Wii Super Monkey Ball Screens Roll In

Eight images from Sega's Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz have been added. The game is currently set as a launch title for the Wii, and will include some of the same simian-styled minigames and puzzle courses we've seen on other platforms.

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Marriot VP6622d ago

yah I think this why I'm gonna skip on Nintendo's console again. Too many child's games, I only like Mario on 2D

RelloC6622d ago

to never ever play that crap.

FeralPhoenix6620d ago

Come on Nintendo, I know Wii can do better than this! I have a old love for Nintendo, the NES was what started it all for me....Mario was the man in those days...but I'm alot older now and I keep waiting for Nintendo to give me a reason to buy a "Wii", unfortunately the name alone makes me doubt I could actually buy the damm thing. It makes me made when I keep hearing them say that they want to get more non-gamers to play games, because it really seems like they are just catering to little kids, which is fine because thats the majority of their sales now, but what about the older gamers who are all grown up now. I have owned every Nintendo console since the NES, but I was very dissapointed with the "Gamecube" RE4, Metroid, and Zelda were great maybe a few other notable titles but after that it was pretty much nothing worth my time...too many Mario this and that, yeah I feel a little nostalgic when I talk about Mario but at my age I dont want to play "Mario and friends" games,(dont care for motion sensor controller either and neither do any of my buddies....come on Nintendo just show us a reason to be a fan again. I can think of alot more cool things Mario can do, besides just playing with balloons and cupcakes...how about Mario in a Halo or MGS style game, hey why not?....CALL ME CRAZY, but BigN could use more mature games then they would truly be catering to everyone.

Xtrm L1481L1TY6620d ago

Look at those realistics water effects. That looks awesome (if it were the year 1992) LOL


Bad Boss Battles in Gaming History - Part Ten

Phil writes, "A good boss battle sticks with you for all the right reasons, and soon after beating it, you want to go back and do it all over again. The bosses on this list, however, are the absolute opposite of that, for the most part. These are annoying, broken, unfair, poorly designed, or just plain old disappointing. Whatever the case may be, the following boss battles lean more towards bad than fun, and as we'll see, even the greatest of games can have lulls in excitement and entertainment when it comes to their bosses while some shouldn't have included them to begin with."

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Father__Merrin1596d ago

Kalinag boss in farcry 4 was horrible


Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Is A Lot More Fun Now That It's Not On The Wii

Released for the Wii in 2006, Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz got a lot of flack for its unwieldy motion controls.

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8 Wii Motion Control Games that Deserve Another Shot on Switch

With the Switch bringing interest back into the realm of motion controls, it seems as good a time as any to dip back into the backlog and retrieve some lucrative nuggets from the one that launched the phenomenon in the first place: the Nintendo Wii.

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ApocalypseShadow2008d ago

Bring Red Steel 2 to VR please.