
Jujubee avoiding "compromises" with Flashout 3D sequel, open to Ouya and Leap Motion support

"With Jujubee confirming work on a sequel to futuristic racer Flashout 3D, studio CEO Michal Stepien shared some enlightening facts with BeefJack on the original game's development cycle, and detailed how they hope to make corrections in both process and design."

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blackblades4063d ago

Look like a wanna be wipeout.


Flashout 2 Released on the OUYA

Flashout 3D was an impressive launch and pre-launch game on the OUYA, but the sequel sure took its sweet time coming out.

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Flashout 2: SteamFirst Review

SteamFirst: Flashout 2 is an indie racing game that was originally a mobile phone app that got ported to PC. You race around collecting powerups and using weapons to try and beat your opponents. Does Flashout 2 win the race or does it finish at the back of the pack?

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FLASHOUT 2 Review: A Familiar Road: Hardcore Droid

Hardcore Droid - In the landscape of mobile racers, the futuristic sort has become a fiercely competitive niche. Some, like Repulze have carved out their own identity, while others like FlashOut simply look to give the well-worn formula a new home. FlashOut made no bones about its “influences,” cribbing notes from WipeOut on just about everything, from the mechanics, to the track design, to the weapons and power-ups. Nothing about FlashOut was particularly accomplished, but it stole from the best, making it one of the more notable racers of its kind on the platform. Now developer Jujubee has returned see if they can up their game with a bigger, flashier, more polished experience.

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