
Castlevania: Lord of Shadows Ultimate Edition Review - Zero1Gaming

Kimo reviews the latest release of Castlevania: Lord of Shadows. This time it's appearance on PC with added DLC.

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The History and Future of Castlevania

This week A Pixelated View discusses the history of the Castlevania series, and whether or not it should be resurrected again.

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Paul853505d ago

Hopefully we get a sequel to symphony of the night!

jznrpg3505d ago

I read somewhere that Koji Igarashi is working on spiritual successor to Symphony of the Night. Not sure how that would work with him gone from Konami.

Wolves3505d ago

There have been 6 Metroidvania games since Symphony of the Night's release. 2 of which were direct sequels.

wonderfulmonkeyman3505d ago

I'd kill for some more 2D Castlevania titles.

More entries with huge maps to explore and combat/collectible systems similar to Order of Ecclesia, Portrait of Ruin, and Aria/Dawn of Sorrow would be most welcome indeed!

And the music...oh LORD, the MUSIC...

I know a lot of people want all the flashy 3D realism and stuff these days, but for Castlevania, nothing has yet to top the 2D Metroid-vania outings.
They're just quite frankly superior in quality and replay value, IMO.

Valvat0rez3505d ago

You said it, Castlevania just doesn't feel right if its not in 2D. It deserves a new handheld release for Vita or 3DS with high res sprites.

wonderfulmonkeyman3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

Well, the New 3DS offers more power, so, as a wise little taco girl once said: "Why not both?"

Valvat0rez3505d ago

Seriously though Konami should release a new Castlevania game. Aria of Sorrow, Symphony of the Night and Portrait of Ruin were my all time favorites.

Valvat0rez3505d ago (Edited 3505d ago )

The New 3DS might pull something off, but it could be bad for business if it can't run on older 3DS models. Vita on the other hand is plenty powerful.

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SP4CE_C4PT4IN3505d ago

I agree to a point. I thought the first Lords of Shadow was done amazingly well. You can't beat a 2D Castlevania though!

jonboi243505d ago

If Rocksteady's Batman series could get the large scale Metroidvania formula down, I can't see why a 3d Castlevania can't work. But I would love to see a new 2d Castlevania but with Igarshi gone I don't think Konami will do anything with Castlevania for a long time.

Hold_It3505d ago

I don't know how you all feel about this but if they decide to go 3D again, I personally feel that From Software or Platinum Games would do an amazing job.

SP4CE_C4PT4IN3505d ago

From Software would create a brutal Castlevania!

Tex1173505d ago

This, right here.

Souls games really are the closest thing to a 3D Castlevania (the old NES ones) that we have ever had.

Tex1173505d ago

You know,
It would be interesting if Konami took Castlevania in the direction that Simon's Quest took.

Think...An open world Transylvania with towns and villages tasked with resurrecting Dracula to destroy him.

The issue would be with the gameplay of course, but in theory, it could be very cool.

SP4CE_C4PT4IN3505d ago

That would be a great/new direction.
Castlevania is one of my beloved franchises ever since the days of the first Castlevania and Simon's Quest. I would absolutely love to see something like that Tex!

Online petition anyone..? haha

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New GameStop PC Sale Discounts Several Konami Published Titles

A new big sale is now available on GameStop in North America, discounting the PC digital versions of several Konami published titles.

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The Gamesmen, Episode 16 - Putt Putt Save This Podcast

Join Hardlydan and Amras89 for game talk and fun! This time, The Gamesmen talk all about news that came out of PAX East this year including the Guild Wars 2 feature pack, WildStar, Star Citizen, Guns of Icarus, Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas, and The Repopulation. Games discussed are Castlevania Lords of Shadow, Dragon Age Origins, Back to the Future, Putt-Putt, The Island of Dr. Brain, The Witcher, Law and Order Legacies, and Assasin’s Creed Liberation.

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