
Review: Game and Wario | Stevivor

Steve Wright writes, "WarioWare: Smooth Moves was easily one of my favourite Wii games. It was crazy. It was good on your own. It was AMAZING with a group of friends. Every single mini-game contained on-disc was a delight to play, and showed off the capabilities of the (then-new) Wii and its Wiimote perfectly.

"Sadly, Wii U’s Game and Wario is nothing like its predecessor."

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ShinMaster3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

"uninspired" is a word that also describes the latest Mario Bros games.


Moms of the Mushroom Kingdom

Ever wonder what kind of moms take residence in the Mushroom Kingdom? Take a look at our list to see some of the best moms in the Super Mario series!

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Backlog Review: Game and Wario - not so great - Gaming Boulevard

Gaming Boulevard uploaded a new backlog review, this time it's up to Game and Wario on Wii U, the decided:

Game and Wario nails the design, art, music and charm from what it spun of off, the problem is the actual gameplay part of the game. It’s very bare-bones and with only a few really engaging games players might get bored with it as soon as they finish it the same day they started.The game manages to do the Wario part very well. It’s the Game part that misses it’s mark. Game and Wario is not worth a forty dollar price of admission but at five bucks it might be something you can waste an afternoon with. The question is if you would rather skip lunch for a day to waste some time on the very bare-bones game.

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Bottom Five Games of 2014 | AUTOMATON's Graham Arthur

We all have reasons for disliking a game. AUTOMATON's Graham Arthur picks apart his bottom five of 2014 for personal, less-than-relevant reasons.

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