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Titanfall won't sell as well as Call of Duty, says Zampella

GameSpot: "Respawn Entertainment cofounder says upcoming shooter won't match Call of Duty sales out of the gate; multiplayer-only game will be $60."

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Community4034d ago
Sonyslave34034d ago

No shet Call of duty on every fking system.

mewhy324034d ago

well of course it won't. Call of Duty is, like you said, on all systems. Titan Fall will be on PC so it's not really exclusive, I mean not like Uncharted 3 or anything. So I'll play that bone shooter on my PC, like all the other bone software that isn't multi-console. The rest i'll play on my PS4 for the superior console experience provided by the PS4's vastly superior GPU and GDDR5.

CalamityCB4034d ago

Thanks for the good laugh.
It's kinda like your a Zombie that obeys to Sony.

towelie12884034d ago

lol.....are you like 10 years old ?

GarrusVakarian4034d ago

I can understand passion for a certain console but you take it way too far, you sound like you are paid by Sony to say what you say.

mewhy324034d ago

It's just the facts. If I were making stuff up would be different but it's all true and can be found all over the internet by anyone that isn't a sheep and will actually go out and do some research for themselves. Bone sheep don't like hearing that micro$oft is charing 100.00 more for an inferior piece of hardware, or that they are putting a spy camera into their living room, or that most things available online are behind a pay wall. They also don't like being reminded how micro$oft tried to screw the gamers, or how almost all bone software will be released on PC, therefore not exclusive at all. All true, none made up. That's why people don't like hearing it.

towelie12884034d ago

lol... dont shove sony to far up ur @$$

StoutBEER4034d ago

@mew God I hate you. Can you actually be excited for you're console instead of shoving marketing down our fuckin throats. Cause when you speak... type thats all it fuckin sounds like.

JsonHenry4034d ago

I'll be playing Titanfall on the PC as well. Im not good enough with a controller to even try playing that on the xbox1.

miyamoto4034d ago

That problem is easy to solve:
bring Titanfall to PS3 and PS4!

jaren924034d ago

You can wipe sonys cum off your mouth anytime now

nukeitall4034d ago


"I can understand passion for a certain console but you take it way too far, you sound like you are paid by Sony to say what you say."

Actually, it is worse than that. The person does it for FREE!

P0werVR4034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

If GDDR5 can warp reality in your room, then we're talking. Other than that, If third party games play the same on either console then what is the point?!

You know why Sony had better "looking" games? Because it has better first party studios.

So given recent news that Microsoft is now going to focus more into first party development, starting with Black Tusk Studio. It will use the full potential of Xbox One.

So don't convince yourself it's only specs that define how good a console is.

awi59514034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

Gears of war was on PC as well but its still obviously a xbox game. Metal gear has been on every system in the universe so i guess its not a sony franchise game.

mediate-this4034d ago

You sound like you been rehearsing... Cool story bro

awi59514033d ago

I stopped buying COD when they fired the creators typical activision crap. I just hope they dont try this crap with blizzard i wish they could separate from the crap activision and watch them fall apart. World of warcrafts 500 million a month is holding this evil company up. If they leave bobby jackass wont act so cocky.

koolaid2514033d ago

He sounds like he's at least 5 you guys are giving him too much credit lmfao.

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pedrof934034d ago

Are they starting to convince the public that going to Ps4 is more than an option ?

Deadpoolio4034d ago

They flat out said it in an interview during E3 with I believe Rev3Games. But then magically that video disappeared from their channel

hakeem09964034d ago

The video magically disappeared SMFH .The bullshit that comes out here

nukeitall4034d ago

That depends on if anyone can provide the dedicated servers needed at the cheap enough price that MS does.

Right now Sony dcoesn't have the infrastructure, let alone a competitive price.

solidjun54034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

"Right now Sony dcoesn't have the infrastructure, let alone a competitive price."

You must be high! Ps3 had dedicated servers. What makes you think ps4 won't have any? Oh right...the cloud.

Oh please. Do you think Sony cant provide that?

P0werVR4034d ago


Why do you guys always miss the point that most dedicated server games on PS3 were mostly their own games?!

Xbox One most games will have it, no developers has to worry about the infrastructure. It's there and streamlined for multiplayer gaming.

Dedicated servers are very expensive overtime for developers, some of you make it seem as if it's that easy.

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3-4-54034d ago

It will sell very well though.

Also, with new systems, games sometimes won't sell until 5-10 months after their release.

Not every game has great week 1-5 sales, and since they are all new and all next gen, they get a little more time on the shelves to make an impact.

That gets less and less as the generation goes on, but at first you can have a game that sells just "ok", but if it sells "ok, for 18 months in a row, then you are alright.

