how often can you actually play with your friends with cross play games between consoles and PC? AFAIK, there isn't any game that allows this, as matchmaking of that nature is through the console or PC service, and they aren't directly accessible to one another.

To date, no one has been able to answer my question about which games outside MMO's which require a different account to play them allow direct match making with people from a friends list.

You're good about answering questions and not giving into hyperbole....maybe you can name one. I'd rather see this argument die, because cross play doesn't provide this now, so even if people got cross play, they wouldn't be getting what they want.

Zoomer762484d ago

I'm not too fussed about having PS players on cross play, reading your comments here is enough to drive me nuts so I dread to think what it would be like having to listen to you over a mic!

Skull5212483d ago Show
+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2483d ago
ziggurcat2484d ago

it certainly wouldn't hurt if it was enabled.

ZaWarudo2484d ago

It was enabled through a "glitch" for Epic's Fornite a little while back. Look it up. Xbox and playstation players were playing together.

Apparently it's pretty damn simple to implement, it's just Sony being anal about it.

TankCrossing2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )

@ZaWarudo actually I think it was Microsoft that stepped in to block it. MS have repeatedly stated that they are open to cross-play, but the implementation from Epic broke some policy and MS intervened.

It is almost certainly around the way micro-transactions are handled.

2484d ago
DarXyde2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )

Honestly, I'm amazed it is even a thing. I feel like controller differences (d-pad positioning, analog dead zones, etc. ) and performance differences (frame rate) would make this an impractical proposition. I don't know how Sony manages cross play with PC, but I guess nothing I mentioned bears on that enough to warrant concern.

Personally, I don't care enough to be for or against it. The games I do play online have a big enough community so I don't sweat it.

TankCrossing2484d ago

@mako what makes your post funny is that the game supports PS4 and PC cross-play. Hell yes I'm afraid so.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2484d ago
Sonic_Vs_Mario2484d ago

The advantages of Cross Play would be increasing the lifespan of Multiplayer Games.

Zero_Suit_Samus2484d ago


“The advantages of Cross Play would be increasing the lifespan of Multiplayer Games.”

If a multiplayer game need its lifespan increased the game isn’t that popular in the first place. Cross platform play isn’t going to save a dying game.

Gazondaily2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )

Titanfall 2 would br a prime example of an excellent game that would benefit from crossplay massively.

Magnetar2484d ago

Wait, so if a game has a small fan base it doesn’t deserve to have a chance. What kind of gamer are you? Cross play helps developers, communities and gamers. How could anyone be against it. I’ve yet to see one valid reason not to have it.

uth112484d ago

maybe a good compromise would be to allow crossplay on games that have been out for some time, say 6 mos - a year

2484d ago
rainslacker2484d ago

That's sort of an untested theory though. Popular MP games go on a long time, and usually only die if the company shuts down the servers. unpopular MP games tend to die across the board within a month or two from the systems that has the higher user base....and then the servers are shut down.

If people care that much, then they'd be better off going for the platform which has the highest user base for whatever game they want. Unfortunately, that's not always going to be the same for each new MP game that catches people's fancy, so those that like MP just have to take a gamble that they'll be able to play as long as they want.

Too many factors persist to make this be a real issue IMO.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2484d ago
Gazondaily2484d ago

Bullshit . People have friends. Those friends have different games consoles. Removing this stupid barrier benefits everyone. Those against it are only mindlessly protecting their favourite corporation's stance/ resistance to this.

Crossplay needs to happen.

DialgaMarine2484d ago

Nah. Want to game with PSN, Buy a PS4.

Magnetar2484d ago

Why is that solution when the tech is there and it’s as easy as flipping a switch in some cases. Your solution is just sad.

2484d ago
madforaday2484d ago

The only cross play console players want is between consoles. Most people play games that are shooter based, the last thing a consoler want is to play against PC players. That alone just doesn't make sense but a game like Rocket League works fine and PS users can play against PC players. The most popular games on PC are exclusive to the PC and the rest are shooters (CS, Overwatch etc.). This whole concept of cross play directly ties into PS and Xbox. I can see why Sony won't do it when I see a lot of people on BF 1 on Xbox complain they can't get into a room with the DLC. I, as a gamer, would LOVE for Xbox and PS be able to play together. I am trying to think of a popular game that is PvP that would work well with PC players and consoles gamers. In my eyes, only MS gets a gain out of all of this. Like I said, please flip that switch!

rainslacker2484d ago

What game outside of MMO's allows you to connect and play with your friends using cross play? PC and console cross play has been around for a while, and no one has answered this question for me.

Also, from my experience, most friends tend to have the same console. I'm sure there are people who have people they know that they sometimes play with that may span different game platforms.

