
Five Games that Revitalized the JRPG This Generation

Seeing as how Square was the one to introduce the JRPG to a new generation with the release of Final Fantasy VII, many have have seen their decline as “killing the JRPG.”

Here are five games that say otherwise:

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Relientk773987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch
Tales of Graces f
Xenoblade Chronicles

Snookies123987d ago

Uhhh yeah. Why is Persona 3 Portable in there and not something like Ni No, or Graces f? I mean, Persona 3 was an amazing JRPG, but it's technically last-gen.

miyamoto3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

Dragon's Crown revitalizes and redefine's 2D jrpg like Castlevania SOTN and Guardian Heroes did in the 1990's defying the 3D trend

still haven't defeated the White Killer Rabbit though

PS: Demon's Souls also revitalized old school gaming over all. it jump started the whole Dark Soul revolution

Nate-Dog3986d ago

Graces f wasn't anything special. Vesperia on the other hand was amazing, although that was at the start of the generation and is on a console that doesn't really appeal to gamers that like games from Japan so I don't know if I'd really say it "revitalised" the JRPG this gen. But it got me into the Tales series and is probably my most favourite JRPG ever now so I won't complain.

beakeroo13986d ago

Persona 4 Golden > Persona 3
Dragons Crown is much more of a beat em up than a JRPG (and tbh I'm finding myself playing it for no more than half an hour when I can be bothered switching it on)and hell yeah Ni No Kuni should be in there.

majiebeast3987d ago

What about Valkyrie Chronicles.

Godmars2903987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

Not multiplatform/Xbox 360 title. Seems to be the trend despite Dragon's Crown.

Then again maybe the writer just has everything but a PS3.

wishingW3L3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

probably because it's strategy just like Disgaea.

kreate3987d ago

Valkyria chronicles is not a normal strategy game. Its quite unique.

The only problem is that it wasn't a commercial success.

ZodTheRipper3987d ago

Valkyria Chronicles definately is missing, when I bought it I had absolutely no idea what an amazing game is waiting for me. I'm always forgetting it on my "best PS3 games" list but it's even in my Top5 ...in fact I'm playing VC2 on my Vita right now :D

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STK0263987d ago

I don't think Tales of Graces F (or the original Wii version for that matter) helped revitalize the JRPGs this generation. While it is a great game, just like Tales of Xillia, it's still a Tales games, like Tales of Vesperia, and pretty much plays like Tales of the Abyss or Tales or Symphonia. It didn't bring much new to the table. If anything, it showed, just like many of the other games I've mentioned, how the Tales series has stalled a bit in the last few years.

WhyWai883987d ago

I appreciate Tales of games keeping as traditional JRPG. Instead of Final Fantasy 13 that went bananana trying to attract western market.

Jubez1873986d ago

That's the whole point of the Tales games though, to keep it classic JRPG...they seem to be the only ones we can count on nowadays. Xillia did adopt some western elements though with the sidequests (a lot of them had more story than a basic WRPG side quest too).

3986d ago
NeXXXuS3986d ago

Lost Odyssey for me. Amazing game.

JoySticksFTW3986d ago

LO is the my favorite rpg on 360 next to ME1

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3987d ago Replies(2)
RPG12013987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

There has't been anything that great to be honest. I'm crossing my fingers for FFXV though looks amazing. But in this gen my fave was Valkyria Chronicles. The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles are really good too.

Edit #1: Final Fantasy Type 0 is a must for hardcore jrpg fans.

chadboban3987d ago

Man I wish they would localize Type 0.

hulk_bash19873987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

I would argue Demons Souls>Dark Souls. Simply because of the fact that without the success of the former, the latter would not exist.

ZodTheRipper3987d ago

It's simply a better game because of it's world&character tendencies. I couldn't enjoy DaSo as much as I enjoyed DeSo.

Inception3987d ago

Not just better world / story, but Demon Souls also had better frame rate than Dark Souls. But Dark Souls still an amazing game though (imho).

3986d ago Replies(2)
AznGaara3987d ago

List needs more Ni no Kuni and Valkyria Chronicles.

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