
Conversations with Creators: Knack

The latest in PlayStation 4′s ‘Conversations with Creators’ series is all about Knack.

pedrof933932d ago (Edited 3932d ago )

He's using a nice shirt. This time.

These platforms were the greatest thing back in the Ps2 days.

2:30, he confirms that the Ps4 always records the game play. That confirms that the 15 minute capture is before you press the share button.

All hail the machine.

shivvy243932d ago

i liked how that guy made a 1.5 scale replica of the controller to consider the children playing it ! i love platformers so im definitely picking this up

3-4-53932d ago

I wasn't expecting to hear him speak Japanese the ENTIRE time.

This is awesome. He speaks it very well, or at least to me it sounds like it, I don't speak the language but the little small things about how they pronounce things and the sounds that aren't in the English language he has nailed them.

Not sure how but my respect for this man increases every time he gives an interview.

People of N4G, this is what an Intelligent Human being sounds like when he is talking.

hakis863932d ago

Well, he spoke english as well... didn't you watch the whole video? ;)

ZBlacktt3932d ago

Mark Cerny, a man so bright he speaks many languages.

iamnsuperman3932d ago

My respect for the man just went up 10 fold. Learning a new language is one thing but with a language that is so different from his native tongue and not essential to his job it is impressive to see

What can this man not do

ZBlacktt3932d ago

I agree totally. Not only did he go into the culture to learn. He fully embraced it in every way. I've been to Japan twice, but only for 6 months at a time. Not long enough to speak it like that.

Enemy3932d ago

I had no idea he was that fluent in Japanese. WTF. This playthrough got me pretty excited. http://www.youtube.com/watc...

360ICE3932d ago

He speaks Japanese AND has designed the PS4 and a bunch of successful games? Step on my dreams, why don't you.

ChrisW3932d ago

He speaks like he was raised in Japan. He's extremely fluent.

360ICE3932d ago

I can multiply by two and tie my own shoes.

SCW19823932d ago

He was also lead architect for the Vita and that's one sexy piece of kit.

Omegasyde3932d ago

I am starting to believe that Cerny is indeed an android.

3-4-53932d ago

If I could make games, I would create an RPG/adventure/3D platformer that is based on Mark Cerny and how awesome this man is.

Is it weird that HE is the reason I want a PS4 more than any game ?

I mean I REALLY want BF4, but just knowing his ideas and ideals are literally within the PS4 gaming machine gives me so much confidence in the future of this upcoming generation.

I've never owned a Sony Playstation of any kind but I really really want a PS4.

In some weird way, over the past 2 years, they have really gained my trust, while Microsoft has lost mine.

And I own an xbox and xbox 360.

Sevir3932d ago

It is so cool to see an american speak japanese so fluently just like its cool to see shu, speak english. Mark's smooth and easy, charismatic and non arrogant tone carries over in japanese. This guy is just awesome.

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Mark Cerny talks Dolby Atmos support for PlayStation 5

Mark Cerny talks to Digital Foundry about how Dolby Atmos support made its way to PlayStation 5.

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crazyCoconuts296d ago

Cerny points out the advantage that DF keeps referring to as a disadvantage. Developers don't need to do anything special to have overhead sounds mapped to height speakers. It's all built in and processed lag free on existing and future PS5 games. This is obviously a superior approach imo as it works with virtually any speaker configuration.

296d ago Replies(2)
neutralgamer1992296d ago

DF have been very negative when it comes to PlayStation. Very nit-picky

ABizzel1295d ago

I like DF, but they’re starting to let personal bias seep into their talking points especially John, and the others are being occasional followers just to be non-confrontational.

just_looken295d ago

Its just like the ps3 or any receiver over 8yrs old

2015 ps3 had support then got updated

Man the ps5 is digging up the past to reveal its new hey are they going to have a menu next with native 7.1 audio support like my 2006 motor storm edtion ps3?.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 295d ago
Azfargh296d ago

I see what you did there. Clever

kythlyn295d ago

I have an Atmos setup and in my case it definitely introduces some audio lag... probably around 10-20ms. The game I always use to test this sort of thing is Stray because of the dedicated meow button triggering the sound out of the Dual Sense. Makes it really easy to perceive a lack of audio sync. There's only one setting on PS5 that doesn't produce audio lag (at least with my setup), and that is Linear PCM.

fr0sty295d ago

So you are able to tell 1 frame of latency at 60fps, you're saying...

kythlyn295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

To fr0sty... yes? Not everyone will notice it, but people with trained ears such as musicians definitely will.