Would be nice if cross play happened, but it doesn't need to happen. Gaming and gamers have been just fine for a long time without it being between consoles. Otherwise, the PC market is big enough that it serves the purpose of extending a games life, and there are plenty of people on PC that you can likely find some of your friends on there.

Gazondaily2484d ago


"What game outside of MMO's allows you to connect and play with your friends using cross play? PC and console cross play has been around for a while, and no one has answered this question for me. "

Fortnite. Voice comms. Parties.

Question answered

jojo3192483d ago (Edited 2483d ago )

Exactly. And just maybe people need to look beyond this gen. I mean, what IF the PS5 isn’t the (and I hate using this term) “winner” next gen and THEY have a smaller pool. It should be looked at as a healthy option for ALL gamers to play whomever they want. It reeks or “proprietary” bs. Look what happens to Betamax, mini disc, etc. history has shown when you lock people out, you almost never win the “long game”. Do you ever think that maybe when people go to get their NEXT system, they might think “I can play with my Sony friends, or I can play with everybody else.”

rainslacker2483d ago

Well, glad that settled. How about naming one that came out before Fortnite, since I've been asking this question for a long time, and since it hasn't been an option, I always wondered why people kept using it as a reason to support cross play.

Last I read fortnite wasn't cross play, but cross progression, but was confused since I've seen people talking about it outside the instance that it was enabled by accident. But the confusion was because it's not available on the BR mode.

Anyhow, looking into it, it requires a secondary account to enable that service. The Epics friends list in this case. Not many games actually have this kind of secondary account in the console market....although they're often available as an option on the PC.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2483d ago
ZaWarudo2484d ago

I only own a PS4 this gen and i absolutely want crossplay. I have some friends on Xbox i would like to play with. There is no downside to crossplay.

DialgaMarine2484d ago

Yes there is, but it’s from a business perspective.

jojo3192483d ago

One minute they’re “for the gamers”, and the next “it’s a business”.

TankCrossing2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )

Look up. This is an article about a creative director at Epic pushing for cross-play.

Or is he just an Xbox fan too?

ILostMyMind2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )

Did someone say that or are you acting like a victim?

Bigpappy2484d ago

If what you are saying is true, then PS fans are a gigantic antisocial group of losers. Why wouldn't you want to play with or against other gamers on other consoles? You think you would catch something? You sound like some preteen kid who thinks he is in some exclusive club because mom bought him a PC 4. I don't even play MP games much, but I do see the fun of playing with or against gamers on other platforms. The biggest winners are first gamers, then the industry (mostly 3rd party. Sony M$ and Nintendo game nothing unless they charge for connection to their networks. If they charge, then it would just fail.

freshslicepizza2484d ago

So Epic games is Xbox fans? You guys make no sense at all. Epic and the makers of Rocket League are not Xbox fans, they are developers who want to enable this. So let me revese your assessment of the situation, all I have seen is Sony fanatics who have no respect for Xbox argue against it.

If you don't want to play with Xbox fans then don't but again what is it with you guys and having choices?

2484d ago
freshslicepizza2484d ago

"Well when it comes to matchmaking there won't be a choice... assuming the developer put everyone in on big pool.... PS players could be matched up with PC players... anyone with a half brain can see why this is a no go."

PSN players are already matching with PC gamers, so tell me again why now it's a problem with the Xbox?

"From a business perspective, there is nothing for Sony to gain out of this - Microsoft simply wants more Microsoft account and Microsoft store users.... if you think they care about you.... well I have a bridge to sell you."

Do you work for Sony? If not then stop representing them.

slavish02484d ago

U r not speaking for anyone but your self gtfo

sorane2484d ago

Then you're either blind or just stupid.

slavish02484d ago

I think both after reading that comment 🤣

zerocarnage2484d ago

What an absoloute moron you are.

Why is supporting crossplay begging for a start.

Then why on earth would no one want cross play, you would have to be a major fanboy to support not wanting a feature that opens up gaming for everyone even more.

For once those who are against crossplay actually sit there and let those rusty cogs turn around in your broken down brains and realise crossplay is an enhancement to everyone who plays multiplayer games. Cross play connects gaming platforms together and there less chance of games dieting off or at least it brings longer life to online games for a start. Not to mention there is money cross play could potentially generate down the line in all the possible console wars that could be brought to E games, leagues and tournaments alike. Yeah crossplay could actually pave the way for even bringing clan support back onto games which has been forgot pretty much this gen but at one point last gen there were lots of games doing it.

Eventually crossplay could evolve from a some service into a fully supported service with tons of features.

God damn, anyone would think Sony actually has to so down with the United nations or something here with the way some Sony fanboys are going off, I never heard so much nonsense but this gens award for most fandouches deffo goes to the Sony fanboys as you have been extra this gen than most.

Don't hold the industry back, support gaming in all directions, not just what you own.