Alduin4034d ago

Depends on how good of a game it is. A lot of people are getting tired of the SSDD with CoD. Titanfall looks pretty good, though. It's on my buy list.

Deividas4034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

It can be the best, still wont outsell COD. Its only coming to the PC, XOne and X360....while call of duty, already a top seller every single year, comes out on PC, XOne, PS4, PS3, doesnt matter how good it is, realistically, it has no chance. Though I am pretty excited for it

TheEvilWithin4034d ago

COD Ghosts is also coming to the Wii U. Just one more system that will see sales on COD over Titanfall.

LetoAtreides824034d ago

There's a reason he didn't include the Wii U in that list, no one has one and no one wants one.

mediate-this4034d ago

With time i can see this game taking COD's top spot, its fresh, has mechs and jet packs and at the same time as being fresh, it still has the famaliar feel to cod so people who will transfer over from cod to play titanfall, could jump right into it.

People will tell their cod friends titanfall is from the peeps who created cod.

Vertical battles

user74029314034d ago

it will probably sell 3 million lifetime.

LondonMediaOS4034d ago

I predict more than that. I think personally that this has the potential to be the next big thing.

LetoAtreides824034d ago

A multiplayer-only futuristic shooter with giant robot suits doing better than 3 million, I don't think so.

Eldyraen4034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

I have a feeling it will sell over 3m easy on 360 alone. Online only is the main distractor but to be honest Xbox has a huge online audience (ps3 does too) which will help things along.

As CoD and TF aren't competing at same release its likely TF will get more sales due to wait then if competing directly. I can see around 5m first year easy as long as doesn't bomb (looks good and heard good things but never a guarantee) and likely another 1-2m on One/PC (combined) at very least in same period.

Many online CoD/BF players will give it a shot as something different but still familiar (particularly true for CoD players) after a few months of their game of choice.

I don't know if it would ever hit CoD numbers though even if on every platform.

@Leto I read your comment as sarcastic answer. Competitive multiplayer and giant robots are practically the perfect recipe for a blockbuster hit nowadays.

nukeitall4034d ago (Edited 4034d ago )

Let me see:

* most anticipated next generation game, check
* dedicated servers, check
* new dimension, check
* has mechs and is futuristic, check
* won gazillion prizes at E3, check
* very positive reception from people tried it, check
* created by guys created CoD
* advertised as created by guys created CoD

I think this will be f'in huge!

koolaid2514033d ago

10 million xbox1 xbox 360 and pc!!!

Demoa4034d ago

Ofcourse not. I don't get why games always wanna use the "CoD killer" slogan when it never happens. Whatever thou it'll be a good game none the less.

younglj014034d ago

tbh there is no need for an "CoD killer" because it seems like CoD is killing it self..

mediate-this4034d ago

If any game had a chance to kill cod, this may be it. Its different but at the sane time familiar, that is the key to its success. People love their cod ,but cod is the same ol story every year. Wall running, to jet packs to mechs. Its so many things going on, that crazy epilogue ending after each match.

Titanfall 1 may not sell cod numbers, but two or three or four could, especially on the shooter centric xbox.

Im so pumped for it my self. I like cod also but thats been dying down with each release. But i still buy it, just dont play each iteration as long.

RevXM4034d ago

Well better port the game to more systems.
Not getting a Bone anytime soon and I really dont want anything to do with EA origin on pc.

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Vince Zampella: Battlefield "Absolutely Can" Outsell Call of Duty; BF2042 Was Not a "Failure"

Battlefield franchise boss thinks Battlefield "absolutely can" outsell Call of Duty, but says they're not targeting that with the next entry.

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TheNamelessOne8d ago

Feel like if that were true, we would have seen it during the BF3/4 era. Just focus first on releasing a Battlefield that's actually feature complete, well put together, that people actually want to play right out of the gate. Hoping Zampella can make this happen.

JEECE8d ago

The best opportunity was BF1 vs. Infinite Warfare. I've never actually seen a worldwide sales comparison so I'm not convinced BF1 didn't eventually win, but I do know COD sold better in the US at launch, because it was the NPD #1 that year, while BF was #2.

SonyStyled8d ago

The best opportunity was with BC2 and BF3. BF4 dropped the ball with a short campaign and bugged multiplayer at launch

Cacabunga8d ago

Release a decent game and let the mouth to eat do the rest.. you choose to release another BF4 then blame yourselves for it

JEECE7d ago


Definitely not BC2. I love the Bad Company games (even though everyone always pretends the first one didn't exist), but even though BC2 has achieved great respect in hindsight, at the time it came out a lot of casuals who bought COD every year either didn't know of Battlefield's existence or saw it as a knockoff of COD. Plus coming out in spring 2010 it was competing against MW2 (the original one) which came out the prior fall.

