
Mario Baseball confirmed; first scan

It seems like Mario Baseball has been confirmed as can be seen in the scanned image from a Nintendo magazine. It looks like it will just be a baseball game with all your favorite Nintendo characters as players. The game will go on sale on June 19 according to the scanned magazine.

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Durffen5951d ago

It has actually been confirmed since October, at the Nintendo Media Summit. But the new scan is nice.

Condoleezza Rice5951d ago

to Disaster and Project Hammer?

PR0F3TA5951d ago

Stop the presses! a new Mario game out. This was totally unexpected


Amanosenpai5951d ago

Yea.. Mario games are really rare... ¬_¬

Montrealien5951d ago

Even more rare the a mario game that does not sell well. Why do Nintendo keep on giving the Nintendo fans the games they want? why oh why?

*eye roll*

permutated5951d ago

Oh man I can't wait for this!!!

I've been hoping for a Wii alternative to the Wii Sports Baseball.

Montrealien5951d ago (Edited 5951d ago )

Here are a few for you bud, even though this one should be great if they work on the RPG alements the first one had.

-MLB 2K8
-MLB the Bigs
-MLB Power Pros (very good)

ItsDubC5951d ago

Ya I've heard great things about MLB Power Pros

Rayko5951d ago

Mario is the best game character out there. Tomorrow I will be playing mario kart all night :).

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25 Things About Me: Mario

Game Podunk explores 25 Things About Mario that gamers may or may not know. This series blends in some creative imagination, but that's what got it to become a hit!

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Numark5203d ago

what is this crap? Love mario and anything mario related with the exception of the worst countdown I have ever seen. Seriously, lol. What was that?


Top Ten Reasons Daisy is Better than Peach

Gamervision's Coop theorizes... "But she's the original!" you're going to say, "she is Mario's love!" Listen, I'm not going to say either of those are wrong, that's not what I'm here to do. Princess Peach is all right, I suppose, if you're into that sort of thing. However, there's another Princess in the world, and she's currently in the shadow of the aforementioned Peach. It's Daisy, and she should be the star of every "Mario" game ever. Don't understand why? Here are ten reasons, whittled down from a list we've come up with that numbers in the hundreds of thousands, why Daisy is better than Peach.

7. There's isn't a Mediocre Game Based on Her

Super Princess Peach isn't a bad game, per say, just not a good game. For her image, though, it was a big blow. It portrayed her as an emotional monster, and can't have left her feeling good about herself. All in all, Peach is zero for one when it comes to being the star. Daisy, on the other hand, has a flawless record. Completely and utterly flawless.

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Fierce Musashi5226d ago

"She Has a Less Annoying Voice"

God no! If you've played MKWii you would know that's a lie.

eagle215225d ago

Super Smash Sisters Brawl?..lol

Redempteur5225d ago

play super princess peach (ds)

and then you'll never doubt peach again ...

kesvalk5224d ago

agreed, in fact i can't understand why she gets kidnapped if she have all that abilities, she must be a needy woman, that need mario attention...

by the way, i really like daisy more, just because i like her...

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NoBias5282d ago

Ha, nintendo doesn't have to do any reinventing with Mario for him to survive. He'll always be a hit.

Anon19745282d ago (Edited 5282d ago )

Mario titles just seem to struggle so bad. Something must be done about it!

I don't think this guy is being serious.

RAZORLAND5282d ago

Seems incredibly possible...

The Dark Knight5282d ago

They should make like a really dark game. Mario is a washed up plumber, Peach is his wife who is a whore and cheat, Luigi is his depressed brother whos addicted to drugs. And then he starts seeing things lieke giant green tubes but there not really there (yeah i stole that last part from pans labyrinth) and then he should die and mario be rested for ever...

hahahah that would be funny.

ReservoirDog3165282d ago

This is just wrong on some many levels. I didn't play NSMB Wii but didn't that outsell mw2 (or close or whatever, sorry if I'm wrong, long day)?

And aren't they like some of the best exclusives for the Wii?

I wouldn't mind if Mario games got better though. But they don't need to do anything for Mario to survive, especially reinvent him.

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Seekerofthewind5282d ago

What an entertaining article. Not meant to be taken seriously whatsoever, obviously, but still entertaining.

na-no-nai5282d ago

lmao wat f$%^ is that.
multi-platform mario will never happen maybe unless nintendo stop being a console maker even then they still have the handheld

mario not going anywhere. but i love to see a squel to mario rpg but other than that im fine with mario the way it is

champ215282d ago

it already is multiplatform.

dolphin emulator on pc says hi :P

wpggamer5282d ago

I'm almost ready to get a wii, just for my mario fix.

-MD-5282d ago

I'm holding out until it's like 100$ or an HD version comes out.

hatchimatchi5282d ago

before anyone gets upset, the article is an obvious joke.

actually kinda funny too.

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