2484d ago
Vasto2484d ago

What a silly thing to say.

zerocarnage2484d ago

Your talking about cross play too or should I say being a bitch all because Xbox owners support it and enjoy talking about it. You think there's not many PlayStation players that would support crossplay or enjoy knowing they either get to play with other peeps of other consoles, don't be so blind of course there'd be tons of Sony owners who went as fanboy headed as you that enjoy gaming as is and so long as there gaming is being enhanced in someway, why not support crossplay??

Just because the fanboys on n4g don't support it doesn't mean the rest of the population of Sony consoles agrees with you..

Mr_Writer852484d ago


I would love cross play!

threefootwang2484d ago

I've got plenty of friends that game on both Xbox One and PS4.

What's the harm in having crossplay with both sides.

Maybe PlayStation fans should get over themselves and realize what a good consumer friendly feature is when they see one.

2484d ago
Enjoigamin2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )

I have a ps4 and want crossplay to happen. So your wrong there lil tike.

Bobafret2484d ago

Because it would be kind of cool? What other reason are you insinuating?

ChronoJoe2484d ago

I wouldn't want cross play with pc personally. It's just unfair for those on fixed hardware. Mouse and keyboard plus variable frqmerates make for a bad time for anyone but Pc players.

2484d ago
Ausbo2484d ago

The reason you don’t have Sony fans begging for it, is because they Sony doesn’t allow it. Hence they don’t want to make them look bad.

Xbox fans did the same thing when Microsoft didn’t want it years ago.

rainslacker2484d ago

Sony does have cross play, just not with Xbox.

joab7772484d ago

Though it would only help Sony. As would letting mods happen. They sell so well because of exclusives. No reason to give any other company any advantage. Let it happen!

Software_Lover2484d ago

Your false sense of "loyalty" and your way of thinking is what's wrong with the gaming community.

Kiwi662484d ago

You can't base things from what you see on here as this site doesn't represent an entire fan base

Yetter2484d ago

If you're making an multiplayer online game, having a large player base is everything.

ChristopherJack2483d ago (Edited 2483d ago )

It provides longevity to multiplat games. As an adult who doesn't give a shit what console someone else owns- so long as I can game together, this is an excellent initiative.

Imagine being able to pick up a 10 yo game & being able to find a game without joining some sort of clan/community that plays at specific times, because that's the issue happening now when the people who play the exact same game are fractured between 3 platforms.

All these comments saying "it's not in Sony's best interest" really disturbs me, we're gamers! OUR interests should come first! Capitalism is entitlement, we're allowed to expect more from ongoing services, we don't have to accept the status quo.

quent2483d ago

Don't be a fanboy, crossplay benefits everyone, and any console makers who thinks/says otherwise don't have you're best interests at heart, there's simply no excuse for not having crossplay, for console only gamers at least

galmi2483d ago

and whats wrong with that?

Zeref2483d ago

Only PS4 fanboys think crossplay is a bad thing...

I bet ya'll will sing a different tune when more games will leave out PS4 when doing Crossplay. Like Minecraft and Rocket League.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 2483d ago
Gazondaily2484d ago

And anyone who doesn't isn't a true gamer straight up.

BlackTar1872484d ago

that's not true at all.

You xbox gamers should pick a system that isn't dying.

2484d ago
OffRoadKing2484d ago

Guess I'm not a "true gamer" then, but coming from you that doesn't really mean anything. Crossplay isn't needed for one to be a true gamer so take your hyperbolic propaganda speech elsewhere.

Gazondaily2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )


"Guess I'm not a "true gamer" then, but coming from you that doesn't really mean anything. Crossplay isn't needed for one to be a true gamer so take your hyperbolic propaganda speech elsewhere."

Guess not.

Crossplay isn't needed but only a certain kind of person would not want it to happen

rainslacker2484d ago

Says the guy who will say how bad Sony's exclusives are because they are Sony exclusives.

Gazondaily2484d ago (Edited 2484d ago )


Yeah well done.

Now lets see what excuse you spew out knowing that Fortnite supports parties and chat.

Jmanzare2483d ago

Lol you guys act like there's not millions of people on xbox live. It would just be nice to be able to play with some of my friends that play ps4.

rainslacker2483d ago (Edited 2483d ago )

No excuse. I learned something new today. That's cool. Curious why people used this as a reason for over a year now considering fortnite hasn't been out that long, but I'll let it lay going forward. But whatever, I guess you win the argument. Kudos.

But up until I learned something new today, I had every reason to ask the question, because it seemed silly for people to keep using the reason for support of cross play when it wasn't an actual feature available. I mean, if they said they'd hope that that feature would come if cross play became more regular, then that'd be different, but people using the argument made it seem like it was a regular and forgone conclusion they'd have the feature.