ChronoJoe8d ago

I mean, the title of the game doesn't have a lot to do with how it sells. The next game is not going to change things but Zampella course change the course of the series towards something that's more on track with that those big player numbers.

With that said, battlefield fans might not want that. To acquire the wider audience they would probably need to betray a lot of the series design principles. Call of Duty is as popular as it is because it is as simple as it is.

-Foxtrot8d ago

"BF2042 Was Not a "Failure"

Suuuuuuure thing little buddy...

excaliburps8d ago

In his defense, BF2042 did turn things around eventually though still falls short of franchise expectations if you based it on BF4, BF3, BF1.

trez10828d ago

Hated it at lunch, came back a two years after and it was an absolute blast. Not sure how it did sales wise to be called failure or success but BF2042 is a pretty good game .

ElaBosak7d ago

In what way was it a failure exactly?

Outside_ofthe_Box8d ago

Microsoft would just buy EA if that happens.

8bitAssassin7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

We don't need more games ruined. It's like that company puts water on their bread before they eat it.

Inverno8d ago

Here we go again with rubbing mouths. BF has been a flop consistently since BF4, and I mean flop as in disappointing to the fan base due to the technical issues each has had and the gameplay changes needlessly made. Shut up and make a good BF before hyping up another potential disappointment.

Fishy Fingers8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Bro gave one pretty decent interview and answered the questions he was asked. Not really his fault if people want to cherry pick quotes for "content".

Stick to reading source

X-238d ago

I don't mind them claiming BF2042 wasn't a failure so long as they learned from it and use that experience moving forward into the new game, it was terrible at launch but towards the end it got a bit better. I don't want to see the same thing play out with the new BF though because the ones who are still interested in the franchise have been pretty vocal with what they want and don't want from Battlefield.

ElaBosak7d ago

Learn what exactly? The game was great.

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Vince Zampella Defends the PS5 Pro Price And 'We'll See' What It Means for Battlefield

In an exclusive interview with IGN, Head of Respawn & Group GM for EA Studios Organization Vince Zampella defended the price of the PS5 Pro while taking a wait and see approach to what it might mean for Battlefield.

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Vince Zampella Confirms Next Battlefield Will Use Modern Setting, First Concept Art Revealed

In an exclusive interview with IGN, Head of Respawn & Group GM for EA Studios Organization Vince Zampella sat down to talk about Battlefield's return to a modern setting while revealing its first concept art.

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RaidenBlack9d ago

With Zampella at the helm, we're likely in for a treat.
Still bummed that the abandoned BFV abruptly and didn't cover the whole of WW2 timeline/progression. It was actually well thought out at the time. And instead we got the half-baked 2042. Still hate 2042.
Hope the next BF brings back BF1 level of polish and atmosphere.

thorstein9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Agreed, though 2042 did fix a ton of odds problems and the later maps were better.

The way he's talking here makes it sound like those launch maps were part of the problem. And he said no specialists.

seanpitt239d ago

Would love another battlefield 1 theme game ww2 in that meeting would have been amazing! BF1 atmosphere is unmatched!

victorMaje8d ago

It’s kinda funny how Vince Zampella who used to be Battlefield’s rival game’s dev CEO, is now in charge of Battlefield :)

Personally I think this can be great for Battlefield, Respawn did an amazing job with Titanfall 2’s SP & MP, you could feel modern warfare’s DNA throughout, obviously because they (many of them) were the dev who created it, but if there’s a dev that can bring back Battlefield’s DNA for the next one, it’s them.

Canofwar9d ago

I'd love of the brought back Bad Company with a sweet new campaign to go along with mp.

RaidenBlack9d ago

For some bizarre reason, they're not interested in the gold mine named, BadCompany 3

isarai8d ago

Problem is just slapping bad company on it doesn't make it better. Everyone then made those games what they were are long gone

KwietStorm_BLM9d ago

Well all the right things were said. Let's see what they learned.

Zombieburger6389d ago

Yeah I’m
Not falling for any hype train dice tries to start. Absolutely no trust in ea or dice.

DOMination-8d ago

DICE are the developers along with support from Motove and Criterion

Respawn aren't really involved but Vince appears to be overseeing the franchise with the wider role he appears to have now at EA.

TheNamelessOne9d ago

Used to love the series, but couldn't be bothered with it for a long while now. Too many missteps with the newer releases. I'm really, really hoping Zampella corrects this.

isarai8d ago

Same, it was my go to for mp, and i really don't even play mp that much but bf i would play religiously since Bad Company. It being dead has really left me with nothing Worthy of filling that void for a looooong time. Id love to have it back in my rotation

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