
GDC Europe 2013 Broke Attendance Records, Will Return Next Year

DSOGaming writes: "2013 Game Developers Conference Europe have announced 2,250 attendees across at least 56 countries enjoyed the conference and exhibits for last week's show in Cologne, setting an attendance record for the largest game development show in Europe."

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Ubisoft & Mobile talks added to GDC Europe 2013

The organizers of GDC Europe 2013 announced that Ubisoft and mobile talks have been added onto the schedule at the last minute.

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GDC Europe 2013 - Microsoft On "How To Build Tomorrow's Blockbuster Across Phones, Tablets, and PCs"

Microsoft's second session with evangelist Rothe will be 'Building Tomorrow's Blockbuster Today Across Phones, Tablets, and PCs.'

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Walkingliving3964d ago

"talks from Microsoft on its ‘Commitment to Indie Success"

Well I think that microsoft just came with this Indie love as a last minute idea to keep up with sony and reduce bad press. But apparently they had all figured out...

NegativeCreepWA3964d ago

MS said months ago it had interesting plans for Indie devs. Something like turning your console into a dev unit is not a last minute decision, it's fairly obvious this has been in the works for long time with XNA program not being available for the X1.

3964d ago Replies(1)
Gridloc3964d ago

I'm still waiting for the big "Zune One" announcement.


GDC Europe 2013 - Sony, AMD and Oculus talks added

GDC Europe 2013 organizers announced that they are currently reviewing several key, next-gen and other game hardware talks scheduled for the event, including AMD on powering the graphics for PS4 and Xbox One; Sony on PlayStation 4's shading language; an HD Oculus Rift VR talk and expo floor demo; and Nintendo on Unity, HTML, and JavaScript tools.

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nosferatuzodd3979d ago

cool cant wait for GDC like to see what Sony is cooking up

MysticStrummer3979d ago

"In another emerging hardware talk, Sony’s Chris Ho and Richard Stenson are stepping up to present ‘PlayStation Shading Language for PS4′, a talk that will discuss PlayStation Shading Language, which “enables a degree of cross-compatibility with the PC, but extends far into specific PlayStation 4 hardware extensions that truly unlock features of the PS4 GPU in ways not seen before in this class of modern graphics hardware.”

Sounds tasty.

JunioRS1013979d ago

Yeah, I can hardly wait til late August.

HammadTheBeast3979d ago

Yeeaaa.....I'm just going to watch Gamescom.

6DEAD6END63979d ago

I really hope we get Oculus Rift for the PS4 sometime in the future.

MysticStrummer3979d ago

Planetside 2 is going to eat up a lot of my time as it is, so I hope not.


Yes I agree with you completely.

B-radical3979d ago

Yeah i hope oculus rift releases for both consoles imagine it with kinnect or something fuuuuuuu(noahs)arkkkk

JunioRS1013979d ago

Great, I'm super excited for these last few months!

Fanboyism aside for a minute, I think we can all agree that in the next few months, a lot of the burning questions will be answered - whether it's about new IPs, exclusives, features - all of it.

I personally really want Sony to talk about (in at least a little more detail) their cross-game chat system! Is it going to work like XBL Party Chat? Is it only between 2 people (hope not)? TELL ME MORE!

WeAreLegion3979d ago

Whoever supports Oculus Rift exclusively may have a huge advantage. The thing is...one of the companies would have to buy the company to make Oculus Rift exclusive. Lol.

starchild3979d ago

It's going to be coming out on PCs. That's where Oculus is focused. If it ever comes to consoles it definitely won't be exclusive to a console.

WeAreLegion3979d ago

I'm aware that it's only on PC for now and the team has stated multiple times that they aren't focusing on console support at all. However, either Sony or Microsoft could easily buy the company/technology. I'm sure either company could just make this technology themselves, but the name recognition is pretty big already. Look at Gaikai. Ya know?