
Diablo III On Consoles Is Kind Of Like A Modern Version Of Gauntlet | Siliconera

Siliconera: "Blizzard is bringing Diablo III to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this September with a PS4 port slated for 2014. I got to play a bit of the PlayStation 3 version as the Barbarian when I met up with Sony at Comic-Con."

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CaptainYesterday4080d ago

I used to love Gauntlet on N64 really fun game :)

CommanderWTF4080d ago

My friends and I used to play Gauntlet all the time when we were kids.

PurpHerbison4080d ago

I remember this Gauntlet arcade machine that had the volume so loud that is was actually unpleasant to play. XD

Robotronfiend4080d ago

A roll of quarters and 3 friends = great Sat afternoon at the arcade on the Gauntlet machines. Later years we moved onto Smash TV.

No FanS Land4080d ago

N64, Gauntlet legends
PS2 Champions of Norrath

If diablo 3 could have local multiplayer on PS3/360 that would be pretty awesome! and keep the tendance :D.

Oschino19074080d ago

Its does have an offline local multiplayer for up to 4 players, they announced it months ago when they were first promoting it for consoles.

Paul854080d ago

I really enjoyed gauntlet: dark legacy thats the main reason I want diablo 3.

yeahokchief4080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

Don't waste your money people.

It'll price cut within a few weeks. it's already $30 on PC for a better version.

Blizzard didn't add any content for console version with worse graphics and worse controls and they made it cost more. They didn't even add a single level or anything.

And so many people complained about how short this game already was on the PC so paying $60 dollars for it is crazy. Wait 2 weeks and it'll go down to $40 at least. Wait until blackfriday and you can pick it up for $20. Wait until PS4 and you can get a decent game maybe with some actual new content.

This is just a cashgrab like previous blizzard ports.

Kotick raised his salary to 8,000,000 a year. dont give this greedy company any more money...

blizzard are not concerned with making good games. blizzard only cares about making games that make a lot of money for activision.

Mikeyy4080d ago

Many D3 veterans would argue the console version not having the Auction House makes it superior.

Good gear will acually be able to drop.

yeahokchief4080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

I totally agree with you that the real money auction house was a terrible idea and that not having it in the game makes it better.

I thought this over back when I used to play WoW and knew then that it was a shitty idea because it turns the entire focus of the game into making money instead of enjoying the game. All of your actions are suddenly valued in terms of how much money you can make by doing x or y. Plus it just attracts even more people who just want to profit off the game.


Duplication in this game will be rampant. I can get my friend to DUPLICATE me all the best gear in the game in seconds and the game gets old very fast. The fact that they're not doing anything to protect against cheating like this at all will make the whole act of loot collecting a very hollow experience.

yeahokchief4080d ago (Edited 4080d ago )

Basically they're just going from one extreme to the other. From very sparse good item drops to everything you want handed to you.

Good games require balance. This company is no longer concerned with making good games. Just money.

Play Dark Souls imo. Much more rewarding and enjoyable experience. PC and console players alike can agree. Key difference between From Software and Blizzard is that From was focused on delivering an experience where Blizzard was just focusing on increasing sales and records. And everyone is going to naturally want that, but if you cant stand behind your product at the end of the day then it's not worth it.

The way i see it is like the way you choose a job. You can take a job ripping people off and make a lot of money or you can take a job doing something you believe in with work that is valued. I've always taken jobs where I can stand behind what i've accomplished (as opposed to say bad mouthing the creator of the franchise you're coattailing and getting removed from the team to work on another project)

Luckily I think blizz doesnt have too much longer at this rate. Theyre doing a lot of brand withdrawls and losing a lot of actual fans in grasping at the mass market. I mean they're not going anywhere but their games just wont ever be the next big thing again. They must think "Titan" is some seriously hot shit because theyve made some tremendously poor decisions lately.

kreate4080d ago

I want to play diablo2 on ps3.

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The Greatest Video Game Comeback Stories in Gaming History

Who says a dud game can't have a video game comeback?

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Dirty_Lemons232d ago

Cyberpunk and No Man's Sky have to be up there. We're lucky and cursed, equally, to have games that can be updated now. For folks old enough to remember the Sega/SNES into PS1 and even 2 eras, if a game came out that was half baked (*cough*Angel of Darkness*cough*) that was it, no redemption. At the same time, having the option for updates shouldn't be an excuse for half assing games.

thorstein232d ago

I remember when the Nintendo Seal of Approval meant something.

All those games had to release without bugs.

shinoff2183232d ago

Comebacks shouldnt be a thing in videogames. Just saying.


Diablo III - Still a Huge Draw in the Face of Diablo IV

Diablo III still works on modern PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and remains hugely playable a decade after initial release.

Palitera541d ago

Are you comparing a continuously improved 10+ years old masterpiece with the... beta of an unreleased game?

kevco33541d ago

Heh, yeah. There's no comparison in here! Its a commentary on how III is still very playable over a decade later.


Diablo III Season 28 Brings a New Use for the Staff of Herding

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