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Next-Gen Face-Off: Xbox One vs. PS4 Launch Lineup Edition

GenGAME writes: "Yesterday, Sony and Microsoft revealed their hands for launch day: Sony’s set to have 33 games by the end of 2013 – 15 at retail and another 18 as digital exclusives – while Microsoft’s got 23 at-retail titles in a row for day one.

"For both platforms, first-party day one games are pretty scarce, and many launch games are cross-generational multiplatform titles like Assassin’s Creed IV or Call of Duty. In an effort to diversify their lineups, Xbox has lined up a few big exclusives and Sony’s ramped up its indie outreach. The result is two launch catalogs that look the same at first glance, but are quite different when you dig deeper."

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Community4051d ago
jaelegend4051d ago

knack against rise for your story pic driveclub or killzone lets not have ppl thinking sony is for kids

JokesOnYou4051d ago (Edited 4051d ago )

This is getting old but for me this is the best exclusive launch lineup.


I know theres more like Crimson Dragon and Lococyle etc but the ones above are most interesting to me.

With that said if you include all the great multiplats both consoles have 0lenty of great GAMES to play at launch.

GameCents4051d ago

Easy win for Xbox One in my opinion. Others may think differently but that's the beauty of free will and choice.

robotgargoyle4051d ago

It's really hard to compare exclusives on launch.

Xbox One- RYSE (3rd person Roman action game), Forza 5 (racing), Killer Instinct (fighting), Dead Rising 3 (3rd person/open world action game).


PS4- KILLZONE: Shadow Fall (1st person shooter), Drive Club (racing), Knack (???), and OctoDad (???)

jaelegend4047d ago (Edited 4047d ago )

we'll see what sales at launch people
and i never said anything about which line-up is better. I'M SAYING THE PIC IS MISLEADING


Minecraft Ending PSVR Support in March 2025

Our ability to support PlayStation VR has come to an end, and will no longer be supported in updates after March of 2025.

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Community4d ago
darthv725d ago (Edited 5d ago )

so i assume PSVR2 is not going to take its place. That's a shame as I do think it could benefit from the VR2 improved fidelity and controls.

OtterX4d ago

Well, they did just announce a native PS5 version the other day. Maybe there's hope, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Kyizen4d ago

Play No Man Sky for open world experience on PSVR2

4d ago
Abnor_Mal4d ago

Never was a Minecraft fan, so no more support isn’t a big deal for me.

What I would like for Xbox and Bethesda to do is update Skyrim VR to be playable on the PSVR2. That’s the only game I want out of the Xbox catalog.

OtterX3d ago

I wasn't a Minecraft fan until VR. It heightened the experience for me, but I prefer to use texture packs to improve the look a little bit.

I'm slightly bummed about the drop of PSVR support bc I was starting co-op w my daughter w this. Her on the PSVR Minecraft, and myself on the PC version w my Quest 2. :\

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Minecraft's Next Big Update Shouldn't Be Biome-Related

Minecraft updates typically focus on new biomes, but it may be time for Mojang to switch things up and focus on other aspects of the game.

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New Minecraft Switch Hardware Revealed

This looks like a fun set of options for Minecraft fans. PDP’s new Minecraft REALMz Forest Biome Wireless Controller & Minecraft REALMz™ Forest Battle Travel Case Plus GLOW for Nintendo Switch™ are now available.

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