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Dark Souls 2: New Details Emerge from SDCC

GR - "Dark Souls 2 is currently set to release early next year. While the first two entries into the series have garnered more of a cult following, this third entry is expected to make a big splash in the mainstream market. As Q1 2014 grows closer, more details come out of the veritable woodwork."

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Community4082d ago
zerocrossing4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

I don't like this expectation of making a big splash in the "mainstream market" Dark Souls is niche, it's just what it is and I liked it for that, but in order for it to appeal to mainstream gamers it would have to change drastically...

I hope FromSoftware aren't making a huge mistake.

ShugaCane4082d ago

I understand your worries. And I agree. But I think they're just trying to make the game more accessible, which doesn't mean easier. From the recent previews and hands-on, it seems like the game is still as hardcore as ever, and that the fans of the series will be pleased. I hope that's true. I trust From Software on this. Very talented studio.

MajorLazer4082d ago

The word 'accessible' is a curse to videogame franchises

BiggCMan4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

The best idea that I've heard (I forgot where I heard it from) for how to make the game more accessible, is to simply make a tutorial mode, either optional or right in the beginning.

The openings to Demons Souls and Dark Souls are great for the fans, but they don't explain much for newcomers. As much as I love the vagueness of the tutorial messages on the ground. They could simply have it appear on the screen like many games do it today, but only for the beginning so it doesn't change the rest of the game.

Some other things they could add just for the beginning is how weapon crafting works, as it is NEVER explained in either game. Everyone hears the phrase "more accessible", and they immediately think something like Skyrim that's super easy.

All it needs to mean for Dark Souls II is simply more understanding of how the game works such as teaching how to craft weapons, how to use magic etc..

Last week I got my friend to start up Dark Souls for the first time, and after he beat a boss or 2 we finished, and he told me he really likes how the weapons feel. I told him wait till you start upgrading them, and he tell me "YOU CAN UPGRADE THEM??"

He also found a catalyst, and read that it's used for magic, so he assumed he could now shoot magic of some sort. I had to explain that you need to learn magic, and then have a catalyst equipped.

The game never tells you any of that. It can simply do that, and it's immediately more accessible without sacrificing the actual difficulty of learning enemies and bosses.

MariaHelFutura4082d ago


That's a great idea.

PurpHerbison4082d ago

The words "Accessible" AND "Instant Gratification" are both a curse to video games.

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DestinyHeroDoomlord4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

They're probably just gonna hype it up...

zerocrossing4082d ago

To be fair that's what they all do these days, as if hype will help sell a game to people who it was not intended for in the first place.

IDK, it just annoys me to keep seeing the same stupid decisions being made by every bloody dev/pub out there.

SlavisH24082d ago

please release on next gen :(

Brucis4082d ago

They said if they developed for next-gen then the game would take even longer to release, as well as the fact that a lot of their fans would still be on current-gen systems.

cunnilumpkin4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

it is next gen, on pc

always next gen, every major pc game from the last 3 years is more next gen than anything will be on xbox1/ps4

you can play it on pc in 2560x1600

a ps4 could never do that

plus with mods it will do other things ps4 or xbox1 could never do

gaelic_laoch4082d ago

Why pay extra on High End PC's just to see a few extra shadows and sparkly lights in higher Res when you can play the game on a cheap PS3 plus buy an XBOX 360, Xbone and a PS4 for the same price?

TheFirstClassic4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

Well ok but we didn't really need all the pc evangelizing. Everyone knows the best performence is on pc.

Souls games were never about the best graphics though, they are about amazing gameplay and great art design.

Master-H4082d ago

And how much does a PC that could run games on 2560x1600 with a good frame rate would cost me Mr.PC Master Race ?
Also can it run Red Dead Redemption , The Last of US,Halo, Demon's Souls , Uncharted (GTA V maybe if R* wants to piss you people off lol) ?

Corpser4082d ago (Edited 4082d ago )

True, Dark Souls 1 is a console port but this time DS2 PC is lead platform and will definitely be the best version, confirmed 60 FPS is the target on pc while its 30 on consoles

PurpHerbison4082d ago

When Demon's Souls first dropped I thought the graphics were pretty good considering the time and the fact that it was on PS3.

darren_poolies4082d ago

Here comes the 'PC Super Race!'

ufo8mycat4081d ago

And yet PS4 gamers get to experience the same game. Whether its 30fps or 60fps, whether its 1080p or 2400p, still the same game.

If that doesn't prove that people who game on PC are the most stupid consumers ever, nothing does.