If there was something long before Fortnite, then I couldn't find it when I searched for a game that supported said feature(and I really did spend time searching because I was really curious), but no one was forthcoming about giving me an answer. I do believe one person actually addressed it once, and said it was more about getting that feature in the future, and it was a nice conversation. Not bitter or stupid like most of the conversations I have with you nowadays.

Now, what's your excuse for having something negative to say about every Sony exclusive? I mean, even I don't say MS actual exclusive games are bad, except on the occasion I feel they're not very good.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2483d ago
Goldby2484d ago

Paragon is coming to other latforms this year.

With Sony's cooperation with Nintendo I could see it being crossplay with that, or if they stick to just requiring an epic I'd I could see it crossplay with xbox

PlayStationswitch2484d ago

I would actually love cross play with switch and PS4. Being able to play rocket league online with friends while laying in bed or on the go would be amazing

Gazondaily2484d ago

Go for it Epic! I did crossplay on Fortnite with ps4 and PC, PvP and with voice chat. It was an incredible feeling.

2484d ago
PhoenixUp2484d ago

It was proven it could happen by accident

zerocarnage2484d ago

Or by purpose more like, just to get it out there that it was easy done and to shove it at Sony to encourage them towards saying yeah, I think that's why it was on and off so fast, epic are not daft..

So much though for all those Sony fanboys saying all games would require a sign in too Xbox live..

TheColbertinator2484d ago ShowReplies(4)
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"I don't want a world where games try to be more like Hollywood"

Chair Entertainment's Donald Mustard talks Spyjinx, JJ Abrams and how there could be a "bloodbath" in the VR market

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Hitoemi3086d ago

I dont want a world where games are mindless "brodude" MMO FPS. We all have are ideas where we want gaming to go.

Grap3086d ago

I really don't want world filled with mindless shooting and grinding.

jb2273086d ago (Edited 3086d ago )

Same here...there's a difference between 'cinematic' games and cinema games. It's a balance you've gotta strike. J.J. Himself & a fair handful of the Bad Robot crew have all praised Naughty Dog for the way they tell a story within the games, and a lot of them have admitted to cribbing their work a bit.

I think Naughty Dog's motto is perfect..."keep it on the stick"...if you can give me that huge epic feeling while I'm actually controlling the action, then you've succeeded. If you give me cutscenes to fill in those moments then I could've had a better experience going into literally any movie at the cinema then you may need to go back to the drawing board. That was one of The Order's main drawbacks, great potential but they took control away just a bit too much & it screwed up the balance. Games should concentrate on being games first & foremost, then fit in all of the interesting new bits around the gameplay. Some opinions may differ but I see gaming as a unique medium that has so many advantages, it's a shame when they aren't taken advantage of.

sullynathan3086d ago

MMO FPS, where the hell is that?

Hitoemi3085d ago

Destiny, division, COD, Battlefield, Doom the list goes on. I cant belive you even asked.

Goldby3085d ago

@Hitoemi, None of those are MMO FPS, the only games i can think of that would fall into that category is Planet Side 2 and Escape Tarkov.

Destiny has teams of 3, max 6 for a raid, Division is 4. Cod is not where near MMo status and never will be. Battlefield is kinda close with the 644 players but again that isn't Massive Multiplayer. Planet Side has over 200 people on one server at a time, thats the closest we are getting. the best reference for an MMO FPS is Escape Tarkov

sullynathan3085d ago

@Hitoemi god damn you liars

3086d ago Replies(2)
generationjeu3086d ago

The gaming industry has already entered full "Hollywood Mode" though. And it has for a while too, it's just even more blatant now. Think about it: a lot of games are remasters/remakes, which is exactly what Hollywood does with its movie franchises. Then you have a lot of games whose sole point is to generate more profits, not more fun. Exactly like Hollywood movies: soulless and devoid of what makes classics well, classics. Doesn't mean there aren't good games anymore, but the whole industry is looking dire and very anti-consumer now (DLCs, season passes, various paywalls, barren single player modes, etc.).

I know that's not exactly what this article is about, but to me the parallel is clear as day.

3086d ago
jb2273086d ago

Nah, J.J., Goddard & most of the Bad Robot crew have all specifically praised Naughty Dog & they are obviously influenced by their work. Look at movies like Furious 7 or Star Trek Beyond that are both cribbing the train sequence from the opening of UC2.

Abrams absolutely isn't firing shots at UC, that much is for certain.

nosferatuzodd3085d ago (Edited 3085d ago )

that sound more like quantum break he was dissing to me

3086d ago
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Infinity Blade Creators Delve Into Mythology

Chair Entertainment co-founders Donald and Geremy Mustard discuss the mythology behind the bestselling iOS game franchise, Infinity Blade, in this exclusive interview.

gamerlive3762d ago

these guys know how to make mobile games.