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dedicatedtogamers (2) - 3966d ago Cancel

Right Now, PlayStation 4 Offers the Best Next-Gen Value

GenGAME writes: "So far, PlayStation 4 seems to occupy the best-value position this generation. Against Wii U, it’s a little more expensive but has a much more promising outlook as far as software support – the GamePad and Nintendo’s home-grown franchises can’t compete with that. When stacked up against Xbox One, it has a largely similar software lineup for a considerably lower price. Halo and Forza might steal a few gamers away, but if you’re a big consumer of multi-platform titles, $100 in relative savings is a pretty big deal."

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dedicatedtogamers3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

Franchise preferences aside, this article is correct. PS4 is a much better value, especially if you plan on using PS+.

Then again, hobbies aren't always about value. Sometimes it's fine to spend extra if it's what you want. Saving $100 and buying a PS4 does you no good if you just GOTTA play Halo, and the new Kinect functionality does you no good if you don't have cable. It's all about what YOU value.

I've spent upwards of $180 to make a custom arcade stick and that's on the LOW end of arcade sticks. Was it a good value? Heck no. It was pure vanity, and that's okay.

Still not interested in the Xbox One. Just giving my opinion.

legendoflex3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

I'm trying to keep things squarely focused on a "dollars for games" value assessment, because in hindsight I don't think much else matters when unless you happen to pull a Wii with a killer app feature.

HammadTheBeast3966d ago

Actually it's the best value you don't plan on playing online. Nothing behind a pay wall, and free to plays galore.

dedicatedtogamers3966d ago

That's where I am. I barely play online. I still have PS+ because - let's face it - I'm getting a ton of games across the Vita, PS3, and PS4 (and PSP if you count the PSP games included with PS+). That's just too much to pass up.

But if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't subscribe to PS+. Cross-game chat isn't behind the paywall and most of my online "gaming" is me playing a SP game and talking w/ my friends while they play their own crap.

sinjonezp3966d ago


I think you hit a very good point. When I look at the fact that I own a vita and ps3,adding the ps4 to the mix allows me to pick up free games and discounts across all three platforms with PS+. This makes the value of PS+ very significant. While I am not knocking the xbox1 value for those particular gamers, the PlayStation environment offers very cost assertive opportunities. I love what Sony doing. We all see how Microsoft is piggy backing and that's cool, but in the overall perspective, the value for ps4 and PS+ is undeniable.

clrlite3966d ago

I think it's the best value even if you do plan to play online, especially with free to play games like Planetside, etc. being available.

Also, in my opinion it will probably be better in terms of multi-plats and exclusive titles in general.

Oner3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

I am copying/altering/adding to a previous post I came across here on N4G that pretty much sums up what I believe this "value" discussion is about ~

1. Both have 8-core x86-64 CPUs & similar GPUs, although PS4's is faster/better.
2. Both have 8GB of RAM, although PS4's is faster/better.
3. Both have improved controllers, although PS4's is rechargeable and can recharge with the console off.
4. Both have a 500GB hard drive, although PS4's is user-upgradeable.
5. Both come in a new form factor, although the PS4 is much smaller and doesn't require a power brick (actually looking "nextgen" in its design as well).
6. Both go on sale around November of this year, although PS4 is $100 less expensive.
7. Both have great games although the PS brand continues to support it's last, current and next gen systems with constant titles being released and supported vs the Xbox brands history.
8. Both need LIVE!/Plus although PS+ is not needed for F2P and access to apps that are behind a paywall like LIVE! (Netflix, Hulu, Skype etc) not to mention you get PSP, Vita, PSN, PS3, and PS4 games with Plus at $10 less a year.

Now I have to say these are things that are known at this point in time and those are pretty hard to refute when it comes to a comparison based on value alone.

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Convas3966d ago

Thankfully, I find it financially viable to own both next gen as I GOTTA HAVE HALO ...

... but I'm not missing out on Naughty Dog's next game either.

Maddens Raiders3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

$400 > $500

I guess this would be the most obvious reason there, but with the raw power difference between the consoles, PS+ and all of the free games with it, the ability to play F2P games without PS+, as well as, access your subscription based apps /without/ a paywall sub.. yeah that's pretty much a non brainer when it comes to dollar to dollar value imho.

edit/- might I add that the lack of reversals on the Sony console make it seem a bit more well thought out and planned than it's rival. I think Sony had it's mind and heart in the right place since the inception of the PS4 and hence haven't had to tap dance regarding it's policies, plans, and regulations. This speaks volumes to me as far as "value".