Reaper22_295d ago

The truth is that Atmos is superior. Plain and simple. The devil prefer it over what sony is providing. It's the standard for games, movies and music.

DarthZoolu295d ago

It’s definitely the leader of the industry right now

crazyCoconuts295d ago

And what about the PS5 implementation being discussed is NOT Atmos?

Reaper22_295d ago

Only DTS:X is on on par with atmos. I understand Sony wanting to use their own but Atmos is superior which is why is used throughout the entertainment industry.

crazyCoconuts295d ago

I'm trying to point out to you: PS5 is using Atmos. That's the whole point of this firmware update

fr0sty295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

From a hardware perspective, Atmos' 7.1.4 setup is indeed superior, but the software side of Atmos is far from superior. Dolby Atmos games (ISF) supports 32 objects and this is used in a 7.1.4 basebed + 20 dynamic object configuration most of the time. PS5's Tempest audio supports 100 dynamic objects, so it actually has to downmix the audio, dropping 68 objects in the process, to make it work properly over Atmos.

jwillj2k4295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

The truth is marketing is superior. Cant support something that kicks in after the scenes already ended lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 295d ago
gold_drake295d ago

i like how calmy and detailed he explained it to the fools at DF.

mastershredder295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

Ah yes Mark, becuase less channels on a watered down feature is something to geek out about. You do realize you are getting atmos light right? Not for audiophiles. Totally designed for craptastic sound systems. It's all about tagging that name for a selling point.

jwillj2k4295d ago

At least it works, what good is a feature that introduces latency to the point it’s potentially “3x as bad” with a certain setup? You can’t even use it and it’s supposed to be a partnership between the two companies….

AmUnRa295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

So you know more then Mark Cerny..the man who made PS5 what it is now...the man who invented with his team the Tempest engine..., if you can read take a lot of tasks over from Atmos...

Woooow...you must be a genius in this field time to get a job In this expertise.

OptimusDK290d ago

I think one might be somewhat biased you can do your own guessing who that is

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PlayStation 5 Lead Architect Mark Cerny Talks Sega, Michael Jackson And Yuji Naka

Mark Cerny is a true veteran of the games industry. His name might be familiar to modern gamers due to the fact that he's worked as lead architect on several of Sony's consoles – and has even had input into some of the company's major software releases, such as Knack, The Last Guardian, Marvel's Spider-Man and Death Stranding – but his career stretches back to the very early years of the games industry.

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deleted495d ago

Lol, love this image...


Look at the balls on Cerny! He really does though. One of the greatest minds in the industry and knows how to get things done!

Aloymetal495d ago

I bet he's already working on the PS6, safe bet.

ModsDoBetter495d ago

I can’t recall which leaker it was but there was a rumour floating about that we may not see a mid-gen refresh (PS5 Pro) and they’re focusing on PS6 development.

Could listen to Cerny talk for hours. Incredibly intelligent individual.

deleted495d ago

he really has a knack for being ahead of the curve!

UltimateRacer495d ago

@olMyerslo Tom Henderson is the insider who stated PS6 is being worked on over a PS5 Pro.

darkrider495d ago

The career of Cerny is really impressive.

purple101495d ago

Is this available in video format? It's a damn long interview to read.. but I will, if no video

Aloymetal495d ago

I haven't checked yet but try YT, maybe they do have it there.