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piffyd4082d ago

let's be honest, pc games from 2007 look better than anything so far shown for xbox1 or ps4

look at this, pc, 2007-

vs ps4 2013

the pc game from 2007 owns killzone

gaelic_laoch4082d ago

PC's cannot handle the extreme graphic quality of Shadow Fall so always end up defaulting to low res photos like the one you have linked!

Try again next PC upgrade!


piffyd4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

please, you guys think the last of us looks good, to me it looks like a game from 2004

lol- if that looks good to you?? I feel sorry for you, look at those freaking trees, and that ground cover just looks like green blobs, and on top of all that terrible sub-hd texturing and lack of anti aliasing, its still only 30 frames or less

seriously, and that beginning scene when they're driving with uncle tommy, those low res trees still popping in two feet in front of you like its 1999,,,,lol,,,

you guys don't even know what good graphics are

the last of us looks like absolute sh!t!

it looks worse than this;


it came out in 2004 and its NOT covered in artifacts and jaggies like the last of us and every console game

SirBradders4082d ago

who cares in my eyes every platform has pros and no cons because they all provide me with my favorite form of entertainment GAMES.

I don't care what anyone says a true gamer will own every platform if they truly support the organisations business sense and quality of exclusives and support.

Reverent4082d ago

If I'm being honest, Shadowfall still looks better than Crysis 1, 2, and 3.

piffyd4081d ago (Edited 4081d ago )

shadowfall doesn't look better than far cry 2 on pc

get real

crysis 1 smashes it

crysis3, please, no ps4 game will ever look like that, EVER!

ufo8mycat4081d ago

Shadow Fall does look better then Crysis 1 and Crysi 2 on PC, but not Crysis 3.

But you are focusing on the wrong thing. Gameplay is whats important and to be honest, I bet ShadowFall will be just as crap as Crysis 3 was.

KZ is garbage sorry.

darren_poolies4081d ago

Too bad Crysis isn't that great of a game. And that screen from KZ is from an unfinished build of the game.

teraflops4080d ago

Really? The last of us looks like a game from 2004?
I saw that screenshot and it really looks like it was taken from and old build (Pre-launch) or when the textures weren't completely loaded after a cutscene or the level just loaded.

I've played the last of us and it looks far better than that (thousands of other screenshots across the web will prove it)

here's a few (all in game, no cutscene stuff)


It looks like you really searched hard to find a bad one(I couldn't myself).

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jamz44082d ago

hopefully they put in more than 5 minutes of effort for the pc version this time

Brucis4082d ago

It's the base version this time, so they are.

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Hidetaka Miyazaki claims Dark Souls 2 “carried” the series forward

Dark Souls 2 remains a divisive entry in the landmark RPG franchise, but Hidetaka Miyazaki believes it led to the success of Elden Ring.

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anast210d ago

The game isn't good though.

Rols210d ago

DS2 was fine. While there was a bit of recycling assets or ideas for bosses, it was a bigger more open Dark Souls. The Fume knight boss is one of the hardest bosses in the series until Sekiro and Elden Ring were released.

CrimsonWing69210d ago

The problem with Dark Souls 2 was the same problem when a different director takes over for a sequel to an outstanding movie. It typically (there are exceptions) doesn’t have the feel and vision of the previous movie.

I wouldn’t say Dark Souls 2 is terrible. Had Dark Souls 1 never been a thing and we got this, I think it would have been praised more. The problem is it didn’t have the Miyazaki touch to it and felt pretty derivative. The soundtrack is a banger though.

Aussiesummer210d ago

And it will happen in the future when he doesn’t touch them as he is planning on.

MrBaskerville210d ago

I like DS 2, might even be my favorite of the 3. But it's a hard sell, there's so many obscure things you need to do to make it an enjoyable experience. So always find it hard to recommend, but it is worth the trouble.


Dark Souls: 10 Best Weapons In The Series

TheGamer writes, "Some weapons resist the test of time."

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Father__Merrin213d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


10 Hardest Bosses in the Souls Series, Ranked

The Nerd Stash: “Whether you’re here to gloat about your victories or to see what the fuss is about, we present to you the hardest bosses in the Souls series.”

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FTLmaster298d ago
phoenixwing297d ago

I beat them all with my fists and no hits were taken. What do you mean you don't believe me? I used a guitar hero controller!!!

qalpha297d ago

I used the Jungle Beat Bongos from my Gamecube

The_Hooligan297d ago

I just made my character look like Chuck Norris.

qalpha297d ago

All the bosses are only from Dark Souls. No Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Demon Souls