
Daily Joystick Podcast Episode 129 – That cheap sucker punch

Boosty from DJ Podcasts writes "This week gamers on the Daily Joystick Podcast we discuss the latest news including Sony’s sucker punch towards Microsoft at this years Gamescom conference. Also making news, Saints Row 4 gets delayed for Aussie gamers, plus the entire Xbox One launch game line up is revealed and Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer announces his resignation. Also on the show, there’s editorials, game reviews, reader mail and more. So tune in and enjoy the best Xbox podcast in town."

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RiPPn3955d ago (Edited 3955d ago )

Lame that you guys are making the podcast Xbox centric, not that it wasn't before, but still. Though I found it funny that even after that claim you still talked a lot of Sony and Nintendo.

I like to listen to hear how over the top Microsoft your slant is, but then you claim to be fair an balanced. If you go all Xbox the fun won't be there.

BTW: To correct you, the touch pad on the PS4 controller does work without the PS Eye, it's just the motion gaming features that won't be there. But I guess it won't matter since you won't be talking about the other consoles any longer.

Games_R_Us3955d ago

Haha thanks, we can never win no matter what we do lol. We'll still mention the other systems in our discussion, we just wont focus on those platforms on the site basically.

But as we suspected, we still expect the trolls to tune in just for an opportunity to slag us off, just as you've done right here and now. So thanks again for being an awesome troll and we prefer that you no longer tune in if you dont add any positive value.


RiPPn3955d ago

I don't just tune in to slag you guys off, it's just one of many reason I listen. Truth be told I think you guys do a good show and have a good rapport with each other, So I didn't mean my comment to be disrespectful. In fact Paul I think you're a great MC even with your Xbox flag waiving, you're the reason I now listen to the AAG podcast as well.

Iancranium3955d ago

Clearly RiPPn, you know us better than we know our selves. Perhaps, when you create your own podcast you can be as fair and balanced as we are!! Yay
We will continue to talk about the other consoles in direct relation to how it effects Microsoft or the XBOX system. I don't know who you are but I am so glad you found us an enjoy the show.
Next week RiPPn I'm going to call you out on the show- YOLO

RiPPn3955d ago (Edited 3955d ago )

@Iancranium: I do really enjoy the show, and I meant no disrespect, or that I know you guys better than you do, was just giving an outside perspective and expressing my disappointment with the change to the show. I like hearing about Pauls struggles with Luigi Bros, or his frustration with Nintendo, or your guys slant on the Sony news, don't want those kinds of things to go away is all I was trying to say.

Anyway, I'll be listening next week for that shout out! And keep up the good work guys.

Games_R_Us3955d ago

Oh, sorry RiPPn I misinterpreted your post there. I am glad you still tune in also the AAG show as well. Thanks for the compliments, and yes, please tune in cause no doubt I will eventually go on a Sony rant at some stage that will be fun to listen to. :) Cheers.


Volition's Saints Row 4 PC upgrade was meant to be a make-good, but it broke the game instead

Remember this year's Saints Row(opens in new tab)? Volition would probably prefer that you didn't, which might go some way to explaining why the studio recently decided to upgrade everyone's copy of Saints Row 4(opens in new tab) to its full-fat Re-elected Edition, containing all the game's story and cosmetic DLC and even introducing cross-play between Steam, Epic, and GOG versions of the game.

Unfortunately, that upgrade seems to have backfired, and players now report a myriad of bugs with their new version of SR4. Both the Saints Row Steam forums(opens in new tab) and subreddit(opens in new tab) are filled with players complaining of broken saves, crashes, and mods failing to function. It's also received a few hundred negative Steam reviews(opens in new tab) since the update. If it's succeeded in washing the taste of Saints Row (2022) out of players' mouths, it's only because it tastes even worse.

crazyCoconuts554d ago

I wonder if Volition's getting reorged under Gearbox impacted the quality of their release.

jeromeface553d ago

i can't help but laugh at this comment. Gearbox can't even run themselves.


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