Phoenix76494d ago

Could try using a "text to voice" app. Just copy and paste from the article then sit back and listen. I do that sometimes if don't want to read and am tired.

purple101494d ago

Thanks that's so nice of you but I don't need it that much! Il just read it. Just if there was himself on video I'd like that version. But have a great day my friend.x

Retroman495d ago

Wish Mark Cerny Develope Knack 3 Knack was a Fantastic game.

darkrider495d ago (Edited 495d ago )

I didn't like it very much, but cerny is truly a triple A Men. The ps4 and the ps5 are amazing consoles. What will he try with to achieve with the ps6!

Starman69495d ago

PS4 was good for it's time and for the price. It felt outdated after 2 years. Ps5 on the other hand... Future proof. Excellent 😊👌.

SullysCigar495d ago

I never played the first game, but the second one was great

gold_drake495d ago

i love his breakdowns of the consoles, he explains things very well with that soothing voice ha

Bathyj495d ago

I watched that ps5 reveal about 5 times. A lot of people complainwd about it when it came out for being too clinical and developer centric but I thought it was very informative. I guess they just wanted some flashy CGI trailers of games that won't come out for 4 years.

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Sony Files New Trademark Fuelling Knack 3 Speculations

Sony might be gearing to launch a new Knack game, a franchise that has had received quite a polarizing reception from the community.

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deleted800d ago (Edited 800d ago )

While I did actually enjoy the Knack games, and found the reviews overly harsh, I do feel 2 games were enough unless the series was revitalized in a major way. For me, that would be a new Knack game for PSVR2. With the increased hardware power, those HD particle effects would be pretty awesome, surrounding the player at times. Astrobot proved that platformers can be amazing in VR, so let's hope that's where they're going with this, if real!

_SilverHawk_799d ago

Hopefully sony makes a knack 3 because the previous games were amazing.

MoonConquistador799d ago

Knack was a few things, but amazing wasn't one of them.

TiredGamer799d ago

Agreed there. I went into Knack with the realization that it was a simple platform/brawler (i.e. something akin to a Crash Bandicoot style of simplicity). My friend and I thoroughly enjoyed the co-op for what it was. Fun to play in short bursts to take a break from the more serious fare out there. I haven’t played Knack 2, but my understanding was that many of the original’s shortfalls were addressed there.

jznrpg799d ago

Great idea . PSVR2 could make Lnack really shine like Astro Bot

MoonConquistador799d ago

Astrobot was a likeable character. Knack wasn't.

coolbeans799d ago

Translation: the next best game of all time is coming soon! Show me the money, Knack!

Army_of_Darkness799d ago (Edited 799d ago )

Lol! I have both knack 1-2. Second one is fun local co-op action, but to be honest, I don't care for a third installment. I'd rather have a new resistance game!

MoonConquistador799d ago

I'd rather have an enema than a new knack game.

A new killzone, resistance, motorstorm, driveclub or even a days gone sequel would be more welcomed than flogging any more life from the knack series.

badz149799d ago

speak for yourself!

bring it on, Sony!

coolbeans799d ago

There's been a Knack-sized hole in every gamer's heart since 2 came and went.

deleted799d ago (Edited 799d ago )

I completely read this comment wrong, but I'll refrain from explaining. XD

Edit - ah screw it... My heart can't wait for Knack to come into that hole for a third time!

deleted799d ago

@PS-Gamer-1986 Whaaa? You don't have a Knack hole? XD

PhoenixRoar799d ago

Surprised to see them continue this but considering how invested they are in the IP and the wider appeal, there must be some commercial sense to continue with a 3rd title

rippermcrip799d ago

My young kids love playing it. I don't know why all these older people are complaining about it.

jznrpg799d ago

I played them with my younger children and we had a good time .

Lexreborn2799d ago

This… my kids love knack probably more then other mascots. And that’s probably because that’s their generations mascot. It’s undeniable ps4 spoke to a lot of children the last decade more then other competitors that have only been in kids sight for the last 4-5 years.

My kids will flip if this news is real

lellkay799d ago

Both games were actually alright.

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