Kayant3966d ago

Couldn't have said it any better bubble :)

patsrule3163966d ago

Even though I am going with a PS4 this coming generation, I don't think you are providing any constructive insight into value, just stating slogans, cheering for the console you like, and hating on the console you don't.

If you are talking about the free games with PS+, having the F2P and apps outside of the paywall is irrelevant. You aren't getting any value there. You are knocking the other console for something that is not a real issue. You are paying for PS+ for the free games and to play multiplayer, people with XB1 are paying for XBLG for the apps/ reputation and smart match systems and to play multiplayer. Its fine if you like PS+ better, but you aren't getting extra value out of the apps not being behind a paywall unless you aren't behind the paywall, and you aren't getting value out of PS+ unless you are buying PS+/

The reversals don't add value at all. You don't like Microsoft and you are happy that your console maker doesn't act like them. Nothing wrong with that, but that isn't getting more of something for the same amount of money.

If we want to talk about value, and have a reasonable discussion, then we compare the benefits of the PS4 to the benefits of the XB1: The PS4 has better internal hardware, gives you free games with PS+, has a cache of making most of the best first party developed games, remote play on the Vita, Gaikai (if that winds up working, which I am not so sure of, and also don't know the price of), and is $100 cheaper. The XB1 has HDMI pass through to provide TV, apps, and games in multiple windows at the same time, unique entertainment apps, the reputation system, smart match system, the power of the cloud (which I am skeptical of similar to Gaikai) and Kinect 2.0. I think the PS4 provides better value from the list above, but I would rather take a serious look at both consoles and come to a reasonable conclusion about what I am spending vs. what I am getting than knock on one of the two just for the sake of knocking.

AzureskyZ3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

Coming from gaming mostly on 360-- sonys plan this gen seem more concrete-- I understand MS made grounds the last couple of months to win back fans-- but it just seems... well reactionary -- these things goes into months of planning and on top of it all they have a new head honcho which she have zero gaming business experience-- who happened to spearhead windows 8, my most hated os of all time. Its easy to say the change in policy but i bet they will be rushing alot of things with the system-- for at least a year i think i will keep an arms length with MS-- ill enjoy ps4 until im ready to accept MS again. Plus I have 360 to told me over if i want to play any exclusives.

PraxxtorCruel3966d ago

Precisely, PS4 does provide better value but like you said 'hobbies aren't always about value' is true too and this is why I'm going for the XBOX One. I've been a Forza fan since 2 and been following it ever since. I'm no FPS gamer. As much as I hate to pay an extra £100 for the kinect, I will get much more enjoyment out of XBOX than I will of PS4 because of where my favourite game is at.

maximus19853966d ago

thats reasonable, if its for exclusives it makes sense

iceman063966d ago

Can't argue with that. It's your favorite franchise. In the end, despite all the bickering and back and forth about the consoles. This will be the question. Are you willing to give up your favorite franchise or franchises and pay more or less to switch consoles? Or, do you split your gaming money between 2 or even 3 consoles? (more if you consider handhelds and continued support for this generation!)

nosferatuzodd3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

indeed you are right sir ps4 for the win

ZHZ903966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

PS4 has the best Hardware especially most likely multiplat games will look better and 1st party studios will take full advantege of this.

clrlite3966d ago

Exactly, another reason why it will likely offer better quality for both multis and exclusives, at least technically.

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Belking3966d ago

Sorry, but that depends on the person. I get more value out of xb1 but someone else may not.

PSnation43966d ago

clearly its not $$ value you speak of

mushroomwig3966d ago

You get more value from a product you've yet to buy or even experience? Makes perfect sense to me.

Belking3966d ago

kind of like fanboys saying which will has better games when they haven't experienced it. See how that works.

cell9893966d ago

not money wise right? if so can you tell us how you came up with this conclusion?

clrlite3966d ago

You seem to be in the small minority so their personal opinions must be based upon something.

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Cam9773966d ago

The PS4 offers the best longetivity (see ps3) and isn't run by that awful company MS.

ABeastNamedTariq3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

I agree with this. I'm getting an Xbox, but I'm getting a PS4 first because it does basically everything the Xbox does at $100 cheaper (besides Kinect, which isn't required anymore)and (in my opinion) better games, as well as a better track record of games and support for PS3. I'm awaiting the unannounced games from their other studios. But I'll be getting an Xbox for Halo, Gears, Forza, Titanfall, and Dead Rising, and to play with my side of the family that plays on Xbox. Great experiences to be had on both, but PS4 offers more longevity to me. Oh, and PS+.

cell9893966d ago

by the time you decide to get an xbone, Titan Fall might just be available to PS4

PraxxtorCruel3966d ago

That's great for someone who wants to play Titanfall only but did you not see the other exclusives he mentioned?

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